《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Thirty Eight.


Across the hall a table was ready for a vast repast. The two colonels were astonished at the multitudes of food available. Meats, fruits and vegetables of types both known and unknown were arrayed across the table. Also laid out for consumption were sweets, breads and all sorts of baking. Large bottles of strange beverages filled one end of the already groaning table. Urged by Lady Dana, the Legion officers took plates and moved to the long table.

“We can’t eat all this. Can we?” Colonel Dennus asked Colonel Horris.

He got a look back. “I have no idea, I have never been to a meal here before.” He paused. “Actually, until the message about you arrived, I had never been in the palace before.”

Nita De Posse came to their rescue. “All this food will be shared with the palace staff, none will go to waste. Eat please, you don’t want to upset him by not eating do you?” A lovely smile spread across her face. “It is one of the privileges of working here.”

Each taking the chance to fill their plate, the two colonels followed the senior officers down the table. Controlling their appetites was second nature to the officers but they found this difficult with the repast laid out in front of them. At the end of the table, Colonel Dennus eyed the profusion of bottles of beverages in confusion. “That is water.” Horris pointed one out helpfully. “I assume that you don’t want anything stronger!” Dennus grinned as he nodded.

Taking their plates, the two Colonels joined the Marshal and her small group. “Enjoying yourself, Colonel?” The Marshal asked. All were standing, there were no tables to sit at, but this did not bother any member of the Legion. It also gave Dennus the chance to observe the Ladies in a less formal setting.

“At this time certainly, sir. I am still waiting for the big reveal though.”

“He is leading up to something indeed.”

“Yes,” General Grovert spoke. “I am not sure if I would like to be in your place, but then, maybe, if I was, it could be interesting.”

“Indeed, Colonel, you are at a crossroads, making your career or breaking it,” Admiral Ressa put in. He had a serious look on his face.

“That I know, Admiral. Yes, that was obvious once I realised I wasn’t heading for a courts martial. I must admit that that came as something of a relief!” He and all the officers laughed at that, but quietly.

The Lady that had sat beside the Dark Lord joined them. Dennus had noticed that she had filled a plate and left. Usually observant, he wondered why he had not seen her return. Ignoring all the others, but looking directly at Colonel Dennus, she spoke. “You are perceptive Colonel, He has noted that.” She regarded him for a fraction longer, then left.


Silence reigned among the officers, then, “That was dammed strange, even from them,” said Colonel Horris.

No one spoke for a time then Dennus ventured a question, “The Ladies insisted that we eat first. Do they always do that?”

“Always,” Nikki Du Massi confirmed.

“And that one, who just spoke to us. She seems close to Him.” There was no answer given to this statement. Dennus immediately wished he had not spoken. “You have dealt with them before, sir?”

“Yes,” Nikki spoke in a manner such that did not invite further discussion. Another puzzle, Dennus thought, but maybe it just is not a good idea to discuss the Dark Lord and the Ladies. At least when you are this close to them and Him.

The Lady under discussion had left the room. Then, returning, she spoke quietly and briefly to Ladies Andrea and Dana, apparently passing a message of some kind. For a fraction, there seemed to be a brief discussion, then Lady Dana approached the group. “We are to continue, you may leave your plate there.” She indicated a table. As she turned and left, Dennus could not help but admire her shapely figure and her billowing blonde hair, the last so rare in the Empire. The other four officers all gave him sympathetic looks.

“You will get used to them. You better or you will not be able to do the job, whatever it is, He wants you to do.” The grim advice came from the Marshal.

“Sir!” Dennus replied.

With a nod, the Marshal left, followed by all the officers in tow, including Dennus.


The Dark Lord was now standing in front of the unlit fireplace. Hands clasped behind his back, head turned to his right, He seemed to be seeing beyond the room. The Ladies had crowded together, some, to Dennus’s surprise, looked frightened. Even the Lady with the light brown hair was biting her lip; and exchanging glances with the Ladies Dana and Andrea.

After what seemed an interminable space of time, that was actually brief, the Dark Lord shook his head, took a few steps back and forwards, then stood still, face closed and chiselled in stone.

