《The Deal of Tyler Mouret》-Alter Ego- Chapter 13


The one in front of me wasn't Aishti, it was someone else. She had an indifferent look, with hunger in her eyes and a sadistic smile in her mouth. She pounced on me and knocked me off the chair with her on top, I held her hands away from me in an attempt to avoid her embrace. I pushed her to the side with the strength I had, allowing me to get up and start running away to the nearest door, she got up too and started chasing me; her eyes were bloodshot and said to me "Run or your flesh is mine" with the glimpse I got of her, I didn't have to think twice to get the idea and rushed against the door with my body. With the door away I saw the hall with many doors again, I haven't mapped the Mansion, the only thing I know is that it's big, but my feet directed me to what I think it's where the lobby is. In the seconds where I started running away from the crashed door, I felt a breeze in my arm and when I saw there was a gash in it, the ones you get when an animal slash at you, it was her, I saw her one more time and there she was getting out to the hallway with long and sharp nails bathed in blood, mine, and hers was a ghoulish grim.

— Jejeje, you taste preeeety well Human, let me keep tasting your thick and succulent blood JAJAJAJAJAJA.

— ¡Aishti what the fuck is wrong with you! Goddammit, that hurts —I can't stop running or she will get me.

— ¿It stings so bad, Mmmmm? Let me finish your suffering and eat all of you, it can be enjoyable if you let me ¿Mmmmm, what do you think? It sounds pretty well, knowing that you lust for this body, it’s a Generous offer, JAJAJAJAJA —She is a total Psychopath now, ¿why she is acting like this? I don't know, first I have to get out of here ¡Now! ¿but where do I go? ¿The labyrinth? no, I would get lost again... that place is not an option... The Library, I can maybe lose her in there.

— You will not escape from me, come here —She lunged with her claws again, I evaded in time, I must reach the door first and block it to get some seconds to hide somewhere or reach the library if only I could run like that time. The wound is still bleeding and is starting to burn ¿¡Why!?


— Oh, you have started to feel it, don't you, oh it's going to feel reaaaal goood, and if you are wondering, your wound is cursed, I can track you, no matter how fast you run, you can't get away that far, so I will know where you are until you bleed out, give uuuuup —¡Fuck! this worsens it, she can fly too and is only playing with me, but the closed space doesn't allow it at least a little... Wait, she said I can't get that far, the tracking has a limit, ¡I must run faster!

— ¡Work Dammit! —My legs felt the command and tensed and assumed a reddish tone, they were burning up.

— Oh, ¿you can run faster? I am surprised, you must be overflowing with energy, your body will become a feast, ¡run faster if you can Prey!

— ¡For fuck sake call me by my name Aishti! —I have some seconds of advantage and the door is near but my legs are hurting, I am at my limit.

— A little bit more, please —I reached the door and wasn't locked, I opened it and entered quickly.

— ¿¡Where do you think you are going!?

— Away from you —I locked the door on her face and started running towards the door that has the hallway towards the Library taking distance away from that hallway with a mad demon. I entered the hall and when I was almost closing the door I heard a crunching sound from the locked door and a Demon with a serious case of anger emanating entering the Lobby, I think I have found the limit of the tracking curse, but I followed my instinct and got even farther away from her without making noise, I don't know what she is capable of in that state.

— ¿Oh, Tyleeeeeeeeer where are you? I don't like to play too much to the cat and the mouse and I am starting to lose my patience now —Now she says my name... I must reach the library maybe there is something that could help me defend myself like a fireball scroll or a healing one if those even exist... I must hurry, I am feeling dizzy from the blood loss.

While I was thinking and closing the door slowly, I saw her licking her nails with her tongue, it was obscene and gave me the chills knowing that crimson liquid was mine.


— I need more... — She said something else but I didn't hear it, she was... ¿hunching over? ¿it's that a black spot in her wing? From nowhere she let out a shriek almost making me deaf, it startled me and I released the doorknob, I scurried away towards the library door. I think I heard her moving towards here.

— ¡Where are you miserable human! I'm getting tired of this game, get out now, and ¡Die! —I think I will not, thank you.

I reached the door and I was about to open it until I saw a shadow lurking bellow it, I didn't know if something worse was at the other side but I was not staying there, when I was opening it, I felt two blue eyes planted in my back and a hysterical woman accompanying them.

—There You are bastard —She was coming, fast, I felt too weak to fight, but I evaded her simple charge to the side. When I got up and saw her, she looked emaciated, her wings and tail were turning black again. She hit one of the bookshelves hard and was starting to get up but couldn't, there was a plea for help in her deep blue eyes, it was sad, this was someone else, she started talking to me.

— It looks like I became the prey of human, what a disgrace, spend hundreds of years waiting hidden in the blood of a lot of descendants, only to never get my former glory back, it is laughable indeed, only because a human resisted the curse, at least tell me how you did it, ¿How you survived the Succubus Blessing? —I was weak but couldn't believe it, this was crazy.

— ¿The Succubus Blessing? ¿What do you mean?

— It looks like I will never know, I could only be reborn if I fed in a Soul clean enough to get the control of this body in time, and you were the perfect opportunity from what I saw of her memories, it looks you were clever than me, or should I say resistant, the old ways will not work on you, this vessel you call Aishti will retake control sometime after I perish, but there are still shards of me inside her blood and mind, it will not be me but it's still dangerous if she gets out of control, if you want to ask something, do it now, I don't have much time.

— ¿What is your name?

— You are a fool, You could have asked me how to be more long-lived or where to find an artifact of immeasurable power and you ask me ¿What is my name? either way, my name is Lilim the First, the first of my sisters, all gone, before I got killed I transferred my blood and memories inside my daughter to be reborn later in a vessel with potential, or to be more specific, take her body when one of them began to lose control. Tell me "Tyler" ¿Are you interested in her? be sincere I can still read your mind in this dying state — I...

— Maybe...

— I see... This is a farewell then... Human —The last spots in her wings and tail disappeared completely, Asihti fell facedown, from her blood almost black started to flow from her skin, this brought her intense agony, she was writing in pain and more because of the unorthodox method it chose to get out of the body, all her dress was painted dark red because of this, all this blood began to form a sphere and fell with a thud in the ground. Aishti began to open her eyes weakly while I was still pressing the wound leaning against the wall.

— What a dangerous visit, Jajaja... —She fully awoke was now looking around with panic in her now turquoise eyes, but I was losing mine.

— ¿¡Tyler, what happened in your arm!? you are drenched in blood.

— Finally, you say my name like a normal person... —That was my limit, the only thing I remember was Aishti calling someone while I was entering in a deep dream.

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