《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Thirty Six


This was the first time Colonel Dennus of Hosta had visited Tihab, the Empire’s Administrative Center. Twice he had been offered a posting to the planet; once for a position in the High Command Operations Center and o3nce in the Center for Innovation which dealt with new technology. Both had been turned down in favor of positions dealing with troops.

With some curiosity, he looked out over the city with its sprawling towers, acres of parklands and winding rivers.

“This is summer,” his guide spoke. “Hot.”

Few would have such a guide. He thought. General Grovert, head of Legion Personnel seemed not at all unhappy at escorting a lowly Colonel. At the transfer station in orbit, he had actually seemed pleased to meet with the Colonel. A short, rather squat man, he came from a heavy gravity world. His high rank and pleasant manner putting the lie to the commonly held belief that such planets only produced inhabitants who were dull and unintelligent.

“Oh, there is the Palace, High Command and the High Council. They occupy the two towers on the edge of the Palace grounds. You can see them there.” Pointing out two high rising buildings, each now dwarfed by other soaring towers nearby.

Looking at the palace, Colonel Dennus wondered yet anew how he had got to this place and why. General Grovert had been perfectly amiable and an excellent host, garrulous in greeting and showing all the sights while they travelled yet totally unforthcoming as to the reason for the presence of Colonel Dennus. This, to the Colonel, was both ominous and annoying.

The trip from Resta’s Galaxy to Tihab had been tiring and uncomfortable. Not because of the accommodations, they had been uniformly excellent. What had been strange was that at every turn, he had been met and escorted by officers usually of significantly higher rank then him. At each staging point, he was met by at least a captain, fleet rank, or more usually a general officer or admiral. All were humanoids, there had been no further alien contacts. It was disconcerting to say the least. He did not like it.


“Ah there is our greeting party.” The General pointed to a tall officer towering over a petite young woman.

The shuttle came to a bump less landing. Colonel Dennus leaned forward into the command deck. “Nice landing, very smooth.” The pilot, in this case a young Legion captain, smiled. “Thank you sir. It was a pleasure to fly you.”

After exiting the shuttle, General Grovert introduced the young woman first, “Colonel Dennus, Nita De Posse, Administrative Assistant to the Head Steward of the palace.”

“A pleasure, Madam,” thinking, What is someone from the palace doing here?

“Oh, Nita please. I am too young to be called madam.” Dennus noted the protective hand of the Colonel on Nita’s back. He kept his conclusions private.

“Colonel, Colonel Horris, Operations, aide to the High Commander.”

“Colonel.” The two saluted.

“Let me take your bag, Colonel.” Colonel Horris reached for the bag that Dennus was still carrying.

“Thanks, but I will keep it. No offence, but had too many losses in transits.” He said with a smile. “Now if I could be just shown to quarters.”

“We don’t know where you will be staying yet,” General Groot spoke. “Let’s go, the Marshall will be waiting.”

“I have arranged for a room, if necessary,” Nita put in. Dennus started at her interjection, a room at the palace?

“Look, will someone PLEASE tell me what in all the gods’ names is going on?” Dennus rubbed his empty hand over his face.

Grovert looked sympathetically at him. “We can’t tell you all because we don’t know, and this is a situation in which we need to wait.”

Dennus stared at the General.

Colonel Horris put his hand on Dennus shoulder. “Let’s go, the Marshall will explain.”



Taking the elevator to the floor occupied by the Marshal, the foursome walked straight to her office, ignoring all the looks they were given. As they entered the Marshall’s office, she rose from behind her desk. A tallish, athletic officer wearing a white first class uniform also rose.

General Grovert did the introductions, “Colonel Dennus of Hosta, Marshal of the Legion Nikki Du Massi.” Dennus saluted.

“Colonel Dennus welcome.” The Marshall acknowledged the salute with a nod. “This is Admiral Ressa, the man who was responsible for arranging the bouncing trip across half of the Empire that you just experienced.’

“Sir.” He waited expectantly. Surely the Marshal would be able to explain what had been happening. Yet, he was aware of an underlying tension.

The Marshal waved Dennus to a chair. “Please sit. Let’s get going.”

Once all were seated, the Marshal gave the Colonel the same sympathetic look that General Grovert had given him. “Colonel, I do not know why you are here, but let’s give you what we have. Colonel Horris, play the message that the Head Steward gave you sixteen standard days ago.”

Head Steward? Colonel Dennus thought.

Standing, Horris activated his comm and once again played the message:

“Colonel, I spoke to the Dark Lord personally, just a quarter of a period ago. He told me, and these are his exact words: ‘I wish to see Colonel Dennus of Hosta here as soon as possible. I will speak to Marshal of the Legion, Nikki Du Massi, tomorrow about this. Tell them that I am aware of his exact location and will brook no excuse.’ Do you understand?”

“That was the voice of the Head Steward of the Palace speaking to me,” Colonel Horris explained, then sat down.

There was silence in the room, then the Marshal stirred. “Colonel Dennus, before we leave to go to the Palace, do you know of any reason that our Master would have picked you out of all the officers that he could have selected?”

Colonel Dennus was sitting with a stunned look on his face. Nita De Posse looked sympathetic while the three other officers had their faces carefully blank.

“None, sir,” He finally came up with.

Marshal Du Massi eyed him for a moment, shrugged and stood. “It does not matter. He wants you and he is going to get you.” She smiled grimly. “Let’s go.” She turned to the other two senior officers. “You don’t have to come if you wish.”

“After all my hard work? Not a chance,” Admiral Ressa laughed.

“Same here.” General Grovert answered with a smile.

“On your heads be it,” the Marshal spoke with a scolding tone.

Noting the somewhat somber look on the face of Nita De Posse. Colonel Dennus had a thought which he voiced. “What if the reasons are I have done something to make him angry?”

Colonel Horris walked over to him, put his hands on his shoulders and with great solemnity said, “We will make your death as painless as possible. I promise!”

There was silence, then everyone laughed, even Dennus chuckled.

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