《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Thirty


Gathering his team, Docci briefed them on their new assignment. They were all surprised at the assignment but pleased to get it. Working out of the main office, and investigating a major crime that will attract the attention of the Council of Ministers, had both its attractions and its dangers. The main attraction was the independence that they gained by being dispatched to this small town. This was dampened somewhat when they learned that Detective Jan ot Reppa was coming as Nic ra Ptocto’s representative. There were some sidelong glances between the members of the group, but as Reppa was generally liked, the other detectives did not complain.

With the extensive government controlled ground and air transportation net there was little difficulty in travelling to Welette. Once there, accommodation was secured and the local officers were contacted. Although unhappy, the District Supervisor promised full cooperation, agreeing that a personal call from the Chairman of the Council of Ministers was unnecessary. Docci quietly noted the hand of Inspector Nic ra Ptocto in this.

The team first viewed the location of the attack. All points of audio visual surveillance were noted. They then began to review all interrogations of witnesses, victims and the accused. Docci pulled together the local team of detectives and patrolmen to discuss the case.

“First we will get all surveillance data at the university and put together a timeline. I want you to go back over all data from at least a standard month ago and review them to see if and when any of the suspects and their ‘representative’ appear on the data. Understand? Use their implants and barcodes, they are automatically recorded.”

With a collective nod, the detectives went to work. Meanwhile the detectives of the team were going over all information collected before they arrived and identifying all weak points and noting where more information was needed.

“Do you want to interrogate any of the suspects or accused?” Docci was asked by one of the local investigators. A patrolman, older and more experienced, stood nearby. His face, expressionless.

“Not yet.” Docci replied, “I want a fuller picture before we pull them in. I want them to wonder what is going on. The longer they wait, the better.”

“What about Wiski Lewes?” The same local asked.

“He can wait as well, and don’t let him near any of the accused or suspects. If he says he wants to go to court, tell him we need the court date in advance. It is Rule 39114.c.4.j of the justice code. The Scrutineers upheld the rule nine years ago.”


The local detective gaped at Docci, who smiled. He had been involved in that court action many years prior as a young patrolman, but kept that information to himself. All Docci said was, “Study the Justice Code and learn it, not all of it, but the parts that you really need to know. The rest will come.”

Looking confused, the youngish detective wandered off, watched by Docci and the older uniformed patrolman who turned to the Deputy Inspector.

“Nicely done sir, if I may say so.” The patrolman gave an approving look. “Young he is and promoted just a bit too fast, in my opinion.”

Docci considered the veteran patrolman. He liked what he saw. “I may have work for you,” he said, “it will help put a danger to the planet into detention.”

“Nothing underhand, sir.” Came with a straight look.

“No, not that, I would not do that to any patrolman.” He smiled. “You may actually enjoy it!”

“When you need me, sir, I will be ready.” With a nod, the patrolman returned to his duties.

With a motion Docci called Jan ot Reppa over. “You are ready to give a report to the boss?”

“Soon, when I am finished here.”

“I would appreciate it if you would let me see it first. Not to edit or change it, but if there is a difference of opinion, I want to iron these out first. I don’t want our boss to get conflicting internal reports.” He looked at the younger man. “Understand?”

“Fair enough sir.”

Happy now that; that was settled, Docci set himself down to the process of learning everything about the principal accused. This took most of the first day as more information was gathered and collated. Additional day’s work with comm unit searches aided the process, especially when combined with implants and barcodes for all accused and Wiski Lewes.


“The Inspector will be very happy,” Docci commented to Jan ot Reppa three days later as they reviewed the collated information. “This lot will have a lot of explaining to do when confronted with the information we have gathered.” He smiled. “I am actually looking forward to meeting with our friend Lewes.” A soft chime interrupted them. They looked at each other as both comm units indicated an incoming call. The caller was Inspector Nic ra Ptocto.

“Sir,” Docci answered for both.

“Are you together?” The answer was in the affirmative. “Good, I have news for you. The Council of Ministers has met with The Scrutineers. The death penalty has been reinstated for all major crimes including conspiracy to commit a crime. This is in addition to crimes such as murder, treason, corruption and espionage. Also new is assault of a patrolman. I felt that you should know. The law is being back dated to the first quarter.”


There was a low whistle from the two policemen as they exchanged looks. Then Docci cleared his throat. “I feel that we have gathered enough information to warrant charges of conspiracy as well as assault of a person, sir. We have clear data evidence of meetings and then all of them, including Lewes, carrying out a prior examination of the location where the actual assault took place. In my opinion, it is an open and shut case. The local Accuser for the region agrees. We have yet to confront the accused and suspects. We are letting them stew.” All this brought a smile they could almost see on Ptocto’s face.

“And our friend, the writer?”

“He is here still. We have kept him under observation, but have not limited his freedom in any way. He knows nothing of this.” Docci paused. “I have spoken to a senior patrolman who I think we can trust. He will want to examine Lewes’s travel documents. I already know that they are not in order. Then we have the excuse we need to bring him in.”

“Good, I like it.” The inspector gave his approval.

Reppa spoke for the first time, “Do you really think that if we bring conspiracy charges, they will get the death penalty?” There was concern on his face and in his voice. “The assault was real, but the victim is out of medical care and wishes to return to his home planet as soon as possible. What is the status of the mode of execution, sir?”

It was with a grimace that Inspector Nic ra Ptocto answered, “Whatever they get is not up to us and I really have no idea what the courts will say. I don’t know. As to the death penalty itself, as you know, there are two options.” There were sober nods. The two options were a quick death by plasma or projectile rifle in private, or a slow drawn out death in public. The last involved hanging by the hands or feet and being first beaten, then eviscerated and left to slowly die. The options of private or public execution were at the pleasure of the court.

“We will start the interrogations today sir. I expect that some at least, when faced with the reality of their position will crack and want to bargain.’ Docci returned to the investigation at hand. “Any instructions on that sir?”

“No bargains for the prime accused or Lewes, but they don’t have to know that at the beginning. You know how to play it.”

“That I do sir. We will get started immediately.” With that, they disconnected.

Turning to Reppa, Docci ordered him to get the team together. Once assembled they were told the news. After the various whistles, comments and concerns were heard and allayed, the detectives discussed the accused and suspected students. Agreeing on a plan of action for the interrogations, the detectives went to work.

Two of the students were not actually in custody as they had not taken part in the actual assault. The patrol however had been keeping track of them and they were quickly apprehended.

The two students in custody, who did take part in the assault but were not the aggressor, quickly caved in during the interrogations. Learning about the new laws they protested their lack of knowledge of conspiracy, claiming that all the planning was undertaken by the first student and Wiski Lewes. The two who had not been held, when brought in for interrogation caved even quicker with similar results. All this was recorded under a lie detector and took a single day.

Olan ion Neeses proved to be tougher and more fanatical then the rest. A young man of medium height and build, he surly refused to answer any questions and even refusing to admit any involvement with Lewes. When placed under a lie detector, which recorded every false response, his position was to insist that the device was broken or programmed to give a response that the patrol wanted. When presented with the statements from his associates, he refused to even acknowledge them. And when informed of the new death penalty laws, he laughed.

“No court in Ti Lepus will ever convict me!” Was his final statement, two days after his interrogation began.

“Let’s get our writer in now!” Docci spoke with a certain grim satisfaction. The senior patrolman that Docci had earlier noted had already received his orders.

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