《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Part Four, Flames Flicker. Chapter Thirty Three.


It was high summer in Tihad, the administrative center of the Empire as well as the capital city of the planet, conveniently known as Tihab. Sweltering among the towers, even close to midnight, the people moved, silently giving thanks for any touch of cool air wafting from the many shops, restaurants and bars. One of these towers housed the high command of the Legion while another accommodated the offices of the High Council of the Empire. These two buildings bordered a very large park like area, hundreds of klicks square, in the centre of which stood the Imperial Palace, the home on Tihab of the Dark Lord.

The lights blazed in all three buildings; however, staff raced from desk to desk and meeting to meeting only in two of the towers. Outside the palace, security swept the park gardens and lined the perimeter. But in the palace itself, staff did not race anywhere, at any time. They walked, sometimes quickly, however, all were awake and on duty, especially the Head Steward in his office. He had the best reason to be on edge, the Dark Lord had returned unexpectedly along with several Ladies of The Circle, and the Head Steward was responsible for everything in the palace.

With some hesitation the Stewards administrative assistant entered. Nita De Posse a young woman in a world where the ages of people could be measured in centuries, sometimes found herself at a loss to deal with other staff. It did not help that she was also very attractive being slender, neat and trim.

“Yes?” The Steward did not look up.

“All the private rooms are cleared and space is available where necessary. The Room of the Ministers and the Hall of Hearing are both being checked at the present time. Security has secured the palace, all other buildings and the grounds.” She paused. “He has asked for you.”

Ardent Nespot looked up. “He did?”

Nita De Posse nodded.

“To you personally?”

“No, it was one of the Ladies. I don’t know which one.” She paused, “You better hurry. You never know what He can be like.”

Head Steward Ardent Nespot, a tall and rather thin man, stood and looked down his nose snapping, “You need not remind me of that!” Gathering himself he strode out through the office complex, towards the nest of rooms the Dark Lord used when in residence.


As he walked, he ruminated on the injustice of it all. He had only been appointed as Head Steward in the last year. The Dark Lord had been gone less than a year and had been then in a good mood, promising that he would not return for several years. “Keep the house in order!” He had said, even giving a very slight smile. But this return, it was not a happy one. Nespot had been present when the Dark Lord descended on the palace and descended was the correct description. The mood he was in was so dark, the Head Steward thought that there may have been a wild summer storm in the making. One look at the Ladies confirmed his impression. There was none of their legendry good cheer, flowing charisma or smiles. Indeed, they looked as somber as the sovereign himself.


As the Steward walked, he acknowledged the guards who now dotted the building. I will have to check all their schedules, he thought. This many are not required in the building, just enough to keep the public away.

Turning more corners, he entered the very private area which held the rooms considered the Dark Lords quarters. Arriving at the study, Ardent paused, unusually, there were no Ladies clustered outside. Gathering himself, he squared his shoulders and entered.

One of the Ladies, a new one to him, beautiful as they all were, was sitting by herself, legs crossed in a chair. Absently, he noticed that she had a strange and rare object in her hands, a book. She looked up and without speaking, gave him a small smile and beckoned him in. Pointing, she indicated that he was to go through to the next room, the Study, it was called. Bowing to the Lady, he noted that she was wearing pants and a loose top. This was rare enough to make him take a quick further look. She was wearing boots with heels and of a type he had never seen before! Quickly adverting his gaze, he continued on into the next room.

Entering the study, Head Steward Ardent Nespot, came to a stop, jaw falling open in shock which he swiftly covered. While he could not understand the language spoken, he could read the bodies and attitudes. One of the Ladies, who was standing in front of the chair He occupied and was clearly upset with the Dark Lord, was making herself clear on whatever point it was that she wanted to make.

Seeing the steward enter the Dark Lords eyes flicked over to Nespot. There was no smile on his face, but no obvious anger either, Nespot noted in relief. “Our good Head Steward is here,” He announced, “My thanks for coming so promptly.” A wave beckoned him in.

Standing, the Dark Lord moved forward. “Let us continue the debate at a more convenient time tomorrow,” He announced to the room. Slowly, some still talking, others giving each other looks that had no meaning to the Head Steward, the Ladies left the room. A couple gave Nespot smiles of encouragement.

Alone and under the Dark Lord’s steady regard, the Head Stewart felt an inner quaking. “How may I be of service, my Lord?” He ventured. Looking at the Dark Lord, he saw a man of medium height with a pleasant, rather nondescript face highlighted by blue-gray eyes that glowed at times. He was wearing his trademark dark clothes and an aura of danger seemed to ebb and flow around him.

