《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Thirty Four


Engaging her desk comm unit, Nita raised Legion High Command. That entity was in a state of organised chaos. Notice of the Dark Lord’s arrival had included the cryptic message, “Be ready.” The foreseeable result was to place the Legion on high alert, although not the highest level, which would be that of war. As a consequence, it took almost a tenth of a period for Nita to get someone in the Marshal’s office. Finally, she managed to get a beleaguered Colonel Horris, one of several aides to the High Commander.


“What does the palace want now?” He grumbled, as he took the call. “Colonel Horris here. How can I help?” He managed not to complain about interruptions.

“Hold for the Head Steward please.” Nita responded.

Horris glared at his comm unit, resisted an urge to throw it across the room and looked at the mess on his usually tidy desk. The connection was silent for just a fraction of a period.

“Head Steward here. Colonel Horris, I understand.”

“Yes.” Came the abrupt rely.


Ardent Nespot stifled a groan. This officer sounded very unhappy at being disturbed from whatever it was he had been doing. Well, too bad, he thought, others have been even more disturbed this day and it wasn’t going to get better.

“I have a request, no, an order from our Master,” he spoke levelly. “Can you handle it? It is imperative.”

Silence reigned for a yet another fraction of a period, then the colonel spoke, “If I can’t, I will take it to the Marshal herself. I am one of her aides.”

“Very good. I have your comm number and I will send you a texted copy.” Nespot waved to Nita to come in, covered the pickup for a fraction and whispered, “Get this recorded.”

“Colonel, I spoke to the Dark Lord personally just a quarter of a period ago. He told me, and these are his exact words: I wish to see Colonel Dennus of Hosta here as soon as possible. I will speak to Marshal of the Legion Nikki Du Massi tomorrow about this. Tell them that I am aware of his exact location and will brook no excuse.” He paused. “Do you understand?”

“I’ve got it. And I am walking to the Marshal’s office right now. You can tell our master, that the Legion will do whatever is necessary to get this Colonel Dennus of Hosta from wherever he is to Tihab as fast as possible.”

“I can assure him?”

“Moving personnel is not within my authority, but I am sure that the Marshal will cut the necessary orders to me so I can wave a big stick. Leave it to me. If not me, I will let you know who is responsible for getting this order filled.”

“Very Good.” The connection was disabled.

“This Colonel Horris sounds like a good man. Efficient. I think that he will do what he says he will, I am reassured.”

The Head Steward scrambled out of his chair at the unexpected voice, one now all too familiar. Nita seemed frozen and struck dumb in her chair, incapable of movement. The Dark Lord stood in the doorway, hands in his pockets. The office staff all stood silently in clusters behind him.

“You didn’t mention the Black Guard?” The Dark Lord said with a questioning look.

“I didn’t think that it was necessary for me to do so, sire,” Nespot replied. “Actually, I was so concerned to get your message across to the Legion, it did not occur to me.” He conceded.


“No, it is not necessary for them to know.” The Dark Lord nodded, smiled at Nita, turned and left.

The Steward and his staff all looked at each other, then with a deep breath, Nespot spoke, “Let’s get finished up, then we can go home. The night workers can do any necessary finishing and we will most likely have a big day tomorrow for which we will need our rest.” With a chorus of ‘yes sirs’ complemented by ‘yes Head Steward’, the staff went back to work.


At Legion High Command, the chaos which strikes any large organization in times of undue stress, was beginning to abate. The call had gone out to all nearby units and close-in star systems where significant numbers of starships and planetoids were stationed. These had all gone to alert status short of war. Further warning calls had gone to units throughout the galaxy to go to a lower level of alert status while other hyper messages had gone to nearby galactic central commands with the request to repeat to the rest of the Empire notice of the Dark Lord’s return.

Marshal of the Legion, Nikki Du Massi, was relatively pleased. The High Command had recovered from the alert and a comm discussion with First Councillor Lonna Kittitk indicated that they were also recovering from the shock of the Dark Lord’s abrupt return. Several scenarios suggesting reasons for the Dark Lord’s return were being drawn up, but they both knew how unlikely they were. What really worried them was the fact that the Empire was, to the best of their knowledge, generally quiet throughout its length and breath. All known areas of concern were being handled and, in any case, had been discussed with the Dark Lord prior to his leaving and, so far as they knew, no new ones had risen. This meant something else was growing, something that concerned the Dark Lord enough to bring him back in a mood that had him best left alone, and no one had any idea of what it was. While Ti Lepus had been considered, it had been dismissed as unlikely.

Standing, Nikki Du Massi surveyed all her senior staff now gathered in her bright and spacious office. Tall for a woman of the Empire, she had a natural authority. She was also still beautiful and some had, in the past, compared her to the Ladies of the Circle. There was no one below the rank of General Lieutenant or Vice Admiral in the room. Apart from her, there were few other females either. “Everyone,” she smiled, “I think that we will survive!” There were smiles all around. “And I think that we can all go home now.” This brought general applause. “Inform your staffs.”

There was another sound, a groan, even from these senior officers when Colonel Horris arrived and announced, “Excuse me, sir. I have an urgent message.”

Nikki Du Massi looked sharply at the Colonel. “From who?”

“From the Head Steward, speaking for the Dark Lord, sir.” The groans were silenced and everyone stiffened.

“Continue,” she said, then held up her hand, “Wait.”

She looked at the assembled staff officers and heads of various departments. “I think that all of you better hear this.” Then looking at Colonel Horris. “You know the message, you agree?”

