《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Thirty Two.


The prisoner’s bench was crowded with the five charged prisoners. As Judge Radmar Pollotic entered, the Accuser and the Repliers, one for each accused, all dressed in their formal robes, along with everyone else in the courtroom stood and bowed. Although the court hearing was open to the public, the only other people in the courtroom, besides the officials and family members, were the police involved and Inspector Nic ra Ptocto who had made the trip down to watch the proceeding in person. The patrolmen were all dressed in their best uniforms. None of Lewes’s colleagues had deigned to make the trip to support him. Ptocto could have watched it on a vid com transmission, but decided that he wanted to see this in person. Without showing it, he was getting worried. He had expected to hear from Sessi Dark gen Wattar before now, but there had been not a sign. Not a whisper.

“Master Judge,” the Accuser, Rennie Hanster began. “We will, with your permission and the agreement of the repliers, proceed with the cases from the minor ones to the most serious.”

Master Judge Radmar Pollotic was a mild looking man who could have been taken for a doctor or a Peace Giver, nodded. The accuser began with one of the two students who had witnessed the assault, but had not taken part in it. While this was proceeding, Lewes motioned over his replier with difficulty as he, along with the others, was manacled. He had tried to get in touch with the one he used in Lepus Mal, but none of his messages had been returned. As well, Lewes had unsuccessfully tried to get in touch with his employers.


“What is going on? When is my case to be heard?” Lewes demanded.

“Yours is to be heard last. I want to get a sense of what the judge is going to do and say.”

Lewes grunted, he didn’t like it and wanted his case to be over so he could get out of this hick town. He expected the fine to be large, but he could deal with that.


The judge’s initial decision had him snapping to attention. “So you witnessed a beating of visitors to our fair planet. Watched and did nothing but laugh. The recording was quite clear. You, the other student who watched as well, stand up with your friend.” At the urging of the guards and his replier, the now very scared young man stood. “I will deal with you both! What was the agreement?”

The tone was soft, but a undertone of disgust was clear. The patrolmen, watching along with the inspector and the other detectives, all exchanged glances. They had the distinct feeling that the judge was going to discard all the agreements made.


Ptocto had been introduced to Senior Patrolman Loci ion Dempster the previous night. Dempster, who was sitting behind him, reached forward and tapped him on the shoulder. In a very soft voice he said, “Remember what I said about this judge, he makes his own decisions.” Ptocto nodded, but made no reply.


“The agreement was a fine and corporal punishment to be delivered by the family.” The replier consulted his notes. “The fine was agreed at two thousand Konna.”

“A pittance! The fine is ten thousand and a whipping will be delivered in public. Ten strokes in the proper manner.” There was a hiss of breath being taken in even by the policemen. “Take them away.” The two students were immediately hustled out of the court, stunned by the ruling. The parents of both stood up to leave, but at a glare and a command of “Sit,” from the judge, they slumped back down.



‘What will this one do with Lewes?’ Thought Ptocto along with the others.


Recovering from his surprise, rarely did a judge dismiss an agreed punishment, the Accuser stood again to deal with the next accused. “Master Judge, the next accused …” That was as far as he got.

“Master Accuser, I have read the charges and note that the next two on the list have the same charges. Is that not so?”

With a sideways glance at the two repliers, both of whom were now standing, the accuser replied “Yes Master Judge.” The remaining two repliers were huddled together and whispering.


“I bet I could guess what they are whispering about,” Docci whispered to Ptocto. Behind them, Dempster grinned. He received an answering grin from Docci.


“Then appraise me with the next agreement for both of them. That is if you have one!” The Master Judge barked.

Taking a deep breath the accuser read out the agreement. This was rather more extensive. The two were each expelled from the university, suffered loss of status, were fined five thousand Konna and were to receive ten strokes of the whip.

Looking at the accused bench, Master Judge Radmar Pollotic gestured at them. “Stand up you two and stop cowering! I can’t stand that. You are supposed to be men of Ti Lepus and yet you commit this cowardly act!” He turned back to the accuser and the two repliers. “Again all the evidence is quite clear. I confirm the expulsion and loss of status. You are both also fined twenty thousand Konna each and will each receive thirty strokes of the whip in due manner, ten per session. Guards take them away." The two were lead away in a state of near collapse. Both of their parents sat shaking in the seats, not daring to leave.

