《Alpha Squad - Vecto: Vengeance》Episode 5.2


"Ah, Zendora." Leroy repeated the name as he folded his hands, peering through strands of his reddish hair. "Legend has it that those blue Asterites created that planet, as they did this one."

The mentioning of Asterites caught Streamline and Vecto's attention. They knew them well, and they even had a guard at their base who was one of them. Streamline leaned in closer to listen.

"It's a' said that a long time ago, they created that planet-and the Zendorians who live there," Leroy continued. "They modeled it after good ole Earth and made the people stronger, with Earth's history in d'ere minds. It wo'dn't take long before those Zendorians built castles, rode on horses, and made towns like Earth of old. They lived peaceful-the planet hidden from the outside world."

"What about Morphaal?" Vecto pressed on.

"Hold yer horses, boy. I'm get'n there," Leroy said. He noticed that everyone had finished eating, so he took his hat from his side and put it on. "Morphaal heard of the planet when the SS3 crashed their ship on that world."

"The one Sable, Azmeck, and Phantom were on," Vecto noted.

"Yep. Morphaal heard of its rich life. He wanted its energy. He wanted to get himself stronger. So he, too, crashed on that planet. It was a gold mine for him. Then he met a guy by the name of Nefarious, who lived on that world. He was his partner in crime, so to speak, as they tried to take over and rule Zendora."

"They both crashed?" Streamline asked.

"Likely shot down," Crysilis said. "And likely Morphaal intercepted a distress call from the SS3 ship before planetary entry."

Streamline stroked his rough facial hair and looked back at Leroy. "How do you know all this?"


Leroy looked at Vecto instead. "You're friend Phantom told me of this-when he was alive, of course-poor soul."

Vecto remained quiet and looked down at his plate, remembering the old founder and leader of the A.S., always wearing a cloak, hiding so much of his past from everyone.

"Anywho, Phantom and his gang-well, Blade as he was known then, took down Nefarious and hid and went aboard Morphaal's ship as it left that planet. Morphaal couldn't come back there, though, as he and Phantom lost its coordinates. So, eh, they went back to this here planet, Acaterra, where Phantom made the SS4 to fend off Morphaal from get'n his dirty hands on New Earth. I helped out here an' there and even fought Morphaal on this here turf."

"I bet Morphaal planted you into this garden of yours," Crysilis joked, knowing how powerful Morphaal was.

Leroy glanced at him through the corner of his eye. "Not quite, but I gave that son of a biscuit eater a run for his money."

"Biscuit eater?" Crysilis said to himself, shaking his head at Leroy's lame phrases.

"Back then, I had to go top Blue Blaze to fight him. He was powerful, having still had the energy he took from Zendora."

"Blue Blaze?" Streamline asked.

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