《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Forty Two


Entering the restaurant called Tentuants Rest, Ardine Makapet caused not a little stir. A woman, even one with the status Ardine possessed, rarely met with a man unescorted however the head waiter showed nothing but polite interest as he escorted her to the waiting table occupied by Councillor Trem De Markus.

Standing the two greeted each other as the old friends that they were. The usual endearments followed as they were escorted to their private booth.

“Thank you for seeing me Trem, it has been too long.” Ardine greeted her past lover.

“My dear, it is always a pleasure to see you. It is all my fault that it has been so long.” Markus replied.

“And your darling wife, Lesse?”

“She is well, and shopping again with her sister,” he answered with a fond smile. “I remember when she took you shopping as well.”

A soft laugh escaped Ardines mouth. She too remembered shopping with Lesse. “It was always something of an adventure. And the damage that we did to your credit balance of Konna’s!”

“It was nothing. The clothes suited you so well!” Markus was not just being gallant. His family was exceedingly wealthy. “I know that she enjoyed the outings and was unhappy when you left.” He looked curiously at Ardine. “You never said why.”

Ardine took a sip of the tea that had been ordered by Markus and was served with all the elegance expected in such an establishment. This is fine tea, she thought. She put her thoughts into words, “A lovely steeped tea, Trem. Is it a special one blended for you?”

“Indeed, would you like to know the blend?” He asked. “I will have a sample packaged for you.” He signalled to a server, and passed his instructions. The server bowed and left.

Trem De Markus sat back in his chair. While sipping his tea he carefully studied his past mistress. Used to appraising all people he dealt with, he recognised the signs of someone leading up to a revelation of some kind. He wondered what could have compelled Ardine to this meeting. Whatever it is must be important he felt.

Under the scrutiny of her former lover, Ardine let slip a soundless sigh. Of course, Trem would notice something. He was too astute a man of Ti Lepus to not notice the signs.

“It was not just for the pleasure of seeing you that I linked with you, Trem. There is something I need you to know. I need to explain and I need you to understand.”

Trem nodded, an expression of concern appearing on his face. His hand reached for Ardines, but he drew it back, such endearments did not happen between untied members of Ti Lepus society. Ardine understood.

“You recall our conversation about my sister? All those years ago?”


“I do.” Trem waited for more.

“It has surfaced again.”

Trem De Markus leaned forward. “I was afraid of this. She is secretary to Councillor Leja Leves, Minister in Charge of Sanitation and Allied Services. It was always a source of concern to me that she was so close to Leves. Even though she is no longer his mistress.”

“Indeed, and with all that unrest before the execution of that fool, Lewes, I was afraid that she was involved. Afterwards, I became certain.”

The two of them both took a sip of their tea. The rest of their meal arrived, a light salad meal for Ardine and a slightly heavier meal for Trem. His was a salad and vegetable meal, meats were rarely eaten on Ti Lepus, they were expensive and land for raising livestock was difficult to obtain except for that already in existence. Seafood and anything to do with the sea was not eaten for reasons buried deep in the genetic history of the people and unknown by anyone not from Ti Lepus.

“The meal is fine, Trem. It was a good idea to eat here. I did not know of this restaurant.”

“Thank you, I heard good things from other patrons and felt it worthy of a look. That it meets your approval, shows that it is worthy.”

The attendant arrived with an attractively wrapped package. He bowed and presented it to Ardine. “Your tea, madam.”

“Thank you.” Ignoring the standard Ti Lepus convention, Ardine gave the young man her usual lovely smile. The attendant left with a bemused look.

“That young man won’t forget today.” Trem smiled, then his face sobered. “Why today, Ardine? You could have raised this at any time. So why now?”

“I entertained a young man recently.” Ardine smiled at Term's raised eyebrows and continued. “He was one of yours, a Grey.”

Markus’s eyes sharpened. “Was it Sessi Dark gen Wattar, by any chance?”

“Indeed, he was quite charming and thorough. He listened to my long delayed tale of woe with obvious interest.” The smile that Ardine held was now bittersweet. “I am sure that he realises that my sister was the one feeding all the information to the agitators, and I am sure that Leves is behind it all.”

“I see. This changes things. I actually thought that Leves had changed. He has been so efficient in his position. He didn’t even raise a fuss over bringing back the death penalty. Neither did he suggest a pardon for Lewes. He fooled me completely.” Markus slumped in his chair.

