《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Forty.


It was with a good deal of apprehension that Dark gen Wattar had made a connection with Ardine Makapet. To his surprise, she seemed happy to take his call. The address secured, and the time agreed, he took special care to prepare for the interview. In this instance, he reviewed everything he could find about Ardine.

Arriving at the address just early enough, he keyed the comm, secured entry and took the elevator to the top floor.

“Thank you for seeing me, madam.” Wattar said as he entered Ardines apartment. Looking around, Wattar noted the rich furnishings, elegantly placed in the airy and spaciousness dwelling. The contents underscored the status of the woman he was interviewing.

“The secret police are always welcome here,” Ardine replied with just the correct amount of condescension. Dark gen Wattar gave a bow in return.

“Please be seated,” She said as she took a seat on her couch and gave a wave to an adjacent chair. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Thank you, no.” The woman’s eyes sharpened, no drinks meant serious business. The Grey took note, he would not underestimate this woman. Still very attractive, she had a similar figure to her daughter. Her hair was tied back in what Wattar knew was called a tail and she wore a floor length robe over her clothes.

“You are not under any suspicion of any illegal act, madam,” he said. “I simply want to talk to you.” Wattar was feeling his way into the conversation.

“When the secret police wish to talk to someone there is always someone under suspicion. Who is it this time?”

“That you do not need to know, madam. The reason why I am here is somewhat different and it is difficult for me.”

There was a perceptive stiffening of Ardine Makapet’s body. Again Wattar took note, had she been waiting long for this conversation? He decided that a little push was in order.

“Perhaps you have been waiting for me, in a sense?” He ventured.

Ardine sighed, “You are here to talk to me about my sister, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. At least, in part.”

“And you know about the breach between the two of us?”

“Yes, but not all. I know that there is an estrangement between the two of you, but I do not know why. I need to know all at this time of crisis.”

Rising out of her chair, Ardine moved to the window, pulling back the cover and looking out over the rain swept city.

“I always love the first rains of the wet season. Not so much the hot or the cold seasons. But the rain, it always makes the city look clean after. Not for all though.”

Confused but not showing it, the policeman waited, feeling silence was best.

“I love my sister, but could not agree with all her decisions. She is smart though and she learns quickly. She would also have been a great actress. There are many parts that she could have played, but she chose instead to play a most dangerous part in life.” Ardine stopped and turned and looked out the window again.

Dark gen Wattar felt a chill run down his spine. He waited, again, in silence.


“Do you know who she first became mistress to?” Ardine asked over her shoulder.

“The name, nothing more.” he replied.

“The name does not matter. What does is that he was a rabid, fanatical believer in the purity of Ti Lepus.” She looked at the Grey. “You understand?”

“I do. I have seen such people before, a number of times.”

“He infected her,” Ardine spoke in a whisper. “I did not see her for several years. She was a little younger than me and barely legal herself. We lived on different parts of Ti Lepus and, well, we never linked like sisters should. We were never close like sisters should have been, even though we were close in age, I am just one year older than her. Particularly, as sisters in positions such as we were, should have been, it would have been good to be able to support each other. I blame myself as much as I blame him and as much as I blame her. I should have tried harder, but I was living in my own world and enjoying life in a good position.”

Ardine was looking out her window and talking to the city as much as she was talking to Dark gen Wattar. It was almost a confessional the Grey realised. She was unburdening herself. Ardine continued and the Grey listened in fascination. He was gaining a look into a life that was closed to him.

“I was young then, not much beyond the legal age, as I said, and soon pregnant with Lorena. That pleased my then master, who made arrangements for his baby and myself. He was an older man, with no family and no close relatives, so he left a lot of Konna and property for us both. One thing he also did was give us his name, even though there was no question of marriage between us.” She smiled. “Lorena did not need to become the mistress of Rentap. She did so because she liked him and his wife and family and they all liked her. Also, I approved.”

After a pause, Wattar responded, “Your sister, did she know of Lorena?”

Ardine turned around, came back to the couch that she had occupied earlier, running her hands over its back.

“Oh, she approved of Lorena, partly because she was not allowed a child. I think that also affected her, but we still linked off and on as Lorena was growing. Nothing she said at the time was unusual for any citizen. I had no reason to suspect anything at all. Indeed, back then, I may have approved. I think, the association with the Dressiler’s was what changed for me. Not greatly, but enough. Along with my becoming the mistress of Councillor Trem De Markus.”

“Why did you? After all, you were independent.”

“Loneliness was one reason. I had few friends that I could meet with and discuss what we women discuss. Also, I liked him.” Again she smiled. “It was Trem who introduced Rentap to Lorena. It was this that led my sister and me to the break. This, plus she became the mistress of Councillor Leja Leves. He, I did not like.”

“Why not?”

“I told you about Li Glwen’s first lover. Leves is him doubled, no tripled.”


The Grey sat back with a hiss, this was another revelation.