“Now Accuser, the last student, what is his name? Yes, Olan ion Neeses. Let us review his charges. Hmmm.” The judge pored over the desk comm unit. “So this one actually lead the attack. He scouted out the area where the attack took place, and he took the lead in the assaults. That shows premeditation. Surveillance evidence has him meeting with the others for purposes of discussing the attack. That shows conspiracy. Do you agree?”

The accuser agreed and said so. The replier for Olan ion Neeses however raised an objection. “There is no voice recording of any conversations, Master Judge. I respectively submit that the conversations could be about anything. The so-called confessions of the others were coerced from them with threats and promises. As there is no direct evidence of conspiracy, so I ask that the last charge be dismissed.” Knowing the judge, the Replier kept his objection short and to the point.

“Accuser, any reply?”

“All statements were recorded and confirmed under lie detectors, Master Judge. This has been accepted as direct evidence in previous cases and by the Scrutineers as my friend, the replier well knows. Regarding charges of coercion or threats; they never happened and I dismiss them.” The accuser also kept his reply short. “I recommend that the charge of conspiracy be held proven.”

The judge leaned back in his chair and contemplated for a fraction of a period. Everyone in the courtroom held their breath. They all knew that the most serious charge was the conspiracy one.

Abruptly sitting forward, the judge gave his ruling, “I am with the Scrutineers and with previous case history. These precedents have been held for a long time, including by myself. The charges are held proven. Now have punishments been agreed? I see no such agreement provided.”



The replier slumped. Ptocto nodded. The case against Lewes was almost certain now. Almost, he reminded himself.


“There is no agreement Master Judge,” replied the accuser. “However, I do have a recommendation prepared if you wish to consider it.” He had been hastily up grading the terms from what he had already prepared while listening to the punishments being dealt out to the previous students.

“Pass it on up then,” the judge ordered. “I assume that the replier would also like a copy,” he said with a glint of amusement.

“Certainly, Master Judge.”

Viewing the recommendations, the Judge nodded. “Total loss of status; good. Expelled and banned from all schools of higher education; of course. Fined one hundred thousand Konna; again well and good. Public whipping; fifty strokes delivered ten per session as normal; done. Imprisoned for five years. Hmmm.” The judge stopped and looked up at the accuser. “No death penalty?”


The Detectives and the patrolmen exchanged glances. Tough though they were, none of them considered this a death penalty case.


“The youth of the accused, Master Judge. Also, this is a minor matter of assault,” the replier added his agreement with the accuser. In the box for the accused, Olan ion Neeses, was being held up by two guards. He was looking physically ill. All the parents were huddling, in shock from the harsh sentences.

“Stand up young man!” Snapped the judge. He looked down at the evidence before him then looked up again. “Very well, I will agree with you both in this case. Sentence and punishment confirmed with the addition that I order that the accused be held in a prison of strict detention.” Looking over at the young man, still being supported by the hands of the guards, the judge ordered him out.

“Now let us deal with the last accused. I trust that you are both acquainted with the charges?” The accuser and Lewes’ replier both acknowledged that they were.

“We have serious charges, Master Judge. There is conspiracy, both to commit an assault as well as to defraud the patrol by using false documents. The act of using false documents, using a false name, using an altered barcode to obtain false documents, using said documents to mislead government officials and last of all, counselling underage students to commit a crime.” The accuser took a deep breath. “Oh, there is one other charge, impersonating a court official, namely, a replier.”

“These are very serious charges, replier, does your client have anything to say? I read that he refused to make any statement to the patrol.”

“One fraction Master Judge, with your permission I will speak again to him.”

Moving to the accused box after receiving a nod of approval from the judge, the replier spoke in a soft voice, “I do not know what you have to say for yourself but you are in serious trouble, so please make your best attempt. And be brief.”

Realising the truth of the situation, and having no desire to die, Wiski Lewes stood and faced the Master Judge.

“Sir, I humbly acknowledge my faults, which have always been due to my love for my, I mean our, planet. This was an attempt to strike at those who disgrace us by colluding with outworlders who pollute the very ground that they walk on. My actions were, in all respects, in defence of our homeland.” With a bow, he sat down.

Master Judge Radmar Pollotic looked at the writer expressionlessly. “You mean to say that all this was to defend us against outworlders?” Ptocto shifted uneasily at the mention of outworlders by the judge.

Lewes stood again, “Yes Master Judge.”

“I see,” the judge commented softly. At this, the replier seemed to relax slightly. Docci and Ptocto exchanged uneasy glances.

