《The Hunter's Final Wish》7: The Golden City
Act II
It had been nearly a month of traveling before the Wilted Rose reached the Brighthawk capital of Holy Light. Far into the horizon was a massive body of white tipped mountains that stretched too far to see. A chilly wind flowed through the air and even under his gambeson Vanemar shivered. Straight ahead was the great city itself. Sat upon the largest Highland, its head was covered with enough large buildings that it appeared to be a great collection of castles. Rising above everything else were massive golden tipped spires and stone towers with wagon sized ballistas at their peaks. It was a sight that would be ingrained in the minds of anyone who would visit and rightly so, as the might of the empire had once been the fear of all Deskaly.
Vanemar stood beside Jioh on the quarterdeck, the place where he had stayed for the majority of the trip. "That's... Big," was all he managed to say, eyes transfixed on the city.
"It looks just as amazing the second time around as the first." Jioh said in agreement as he merged the ship into a line of incoming vessels.
"I'm impressed that so many ships managed to fit in there." Vanemar said, looking over the left side to see at least a hundred ships docked at the port.
"From what I've seen you could say that the capital could be its own self contained country. They have their own military, resources, and government. Nothing like you'd see in Honea. They even have their own traditions. You wouldn't want to see them right now though. A military parade could fill up the streets and make our jobs harder.
“Wouldn’t be much of an issue. No one here knows what I look like. They'll just see us as ordinary foreigners."
"Yeah, but that’s not the problem. Things could turn badly when they realize we’re part of a different sect.”
Vanemar raised a brow. "What's wrong with that? It’s the same cult isn’t it?”
"They don't care if we're from the same cult. The cult has been morphed so many times that it's unrecognizable. Now it’s all a power struggle, and not just between the cult. Do you know about the situation in Felinebar territory?”
"Those cat people? They're at war aren't they?"
Jioh was silent for a moment and made minor adjustments to the ship as it glided toward an empty dock. "Yeah, but it isn't an ordinary war between nations. This one is far worse. From what I've heard, it’s been tearing their nations apart for years now. it's being fought by too many sects to count.”
"And you think the same could happen here?"
"Not with the way the Brighthawks handle things. If the cult tried to get that kind of control we’d see another Great Purge situation. All that I’m trying to say is, things could get real ugly if we introduce ourselves as cultists.
As the ship finally came to a halt a group of guards in shining armor approached. They asked questions about the visit and promptly left without another word. Their carefree attitude made Vanemar less tense after remembering that things here were much different than the place he left behind. As the two men on the quarterdeck made a final check of their equipment Jun and the other cultists arose from the deck in their casual clothing. "We're going off to see the city." Ama said with a tone that did not wish for refusal. "We'll be back before sundown."
"Fine with me." Jioh said as he stepped down from the quarterdeck. He turned to Vanemar. "I need to get a few more things. Turn off the engine Jun." He said to the man in the back of the group. "That's all you have to do for now."
Jun quickly approached Vanemar and shook his hand in farewell. "The four guide you Raven." Vanemar nodded confidently. Jun then went and opened the room below the quarterdeck to reveal a large, cylindrical machine. It was surrounded by pipes filled with white, glowing energy magic that was being transported to the rear of the ship. The engine was the large device in the center with a large glass panel that allowed one to see the amount of magic within the tank. On the left of it was a large and small lever. Jun pulled the large one up which immediately caused all the magic in the pipes to retreat back into the engine. The same process that Vanemar had done on a much smaller machine.
"I'll leave the ramp down." He said as he walked passed him and went below the deck.
Seeing the endless swarm of people that made up the roads, Vanemar learned that the claim that Holy LIght was man's largest city was no lie. Behind the ornamented and colorful buildings that lined the outside of the city, towers reached for the heavens. The people were just as impressive, wearing clothing just as wealthy and colorful as everything else. Even the guards were flamboyant, doning shining armor with sharp patterns and open sallets with long golden plumes protruding from them. Unlike in Honea, they were plentiful and respected by the citizenry who waved and spoke to them. "All these people are either going to make this very hard or very easy." Vanemar said with curiosity in his voice as the two men casually entered the crowd.
"Easier I think. We have a greater chance of running into a cultist this way." Jioh said as his head craned toward the architecture they passed.
Vanemar frowned slightly with concern, "Not with my kinda luck."
Jioh snorted. "Of course, with your luck the king will order the whole army down upon us. But I think I have quite good luck. Our combined luck could cancel out.”
"And how good is your luck?"
