《The Regrets of Time》The Unknown


The Son screamed in fury through the Dark Side of the force as he felt his Father's Chosen One already fly through time, enraged that he couldn't directly interfere with her without his Father stopping him.

The Daughter felt disappointed as well, but hid her feelings from the Force, leaving the Light Side calm and peaceful in her presence.

Yet as The Son raged, an idea came too him. He smiled and laughed darkly at the thought.

If he couldn't directly interfere, then he would just have to indirectly influence her to his side in a way his Father wouldn't be watching for.

His laughter echoed through the Dark Side as The Son took off through the stream of time, following the girl.

Unknown to him, The Daughter had the same idea, and she too followed the girl through time.

Suddenly a blackhole popped into existence in what appeared to be a small storage room, wind whipping around as I came stumbling out.

My Masters saber launched into one of the crates in front of me as well as my head slammed into a different one, causing a couple more to fall down around me as I gave a small curse from the pain and slumped into the floor.

Looked around dumbfounded I blinked at the scene before me as the blackhole disappeared behind me, more than a little confused as the spike of fear surged once more.

Was I in one of the storage rooms of the Temple?

How did I even get here?

Was it some sort of Force teleportation?

My mind was battling itself with what I was told possible by my Master, and what I had just witnessed.

Speaking of....

My heart clenched a little as I realized my Master wasn't pulled through the strange blackhole with me, even though it appeared to have pulled her in from the other side.

Surprisingly my Masters saber was pulled through with me though, and I quickly grabbed it and clipped it onto my belt in relief.

All of this brought up worrying questions for me though.

Did that mean I was the only one truly effected? I was.... alone....?

I bit back the whimper at the thought of being alone without my Master as I took a calming breath, forcing my emotions into the Force so I could try to focus.

I needed to figure out where I was first, I could settle through my emotions later.

Just like Master taught me. I can do this.

As I sat there quietly rubbing my now aching forehead I studied my surroundings more closely.

I could feel a vibration traveling through the floor and up into my hand, a faint clanging sound could be heard every once in a while as well.

So... I was on a ship?

One traveling through hyperspace, from the feel of it.

How in the blazes had the Force decided that this would be a safe place to deposit me?


'It could've just dropped me wherever the Council had re-located too... and maybe Master...'

I didn't finish the thought, anger trickling in despite my best efforts.

What was wrong with me? I felt so... furious suddenly.

Why wasn't I so afraid anymore...? Just... angry?

Whatever the reason, I had to calm down first, I needed to focus.

My Master was dead, and so was the Sith spit who killed her. There was nothing I could do to change that.

I had to.... accept it.

I clenched my fists in front of me, battling the waves of emotions from that simple thought.

I had to focus right now and find the Council.

If anyone could tell me what was going on, it would surely be them.

Closing my eyes I recite the Jedi mantra, my mind and body calming themselves as the words echoed through the room.

"There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force."

Feeling as if my Master was with me now more than ever, I took a shaky breath and stood, opening the crate I crashed into with a hiss of sound.

I was calm now, I had a purpose.

I needed to find out where I was.

After the first one I looked through all of the crates for some clue, only finding clothes within them and a number outside each of them, only hinting as to their ending destination. I frowned a little at this.

These numbers weren't familiar at all.

Honestly I needed guidance from the Force, but I didn't want it to freak out on me again like it did on Alderaan, so I hesitated to reach out towards it.

I only needed it to give me some sort of clue though, I wasn't calling on it to fight, so I was hoping it would act normal for me again.

Slowly I reached out.

The Force gently nudged me back.

I smiled.

Thank goodness, it was back to normal. Although... I frowned a little as I rolled it gently in my mind. Something didn't feel right. It felt different, but not in an alarming way, just... Older, somehow. I also got the feeling like I was the only light for hundreds of miles in a sea of darkness.

There was too much of the Dark Side here, wherever I was. This was greatly troubling to find out.

....Did I get sent into the Empires' territory....?

I didn't know it felt that way in the parts of the galaxy that they controlled....

Suddenly feeling the need to hide myself in any way possible, I grabbed a black cloak out of one of the crates. After what happened on Alderaan I felt uncomfortable putting on this black cloak, like I was betraying my Master, but since I didn't I didn't have my mine or see a brown one in any of the crates earlier it would have to do.