The judge consulted the information before him again. “You have committed serious crimes, you say, to defend our planet? Lied to government officials, obtained and used false and misleading documents, impersonated a court official and conspired to commit an assault on visitors to our planet by corrupting our youth to commit serious crimes. And you justify this with assertions of love?” He stared at Lewes, “Do you believe yourself?” he shook his head, “I find the charges proven. All of them.”

Looking down at the accuser and the replier, the judge asked if they had any punishment agreed to recommend to him. “Or should I just go out on my own?”

“May I suggest, Master Judge,” the accuser replied, “a long period of imprisonment, with a large fine and loss of status, perhaps two hundred thousand Konna? Also a whipping, ten lashes a month for a full year.” The accuser bowed. The replier made no comment.

“Interesting, no death penalty?”

“These are minor offences for death, Master Judge.”

“Really?” Without waiting for a reply, the Judge looked at the replier. “No comments?” He asked.

The replier stood and bowed. “I agree with the Accuser and have no further recommendations to add to those of the learned accuser, sir.”

The judge sat back in his chair, holding his comm unit in his hand, regarding Wiski Lewes in silence. Ptocto held himself still, although he could feel the tension in the courtroom. The other officers also felt the tension, some sitting upright and some leaning forward in anticipation.

“Have the prisoner stand.” Master Judge Radmar Pollotic ordered abruptly.

“I find your behavior extraordinary, Mr. Lewes.” Lewes flushed at the implied insult, being of off-world usage ‘Mr.’ was considered a term of contempt. “You claim to be acting in a spirit of love for our world, yet you induce impressionable youth to act out a despicable crime. You will receive no less than they have and more.” The Judge paused. “On the lessor charge, of impersonating a replier, I sentence you to a term of imprisonment of one year.” He made a mark on his comm unit. “Now, to the more serious charges of using false documents to deceive a government official; as well as altering a bar code and obtaining false documents, and using a false name, all with intent to deceive government officials, I sentence you to ten years of detention. These two sentences are to be served in succession, one after another. I also confirm the recommended fine of two hundred thousand Konna. As well, you will have total loss of status.”

“I turn now to the final two charges, which I find the most heinous. That of conspiracy to commit a crime and the crime of counselling others, in this case; underage students, to commit a crime. The last is beyond belief to me and is unworthy of a man of Ti Lepus. On that charge, I sentence you to life imprison with one hundred lashes to be administered at the rate of twenty per month, ten per whipping session. All prison sentences are to be served in an institute of harsh detention. ” Lewes moaned.

The Judge made more notes onto his comm unit. “Now, the charge of conspiracy. The Scrutineers have reinstated the death penalty and included this crime in the list of those crimes for which the death penalty is to be applied. The reasons were not given and neither was any guidance. Therefore, I must decide on my own.”

By this time Lewes was sweating. Hoping against hope for another life sentence.

“It takes a certain type for one to persuade another to commit a crime while the one sits back out of danger. You Mr. Lewes along with the five conspirators discussed the crime to be committed, examined the area of the crime and executed the plan. The only part that you were physically not present at was the crime of assault itself. I have found you guilty of conspiracy due to the clear evidence presented before me and I see no reason why the sentence of death should not be imposed and I so do. Further, I order it to be performed in public.”

At this, Lewes gave a soft moan and collapsed in the prisoner’s box. The guards pulled him upright.

“In accordance with established procedure, the imposition of the sentence of death shall be delayed until it is confirmed by the High Court of Review. Should they deem it to be excessive, then I direct that there be an additional sentence of life in a prison of harsh detention be substituted.” Making final marks in his comm unit, Master Judge Radmar Pollotic waved at the guards, “Take him down.”


When she heard of the sentence, she had not bothered to follow the trial, Nikie di Frim just smiled, while, Kirkrup her husband, sat back and laughed.

“A drink to celebrate.” He said, passing to her; her favorite beverage, a foaming mug of local ale.

“So what is next?” She asked.

“We increase the pressure on the assembly with more demonstrations and acts of violence. Not us of course, but those of the underclass and service classes who are up for this. They make useful fuel.” His contempt showed clearly.

“We need to start training small groups of really reliable members of our group.” Nikie mused.

“Train them with what? And how many?”

“Weapons, whatever we can get. And just a few, for a special project.”

“For what purpose.” Smiled Kirkrup, thinking that he knew what his wife had in mind and liking the thought.

“For an act of violence that will set this planet on fire!” She hissed, her face ugly in its hatred. “She has probably forgotten all about me, but I will never forget or forgive her for her insults. Nor her act of betrayal when we were young. And her husband is associated with the empire too.”

Nikie smiled, a predator’s smile. Her husband laughed again.

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