"During the purge, I was caught smuggling zero times at most."
"Pretty good. I just don’t want to run today." Vanemar groaned. “My leg is still having some difficulty keeping up after all this time.”
“What? Didn’t you get hit there since before we met?”
“Yeah, but it got lodged in there real deep. I can move around normally now but it still hurts pretty bad.”
They went deeper into the city, going down a large road that was no less packed then the last. People selling a variety of trinkets lined the sides of the street and the front of large stores that displayed their various products at their windows. The center of the road was lined with thin evergreens that seemed to stretch out forever, a sight uncommon in most Highlands. Horse drawn carriages zoomed down the sides of the islands at a rapid pace, carrying both goods and people. As they continued down the road they heard the shouts of a preacher. Glancing towards each other, the two men nodded to each other in quiet agreement and approached the crowd that encircled the priest. They pushed through them until they finally saw who it was. A man in white and blue robes of the cult stood on a box, spreading the teachings of the cult. "Think he knows?" Vanemar asked loudly enough for only Jioh to hear.
"We're better off asking someone else. Even if he knew where to go, they don’t just let anyone into the headquarters even if it is a priest. We should find an enforcer." Vanemar raised a brow and Jioh explained further. “The ones with weapons on them, like Jun and the others.”
They left the shouts of the preacher and went even deeper into the city. By the time they reached a large marketplace Vanemar began to take momentary glances towards the sun in hopes that he would remember which direction the ship was in. The marketplace itself had just as many stores as it had people. A glance inside revealed what appeared to be a maze of shops all under a single large, bright yellow and orange tent that loomed over the already shaded shops.
"If we don't find them here I think I might have to reconsider what you said about our luck." Vanemar said as the two entered the shade.
"We'll have a better chance here I think. Closer we get to the center of the city the closer we get to their headquarters.”
"You better be right about that, I'm starting to forget which way we came from."
"I’m ashamed to say the same." As they went deeper into the marketplace the sounds of hagglers and vendors in shouting competitions never ceased as the crowd became even thicker. "They call this place the largest marketplace in the world." Jioh said as his eyes roved around in every direction. "Apparently sellers from all across Deskaly come here."
"Interesting detail." Vanmear said as he came to a halt. "But I think I just found who we’re looking for." At a nearby trinket shop was a man and a woman in white and blue surcoats with daggers at their waists. There was no doubt of who they were. The two approached them without another word and patiently waited for their transaction to end.
"Hey wait up!" Jioh called out to them in a friendly manner. They slowly stopped and turned their way revealing the orange sun at the center of their surcoats. "We've been looking all over for you." Jioh said as he approached them.
His proximity caused the two cultists to back away. "What?" One of them said rudely.
"We've been searching for someone who can show us to your headquarters."
"H-How… what makes you think we'll do that!" The man said with rising annoyance.
"I've got something you cultist types will really like, although it's not something I can show you here."
"Just tell us then."
"I can't say what it is either, it won't go well if someone listened."
The man stared at him with a great frown but nodded anyway. "Fine, but she’ll be watching you two from behind." he said referring to the cultist beside him.
"Fine with me."
As they walked back into the streets Vanemar traded glances with the woman behind him. Her position made him nervous and he was having a hard time resisting the urge to reach for his sword. Perhaps he would have let it shine if the cultist had not taken them for such a short walk. They entered a silent and desolate alleyway, the opposite of everything else on the Highland. "Make it quick," the man asked much more calmly.
"We've gotten our hands on an old Brighthawk map." Jioh said quietly. "It is in Old Standard. We need a translator."
"Can I see it?" Jioh nodded and slowly pulled the scroll out of his bag, unfolding it only a small amount for the cultists to get a glimpse of it. "Where did you find such a thing?" the man asked with some suspicion.
"A man who plucked it from some ruins sold it for a meager price. They were from Honea and assumed it was useless."
The cultist thought for a moment and looked to his companion who shrugged casually. He turned to Jioh. “We’ll let you in, but whether or not you’ll stay will be the councils choice.”
"Thank you."
By the time the two men had reached the headquarters they had been close enough to the center to see buildings older than Honea itself. Tall monoliths held up by finely made pillars and complemented by shining metals lined the road toward the headquarters. The headquarters itself was a pentagon shaped building with thick pillars on each corner. Its roof slowly curved into a dome like shape until it formed into a tower that stood at least three stories high. The two men had a hard time registering if the magnificent building really belonged to the cult. The cultists led them up a set of stairs that ended at a tall set of doors made of thick wood embedded with silver. The man leading them knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Another cultist in similar dress opened it for them and stood in the way as he eyed the two newcomers. "Who are these people? New blood?"
