《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Part Seven. Holocaust, Chapter Fifty Six.


Captain Denna Thompson, the first and so far only captain of the brand new Command Battleship Maiden Constance, currently in orbit around Tihab, was in a state of nervous tension. Watching the shuttle carrying the ambassadors approaching was as nerve racking as the original meeting had been. After the Dark Lord had returned from Ti Lepus, she had been presented to Him and introduced to the Ladies. This had brought home to her the seriousness of her position as Captain of the Command Battleship.

When she arrived at Legion Headquarters Denna had immediately reported to the Marshal’s office. There, to her surprise, she was ordered to report to General Major Dennus of Hosta at the palace.

“Why do I have to go there?” Was the surprised question Captain Thompson directed to the Colonel escorting her.

Colonel Horris just smiled. He had played this part before and wanted the Captain to enjoy her first trip to the palace as much as the first time he and Captain Dule had. In any case, he had no authority to explain.

Arriving at the palace main entrance they went straight to the Stewards office and entered the corridor that lead to the Generals office. Captain Thompson was intrigued by all the, to her absurd secrecy that seemed to consume her, guide. However, she was also aware that full colonels rarely functioned as guides. Her instincts were on full alert and she trusted her instincts.

General Major Dennus rose when the two officers entered his office. “Welcome Captain, please come in.” After the obligatory salutes, Captain Thompson was invited to sit. “I wish to let you know what you are getting into and why.”

“Yes, sir.” Captain Thompson clearly was puzzled.

At “Colonel Horris, let’s hear it one more time,” and the recording of the Dark Lord’s request was played, again with the explanation that it was the voice of the Head Steward. Captain Thompson still looked puzzled, but sat and waited for further explanations.

“That was the start,” Dennus explained. “When I got here, I was told by our Master that He has given me the job to take His selected Ambassadors to the planet Ti Lepus, which is in the Marker’s Star galaxy. Your Command Battleship is going to carry us there. You will have a more than adequate covering force and a close escort force. There will also be a strong Legion ground force component, as well. Those details can wait.”

“What you need to know right now is that the Dark Lord and who knows also, is in the Ti Lepus system right now and no one knows why. He left about two periods ago. You may have picked up on the flap,” This came with a grim smile at the shocked look on Captain Thompsons face. “I don’t know why He left. He was extremely upset when He did and the Ladies were also really upset. When He walked in that door,” the General pointed, “I thought that I was going to be vaporised.” Colonel Horris nodded in silent agreement.

The general stood up and moved around his desk. “I am telling you this so that you have a complete picture of our Master and fully understand just what pressure you are going to be under. I want to introduce you to the Ambassadors but I am not sure that I should until He comes back.” Dennus didn’t smile. “I know what you used to think about our Master.” He waved his hand in the air. “He is a long way away and we don’t think much of Him except that He is really powerful and we would rather He stay away from us. That is, if we think of Him at all.”


Giving the Captain a long hard stare, Dennus continued, “That was then, this is now. I am sure that He will be back very soon and I am going to take you to Him. I have no idea what His mood will be, so be ready for anything. This is important.”

Colonel Horris was quietly impressed. Dennus was really growing into his job.

“I am not sure that I understand. I have ferried and dealt with ambassadors before. It is one reason I received this command. There has never been an issue.” The Captain raised her hands and dropped them. “So why all this … ritual, for want of a better word?”

Another smile appeared on Dennus’s face. This one was a cat’s smile of mischief and secrets. There was a similar smile on Horris’s face. “Because the Ambassadors are six of the most prominent Ladies of the Circle and I am charged with protecting them.”

A look of dawning horror appeared on Captain Thompson’s face.

“Let’s get on in the briefing, Colonel Horris. Start by naming the covering force, I think.”

As the briefing continued, Captain Thompsons began to recover her equilibrium. She could not help but be impressed by the assembled force that the Legion had swiftly brought together from close, but disparate parts of the Empire. She felt pride that such a force could be assembled so swiftly.

“If the rulers of Ti Lepus don’t not draw the correct conclusions from what our master has brought together, they must be truly blind or stubborn.” Captain Thompson gave the ceiling a thoughtful look. “Don’t you think that the commanding admirals should be told in full, and soon?” She glanced at the General. “They will need some time to get used to the, ah, unusual command arrangements.” The other two officers looked at each other and nodded.

Captain Thompson continued, “From the little I have learned about the planet’s inhabitants, they are just as stubborn as you say. In fact …” She was interrupted by a soft voice.

