《The oddity that shall be, my new life》Chapter 2


"Possibility of being laid is strong in this place..." Psycho noted in his best cryptic voice when he heard that, which caused Zilnia's face to show a small blush with her eyes widening a little. Lyra looked at her with a questioning look seeing the blush. "So what's making you blush Zilny?" Lyra asked in a sly tone and a small smirk. Which caused me to look at her as well.


"I'm not going to voice what was said..." Was her simple answer with a stern undertone.

"I'll get it out of you eventually heheheh." Lyra said with a chuckle.

"So, William was it?" Hailix asked me which I turned my attention to her.

"Yeah?" I answered a little unsure of what she could want...

"Up for a tour of the ship? You know since you're going to be here for a while." She inquired with a smile, and stating a rather painfully obvious fact for me.

"She better not do the thing, to us on this 'tour'" Psycho said still unsure of these girls motives yet. "Wait...you mean ra-oh, Oh that thing...she tries that sort, book it dude." Vlad said. Duly noted. I replied back as the Lugia's song remix began to play.

"Uuuh...sure..." I said in a rather hesitant note. The Leavanny easily picked up the hesitance.

"Oh don't worry, i'm not going to do anything to you, not like Lyra and Nami would do." She said gesturing to the said two with a wry smile to them. "Hey! We're not that bad!" Nami said with a chuckle. "Comforting..." Vlad said at the comment.

"Will, you can trust Hailix. She's actually true to her word." Zilnia reassured with a comforting smile. I held a raised brow still not very convinced.

"The worst she'll do is hug ya!" I heard another girl holler from a fair distance away. "How bloody many are there for us to worry about??" Vlad questioned incredulous.

"She's not wrong, though slightly off." Hailix said with chuckle.

"How far is that "slightly" off?" Psycho wondered as he began to concoct situations.

"Psycho..." Vlad said in a stern tone knowing full well what Psycho would bring up.

"Sorry. "

"...You know what? Screw it, why not?" I said which Hailix smiled.

"Alright then. We'll check out the port side first and work our way from there." Hailix said in a cheery tone.

She's a little spritely. I thought as I followed suit a few moments later.

"I'll keep tabs on These two, so they don't jump you." Zilnia said which managed to reassure me a small degree. Danka.

I followed Hailix for a minute or two till she stopped at a door with a holo sign beside the door side "Recreation" She opened the door, to which we proceeded in. "This is the Rec room." Hailix said while holding out her arm gesturing to the room.

I then began analyzing the room before me. Spacious. Decent sized bar. Computer area I think? Then lounging area...holo screen for the tv most likely. Wait...are those consoles? Holy shit there gaming consoles. Even a pool table too, sweet. I thought intrigued by the area. "Nice set up of a rec room." I commented while doing a slight nod.

"Yeah, it took us a bit to get a few things on here." Hailix admitted.

"Plus, I didn't think to see anything gaming related here to be honest." I said intrigued at the thought of some of them being gamers.


"What? Didn't expect a few space faring pokemon girls not have a liking to playing video games for some entertainment?" She asked playfully with a smile.

"Grantedly, I didn't." I said with a small smirk.

"I kind of like her." Psycho said starting to take a liking to the Leavanny.

"Of course you do..." Vlad said with a minor sigh.

"Just wondering a bit. But how's your guy's PC's here?" I asked suddenly curious.

"Compared to what you humans have as your best gaming PC's?" She then chuckled. "Let's just say there godly as you would put it. Like having twenty tabs of Crysis one open on max settings." She said with a smirk, slightly bragging.

"Oh my sweet christ..." I said stunned with mouth slightly agape and eyes wide at that kind of gaming power.

"Holy sweet mother of fuck almighty! ...must...see...godly....graphical....POWWEEEEERRRRR...!" Psycho said with longing.


"I take it you're impressed?" Hailix asked with a smirk.

"Very..." I admitted. I wonder if they have steam... I wondered looking at the computers.

I then looked at the bar, It had two ten foot long shelves of different types of booze. Hm...Whipped vodka...Fireball...Jagermeister...coconut rum...oh some Captain morgan...huh, even some Kinky in there too...holy hell even some Jack daniels..they even have sake, well then. Wonder what the obviously more alien liqueurs are called. Wait, is that Heineken on the bottom shelf? Well then. Hey like some more of the human liqueur too.