“You did not know this?” She asked with raised eyebrows and leaning back in her chair.

“I know that he is a Firster and that he hates the Empire. But not to such a degree. How do you know this?” Dar gen Wattar leaned forward in his chair.

“From my sister. When Leves ran the first time and lost, my sister happened to be visiting. She was unhappy that he had not been elected and let me know! Then she learned that Lorena had become the mistress of Rentap, which was totally unacceptable for her. She told me that Rentap’s contacts with outworlders meant that he was not someone she should be associated with. When she talked, she showed me what she had become. That was when I learned about Leves’s depths of feeling.” For a moment Ardine paused, then continued. “She wanted me to tell Lorena to leave Rentap and I refused. She then demanded that I break off relations with Markus, again I refused. She called me a traitor to our race and when I remonstrated with her, she refused to listen. After more words were exchanged, she stormed out and since that day I have not seen or communicated with her in any way.”

“Not at all?”

“No.” Pain showed on Ardines face as she replied, softly, sadly.

After a moment of silence, Dark gen Wattar spoke, “I thank you for telling me this. I have one further question. First, you know of the conviction and execution of Wiski Lewes?”

Ardine nodded.

“Do you think that there is any danger to Lorena because of her association with the Dressilers?”

There was a look of surprise on Ardines face. “Why should there be?”

“I think that Lewes was set up to be a martyr for the agitators’ cause. I am sure that he had no idea that this was why he went to Welette. I am equally certain that this was the idea of the Frim’s, but now believe that it was at least approved by Leves.” The secret policeman stood up. “But I have no proof.” The look on Ardines face showed that she understood.

Standing as well, Ardine said sadly, “I fear that I have made the situation even more difficult for you.”

“Why would you think that?” He said with a look of surprise.

“Leves is powerful.” Ardine spoke candidly.

“We are used to that, dealing with powerful people. It is not uncommon for us.” Wattar gave a rueful smile.

Ardine admired the young member of the Secret Police. Having seen so much more than the young man she felt some pity for him. So young, she thought. He still has a belief that he could change the world.

“If I were younger …” The woman gave him an appraising look.

The secret policeman had had his share of approaches by women. Mostly women of the lower class who were desperate to improve their lot. But no such approach, he felt, was a greater compliment or tempted him more than that he received from Ardine Makapet. It was with an effort that he gave his goodbyes to the still beautiful, older woman and left.

For a long time, Ardine sat in her luxurious apartment. She ran the conversation that she had just had through her mind over and over again. Then, having come to a decision, she reached for her comm unit. She made three calls, the last of which was accepted only with difficulty. Having made her plans for the next day, Ardine had her lonely supper then retired and slept.


Chief Inspector Ptocto and Inspector Docci had listened in fascination to the secret policeman’s tale. Sitting back Ptocto looked at the rooms ceiling for a fraction then gave a bitter laugh.

“So now we know. She is the conduit and we have a new target. Someone we can concentrate on.”

“If we can persuade a Master Judge to give us the warrants, we can start extended comm surveillance,” Docci interjected.

“We have been watching Li Glwen’s movements for the past month. She does not keep a regular routine, which is something that increases my suspicions. She hides her tracks too well.” The Grey gave a grimace.

The two policemen nodded. The irregular movements would make surveillance more difficult. It meant that they could not plan ahead or plant agents in regular spots.

The Chief Inspector stood and moved around the desk. Sitting with his hip on his desk he spoke, “You have done well. Do you have any problem with us two discussing this with our team, without directly revealing the reasons why or the sources?”

“That’s why I told you. You and your team may come up with some new ideas, and we can all use those right now! Also, we could use the additional man power. At least that is a good thing with this agitation. We can put people into places without arousing their suspicions.”

The Grey picked up the scrambler and held it for a fraction. “None of your men are stupid. They must be wondering why we talked together for so long. Just stress the need for security on them. I am sure that they will understand.”

The two policemen nodded and then all three left Ptocto’s office.


Three weeks had passed since the execution of Wiski Lewes. It had been delayed several months because of the necessity of higher court approval. Following a further appeal, the Scrutineers had declined to hold a hearing. The public spectacle had been every bit as gruesome as would be expected.

Councillor Leves was pleased.

Equally pleased was his secretary, Li Glwen. Attending the meeting with the Councillor in his office with his deputies, she took notes of the routine business being discussed. Unknown and unknowable to the deputies was the subtext, which only Leves and Glwen were aware of.

Speaking to an item of scheduling under discussion, Councillor Leves agreed to the time. He looked directly at his secretary. “Yes, it is time for this.”

Confused at the wording, his Deputy Minster asked. “Are you sure, sir?”

Councillor Leves leaned back in his chair and smiled. “Yes I am certain.” Looking at his secretary he nodded.

“I will see to all sir.” She nodded and left. She knew exactly what Leves wanted and inwardly smiled. Not realising that in so doing, they set the course for disaster.

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