《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Thirty Seven.


The trip to the palace was completed mostly in silence. But even with his tension growing, Dennus could not help commenting on the number of people who were exploring the garden.

“They all have to leave at night, although there are always some wanderers. Except for the ceremonial rooms, the majority of the building is closed to them as well. The appearance of a Black Guardsman is usually enough for the visitors to move out, although some want to record everything,” General Grovert explained.

“Isn’t that a problem for security?” Dennus asked in surprise.

“Somehow, and I would love to know how He does it, anything that is recorded without his approval is fogged when they go to look at it or comm it. There must be some really frustrated people around!” Colonel Horris raised his hands. “He really is His best own security.” There spoke the operations officer.

Dennus wondered about asking if anyone, other than the Marshal, had met the Dark Lord, but decided against it. Obstinately, he wanted to know, but only if the information came voluntarily.

Palace security guided them underground into the Marshal’s permanent parking stall, beside the First Councillor’s stall. Dennus silently noted the presence of members of the Black Guard, also known as the Imperial Guard. From there, they walked to a private elevator to the stewards’ office. On arrival, they were met by the Head Steward who was anxiously waiting for them, having been informed of the Colonel’s arrival time.

“So this is the Legion officer who has caused so much angst.” Ardent Nespot remarked. “He awaits. Be warned; He is not in the best of moods, neither are the Ladies.” The members of the party exchanged looks. Colonel Dennus remained silent, although a sense of foreboding stole over him. He noted that none of the other officers had removed their swords, so retained his.

Out of the office, the Head Steward led them down a corridor and through a bewildering set of twist and turns to a suite in, what Colonel Dennus later learned was the rear of the palace. Looking around as they walked, Dennus could not help but be interested in the stark simplicity crossed with elegance, of the corridors. The walls were lined with different wood panels on which hung pictures depicting scenes from the past of some unknown planet. He was tempted to query the Head Steward about the paintings, but before he could decide, they reached the Dark Lords study. Outside, standing and quietly talking, were a trio of beautiful women. Colonel Dennus did not understand the language, but could not stop himself from staring.

“He’s in there.” One indicated the room with a jerk of her thumb. This Lady was a short, athletic woman, sporting short, dark hair. She was wearing a tight pink top and pants that went down just past her knees. Another, tall, willowy with curly red hair, wore a tight red dress that ended above her knees and matched her hair, said, “Hey, that’s the guy He’s been waiting to see.” She started to move forward with a big grin.

The third said “Yes!” with a pumping motion, “Let’s take him in.” This one was slender and wore a tight black top that was off her shoulders and light blue pants of a strange design. All three were wearing low heeled footwear of a type that Dennus had never seen before. He had the strangest feeling that he was seeing back into some forgotten past on some distant unknown planet.


“Ladies, please I beg you, no.” The Head Steward stepped forward to intercept them, his arms out.

Marshal Du Massi had also stepped forward. “Good day Ladies of the Circle.” She inclined her head slightly. “I am charged with bringing this officer to the Dark Lord. You would not want to delay that would you now?”

At that moment Colonel Dennus understood why Marshal Nikki Du Massi was Marshal of the Legion. She spoke calmly, but there was steel in her voice. The three Ladies stopped, looked at each other then gave the Marshal a wry grin.

“We will escort you,” the first one spoke, and stepping to the door, opened it.

Colonel Horris leaned into Colonel Dennus. “You will get used to it. Maybe,” he whispered. Nita De Posse looked up and whispered, “I haven’t.”

The short athletic Lady and the slender one each took one of Colonel Dennus’s arms and, led by the redheaded Lady, they entered the room. In a glance, Dennus noted an ancient wooden desk standing away from the wall at the far end. This was a larger than normal room, which Dennus was to come to understand, had been something called a sitting room. He immediately recognised the Dark Lord as the only man sitting by an empty fireplace. Standing in front of him, wearing a short, pale orange dress, was a slender woman with long dark hair fluffed out from her head. Other women were standing or sitting, watching with interest.

The Lady was passionately pressing some point on the Dark Lord.

“…. And what is to be done with all those who have no say. Their system is barbaric and women... well I could go on about that. But these people, eighty percent of them are treated little better than slaves.”

She took a breath and the Dark Lord took the opportunity to hold up his hand.

“Look what we found,” the redhead said. The Lady who had been speaking spun on her heel and stepped away.

“A guest has arrived. One I called for. Thank you Sydney. Sandra, Elizabeth, please release him, I beg of you.” The Dark Lord did not raise from his chair. Reluctantly, the two Ladies disengaged from the Colonel. “Greetings Colonel, I trust that your trip was not too tiresome.” The Dark Lord waved him in. The rest followed.

He stood. “Andrea, I take your point.” Colonel Dennus was stunned, this was the famous Lady Andrea? Tall, slender with long dark hair, she had obviously been pressing her point, whatever it was, with gusto. The Dark Lord continued, “You know my thoughts on the matter of planetary politics. It is to live and let live so long as they stay within the Empire’s laws. You know why I do this, in any case, that is not the problem here.” He turned to the arrivals.

“I will speak to the Colonel. Marshal, you may stay. Your party may as well if they wish, they have been through much and deserve to be in at the completion. Steward, you and Miss De Posse stay as well, you will have a part in this.” He looked around the room. “Andrea, Dana, Jaure, Lisa, Savanna and Jasmine, you will stay. The rest may leave or stay as you wish, but be silent if you do.” There was an edge to that voice that made it clear that obedience was expected.