“More will be joining us tomorrow and will need accommodation,” the Dark Lord explained.

“May I ask who and how many, Lord? The Ladies are all quartered on the floor above in the western wing. There is still room there.” The Steward was being very careful. The Dark Lord moved back to sit in his chair.


“No, not more Ladies. Four squads of Black Guards will be arriving tomorrow. That is twenty four total. They will need rooms in the front and, for part of their duties, they will augment the security detail. In addition, they will be involved in some ceremonial aspects of my stay. I will be assigning specific tasks for them to perform from time to time. If necessary, you will be advised in due time. Ready several more rooms adjacent to those, they will need them for personal use. They will also have other uses for them.”

“Other uses my Lord?” Ardent Nespot was uncertain what to make of all this very unwelcome news. Earlier in his tenure, before he was appointed Head Steward and when he actually had little to do directly with the Dark Lord, he had once expressed a desire to know more of the Dark Lord’s dealings on various matters. Now he was certain that having a closer association with the Dark Lord was not going to be at all easy. Just running the palace had been quite enough.

“Nothing for you to be concerned with. Mostly storage and administrative use. They will tell you what they need and when they need it.” The Dark Lord gave a smile of reassurance, although there was little good feeling apparent in it.

“Is that all my Lord?” The Head Stewart was starting to back away,

“No.” Ardent Nespot froze.

“Contact the Legion High Command. I wish to see Colonel Dennus of Hosta here as soon as possible. I will speak to Marshal of the Legion Nikki Du Massi tomorrow about this. Tell them that I am aware of his exact location and will brook no excuse.”

The Head Steward was totally unaware what was meant by the word ‘brook’, but felt that he could guess. “I will take care of all these matters at once, sire.” Again he paused. “Can I be of any further service?”

For a heart stopping moment he thought that the Dark Lord was going to say yes, but the Dark Lord only sat back down in his chair. “No, that will suffice for the moment. Thank you.” He waved his hand in dismissal.

Leaving the study, Ardent Nespot wondered what a ‘moment’ was. Absently he noted that the Lady sitting in the outer room was still reading the book. Then, to his horror and outrage, he saw that while she had removed her boots her feet were now resting on one of the end tables. Lazing back in the chair she moved her gaze from the book, looked him directly in the eyes, raising an eyebrow as she did so.

Stiffening in resolve, Ardent Nespot prepared to let his outrage out. As he opened his mouth he felt a hand on his shoulder and froze. There was only one entity to whom that hand could belong.

“Do not tease our good Steward, Lisa, his wrath at your treatment of the furniture is rightly placed, although you did at least remove your riding boots. Now tell him that you are sorry so he can go about his appointed task.” While there was amusement in the Dark Lords voice, his intent was clear.

Slowly Lady Lisa’s feet lifted, moved to the side and dropped to the floor.

“Happy?” Lady Lisa said, with a raised eyebrow

Still frozen, the Steward somehow nodded. As the hand on his shoulder lifted, he jerked, nodded again and marched out the door, back erect and head high. A peal of laughter had him scuttling down the corridor which was, thankfully, empty. Near to his office, guards and other staff goggled at the sight of the Steward half-running down the corridor.


It took half the time for Ardent Nespot to reach the administrative offices as it had to make the original journey. Waiting were Nita De Posse and Remi of Doscue, the Senior Administrator. Doscue was a planet located several galaxies away, so she was an unusual addition to the palace staff who were mostly born citizens of Tihab.

“I would ask if the meeting went well, but looking at you I wonder,” commented Remi. “You look as if a Bosca has invited you to dinner.” The Bosca was a central figure in a traditional myth on her home planet. They invited you to a meal of which you were the main course.

“That would have been easy to deal with compared to dealing with the Ladies. But we have work to do. We will have more guests.”

“More?” The Senior Administrator sounded unsurprised. “What now?”

“More guests in this case means more guests as I said,” he said with some asperity. “The Black Guard will arrive tomorrow. Twenty four of them. They are to be housed in the front, near the main entrance. They will also need offices and some other rooms for their use. Remi take the Head Usher, the Lead Housecleaner, the Head Painter and the Head Carpenter with you and see exactly what we need to do. Also, I have a message to deliver. Nita, get me the Legion High Command, the Marshalls office.” He smiled. “One good thing, I get to spoil someone else’s day.” He looked at his two most senior staff. “Go.”

Remi was used to disruptions and emergencies having served in the legion prior to her current occupation, so she took all this in stride. With a “As our Master requires.” Following Nita, she left, tapping on her comm unit as she did.

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