“Captain Thompson, you are correct. The command arrangements did need to be clarified. After dealing with the matters involving the Empire in the Ti Lepus system, I decided to meet with Admiral De Johnston. We spoke and I took counsel with him. General, he understands that you have full authority from me regarding the safety of those I have entrusted to you. However Admiral De Johnston has full authority regarding the safety of the fleet as a whole, but if any matters overlap you, General, have the final say. Otherwise, the Admiral will have the final say.” The Dark Lord turned to Colonel Horris. Everyone was frozen in place. “Colonel, kindly contact the Marshal and have Vice Admiral Hojo, attend on me. It seems that a personal talk carries better than a comm unit instruction.”

The Dark Lord smiled and left. There was silence in the room and no one moved at first until Colonel Horris shook himself, pulled out his com unit and activated it. He spoke quietly for a fraction. Then nodded.

“Admiral Hojo will be here in a couple of periods,” he informed the other two.

Captain Thompson also shook herself as she stood, “Is it always like that?” She asked the room at large.

“No, it is sometimes worse. You just have to be careful and read Him. The Ladies can be just as bad. I think that they get bored and want to have some fun,” Dennus sighed. “Let’s go. Time to throw you in with the big boys,” he smiled, “in a manner of speaking that is!”


Standing and placing their uniform caps on their heads, they left Dennus’s office and walked down the corridor.

“Can you tell me which of the Ladies are coming?” Captain Thompson asked.

“Certainly, they are the Ladies Andrea, Dana, Lisa, Savanna, Jasmine and Lakeisha. Lady Jaure was also to accompany us but was removed at her request.” General Major Dennus answered. “My aide, Captain Dule is talking to them right now.”

Captain Thompson wondered why and was tempted to ask, but decided against it. Thinking over the Ladies listed, she swallowed as the legendary names sank in. The only really prominent Lady missing was Lady Luca. She thought for a moment, but again decided against asking why.

“We are here. This is the study where we usually meet,” Dennus said. He nodded to Captain Dule who was waiting outside, introductions followed.

Going in, General Major Dennus saw the usual grouping. The Dark Lord was sitting in His usual seat with His usual companion, the slender young Lady with short, sandy brown hair and blue eyes, sitting close by. Other Ladies were scattered around the room, some reading, all seemed to have recovered their equilibrium. However, he did not see any of the Ambassadors, present.

“Yes General?” Dennus was relieved to see that both the Dark Lord and the Ladies were a lot calmer.

“My Lord, I wish to formerly present Captain Denna Thompson, who you met briefly earlier.” The Captain saluted smartly.

“Ah yes, the Captain of the Maiden Constance command ship,” the Dark Lord waved the Captain forward. “You will be having a number of passengers soon. I wish you well on the trip.”

“Yes sire,” Captain Thompson replied.

“You wish to meet the ambassadors now?”

“Of course, sire.” The Captain felt a tightening in her belly but sternly repressed it. From the glint in the Dark Lords eye, she guessed that he knew exactly how she felt.

The Dark Lord turned to Dennus, “I believe that Captain Dule left them in the ante-room.” With a nod he dismissed them.

Out in the corridor, the four officers each took a deep breath, “Well that was, bracing.” Captain Thompson spoke for them all.

“Indeed. Every time I get close to Him, I wish I was elsewhere,” Colonel Horris spoke quietly.

“Wait until you have to deal with the Ladies.” General Dennus warned. Dule maintained a discreet silence.


It was a short walk to the ante-room. Lady Dana was waiting outside, leaning against the wall. Even still wearing the same nondescript clothes she was wearing earlier, her beauty and her personality shone through.

General Dennus gave a slight bow. “Lady Dana, I wish to introduce Captain Denna Thompson, who will be transporting us to our destination.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Captain.”

“Lady Dana, I look forward to the trip with you,” the Captain replied.

“Lady, I wish to introduce the Captain to the rest of the ambassadors,” Dennus said politely.

“Of course, step in,” Lady Dana gave the wide, charismatic smile they were renowned for.

Horris and Dennus exchanged glances. From her slightly glazed look, it was apparent that the Captain was not immune to the charisma of the Ladies. This did not bode well for the Generals trip to the Marker’s Star galaxy, which should take sixteen standard days. Silently, he gave thanks for the assignment of the Black Guard.