Sitting back down in His chair, He indicated another one facing Him on the other side of the fireplace. “Take the chair Colonel.”


Startled, this was not normal protocol, Dennus glanced at the Marshal. She pointed to the chair which Dennus reluctantly occupied, removing his sword and leaning it up against the fireplace as he did so. Seemly not noticing, the Dark Lord glanced around the room. “Sydney, Elizabeth, kindly get more chairs. The rest of you find a seat somewhere.” The two Ladies nominated, left the room while the rest of the group shuffled and moved around until all available seats were taken.

The look that the Dark Lord now laid on him had Colonel Dennus wishing he was back with his battalion in a fire fight. “Have you heard of the planet, Ti Lepus, in the galaxy known as Markers Star?”

The abruptness of the question had him somewhat off guard.

“No my Lord.” Honesty would be best he felt.

At a sign, another one of the Ladies came forward. This one was dressed somewhat more conservatively, in casual clothes and sandals. Slender like most of the others she had short, sandy brown hair and blue eyes. Holding out her hand, Colonel Dennus saw cupped in it, a data cube. “Reports from the last three thousand years,” she said in a quiet voice. “You can read them later.” She stepped back and sat down. Colonel Dennus noted after taking the data cube that she sat closest to the Dark Lord and, unless his powers of observation were misleading him, there was an undercurrent of tension between her and the rest of the Ladies.


So, Ti Lepus, thought the Marshall. I must convey this to the First Councillor.


The Dark Lord gave Dennus a narrow look, then continued. “The Empire first entered the Ti Lepus system approximately one hundred and fifteen thousand years ago. The people living on the planet had developed a hunter-gather culture and were developing nicely. There were several groups of hominoids at the time, each occupying a separate niche in the planetary ecosystem. A unique and satisfying cluster of cultures.

“The decision was made to leave them in peace, and only a cursory survey was made. The decision was also made, and this is where the problem starts, to not leave any satellite surveillance drones or hidden ground ones to monitor developments. I felt disquiet then. But, when I voiced my concern, I was assured that there would be regular visits by surveyors to the planet. As it happened, there were some rebellions, no doubt some of which you have studied, along with other duties which occupied the Empire, and it was not until some twenty seven thousand years ago that the system was revisited.”

He paused. “You follow me so far?”

“I do my Lord.”

“What they found was astonishing. One of the cultures had dominated the others and was busily finishing slaughtering them. Do you care to guess which culture it was?”

“The group that dominates Ti Lepus now?”

“Correct. Even though they were still using stone tools and weapons, they were so antagonistic to other tribes, and hated all of them, that they had fought, even at this early age, wars of annihilation. However, they were not completely alone at this, others were almost as bad. Not all mind you. There were several groups which were peaceful and wished to coexist. It seems that they did not last long.”

The Dark Lord paused, sat back in his chair and surveyed the group. Most were looking neutral while some of the Ladies named by him looked uncomfortable. Colonel Dennus, while finding the lecture interesting was still wondering what part he was to play. He also casually scanned the room and absently noted that the two Ladies who had been commissioned to bring in more chairs had done so and that all were now seated in the crowded room. He was also getting over the use by the Dark Lord of the words A unique and satisfying cluster of cultures. As well, he was internalizing and digesting the casual manner in which the Dark Lord spoke of dealing with matters of over one hundred thousand years ago.

The Dark Lord continued, “No doubt that you are wondering what happened next. Well, as the planet had not advanced beyond stone tools and showed no particular interest in doing so, the decision was made to leave them in peace, yet again. This time however, I insisted that surveillance be kept on the planet. Accordingly, a base was set up on a convenient moon and observation satellites positioned. In accordance with well-established policy, no attempt was to be made to contact the inhabitants until they were deemed ready.”

“I will skip over the rest.” The Dark Lord smiled thinly. “You will see from the reports, which date from our first direct contact, that from the very beginning, these have been a very difficult group of people to deal with.” Again he paused. Glancing toward the watching group, he raised an eyebrow.

“Anyone wish to add anything to what has been said so far?” For a fraction, no one broke the silence, then one of the Ladies, spoke, “Not about the planet, but why did you not include me in the group?”

“Ah, Luca, diplomacy is not your strong point, which is what we need now. I may need you to take up your sword in my name yet, though not with Ti Lepus, but not for the moment.”

Seemingly now satisfied, but still looking slightly disgruntled, the Lady called Luca subsided into her chair. Two, which Colonel Dennus now recognised as Ladies Andrea and Dana, with her beautiful blond hair, exchanged glances and looked worried. A third, he remembered her name was Jaure, also with blond hair, looked down at her hands with a troubled expression. He also gave Lady Luca a covert glance. He had read much of this warrior woman in his studies as an officer cadet. The Dark Lord affected not to notice.

“Let us take a break before we continue. Steward, you have prepared a luncheon as I requested?”

“I have, my Lord.” the Steward promptly replied. “Allow me leave to make certain of the arrangements, if you please.” He left without waiting for a reply. In a fraction of a period, he returned. “The dining room across the hall is ready, in accordance with your custom, my Lord.” He bowed and with a gesture, indicated that all were to follow him.

“Everyone go and eat,” the Dark Lord commanded all to leave. With the usual low rumble of a moving crowd, most rose to follow the Head Steward. There was the usual small conversations that the people who had been sitting in silence now indulged in. The slender young woman sitting with Him did not move at first. She leant forward and said something too low for the Colonel to hear. The Dark Lord nodded. She stood and followed the crowd.

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