"They bring an artifact, take them to the council." The man ordered.
"You've confirmed it?"
“As much as I could with these eyes.”
The man smiled. "Just when things were starting to work against us. Come on in then, no reason to keep you out there in this unpleasant weather." They were led into a grand open room. Tall, golden framed windows brought in light to shine upon the wide golden patterned carpet that covered the floor. Above, stone walls converged into a cross where a golden chandelier hung. There were three paths, each with arched hallways that were well lit. The man led them down the path in the center which stretched towards another large set of doors. Patterned wooden doors lined the way to the end of the hallway. While on the move, cultists quickly crossed between them with documents and other things in a hasty manner. Vanemar looked around in awe at the scale of it. "And I thought our headquarters was big." Jioh whispered to him. “I believe the Brighthawk government donates to this sect so that they can have more control over the people.” A pair of guards in brass tinted plate armor stood silently at the doors and watched their approach without much reaction.
"These two men have important business with the council." The man informed them before promptly walking away.
One of the guards nodded and opened the door. "Only one of the council members is present today. Wait at the front of the chambers, I'll inform him of your presence." They entered a large circular room. A long staircase curved around the whole of it leading towards what Vanemar believed was the tower above. They were at the highest point. Three curved rows of seats were laid in front of them with each row being lower than the next. Aligned opposite of the first row was a set of four finely crafted golden seats.
"Those must be where the council members sit." Jioh said. The guard had entered through an ordinary door in the corner and brought an aged man in a set of heavy robes. The man sat himself at the second seat from the left and shooed the guard away. The two men slowly approached him, not knowing what to expect from the man who watched them with uninterested eyes. The room was completely silent until the man finally lifted his hand to halt them.
"I hope you two did not have too much difficulty finding us. If you wish for me to allow you two to stay on such short notice, I recommend you to have a very good reason. So how about introducing yourselves." While there was no hostility in the man’s voice he was being gravely serious.
Jioh bowed and Vanemar did as well shortly after. "I am John Suhart and this is... Raven." Jioh answered without emotion.
"Raven, that is obviously an alias, is there a reason he wishes not to give his name?"
"Quite a few sir, but revealing them would be pointless. Besides, I do not know it myself.”
The man seemed disappointed but continued, "That is fine. I am Ezra, one of the three council seats in the Brighthawk sect." Jioh raised a brow and looked over the four seats in front of him. "One of our council members was placed within us by the authority of the government. There was nothing much we could do about it unfortunately. The other two are out for a meeting. You’re lucky that I have no interest in politics or you would have not seen me today. So, what was it that convinced my people to allow you to see me."
Jioh carefully pulled the scroll from his bag and unfurled it, presenting it to the man. "A brighthawk artifact, a map to be precise. We found it within another artifact but we weren't able to read it as it is in Old Standard. We came all the way here hoping to find a translator.”
The man looked at the map in shock, his eyes not straying from it for even a second. "Is this truly one of their maps?"
"Yes, It was found in some old Brighthawk ruins within Honean territory. Probably why we were the first to find it."
The man sat back in his seat and thought for a moment, frowning sadly. "I am sorry to say that I am unable to translate it." Both Vanemar and Jioh looked at each other in defeat. "But, if what you are saying is true I may know some way to reach someone who can read Old Standard. It won't be easy though and it could easily end with the loss of your head." Jioh turned to Vanemar again who nodded in quiet approval.
"I told you my luck was bad." Vanemar said with a slight shrugged. "As long as I get paid.”
"Let's hear it." Jioh said confidently.
"A Brighthawk Royal Archaeologist by the name of Ganyth Faune is on his way to have dinner with Prince Kaleev. Archaeologists are not uncommon so if you join the feast in Ganyth’s place there is no doubt that you would not be questioned and the prince will be willing to translate the words on that scroll. All you really need is his imperial medallion to be let inside, then you’ll reach the prince without difficulty.”
"He's just an archeologist right? Shouldn't be much of a problem for my friend here." Jioh said with a smirk.
The man shook his head. "You're forgetting that he deals with Brighthawk treasures. Royal Archeologists aren't just trained in archeology, they're trained to kill."
Jioh sighed. "Of course they are."
"I only offer you this information because you look like the kind of people who can see it through. All I ask is that you return and allow me to make a duplicate map.
“You've asked the right people then."