After a nod and a “Yes sir.” the Colonel played the message. Then, at the Marshal’s quiet command, played it again. There was silence in the room. No one dared offer an opinion. With another quiet command, the Marshal told Colonel Horris to stand aside and wait.


“Well, that was clear,” she said aloud.

Surveying the officers, she saw the one’s she wanted. “General Grovert, you are Legion Ground Forces Personnel, locate this officer immediately. Admiral Ressa, you are transportation, as soon as you are appraised of this officer’s location, arrange for his delivery here as fast as possible. Use whatever and whoever you need to. Any problems, bring them to me without delay. The rest of you, you heard the Dark Lord’s words, cooperate fully.” She gave a wintrily smile. “Any lack of cooperation, cries of not my department or unnecessary delays and you will personally explain them to our sovereign.” Pausing for effect, she finished. “Understand?”

With a number of varieties of “Yes we know, sir,” the officers started to leave.

The Marshal called over General Grovert and Admiral Ressa. “General, as soon as you find this man, let me know where he is. Admiral, As soon as you know where he is, arrange his transport here.” She reinforced her orders. “If he is in the building, march him to me and we will all escort him to the palace. Both of you, keep me informed of progress every day, understand?”

“Yes sir.” The two officers saluted and left. The Marshal turned to Colonel Horris, speaking as she sat.

“Colonel, please sit.” Marshal of the Legion Nikki Du Massi was at pains to put the Colonel at ease. “Please explain how this message came to you, I simply wish to know the background, you understand?”

“Yes sir. I received a call from the Head Steward’s office. It was an assistant calling on behalf of the Head Steward. Why and how the call was routed to me, I have no idea. As for the message,” he shrugged, “I know no more then what you heard.” The Marshal considered this for a fraction, then nodded to herself.

Looking at Colonel Horris, she asked an obvious question. “By some chance, do you know this Colonel Dennus of Hosta?”

“No sir, never met and not even by rumour.”

“I see, well go to ….. No, I will get his file from General Grovert when he tells me he has located him. No need to add more to the confusion. Unless he is in this system, there will be plenty of time to review the file.” The Marshal was thinking aloud.

“What if ….” The Colonel stopped abruptly. The Marshal laughed.

“What if there is an addiction problem? Or he indulges in some other vice? Has a discipline problem?” She shook her head. “The Dark Lord wants him for some reason, therefore He is going to get him, and as soon as we can get him here!” She stood.

“Thank you Colonel for bring this to my attention. I suggest that you update the Head Steward, he can then update our Master, although, unless I miss my guess, He is already fully aware of all our steps!” The last came with a wintery smile.

“Sir.” With that less than comforting thought, Colonel Horris saluted and turned to leave the spacious office. A sudden thought stopped him and he turned. “Sir, what about the First Councillor, should she be informed?” He asked.

The Marshal considered the question briefly then shook her head no. “This is a Legion matter. Since we have no idea why He has called for this officer, I see no reason to bring it up at this time. In any case, I am seeing the First Councillor tomorrow and will mention it then.”

“Sir.” The Colonel saluted again and left. On returning to his desk contact, was made to the Steward’s office at the palace.


Almost ready to leave, having approved the arrangements the Senior Administrator had made for the Black Guard, and now the last one in the main office, Ardent Nespot groaned as his comm unit gave its soft sound, however when he saw where the call was coming from, accepted it. “Nespot here, Colonel Horris.”

“As soon as we have located the officer requested by our Master, we will arrange the quickest transport we can to bring him here,” the Legion officer spoke without preamble. “We are working on it and the Marshal of the Legion has put the full force of her office behind this.” He explained who was handling all arrangements then took a breath. “I will most likely be able to tell you more tomorrow.”

“Well I don’t see the necessity to disturb the Dark Lord at this time, but please let me know whatever you have tomorrow. As soon as you can.” He paused. “Our Master said that he would speak to the Marshal tomorrow, I cannot tell you how or when but if I am informed, can I stay in touch with you?”

“Protocol is not my area, I am in operations. But yes, let me know and I can keep the Marshal informed, at least until this blows over.”

“Agreed, perhaps through my assistant, she was the one who got in touch with you at first. Her name is Nita De Posse.”

Remembering the gentle sound of the young woman’s voice, Horris was intrigued by the idea and agreed immediately. Unmarried, many Legion officers married later in life, yet still young by the Empire’s standards, he saw possibilities. Well, this may not be such a bad posting after all, he thought.


Scanning his desk, Horris gathered the few items he needed for the evening. This included his combat sword. Sixty-four centimeters in length, it was short and handy enough to use in confined quarters and did not have the kick back that projectile firing weapons had; it also had the benefit of being silent. Small hand held pulse or plasma projectors did not hold enough of a charge to be useful in combat situations, while heavier, shoulder mounted weapons did and were more useful, but they were also more destructive. So the sword held its place in combat.

Leaving his office and he walked to the main elevator. Meeting some officers he knew slightly along with he knew socially, he accepted an offer of a quiet drink at a secluded club where legion officers generally gathered. The events of the day were rehashed and mulled over. Horris’s part received full attention as his rushed trip to the Marshall’s office had not gone unnoticed. Brushing aside all speculation and attempts to have tidbits dropped, the final remark of the Marshal was still present in the back of his mind, yet he managed to convey the information that the Dark Lord was involved. Taking a late supper at the club he ate, but drank lightly in anticipation of more upheavals on the morrow, then left.


Across the parkland that separated them, the Dark Lord smiled, a thin smile, yet well pleased by the day’s work.

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