The introductions went well, the Ladies being on their best behaviour. As the officers withdrew, another Lady arrived; although none of them knew her name, they recognised her from the study. Shorter, with straight black hair and pale skin, she had the seemingly typical slim build and an engaging smile. Dressed reasonably modestly, she had a tight white top and a short green dress, along with knee high socks and low heeled shoes.

“He wishes to speak to you again, General.” Came in a lilting voice and without waiting for a reply, she gave, what could only be described as a saucy grin, and skipped down the corridor leaving them gaping.

Taking a deep breath, Captain Thompson spoke first, “General, all I can say is that I will be sleeping on the bridge,” She spoke fervently. No one turned around, but they could hear the laughter coming from the room behind them.

“I doubt that that will save you, Captain,” Dennus acknowledged, “But I understand.” He turned to Colonel Horris, “Colonel, if I could prevail on you to be the escort for Vice Admiral Hojo, I would be grateful. Captain Dule, please check with the Black Guard in the front of the building. They may have received instructions directly.”

“Yes, sir,” Horris replied. He turned to Captain Thompson. “If you will come with me Captain, I will escort you out and get you on your way back to your ship.” The idea that the Imperial Guard, ‘Black guard’ was common usage at this time, may have received instructions by some other means, elicited no surprised comment.

“Thank you Colonel, Sir.” Captain Thompson responded to both officers.

“I will be waiting in the office sir.” Captain Dule said, then turned to Colonel Horris, “And I have some information for Miss de Posse.” Horris just grunted.

With salutes, they separated. Three going one way and one the other.

Taking a deep breath, General Major Dennus returned to the study, finding everything unchanged from before.

Immediately he arrived, the Dark Lord waved him over. “I have been considering your situation General. You have no staff apart from the good Captain Dule.” He paused and Dennus felt a sinking sensation, ‘What was He up to now?’ The Ladies watching all smiled.

“Do not distress yourself. All I have done is contact the Marshal’s office and requested two staff officers for you. I left the actual selection in the hands of the good Marshal.” The Dark Lord smiled and added, “I have had much experience in reading faces!”

The sense of relief was palatable. Dennus gave a small bow, “Thank you, sire. Was there anything else?”

“Yes. I have been considering Captain Dule. His conduct during the recent crisis was exemplary. I had Marshal Du Massi review his file and promotion is a possibility, but we will postpone that until the completion of his current duties. Should that also be performed satisfactorily, then he would be eligible for accelerated promotion. For your information, I have also considered the cases of Major Hunt Van Houser and Commissioner Flores. But that will not be your concern.”

“Indeed, sire.”

There was a brief pause. “Did your meeting with the ambassadors go well?”

“I believe that Captain Thompson was … impressed, sire.”

That brought a slight smile to the Dark Lord’s lips, but he made no comment, other than, “Is there anything else General?”

“Nothing, sire.” There was a nod of dismissal and Dennus left, feeling relived and slightly baffled by the many moods of his sovereign. Walking down the corridors to his office, Dennus encountered the Head Steward.

“Ah, General Major, I was just looking for you. I have a message that you are to comm the Marshal’s office. Apparently, they have had some contact with our Master and have completed some tasks for him. The First Councillor also wishes to talk with you, incidentally.”

With a smile that said, ‘This is now your problem, not mine!’ Ardent Nespot went on his way.

Dennus groaned. He had been introduced to First Councillor Lonna Kittitk shortly after his arrival, but had had very little to do with her since then. He should have realised that the Ambassadors, at least technically, came under the auspices of the High Council. That was one call that he would make, but after he spoke to the Marshal.


In Dennus’s office, the connection was quickly made.

“Yes General, I was expecting you.” The Marshal gave usual her crisp response.

“Sir, I was just informed by our Master that He asked you to pick two staff officers for me. I presume, sir that is what you have done?”

“Indeed, I have. They are both in system and can be here in half a day. Orders have been sent requesting their presence here. I will send you their details for your review before they arrive. Oh, they have no idea what they are under consideration for.” The Marshal gave a dry chuckle.

“I am sure they will be excellent officers and more than happy to be reassigned.” Dennus also chuckled. “I will review the information and get back to you sir.”

“Good, I but need to discuss something else with you.”

“Yes, sir.” Dennus felt that he knew what was going to come up, but did not want to second guess the Marshal.

“The Ambassadors. The First Councillor is upset.”

“I will speak to the First Councillor, but this is the Dark Lord’s wishes that I am carrying out.” Dennus responded. “I will be guarding the Ladies, but He is the one who is sending them and they are the ones who will doing the work; the negotiating. I have no idea even as to what instructions He may have given them.”

