《The Regrets of Time》A Different Council


The last thing I expected after explaining my situation to the Council was the tension in the room becoming so thick I could have easily cut through it with my Masters lightsaber.

Yeah, definitely didn't expect that.

Well, at least they were content at the moment to ignore Sin on my shoulder for the more immediate concern of a time traveling Padawan.

That was a small blessing at least.

"This is rather concerning." Master Mundi finally breaks the silence as he looks around the rest of the Council with concern. "Why did we not sense any of this?"

A barely noticeable frown tugged at Master Yoda's lips. "Blinded, we were. To not sense the arrival of the Padawan through the Force, very troubling, it is."

"The Dark Side has been getting stronger." Master Windu agreed grimly. "The arrival of a Time Traveler itself is unprecedented, but if the Dark Lord we've been searching for finds out about this, I'm certain it won't end well."

Master Fisto 'Hmm'ed in agreement before focusing on me. "Perhaps it would be best to keep her existence a secret for now. There are too many unknowns at the moment to ensure her safety."

"Suggest we hide the child away, do you?" Master Yoda asks with a raised brow.

"Yes. It would be wise to keep the only power that we know of to traverse time out of the hands of those who crave it. And more importantly, the Dark Side."

I shifted uncomfortably as they talked like I wasn't even there, earning a chuckle from Sin.

"Well It would certainly be safer, I would think." Master Kenobi agrees as he rubs his beard in thought. "Perhaps a planet on the Outer Rim? There are several missions being departed for in the next couple days. It wouldn't be suspicious if she accompanied one of the groups out."

"I agree." Master Shaak Ti speaks up softly to my left. "If she were to accompany a Master and their Padawan to such a low priority mission, she certainly wouldn't garner any unwanted attentions."

Master Yoda looked down in thought, a few moments of silence passing as he seemed to consider their suggestion.

"Hmm... buy us time to find a more permanent solution, it would." He looks over to Master Windu questioningly. "In agreement with Master Kenobi and Shaak Ti, are you?"

Master Windu leaned forward with a small frown at the question, clearly going to take his time to think about the matter before coming to a decision.

Sin nudging me mentally as we waited however drew my attention to him.

'I must say Calese, I'm quite surprised they haven't asked you for your opinion on the matter. You should certainly have a say in what happens since it effects you the most, don't you think?'

He says it all rather nonchalantly, only traces of amusement and genuine curiousity slipping through our bond showing his true feelings on the matter.

I glance at Sin with a small frown before focusing forward again.

''The Masters are Masters because they are wiser than most, Sin. It would not be my place as a Padawan to question weather their judgement is sound." I sigh mentally, not wanting to get distracted by him as he started flicking my neck with his tail. "Besides, we are guests here. And guests to their timeline as well.''

'...So?' The same nonchalant tone asked with a quirked brow, traces of boredom now showing through instead.


"So, we at least need to express some common courtesy towards them. That's what being a guest means.'' I said the last part with irritation, the tail flicking starting to annoy me quickly.

Sensing my emotions clearly through our newly strengthened bond Sin chuckled at my annoyance. 'Ah, of course. Whatever you say Calese, whatever you say.'

He was clearly amused by my words and didn't take any of it seriously, but he stopped flicking me with his tail, so that was a small victory at least.

Oblivious to our inner conversation Master Windu finally clasped his hands in front of himself, drawing my attention back to him as his mind was clearly made up.

"I agree." He says. "It is necessary until we can insure her safety. All in favor?"

When the rest of the council voiced their agreements over the matter he nods and leaned back into his seat, the matter clearly settled.

"Very well, it is decided then. The Padawan will stay hidden among one of the groups heading for the Outer Rim planets until we either have need to call her back ourselves or find something in the library Archive to be of assistance in sending her back to her own time."

I exhaled with relief as the tension left my shoulders, glad to finally be done with the meeting.


I mentally groaned. Now what?

Hesitantly I followed everyones gaze as they looked to Master Shaak Ti.

"Before we dismiss the child, what of the other matter?" She asks, voice stern.

When she looked to Sin after saying this, I couldn't help the feeling of dread that overtook my relief.

"It's clear that the creature the Padawan has brought before us is of the Dark Side. Heavily so." She looks to the other Council members with calm certainty. "With so much Darkness within it we cannot allow it to stay in the presence of the Padawan. It could start influencing her actions with its mindless emotions, if it hasn't already."

Wait... Seriously?

Did she just call Sin mindless?

But more importantly...

-'They'll try to separate us'- The memory of Sins words echoed through my mind as my eyes widened in realization.

...Surely they didn't all feel that way. Especially after I explained how Sin had bought me enough time to Jump to safety last time.

Saved me, even.

Master Shaak Ti clearly felt that way, even after what I just told them, but surely-

My rushing thoughts were interrupted as Master Windu nodded.

"I agree."

My eyes widen in shock as he looks to Master Yoda.

"We should put it in a Force cell as soon as possible to prevent it from influencing her and the other Padawans."

Disbelief was sharp on my face as Master Yoda nodded in agreement as well, clearly feeling the same.

...The heck?

'Told you, little Calese.'

Sins sudden words and chuckle pulls me from my shock.

He seemed amused by the situation, even after hearing them say they were going to lock him up.

I didn't want to admit it, but...

He was actually right.

They had decided to separate us, even knowing he had saved me before.

But even so, I wasn't going to just stand there and let them take him either.

I... I needed him, as much as it loathed me to admit it.

My life was literally on the line, I couldn't just stand by and let them do what they wanted on the matter, could I?