"I take it some of you like your booze." I commented looking at the shelves of varied alcohols.

"Most of the crew does. Though I'm one of the few that don't drink any of it." Hailix said. She looked at me now with a bit of a questioning expression. "Do you drink at all?"

"As much as I'd like too, I can't because of both sides of my family, That being, one drink and instant addiction..." I explained with a very slight saddened tone as the song Firefly by Breaking Benjamin began it's round.

"Well that sucks" Hailix remarked to my explanation.

"What about you? Relative to what I said or voluntary?" I asked a little curious with a small smile.

"Voluntary." She said with a chuckle.

"Alight then."

Hailix stood there looking at the room for a moment longer before looking at me again. "Okay, to the next area." Hailix announced then began to walk out the door at which I followed.

We walked for few minutes till I saw a holo sign picturing a bowl of raman."Sweet! Cafeteria!" Psycho said happily.

Awesome, I was starting to get hungry actually. I thought as me and Hailix made it to the door.

"And now the canteen." Hailix said then outstretching a hand to the fairly large room in a sense of dramatics. "So shall we get something to eat?" She asked with a rather innocent smile.

I looked at back at her with a smile. "Sure. I was actually getting hungry."

We then walked in then up to the counter, I noticed the kitchen is kind of set up like a diner's including a large open window to see the cook work. Then I saw a Froslass with blue slightly spiky hair made of what I guessed as semi fluid ice and an obvious womanly figure, float in then look at me and Hailix with a raised brow then made a thoughtful look for a moment then presenting a small smile.


"Hey Callia." Hailix greeted casually with a smile.

"Hello Hailix." The Froslass called Callia said then looked at me with a little more cheerful smile. I noticed a small russian like accent from her. "So, this is the human you jarringly picked up?" Callia asked in a humorous tone. I furrowed my brows with a small irritated smirk.

"Yeaaaah...was not a fun experience getting lifted into the air from the bus and then being warped into a cargo room." I said a little dryly.

"I doubt it was. So, what are you called?" Callia asked vaguely gesturing to me with a large knife from something like a knife block.

"William. Call me William, Will, Or Wilhelm if you like." I stated rather casually.

"Alright Wilhelm. I suppose you and Hailix are waiting for me to cook something for the both of you while i'm here." Callia said with a friendly smirk.

"Yeah actually." Hailix said with a smile.

"Ditto." I replied in agreement.

Callia looked at Hailix. "The usual I take it?" She asked.

Hailix smiled. "Oh you know me so well." She said with a small gleeful note. Callia then looked at me. "And you?"

".......Surprise me?" I said after a few long moments rather uncertain on what to ask for, Callia grinned.

"Then I got something in mind just for you." Callia said in a rather sweet tone. She then began to work her magic. And now slightly worried...

As she worked, me and Hailix took a seat on the chairs by the counter to wait. "I wonder what that 'something' is..." Vlad questioned as I looked at the food being made for a moment before looking at Hailix. "You know Will. I want to know you a little better." She said with a curious look in her eye leaning on her elbow on the counter.

Oh god... I thought beginning to get dreadful to the way she said it.

"What are some things you like to do?" She asked with a small innocent tone to her voice.

I looked at her as I made a slightly surprised look in my eyes, then blinked a few times. I mentally sighed in relief. "Gaming, going to the range whenever I can. Mostly gaming though these days. With a bit on collecting weaponry. The odd trip to a friends house and the occasional involuntary outing." I said rather casually.

She smiled rather brightly. "Cool, now i'll have someone to finally co-op with." Hailix said with a note of mirth in her voice.

"Huh, didn't take her as a gamer." Psycho said surprised.

Nor did I really. Plus how the hell can she use the controllers and keyboards? I questioned not really seeing how she could use such, maybe the keyboards but that's it. Then the song Take this by Gemini Syndrome began playing.

"Modified or custom controllers possibly?"

Seems most plausible.

"Do you do any work?" She asked.

"No actually. Though there was some careers I was planning to go do...note the emphasis on was..." I explained.

"What made you stop pursuing them?"

I made a quiet sigh. "The process of getting to them..."

"Oh. Where the processes difficult?"

"For me? Oh hellacious..."


"Yeah, killed my minor confidence on trying on them."

