《The Adventures Of Heegan, Bleegan, Hoogan, and Bloogan: The Search For The Enchanted Toad Of Delarmir》Into The Fire Swamp


The Fire Swamp is not too horrible. Populated with crocodiles, giants rats, bees, goblins, an overwhelming amount of leeches, and an underwhelming amount of pleasant fauna. Its smell is harder to vanquish than the creatures that lurk within.

-Milgreg's Travels; written by Milgreg, a hireling to Zevron

The little goblins did stick to the trail, but only for a while. As the sun began to set and dinner time approached, the goblins noticed their ravenous hunger- only satable by copius consumption. After much debate (about 5 minutes) they decided to hop off the trail and camp in a little clearing nearby. After a dinner consisting of yesterday's spaghetti and meatballs they settled down for the night. The bog was spooky at night, but that's just how they liked it.

The next day they all awoke to Bloogan crying out “Help! Help! Help! It's eating everything!”

A rodent of an unusual size was rifling through their packs, devouring any rations it could find.

Bleegan groaned and sat up saying, “Throw a rock at it or something, it's harmless. Maybe.“

And thus poor Bloogan threw a rock at it as hard as he could. The great pebble bopped it on the snout, albeit harmlessly, thus angering it greatly. The ugly beast charged forward on its tiny little feet, snarling the best it could at Bloogan who was completely defenseless.

Stepping into action, Heegan grabbed a big stick and swung it. Now mind you, Heegan was a two time minigolf champion; meaning the large rodent stood no chance. THWACK! The stick made contact, launching the rodent into the air and far beyond the bushes.

“Tha-thank you for saving me!” Bloogan ran up and hugged his older brother, amazed at his battle prowess.

“Heh, it was nothing.” Heegan smiled, proud of himself.

It was then that Hoogan woke up, loudly yawning and rubbing his bleary eyes. “Morning, what's for breakfast?”

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