Lady Dana exchanged another glance with Lady Andrea, then opened her mouth to speak. Before she could say what was on her mind or ask a question, the Dark Lord raised a finger and shook his head again. The tension began to seep away, even the officers were relaxing slightly. The Head Steward still looked as if he wanted to be elsewhere, while Nita De Posse seemed to be drawing comfort from standing close to Colonel Horris. Colonel Dennus smothered a smile.

The Dark Lord moved to and sat on the desk standing at the side of the room. The Head Steward gasped at this. Ignoring that and crooking a finger, the Dark Lord beckoned Colonel Dennus to him. A surge of excitement flooded Dennus chest, he just knew that he was about to learn why he had been called across the stars to do.


“I am going to offer you a new assignment, Colonel. One that, in the past, has been handled by many men, and not a few women. Some successfully, others less so. It is dangerous. I warn you that this assignment may cost you your life. It has done so in the past.” All this came in a calm, level tone however a smile lightened the mood somewhat. “I guarantee you that it will cost you your sleep. Now, knowing no more I ask you, without any repercussion, will you accept the assignment?”

Dennus snapped to attention. “I am an officer of the Legion, sire, and I swore an oath to obey all legal orders from you or your designated representative.” He took a breath and looked the Dark Lord directly in the eye. “I accept the assignment.”

“Very well.” The Dark Lord looked pleased.

Still smiling, He moved and took the seat behind the desk. Opening a drawer, He pulled out an object that Dennus did not recognise. It was a folded piece of paper stuck together to form a pocket of some kind. Inside there seemed to be another piece of paper.

“Marshal Du Massi, General Grovert.” The two officers approached the desk. “My feeling is that the rank of Colonel is somewhat insufficient for the trials that the good Colonel will be facing. From his file, I see that he is overdue for advancement. I suggest a promotion. May I have your thoughts?”

Dennus carefully controlled his features and waited. He was not surprised that the Dark Lord was familiar with his personal file. However, he wondered about the manner in which He brought up the question of promotion. It put both the Marshal and General Grovert in the hot seat, giving advice to the Dark Lord would always be problematic he realised, for the next fraction anyway. While these thoughts ran across his mind, he was also aware of tension in the cluster of Ladies standing behind them.

In the background, and quite happy to be there, Colonel Horris was actually enjoying himself for once. He might get away from this world soon and get a real command. He looked at the young lady standing beside him. At an impulse he reached over and touched her hand. Nita De Posse turned and smiled at him.

“It depends sire. On what level do you wish him to be acting?” The Marshal was speaking cautiously, yet unsurprised by the question. “Without knowing the exact level of command you wish him to exercise, it is difficult to say.”

“Sire, there are holes in our commands up to the level of Fleet General and Admiral. Some officers are exercising commands holding ranks above what they should be on a temporary basis. We are dealing with that regularly,” General Grovert interjected. “I would have no objection to the Colonel exercising a temporary rank up to General Major. But to hold that rank permanently, he would have to go to Flag Command School.”

“You concur Marshal?”

“I think that General Grovert stated his position cogently. I agree. This is no reflection on the Colonel, but to promote an officer beyond their competence is a disaster waiting to happen. Colonel Dennus is an excellent officer and will deserve a promotion. I suggest a temporary rank of General Major, following promotion to Brigadier. If he completes his assignment successfully, the temporary rank could be made permanent pending completion of Flag Command School.

“So, I will take your advice.” The Dark Lord nodded, opened a flap on the object from the drawer, and pulled a cream coloured document out of it. Without looking, he flicked a finger at the wall. A section opened and a large stamp floated over to him. Catching the stamp out of the air, he applied it to the document. Dennus was stunned at the casual display of power and was barely able to suppress the shudder that ran through him.

“There, that makes it official.” With a smile He passed the document to the Marshal who accepted it with a bow.

Sitting back in his chair, the Dark Lord smiled. This was not altogether a happy smile, it was both amused as well as cold and cruel. A shiver ran down the spine of the no longer colonel. He was about to find out just why he was here.

“You are to assemble a fleet, take it to the planet known as Ti Lepus. The fleet will be an escort for you and the Ladies Andrea, Dana, Jaure, Lisa, Savanna and Jasmine. They will be my ambassadors and your primary responsibility will be to protect them from any harm.”

Brigadier Dennus felt a cold hard lump settle into his stomach.

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