"That sucks."

"Yeah......So, what do you do on here?" I inquired rather curious.

She smiled with a note of pride. "I'm the Navigator of the ship. A specialist at that."

I did a light nod with a slight thoughtful look. "Impressive." I commented.

"Thank you." She replied with a smile.

Just then Callia came up to the counter with our food. "Your Oren berry crepe." She said as she placed the plate in front of Hailix, which she grinned in pure joy. Callia then looked at me flashing a friendly smile while placing my plate in front of me. It looked like sweet and sour chicken, with a small side of egg rolls.

"Are...are those?" Psycho questioned, not really believing what he's seeing.

"They sure as hell look like sweet and sour chicken with egg rolls...I did not expect this at all..." Vlad said in just the same amount of disbelief as Psycho.

All in saying fuck it and try it?

"Aye." Me, Vlad and Psycho said in unison. Alright, unanimous vote.

I then picked up the fork that was beside the plate then in a small sum of hesitance, I took a piece that looked like sweet and sour chicken. then took a bite. I went bug eyed at the taste, I then chewed and swallowed. Then I looked at Callia with a wide eyed look.

"I would pay you if I could." I honestly complimented.

Callia looked at me with a grin. "Thank you." She replied happily.

"Looks like you have another person that loves your cooking." Hailix said with a light chuckle.

"Callia, you rivel my mother when it comes to cooking. And she's damn good. Though I think you might be beating her with this dish here." I said smiling and gesturing to the lovely concoction in front of me.

I swore I saw her blush. "Thanks." Callia said with sincerity. "I didn't expect you to be a charmer. Keep that up and i'll cook up anything you want."

Heheh, alrighty then. I chuckled in my mind at the statement. "In that case I might keep doing it every time I come back then." I said in a light joking manner. Stardust by Gemini Syndrome came up next. (I know my timing is horrible when looking through this again)

"You know, i'm starting to like having you aboard already." Callia commented with a friendly smile.

"I know right?" Hailix added cheerfully then took another bite of her crepe. "A lot nicer than some of the other humans i've met." Hailix said in a little more of a calmer demeanor.

"So...I'm not the only human that's been on this ship, huh?" I asked now rather curious.

"Your like..the second one ever to set foot on here. So um. Yeah, bit of a rarity here." Hailix explained calmly after taking another bite.

"Hm...intriguing." I noted with a somewhat thoughtful look as I ate. Then I bug eyed at the realization. "Wait, there's more out there?" I asked rather surprised

"Yeah, all abductees. We've seen them on other vessels, stations and a few colonies." Hailix said listing off some of the areas. I stared at her with surprise and shock.

"So, how was your life before we picked you up?" Callia asked rather curious. Ripping me from my shock.

Never thought to be asked that question... I thought rather surprised.

"Same here..." Vlad said nearly just as surprised as me.

It was a few moments before I answered. "Um.....kind of normal. Had to deal with the bullshit of high school. Practically constantly at home screwing about the net. Occasionally hanging out with my few friends. And with a note of boredom a lot of times with the rare depressive moments here and there." I explained rather casually and somewhat monotonous.

"Not very exciting." Callia noted.

"Yeah...not really much. Said excitement is rare for me. Though, over the years I've gotten good at entertaining myself..." I said with a note of somberness to my tone.

"Well, Will. I can tell you right now, your life's going to get interesting from here on!" Hailix said trying to cheer the note of sadness out. I smiled at the comment. Minutes later I finished eating the wonderful concoction Callia made.

I looked at Callia with a smile as she did some cleaning of the cookware. "Thank you for this wonderful concoction of yours!" I said happily. She turned her head to me showing a prideful smile.

"Same, thanks Callia." Hailix said cheerfully.

"You two are very welcome."

Hailix then looked at me with a smile. "So, shall we continue on our little tour then?" She asked with a small gleeful note in her voice.

She's really enjoying this, isn't she? I thought. "Hiho hiho to the next room we go." I replied with a note of cheerfulness

Hailix smiled even more. "That's the spirit!" She then swiveled around and got up from her seat. Oh cool, swivel chairs. I thought then did as she did swiveling around and getting up as the song The Middle by Johnny Eat World played.

"What is the next room?" I asked curious.

"I think you'll like this one a lot." She replied at which I raised a questioning brow.

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