After a fraction, he continued, “I will speak to Sessi Wattar. I want to get his thoughts on this. He has a fine mind. That is why I arranged for him to get this assignment.” He fell silent again.


Sitting up he looked at Ardine. “I am still puzzled as to why today you tell me this. It was not necessary, I would have heard it soon from the secret police or the Chief Inspector. They both report to me.”

Putting down her fork, Ardine looked straight at Trem. “After the Grey left, I thought for a long time. These are dangerous times, Trem. I fear for Lorena. I fear for the Dressiler’s and I fear for you.”

Markus stared at his former mistress, then choked back a laugh. “You fear for me? I am protected by both the secret police and the regular police!” he indicated two men standing at discreet distances. “I am well protected.”

“As have others been in the past. Do not underestimate the fanatic’s self-delusion and ability to convince themselves of the purity of their cause. There are ones who would happily give their lives to kill someone if ordered to.”

“You really think so?” Trem seemed amused. “My protection team is also fully aware of all your concerns.” He became sober. “However, I cannot offer the same protection to the Dressiler’s and like you, I am concerned.” He fell silent.

While they ate, there was silence between the two of them, both deep in their thoughts.

“I understand that the secret police cannot offer protection to anyone not in the government. Is there nothing that they can do?” Ardine asked.

“I do not know. I will make some enquires and whatever the answers are, I will tell you.”

“Are there any businesses that offer protection?”

“Nothing that would work for them in the sense that you mean.” He took another bite. “There are people that are hired to protect businesses, but they are not allowed to carry any weapons.”

“What about the Empire?”

Markus was swallowing at the time and almost choked. “The Empire? They would not want to get involved in our internal affairs if they can possibly avoid it. I have spoken to both Commissioner Flores and Major Van Houser, the Legion representative.” He stopped, considered what to say, then continued, “Others as well. All have reassured me on numerous occasions that, while they are concerned and are watching events closely, they have no interest in getting involved in our internal affairs directly or indirectly.”

Ardine looked disappointed, but wondered about the ‘others’.

Then Trem continued. “They are as I said, extremely concerned however, with the state of our internal affairs. If we go to a state of emergency, then the Empire might consider intervening. Things will become complicated than and that is what I am really concerned about.”

“The people would not stand for the Empire sending in troops. There would be an uprising!” Ardine was aghast. She knew her people well. “It would play into Leves’s hands.”

“Don’t you think that I know that? The Empire’s representatives as well, but that is not just what concerns them, there is one additional factor that no one here has considered.”

There was a pause. Finally Ardine sighed. “Very well, I will play, what is it?” She said with a roll of her eyes.

Looking directly at her, Trem replied, “The Dark Lord.”

Confused, Ardine stared at Markus, “What does He have to do with us?”

“What indeed. I spoke to Major Van Houser not a standard month ago. It was a routine discussion but before it ended, he told me something that scared me. I haven’t told anyone else.”


“Yes. What he told me was that the Dark Lord had unexpectedly returned from what he said was to have been an extended time of several years away. On His return, He was also in a very dark mood. This was sometime after Lewes’s trial and before he was executed.” Markus took another sip of his tea as the remains of their meal were removed, then continued. “What he also told me was when He returned, the Legion was put on alert. However while there were the usual small areas of engagement in several galaxies, there was nothing of any real consequence happening anywhere in the Empire. He also told me that several sub fleets had been ordered into our galaxy. Some have been ordered quietly into our system.”

“Nothing else?” Ardine whispered.

Trem gave a head shake. “Even with the Dark Lord prodding it, it takes time for an organization the size of the Empire to react.” A last sip of the tea. “So my darling,” Trem De Markus smiled, “Do not worry for me, but for our planet because I am very worried.” He signaled the waiter and paid the bill for the meal. There was no conception of tipping on Ti Lepus.

“Yes, I will,” She said softly. Then more sternly, “I have one more person to see. Can I speak of what you have told me?”

“If you think that it will do any good.”

“I have to try. Will it do any good?” She shrugged. “I do not know.”

They stood, preparing to go their separate ways.

“I wish you well, Madam Makapet.” Markus gave the formal goodbye.

“And good health to you, Master Markus.” Ardine acknowledged with her formal reply.

With smiles, they separated and each left, Markus with his two guards, while Ardine looked for an unclaimed automatic transport vehicle.

“One more call to make,” Ardine spoke to herself.

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