《The Regrets of Time》Risen Opportunity



Sin shouts, already jumping up and reaching towards the girl as Calese falls over, feeling her consciousness rapidly fading from their bond.

Even in the dark he could see her paling complexion and rapid breathing as he put his clawed hand to her forehead in slight worry.

Bloody Hells!

Why did she have to make things so hard for him?!

With a growl he closes his eyes and focuses on her mind, hoping for a hint as to why she had just collapsed.

'What in the blazes was wrong with her?' He thought to himself with annoyance, feeing more concern seep in over her suddenly degrading health.

'But why wouldn't I be?' He thought stubbornly.

He's invested a lot in this girl already, he certainly couldn't let a planned investment this grand go to waste without even trying to save it.

Seriously, that would just be absurd.

Sin's thoughts were interrupted as he sensed something move slightly through their bond.

Yet the sensation felt wrong to him, making him study her mind closer within the Force as he tried to locate where it had originated from.

He drifts further into her mind, coaxing her energy towards him as it seemed to want to retreat from the bond.

To retreat from him.

'Like I'd allow that...' He thought as he observed the behavior, amused by the effort.

'Wait... is that...,' He slowly shifted his concentration as he notices something strange. 'It couldn't be... this sensation...'

Yet he had no time to doubt it as the Force suddenly shifted drastically within Calese's mind, gaining his attention quickly as he rushed towards the disturbance within her.


Sin frowned as he studied it closer.

'The Force, it was-...'

Sin could still feel the doubt wanting to say how absurd that possibility was, but as he continued to feel around and her Force energy got weaker, it was confirmed for him.

'Tsk. She's losing her Force energy...' His brow knits in concentration and worry. '...Her life even, if it continues at such a drastic rate...' He says, deep in thought about the sudden changes within her.

It was certainly a concerning development.

But why was it happening?

Was it a drawback from her Jumping so soon again?

Or perhaps... from his channeling the Dark Side through her in such a quantity as he did?

'Suppose normally channeling the Dark Side wouldn't have been such a big problem...' He mused a little in dark amusement.

Yes, perhaps not normally, but with a direct line to the Dark Side from him?

And to a Jedi-in-training, none the less?

Well, he certainly wasn't the Dark Side's physical form for nothing.

As weird as it sounded, he was pure.

Purely Dark Side.

The Sith's measly connection to the Dark was nothing compared to him.

He WAS the Force.

To be connected to the Dark Side through him was to be connected to pure power itself.


That had to be why.

Both played a part, he was sure of it now.

The wounded Force within her confirmed this.

But now he knew what to do to help her.

Focusing, he delved deeper into her mind, sitting in silence as he pooled the Dark Side into him like a giant coiled serpent, hissing and waiting to be unleashed.

To cause devastation.

But it wouldn't be destroying anything this time.

Sins eyes flashed open as the serpent of Dark energy surged forward through their bond at his command, the red orbs of his eyes glowing a brighter red as it entered Calese's mind and wrapped itself protectively around her.



He could feel her at its center.

A strong Light cacooned by the Dark. By HIS Dark.

He smirked at this, feeling that he could take advantage of such a situation.

Oh yes, it would keep her Force energy from seeping out of her, but while it did that, it would also insure their bond to be much stronger.

Oh he had plans alright.

Plans of great potential for her.


But for now, one thing was more concerning to their current situation.

'Where in the Hells did they end up this time?' He thought wearily as he lowered his hand away from Calese and started looking around at the lake-side beach they had landed on, trying to find some clues about the situation.

Yet he saw nothing more around them for all he looked.

In fact, there was nothing but the large lake and flowing grasslands as far as the eye could see.

Only the moon lite up the night, no artificial lights from any towns could be seen.

'Please tell me we didn't land on an uninhabited planet...' Sin thought as he groaned and face-palmed.

If they did then they would be stranded until they could figure a way off.

Unless they Jump again.

But that didn't seem very wise at the moment.

'Well, suppose I could always go check...' He mused slowly. 'But there's really no point of that, is there?' He thinks as a grin begins to form, amused at the thought of watching Calese run around for answers again.

That would always make this journey more entertaining.' He thought with a chuckle as he stood and stretched his small form like a loth-cats', getting ready to lay down and relax as he waited for Calese to awake.

But he suddenly hesitated as an idea came to him.

'Ah... such information Calese would feel most grateful for, wouldn't she?' He thought with a bit of growing excitement, enjoying that such an opportunity was revealing itself.

Yes... she was very bound by her feelings of fairness after all...

He grinned and stood, everything already decided in his mind.

'Hmm, for her to owe me a favor would be...' He chuckled as he cloaked Calese in the Dark Side, hiding her from view as he began walking away 'Yes... I shall gain some information in her place. I am sure she'd be most grateful.'

He laughs darkly as he steps into the tall grass, disappearing into the shadows in an instant.

After dissolving into the shadows themselves, It didn't take long for Sin to find a sign of sentient lifeforms.

Sensing the glow of artificial light chasing back the shadows of the night would've been a peculiar sensation to most, but he was used to the discomfort as he Shifted as fast as he could to the location of the lights.

Those Sith and Jedi who were clearly lesser than him, called their similar abilities 'Force speed' and so on.

But honestly, that was one of many reasons why they were lesser in his opinion.

Its true form was called Shifting.

And with it, you could go anywhere on an entire planet, and no one would be able to stop you.