Heading to the door I hesitated a bit, but the Force gently nudged me, telling me wherever I was about to enter on the other side of this door was clear of immediate threats, so with a look of determination I hit the door panel. It opened with a hissing whoosh, surprising me a little as an empty hallway was revealed.

I could hear some laughter and music echoing down the hallway towards me, making me think this ship was some sort of passenger and supply transport. Biting my lip nerviously I pulled my hood up and made my way to the sounds.

If there were people here, then I probably wouldn't stand out that much, and I could finally get some much needed information from someone.

At least that's what I thought.

Turns out I was right.

I somehow ended up on a passenger and supply ship that was currently in hyperspace, and the room I managed to find myself in after leaving the supply room was a gathering hall of sorts.

A cantina, according to the people around me.

I sat in one of the shadowed corner booths there, a wall of Force energy around me to keep people from coming and looking this way as I looked out into the crowd in shocked numbness, trying to process the information I had managed to gather so far.

A lot of people thought I was just joking around when I asked where I was and where the ship was headed, and wouldn't answer besides to laugh at first, so I reluctantly used what some people called 'Jedi mind tricks' on them to get answers.

And that's when it got interesting.

Oh, I found out the truth alright, I could feel it through the Force as they spoke.

But I appearently phrased my questions rather loosily though, given, this was my first field test and I was very nervous, but that didn't stop them from telling more than I had originally asked.

Some of it was useful, others out right disgusting to the point I told them to forget even meeting me and left to find someone else then and there.

It was shocking to hear the stuff that was being legally allowed in the Outer Rim.

Though it turned out this ship happened to be heading to a planet in the Outer Rim called Tattoine.

Which would certainly explain why I didn't understand the numbers on the crates, cause I didn't even know about a planet called Tattoine.

I really should've payed more attention in class when they were teaching us about the planets....

I frown a little.

Though.... I thought I had...?

So I guess this one slipped my mind or something....?

Hearing some cheers I look up towards the counter as the guy behind it turned the holo-TV on. Sports was playing, but I wasn't even paying attention to that as my attention was immediately drawn to something else, my face draining of color.

The date.

The date was all wrong.


It was WAY off.

'Hey, girl. What do you think you're doing?' A deep male's voice growls out, breaking through the fog thudding through my head with ease.

Startled by the sudden voice I look around in confusion, seeing no one even near me, much less talking to me.

But I was certain I heard...

Wait, that was in my head, not out loud.

Was there a Sith here?

This made me panic as a glanced towards anyone I thought suspicious, hoping I was wrong.

The voice scoffs as if offended by my actions.

'Stop staring around, you look ridiculous.' Suddenly I feel something tugging my leg. 'Im down here, girl.'

I looked down towards my leg quickly, then blinked as I stared in surprise.

Holding onto my leg with a little clawed bat-looking hand was an adorable, yet completely evil looking, creature.

Resembling some sort of bat, red markings adorned its black body and winged-arms. Red stripes were going down its face from its eyes as they peered out from the surrounding darkness with an intense glowing red. Yet I sensed nothing from the small creature in the Force, it was like a black hole.

I somehow managed to fall back in the booths seat as I tried to scramble away from the creature holding my leg, pulling myself up flat against the back wall as my attempt to flee failed.

I couldn't even sense the creature through the Force! Driving my panic.

I've ALWAYS been able to sense creatures through the Force. More strongly than people even, yet there was nothing from the little guy before me.

My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head as I realized what he was doing.

He was actually using the Force to hide his presence from me.

Holy-! He could use the frickin' Force!

What in the hell was that thing?!

The creature makes a noise in the back of his throat like he's offended by my reaction yet again before jumping up onto the table, flicking his tail around him as he sat down and pinned me with his red gaze once more.

'Un-becoming of me, I know. But I can assure you, My form is usually way more terrifying.'

I stare.

Was THAT supposed to be comforting?!

The creature seemed to smile, sending a chill down my spine.

'Now, lets start over, shall we? Hello, girl. I am called The Son, but you may call me...' His eyes seemed to flash a brighter crimson. '...Sin.'

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