《The Deal of Tyler Mouret》-Alter Ego- Chapter 16*


— Aaaah what a mess, all my body aches, and the visit ended in a mess, thanks to Lilim.

— Not everything ended badly, you have become the last pure Lilim alive.

— If you have forgotten, the corrupted descendants are still around there and being hunted, because of this I am in a big problem and must learn to control these energies if I don't want to get like those beasts in endless thirst for vital essence.

— Only if you lose control.

— ¿And you think it is easy?

— Well, no, but... Ok, I get it, it needs some control for those, but I don't think it will cost you to learn the basics.

— Very well, I suppose we can talk about this another time, tell me about the First Lilim.

— Now that I think about it, she was similar to you in the looks aspect, but she didn't like to wear clothes most of the time.

— We differ in that, ¿what else?

— She was very charismatic and adored by her husband, I remember I needed to hide in her mind in the days of harvest.

— ¿Harvest?

— The days, she and her husband had sex, her mind always turned in a lagoon of Lust, capable of turning anyone in the vicinity mad, worse if you tried to pry in her mind when she was in that state.

— Wow, those sure where some days.

— The servants needed to disappear from the Mansion those days, the range she and her husband produced was unpredictable.

— Mmmmm, You got the View, I guess, jejeje.

— Being truthful, I wish I could forget some things, like that time... I think I feel good only being a stone.

— That sounds pretty fucked up... Well, I think this is good enough for now, is time to see my guest.


— Lady Aishti, I apologize on behalf of Mistress Lilim, for almost killing, and trying to mutilate and suck the life out of your friend.

— I'm going to be clear, He is not my friend... yet... anyway, I am going to dress —My dress was destroyed and I must get Tyler back to his plane, but first I need to go to the lobby.


The house was alone, well the happiness died with my mother... first the lobby, then the room where he is... "Is it not that the flower he brought me, is very pretty ¿What is this? it looks like blood, is still fresh, I wonder if... I will see if it is possible later, first, his plane. It is curious but I don't control his power, only guide his energy to his origin zone, He is weird.

— Miss, you have arrived, I don't know how is it possible but the wound in his arm closed itself in minutes, we only cleaned it, that is not normal for a human.

— That is strange, still, I must see him before he leaves.

— Hello Aishti, you look better.

— How do you think you are talking to, human, talking to the Mistress with that trust —He gets a punch in the head by Gertrude who is by his side.

— OW, for being a Ghost, you hit hard.

— I see you are better too, it is better if you leave now, everyone in the mansion knows you are here, well not everyone, only the people that can know.

— This is a farewell, for now, I guess, ok send me back home —He disappeared with a flash and I reclined on the couch of the room.

— This day was exhausting.

— We will get your bed ready My Lady.

— Thank you, I will go in a moment, ah, can you put this flower in a place that can keep it fresh.

— Right away.

"Is pretty late, I don't have energies for anything, now I know I am descendant of Lilith Herself, I need to get some explanation form Dad, but I must seek I way to get out of this tangle, Hmph, I will think of something when the time comes "

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