"Very good." The man said with a smile. "My informants tell me the man is staying at a nearby tavern named the Lion's Breath for the time being.” He stood up out of his chair, signalling that the meeting was concluded. “ Some advice, if you see any soldiers dressed in white at the palace, avoid them. They are of the Order of the Observers. If you have not heard of them don't try to. If they figure out what you are doing there you will not leave alive. Good luck, and be careful."
As mid sun arrived, the two men went quickly towards the tavern where the councilman said Ganyth would be. It was a two story, yellow brick building in the center of a busy street. A rough sketch of a lion blowing a strong gust of wind was etched onto the sign. It was nearly empty, with only a few people spread out across the many tables in the room. A group of armed men watched them as they came in, mercenaries. They quickly averted their eyes and went towards the stools at the counter. The owner, who was busy making sure the place was cleaned quickly reached them before they sat down. "What can I get you." She said calmly.
"We're actually looking for someone." Jioh said quietly enough for only the three of them to hear. "We were told that a friend was staying here, an archeologist named Ganyth. Do you happen to know if he is still here?"
Vanemar looked at Jioh with narrowed eyes. “The way this man talks to people makes me nervous. He’s a good liar.”
"I'm not sure if I can tell you,” the woman said in confusion. “When the man came in he told me that he didn't want any visitors coming into his room."
"Come on!" Jioh said with pretend emotion. "We came all the way here just to see him." He put his hands together. "It will just be a moment, I promise. I'll make sure he doesn't complain."
The woman sighed. "Alright, he's in room three."
"Thank you." Jioh said as he got up with Vanemar close behind.
"You pulled that off very well." Vanemar said as they reached the top of the stairs.
“You’re good at hurting people, I’m good at talking to them." They reached the door with a large 3 engraved into the frame. "Now what do we do."
"Stay out here, I'll deal with him." Jioh nervously backed off as Vanemar went to knock on the door." There was a grunt followed by a set of footsteps that ended with the twisting of the door handle.
A bald headed man revealed himself opposite of Vanemar. "What do you want, I'm wor-" Before he could finish speaking, Vanemar's fist connected with his face. Jioh gasped as the man went tumbling back into his room with a loud thump. Vanemar forced himself inside and charged towards the falling man, who quickly scrambled back onto his feet. "Who the hell are you?" He said in frustration as he reached for a sheathed sword on the desk behind him. Vanemar forced the man’s hand away and used his other to block a jab. With both hands occupied, the man decided to knee Vanemar in the stomach. As he was recoiling backward, the man reached for his weapon. It was a golden handled, curved sword with engravings that sparkled in the window’s sunlight. Vanemar unsheathed his own weapon in time to meet the swing that aimed for his head. He backed off towards the door as the man began to attack with a fury of swings, all of which Vanemar blocked in desperation. "You're good." The man said, mirroring Vanemar's own thoughts. To break the stalemate, Vanemar performed a parry that ended in a thrust, causing the man to back off momentarily.
Quickly reaching for his boot, Vanemar pulled out a small syringe from the back heel which the man failed to notice. The man began to go on the offensive again, swinging with quick and precise strikes that nearly pushed the two out into the hallway. As the man swung again Vanemar held his weapon in place, forcing the two swords to connect with the man's as long as possible. Vanemar lunged at him, jabbing his syringe into his chest. The man pushed him away in confusion and hurriedly pulled out the syringe as his opponent sheathed their weapon. "What the hell did you do?" He said with enough anger to make his face go red. He charged at Vanemar with a swing quicker than before. The man’s swings blurred as they inaccurately flew towards Vanemar who nervously blocked them. He blocked and blocked until eventually, the archeologist fell unconscious. “That was probably one of the scariest things I’ve gone through.” Vanemar thought under heavy breaths. Before the man fell to the ground, Vanemar grabbed hold of him and threw his body onto the bed
"Hopefully he doesn't remember this." Vanemar told Jioh as the latter slowly entered the room
"That was exhilarating." Jioh responded as if Vanemar's exhaustion was infectious. "I thought we'd be in trouble there for a second, and then you pulled that thing from your leg." He grabbed the syringe from the ground. "What even is this?"
"It's a liquid extract from a southern plant called Fatigue Root. Makes your mind and body sleep for a few hours after injection. They’re very expensive but I make sure to always keep two for special occasions.”
"Ah, sounds like a spell I have."
Vanemar looked at him with surprise. "You have a spell for that?"
"Yes, but it's a gas. If I had used it in a closed space like this it would have made everyone in the building pass out."