“I understand. But speak to the First Councillor anyway.”

“Of course, sir.” The comm connection ended.

Sitting for a fraction, the General gathered himself and placed the call to First Councillor Lonna Kittitk. Ominously, the call was posted through quickly. Captain Dule who had arrived during the first call gave him a sympathetic look but stayed silent otherwise.

“General Major Dennus, good to hear from you,” the First Councillor greeted Dennus.

“Always a pleasure, First Councillor.”

“Do you know the reason for my call to the Marshal, General?” She said abruptly, without the usual niceties that accompany such calls. Inwardly Dennus sighed. This was not going to be easy, he thought.

“The Ambassadors I imagine, Madam.” Let her take the lead, Dennus thought.

“I was concerned when I was informed of the Dark Lord’s return. Even more so when the events took the path that it has. The High Council has been cut out of all deliberations. We are completely in the dark and now I am given to understand that the Dark Lord is sending six Ladies of the Circle as Ambassadors to Ti Lepus. I think that you understand that I am not at all happy with all that has occurred recently.”

“Yes Madam, I do.”

“I want you to speak to the Dark Lord and tell Him how unhappy I am.” The First Councillor paused and Dennus stepped into the opening.

“I am sorry First Councillor, but I don’t think I can do that. It is outside of my authority.”

“However, I must insist.”

“Madam, I am an officer in the Legion. If the Marshal was to give me such a request I would, of course, obey. However, I am not under your direct authority.”

“Then I will call the Marshal and ask that she make the same request of you.”

“Madam, if I may. Your problem is not with me or the Legion, but with our Master. Why don’t you just go and place your concern with Him directly. That is what I suggest that you do and what you are entitled to do. All I am doing is transporting them and arranging their escort and protection. I have no idea what instruction He may or may not have given them.”

There was a stony silence, then the First Councillor spoke again, with an iron voice, “Just wait for the Marshal’s contact.” The comm unit disconnected.

Dennus considered contacting the Marshal, but decided against it. He would just have to wait for the contact to come to him. In the meantime, he reviewed the information that the marshals office had sent to him. Looking the officers’ details over, he nodded with satisfaction.

A couple of fractions later, his comm unit pinged. Picking it up, it activated.

“Yes, sir?”

“Please inform the Head Steward that the First Councillor and myself, desire an audience with His Excellency.” The command from the Marshal came without preamble.

“Of course, sir.”

“It will not be necessary for you to be there.”

“Yes, sir.”

“General.” The comm unit switched off.

Dennus stared at his comm, somewhat surprised by the abruptness of the call.

Shaking his head at Dule’s “I can do that sir,” he stood, left his office and followed the winding corridor to the Steward’s office. Ardent Nespot was busy in his office. Giving Nita De Posse a warm smile, Dennus waited while she announced him.

“I won’t keep you long, Steward. I just wish to advise you that both the Marshal and the First Councillor are on their way here to see our Master. I will not be at the meeting but I suggest that you speak to our Master if you feel it is necessary.”

The Head Steward stared at him. Then stood up and called to Remi of Doscue, his Senior Administrator.

“Remi, we are having important visitors.”

“Yes, I just got a comm call from the Council’s office. Nothing from the Marshal’s office yet.”

“Take care of them, I must go to the Dark Lord.” He hurried off.

The Senior Administrator gave Dennus a smile. “You got him going!”

Dennus smiled, but only replied, “I will be in my office. Colonel Horris will be bringing Vice Admiral Hojo with him, the Dark Lords orders. Please let me know when they arrive.”

“Certainly General, and if I am engaged I will leave instructions with the office staff.” With a nod Remi, was on her way.

Taking the private exit out of the Steward’s suite of offices, which still needed a security clearance, this time just electronically, he headed to his office.

Relaxing after his arrival, Dennus considered his next steps. All he had to do was brief a Vice Admiral and take him to the Dark Lord, and then induct two new staff officers into the mysteries of the palace. Next, chivvy six beautiful, charismatic and capricious women onto a battleship with all that they wished to take with them; about which, he still had no idea. Then ferry them, without incident to a planet on the brink of exploding. As a side issue, he had a very upset First Councillor who was making demands on him and a Marshal of the Legion he also had to keep happy. On top of everything there was the Dark Lord, Himself, and all that implied. Yes, no problem. General Major’s don’t sweat, do they?

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