No. Not this time I couldn't.



My voice carried through the room before I realized that I had even spoken, interrupting their discussion over Sin as they looked to me with varying degrees of surprise.

Clearly not used to being interrupted.

I swallowed the anxiety that tried to swell under their gazes and pushed forward, clasping my hands behind my back with confidence that I didn't feel.

"I'm sorry for the interruption, but the matter at hand isn't up for discussion. He'll be staying with me wherever I may go, whether in this timeline or the next. I can not let you take him from me." My body unconsciously tensed defensively at the end.

Surprise echoed throughout the Force from the other occupants in the room at my omission.

After several tense minutes a throat clearing to my left drew my attention.

"Padawan..." Master Kenobi seemed to be speaking for all of them as he leaned forward and clasped his hands together wearily. "You seem awfully defensive of something that is sure to hurt you in the end. What exactly aren't you telling us?"

Now it was my turn to glance around wearily, unable to meet their gazes fully as my shoulders tightened even more with tension.

I guess... this was it then.

I had to tell them now.

I had hoped to leave it out honestly, but... it wasn't possible. Not now, anyway.

A familiar chuckle sounded through my mind at my sudden hesitance.

'Go ahead Calese, tell them of our special bond.' Sins voice was smooth and laced with honey as his tail wrapped around my throat easily, his grin slowly stretching to show a mouth full of fangs.

He was clearly enjoying every moment of this.

Taking a breath to brace myself I reluctantly released as much tension as I could into the Force and focused on the Council as they shared a look, a moment of silence passing as they waited.

"I'm..." I shifted slightly with unease as I began. "I'm currently... relying on his power, to hold my Force energy together. The last Jump tore my mental defenses with the effort it took, so without him to buffer the Force for me, my mind would be... well, it wouldn't be pretty. At all."

Several more minutes of tense silence passed before Sin suddenly snorted loudly with amusement through our bond, making me jump.

'Well, at least you're being honest about it Calese. They should appreciate that.' He sent a fanged grin my way. 'You know, being Jedi and all.'

I refused to look at him.

"You have a mental bond with this creature?" Master Windu's question was monotone, only a slight narrowing of his eyes showing how much he disliked my words.


Master Yoda's brow furrowed as he frowned, but it was Master Kenobi who spoke up first.

"Such a bond is dangerous, Padawan." Worry was thick in his voice. "This creature is born of the Dark Side."

"I am well aware, Master." I say respectively as my hands clasped together tighter to hide the nervous twitching, even though my voice held firm under the scrutiny as I continued.

"However, It is my responsibility to watch over him, as it is I who brought him to your time. I do apologize, but I

cannot let our paths be separated now. Dark Sider or not."

Shock was thick in the air this time.

'Aww, you do care.' Sin suddenly cooed playfully from his perch, shifting closer teasingly. 'Why, I feel positively tickled inside, my dear Calese. Your words are truly heartfelt.'

This time I couldnt help the instinctive twitch in response. Though I managed to keep my expression the same as I struggled to stay focused on the Council.

"Hmm... Willing to argue with the Council for him, you are?" Yoda asks calmly, showing none of the troubled looks most of the others were expressing.

I nodded firmly.

Much to the displeasure of the Council, I could tell, as they all shared another look at this.

But no matter how guilty or horror stricken I felt for refusing the Council's wishes, I was not letting him go to the prison underneath the Temple.

If he went down there, our connection would be severed. Leaving my mind open once more to be flooded with the Force.

And I couldn't believe I was borrowing words from Sin again, but to Hells with that.

I didn't want to die, so it seemed only logical for my survival to step up on the matter.

...Even so...

What the heck was I doing?

I could just picture the look of sadness on my Masters' face as I defied the Council as clearly as if she was standing right in front of me.

My breath caught as my emotions turned into a buzzing in my mind. I felt confused, but... I had to do this. Had to... stay focused.


The Council was saying something to each other, but I was too distracted trying to sort the sudden surge of emotions out to hear clearly.

Sensing this Sin nudged me mentally, pulling me from my troubled thoughts.

'Focus Calese. They have decided a new verdict thanks to that stubbornness of yours.' I could feel him grin. 'Wouldn't want to miss the little show, now would we?'

Nodding a little I focused on Master Yoda just as he turned to meet my gaze.

"Come to a decision, we have."

"You can keep the creature with you, we will permit it." Master Windu took over smoothly, pulling my attention to him as Sin snorted at the 'permission' part.

"But you will keep him away from the younger Padawans. His energy alone would influence the unprepared minds of the children training here." I frowned as he continued. "We just hope you are aware that if anything happens because of that creature then we expect you to take full responsibility."

"That's... fair. Thank you for the kindness Masters'. I appreciate it."

I give a stiff nod in thanks, earning more looks of displeasure for the disrespect of not bowing as Sin laughed, enjoying every moment of it.

Seeing that I was still distressed over the matter however they reluctantly let it go for the moment, giving a firm dismissal instead as they wished to discuss the matter further in private.

'Not a moment too soon if you ask me.' Sin snorted in his own dismissal as we turned to leave.

As we followed our assigned "guide" out and started heading towards the infirmary so that I may -hopefully- be able to speed up the healing process for my mental shields, I finally let out the huff of anger that I'd been holding.

"I cant believe I'm saying this... but... I'm actually in agreement with you on that one."

I felt Sins chest rumble in response, a mix between a purr and a chuckle as he leaned closer.

It was very obvious now.

Things in this timeline were certainly different from mine.

The Council especially.

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