"I see." Vanemar tossed the unconscious man's long coat and rough pants towards him. "Put these on, you're going to be the archeologist." As Jioh began to put on his new clothing, Vanemar grabbed the man's sword off the ground.
"It's like a piece of art." He thought as he inspected the engravings on the blade. It showed a hawk in mid flight towards its tip. He couldn’t understand why people would do such a thing to a weapon. It was like drawing a painting and beating it over someone's head immediately after. There is nothing beautiful about something used to kill. "Put this on." He told Jioh as he handed him the sword, now sheathed..
Jioh backed away. "Me? I'm no good with swords."
"You don't need to be, you just need to look like you are. You could throw it off the edge of the Highland afterward for all I care."
"And this is coming from a mercenary?"
“Didn’t wish I was.”
“And yet you are now.”
Vanemar grunted and went for the door. "Let's get going, I don’t think the prince would like us if we're late to his party.
“You sure you’d like to be considerate to a Brighthawk prince? That’s the last person I’d think of being nice to.”
Vanemar shook his head. “As if I care about your cult politics.”
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Having left Istrel for the first time in his life, the two of them attempt to settle down in foreign lands, only to be caught in the middle of hostilities between two mighty powers grappling for dominion. Yet, none of that has anything to do with him. Following his desires, Claud eventually makes his way to the fabled Celestia Ruins, a fragment of another world. Bearing witness to truths he cannot yet comprehend, he returns from his exploration, a small break away from the machinations of destiny. One thing, however, is for certain. Destiny will not wait for him. Book 7: Reddest Rage Synopsis: Destiny churns on, heedless of mortal machinations, and Claud watches as the battlegrounds between the Moons and the Dark are drawn up. With the forces of the great Dark occupying Lostfon, Claud comes to a startling realisation — that he may have very well be a murderer of heinous proportions. Grappling with that realisation, he struggles to prepare for his Second Tutorial... 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But this is not their battle. Not yet. Book 9: Moons Muster Synopsis: As more and more events fall into place, Claud finds himself desperate. Not for himself, but for the person who has turned into his world. Armed with the knowledge of a certain future, he approaches the only person that could possibly help him in his time of need, trading information for a promise of help. With that as solace, he returns to the grim task of understanding and seeking, revisiting an ancient, shattered fragment of another world...unleashing changes that he never knew was possible. Back in Istrel, Dia and the others must now navigate around a familiar spirit, who seeks to investigate the death of his master's Bearer. With them as prime suspects, the Seekers of Life must move carefully...but the Coloured Gods are not the only divinities eyeing them closely. The Moons, bristling from repeated defeats, are looking for new recruits, and the Seekers of Life are prime cannon fodder. Above all, destiny marches on, the unfeeling clock a warning to all. The Trial of Aeons will soon arrive. Book 10: Destiny Divine Synopsis: ??? Release frequency: one every few days or something, I guess. (This work is also being serialised on Webnovel under the name Revile as a trial run)
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8 156 - In Serial38 Chapters
Rebirth in the 70s as a Group Pet Boss
This story is not mine. Credits to the author and our friend https://www.69shu.com/txt/31717.htmAuthor: Blue and White GridCategory: Romance Novels1017406 words | full text[Space + Age + Sweet Pet] The boss of the apocalyptic research institute regenerates the small village flower in the 1970s. A few years later, the upper circle of Beijing became a sensation, and the rebellious Gu Yue actually fell in love with a village flower. They heard that this village flower is still a village tyrant, lazy, fierce and uncultured, and the whole family is the best! How can a village girl compare with the girls in the upper circle? Everyone ridiculed Song Chu. However... big coffee farming and planting; catering industry tycoons; founders of educational institutions; the richest man in the country... rushing to say: "To have today's achievements depends on my sister Song Chu!" Everyone is stunned: Really? I do not believe! Who would have thought the same day, the highest domestic bio-pharmaceutical Research Institute official declared: "Congratulations to Dr. Song Chu got the international pharmaceutical Gold Award, and thank Dr. Song lead us to become the world's most advanced pharmaceutical institutions." Followed by the article published in the pattern of praise, but also There is a picture of her holding a trophy. Seeing Dr. Song, who had a fair complexion and outstanding temperament, everyone was shocked to lose their glasses. What about the good, earthy and uneducated village girl? This is clearly a beautiful, handsome and talented winner in life... The prince of the Gu family and a tech tycoon also approached Song Chu at the same time: "Dare to take responsibility for me first..."Update: 2020-10-29
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