With it, you became one with the shadows.

Where there were shadows, you could also be, simply by traveling through it, and forming out of it.

Doing this now he formed within an alley in the large city with a chuckle that echoed ominously, darkening the area around him drastically as he detached from the shadows themselves, his dark and formless shape taking on the small physical form he had developed for Calese's sake once more.


Honestly, he was getting used to this smaller version of himself.

'It certainly has its advantages...' Sin thought with amusement.

Shaking a few stray strands of shadows off he looked around him, jumping onto a nearby crate by the alleys entrance, rather curious about where they were.

Ah, this was much better.

From his position on an elevated part of the city he could now see that he was in a place of great architectural beauty.

Gardens and fountains lit up with warm and inviting lights were everywhere in the main part of the city below, reminding Sin of a city that could inspire hope within the people living there.

Hmm... Definitely not my preference,' He thought, bemused. 'But certainly better for Calese.'

He glances around, studing the area some more. 'She should be most pleased by this environment.' He mused with a tail flick of approval. 'And if she was pleased by what I found, she will definitely feel more generous about doing a favor for me later...'

Now that would make everything quite worth it, he was most certain of that.

Approaching laughter quickly distracted Sin from his personal musings though, and he glanced to the sound in mild curiousity.

As he studied the group of people approaching he watched as another opportunity began forming before him, giving him a chance to gather information much quicker.

His eyes glowed hungrily as he barely contained a smirk, remained still and watched them as they walked, laughing happily as they talked.

What a perfect opportunity...

Hmm, maybe Calese's luck was starting to rub off for him.

He chuckled at the thought before focusing on the group.

Stretching out with his mind Sin could feel the emotions within the minds of the humans before him, and everyone else's within the city as well.

There was barely any fear here.

No darkness upon the peoples minds.

Just hope, and... Light.

'Already better than the last planet...' Sin thought sarcastically as he jumped down quietly into the walkway, turning to follow the group as they passed, unaware that Sin was even there.

'How expected of the worthless... Well then, lets see if they can be oblivious to this as well.' Sin thought with amusement as his mind surged forward into theirs, knocking aside their measly subconscious attempts of mental blocks with ease.

The laughing group immediately silenced, an eerie stillness suddenly taking hold as they stopped in their tracks.

Almost seeming to be waiting for something.

With a fanged smirk Sin walked over and stopped behind them, sitting down casually as they turned as one to face him, their eyes holding confusion.

'Good...' Sin narrows his eyes in contempt, glowing a deeper red as he enveloped their minds entirely. As he consumed them.

Without a word, their minds gave over to his completely, their eyes turning solid black as they were unable to fight against the Dark Side.

Sin laughed darkly into the night at this, relishing the chance given to him.

'Ah, how good it felt to be out among the worlds again!' He thought with fiendish delight.

Oh yes, he did rather enjoyed consuming others, rather literally, as he found snipping out the Light of life within ones mind and body was exquisite.

When he had first started consuming things his Father had found out about his little... hobby, as well. And, being the annoying bastard he was, quickly stepped in and prevented him from consuming anyone else while he was around.

But his Father wasn't here to stop him now.

He could consume them all if he wanted to, and oh, was he going to.

Sin's dark urges suddenly pulled back as he remembered who he was here for.

Ah yes, first, he needed answers from these people.

He chuckles at how much he had gotten distracted.

'Yes, Calese needs information... I suppose I should really focus on that for the moment.' He mused to himself with predatory anticipation. 'Hmm... I'll just consume them afterwards...' His tail flicks with the rippling amusement and anticipation he felt at that thought.

'Now, good Samaritan's, if I could have your attention,' He begins talking within their minds pleasantly. 'I need you to tell me everything you know.'

They simply stood in silence, not saying a word or moving at all as everything they knew appeared within memories in their minds at once at his silent command, instantly traveling into Sin's mind and revealing the present timeline and all its strangeness to him within moments.

Ah... So we popped up during another war, did we? Oh how pleasant, this would certainly keep him entertained then.

With a pleased hum he pulled away from the minds of the people before him, only leaving a small part connected in order to keep them still.

To keep them quiet.

'Ah yes, that will do quite nicely. Thank you for your services ladies and gentlemen, but, I'm afraid I have to leave you now.' Sin says cheerily, knowing he was to enjoy what was to come next.

As he tilted an imaginary hat their way good naturedly, Lights nearby burst with flashes before being swallowed by the shadows, the Dark Side within him surging forward with a physical form that looked like jet black smoke, rushing past Sin as it wrapped around the people before him, swallowing their silent screams forever as satisfaction filled Sin.

Yes... they would satisfy his renewed appetites.

For now, at least.

As his Darkness pulled back into him the lights nearby came back on and revealed the newly emptied sidewalk.

After licking his lips and stretching like a cat rather leisurely, Sin simply stood and walked away, a purpose now clear in his mind from the information he had gathered.

'Now I know what I must do for Calese...' He thought as he did one of his fanged grins, feeling quite generous.

He was going to do a little more for her than initially planned, but it was no matter.

He hadn't felt this good in a long time, and it was all possible because of her.

'Hmm, she should be most grateful indeed. I am being quite generous today, after all.' He mused, enjoying the feeling for once.

A dark chuckle seemed to follow him through the shadows as he made his way to the Palace that dominated most of the sky before him.

Oh, what fun was to be had...

And all for his little Calese.

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