《The Regrets of Time》AUTHORS NOTE!! ~Explaining the Time Travel process~


So after what happened in the last chapters, I realized it may have not been too clear on what was happening to some people, so I decided to give ya'll a little briefing on how (In my mind) her time traveling effects not only the timelines but those around her as well while she Jumps.

I'll be putting it in a simple question/answer format, so here we go. :)






So What Happens When Calese Jumps Through Time?

Well, when Calese makes a Jump (especially in the beginning of her journey when she barely has control over her Jumping), she makes a tear between one point of time and another.

Potentially highly dangerous as she could cause it to collapse and devastate both points in time, but the Force within her holds it in stasis to prevent any collapse.

Which is why she must command both sides to make a successful Jump.

It does allow energy from one point of time to flow to the other though. So if she Jumped backwards in time from the future then that rip will allow the Force from the past to merge with the Force in her current 'present', thus making the Light or Dark Side on her side of time potentially stronger with each Jump, potentially un-stabilizing the once balanced Force.

That's why the Emperor sensed the Light Side change when she left.

He could feel the Light Side being rejuvenated and becoming 'younger' in a sense.

She brought 'Hope' back into it and the galaxy as a whole.

So in a way, she involuntarily encouraged the rebellion to steal the plans to the Death Star (the Emperors most secretive battle station mentioned previously) and bring about the discovery of Luke and the Emperors demise by restoring some of the Light Side when she left Tattoine.


It could have went vice versa as well though, as she is currently unaware of how she's changing things.

Why Did Darth Vader Act Differently as he got closer to Calese on Tattoine?

As stated above, she can connect one point of time with another.

So if she went to a point in time where Vader wasn't 'Vader' yet, he would start feeling the emotions from his younger self, as a small part of himself tries to become his 'past' in a way.

Time Travel can be weird that way. :3

Why does Darth Vader seem so Intent on finding Calese and turning Her?

Well I can't reveal too much, since it might give an open spoiler about future chapters.

But what I can tell you is that there is a reason beyond what is apparent on the surface.

Vader himself is in for quite the discovery of his own forgotten past, and in my mind, everything is connected with Calese's original story and will tie together with the Canon and non-canon universe of star wars quite nicely. ;)

Which that may be a spoiler on its own... sorry... x3

Well he normally would have, but Calese caused such a disturbance with the Force there that she unintentionally shrouding Luke's signature in the Force, even long after she left.

To Vader, who was called by the Emperor and made to leave immediately after she Jumped, there was nothing of interest left on that planet.

He only sensed Calese's residue Force energy.





Okie-dokie, that covers some of it, if ya'll have any other questions about certain things in the story in order to understand it better, please feel free to ask. I don't mind questions. ^_^

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