《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Forty One.


The invitation had come as a surprise to Lorena. While she meet regularly with her mother, this invitation was phrased in a formal, almost obligatory manner. It did not cross her mind to say no to the invitation, but she did wonder at the manner and reason for it.

Club Dseire was a popular place for meetings. It was in a crowded, but not too crowded location and thus useful for those who did not want to be seen together in public. About half of the rooms were public, that is in the open but separated by curtains. The rest were totally private and closed to observation by other patrons. While popular, at least one of the attendees had to be a member of the club. Ardine Makapet was a long time member.

It was an early morning meeting, at the seventh period, another thing that had puzzled Lorena. Her mother almost never rose that early. Fortunately, the Club Dseire gave an early morning breakfast option, so that was available.

“Good morning mother.” Lorena greeted her mother with the ritual kiss between mother and daughter.


They had met in the vestibule. “Let us go to our seats.” Ardine motioned to an attendant who escorted them to a private room. Lorena was even more concerned, and struggled not to show it. A private room meant serious matters were to be discussed.

Seated, they ordered drinks and breakfast, a light meal for them both. Lorena was on edge and, perceptive as she was, she saw that her mother was as well. It was with an effort they maintained the light talk that occupied them until the breakfast was delivered, along with their drinks. Tea, of course.

“Would you pour, please?”

“Of course, mother.” With stated elegance, Lorena picked up the pot and poured tea into both their cups.

“You do that so lovely, dear.”

Carefully putting down the pot onto its holder, Lorena took a deep breath. It was time for the matter that occupied her mother to be brought out into the open.

“So mother, why are we meeting like this?”

Slowly, Ardine put the drink she was sipping down. She looked at her daughter, looked away, then back again.


“Mother, you are frightening me. What is it? Are you ill?” Lorena reached across and took one of her mother’s hands.

Her mother gave a strained smile. “No, not that. In a way, I wish it was.”

Lorena sat back in her chair, surprised. What could her mother be hiding that she could not say outright? She was completely nonplussed.

“I guess I better begin.” There was a pause. Lorena couldn’t stop help herself from leaning forward. “I had a visitor,” Ardine began. “It was Sessi Dark gen Wattar of the secret police.”

The shock showed clearly on Lorena’s face. The question came unbidden, “Mother, what could the secret police want with you?”

“My sister, your aunt,” Ardine gave the stark reply.

This confused Lorena even more. She had not seen her aunt for several Ti Lepus years. While she knew about difficulties and arguments, and that Li Glwen had broken off all contact with the family, she did not know why. Deciding that to wait for her mother to tell the story would be best, she kept quiet.

“My sister and I have not spoken since you became the mistress of Rentap Dressiler,” Explained Ardine. “She is a committed and fanatical believer in the purity of Ti Lepus. Your becoming the mistress of someone who deals with the Empire and other off-worlders was totally unacceptable to her. She demanded that I tell you to leave him and that I leave Trem De Markus as well. When I refused, she totally lost her temper and said many objectionable things.”

Ardine stopped talking and took a drink. After waiting for her mother to continue for a fraction, Lorena stirred and began to speak. “Wait,’ her mother interrupted.

There was another pause, then looking into her tea cup, Ardine continued, “Some of the things that my sister said were threats. She said that it was not just unacceptable, but anyone who did deal with outworlders was a traitor and should be killed.” She took a deep breath. “The words she used was that they should be exterminated.”

Stunned, Lorena just stared at her mother. The look on Ardine’s face was indescribable. If she did not know better, she would have said that her mother was afraid.


“When I met with the Grey, it became clear to me that there would, not could but would, be real problems and soon. You must warn the Dressiler’s to be careful, and you must be careful yourself.” With a sigh Ardine sat back in her chair. She looked fondly at her daughter thinking, She is a smart girl, intelligent. But like so many women of Ti Lepus, strangely naïve.

Lorena was confused. She put her thoughts into words. “Why? And what do we have to guard against?”

“Since the execution of that idiot, Wiski Lewes, his friends, the other writers, have been portraying him as a hero, a martyr. I am sure that they would be erecting a monument to him if they could.” Ardine picked up her cup and took another sip. “They have also been calling for revenge, for justice in Lewes’s name. As your lover is close to Councillor Trem De Markus, Councillor Leja Leves most powerful opponent, striking at him would be a strike at both.”

Ardine sighed. “I know what you are thinking, My aunt would never hurt her family. I hope not, but I am not so sure. In any case, those they send would not be so discriminating.”

With a strong voice Lorena vented her thoughts, “Hurt a women of Ti Lepus? They wouldn’t!” Then in a small voice she asked, “Would they.”

Reaching out and taking her daughters hand, Ardine looked into her daughter’s eyes. “The people who they would get to do these terrible things, hate us. They come from the lowest classes, the labour and the underclass. They hate us because they envy us. We represent a lifestyle, a freedom they could never aspire to, not them nor their children. They both want to be us and they despise us at the same time and, because they despise us they also despise themselves.” There was a pause. Then Ardine continued, “What is worse, some of us betray their caste and join with these fanatics. I cannot imagine or understand the reasons why they would do that.”

With wide eyes, Lorena stared at her mother. Never had she considered any of this. To her, it was a fantastic revelation. “How can I stop this?” She whispered.

“You can’t”, Ardine stated flatly. Then in almost a whisper, she continued, “But I might be able to do something.”

“What?” It was almost too much for Lorena. She stared at her mother. “What do you intend to do?”

Ardine picked up her tea cup, looked at it and set it down again. “Something that I should have done a long time ago, I will see my sister.”

With a smile, Ardine patted her daughter’s hand. “Go and see Rentap and Cheaine. You will find that Cheaine is not so innocent of the dangers. She already knows one of those involved that I spoke of, a woman who was once of the same status as her. You will see.”

“How do you know this?” Lorena asked, with a look of someone who has had just one to many shocks or surprises dropped on them.

“We met, some standard months ago.” A smile, “It is not important.” Ardine stood. “I have another appointment, with the man that I was last mistress to, Trem De Markus. He is also in danger and I must impress the need for care on him.”

Lorena rose, moved around the table and embraced her mother. “Do be careful, mother. If things are as bad as you say, you could be in danger yourself.”

“Nonsense, I have no contact with outsiders, and the only reason to kill me would be of sheer spite. While that is not out of the question, killing me would raise too many questions and I have too many people of high standing in my corner. It is unlikely, so don’t worry about me.”

With a smile and expressions of endearment, they departed.

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