《The Deal of Tyler Mouret》-The Underworld- Chapter 11


"I don't know what happened but I won't complain about it, I'm fine and I got what I wanted is time to go home. Now the problem is that I feel weak and dizzy, my stomach is rumbling, maybe something to eat will help"

After walking some blocks I reached a Mexican food stand and asked for a Burrito the problem was the exorbitant prices so I couldn't ask for another one, also I ate the thing in minutes and because of that the people saw me weird, I had to leave I felt weird with all those gazes on me, is like they haven't seen someone eat so fast and with "gusto" before.

It was 5:30 pm when I reached home, my parents weren't home, I suppose they have gone for a movie, I went to the kitchen, they left a note saying what I thought, also to call my brother, he didn't leave his bedroom in all the morning.

— I don't think that's necessary, He sure is resting and Jasmine too, so I will continue with my things.

I searched in the bag for the container with the flower, it was in perfect condition, that was a relief, I thought it was broken or mauled because of the thugs.

"I am still hungry, I will eat something and prepare everything to go to Hell. It's weird when I think about it so calmly and some people pass their lives trying to evade that destiny, or even that I must gain trust from a demoness to keep living, is a strange world..." I heard someone going down the stairs, it was Eliott, he looked exhausted.

— Oh, Hello little bro, how long have you been there.

— I have just arrived home, you look tired ¿Something happened?.


— ...Nothing has happened, I was doing some exercise and studying with Jasmine, we have an exam tomorrow —An exam on Sunday, well it's not impossible in the university, but that's rare.

— Well I wish both of you luck, by the way, your food is still here, ¿you didn't come down to eat lunch?.

— Ah, that's because... we were concentrated and the time vanished... Could you heat our lunches and leave then here.

— Sure you are the boss, hey by the way mom and dad have gone to the cinema.

— Good, that's why they didn't call me when I was... studying.

— Sure, well I will eat and leave yours here later —Eliott put his sight in the flower.

— Hey, that's a pretty flower, first time seeing that kind of rose, ¿where did you found it?.

— You have no idea, ¿you know the park?

— You don't say that it is from the hidden clear in the park, ¿from the stories of dad? Jajajaja that's crazy I didn't believe it was true.

— Yeah, like that time you and jasmine had gone to the beach. Your friends aren't pretty good at keeping secrets —That eliminated the smile on his face.

— "Ahem" don't deviate from the topic, if you have gone to the park and searched for this flower ¿it must be for someone special? —He asked me arching a brown like some kind of detective in an interrogation.

— That is... It is for a project in school.

— Aja, yeah sure, Tyler you can't fool your brother, believe me, I tried to fool dad and mom many times in the same way, so come up with something new man —Dammit I need to search for a better excuse... or ¿Could I tell him the truth?...


—It's for a princess of the underworld, and I'm doing some chore for her to keep living.

—jejeje... JAJAJAJAJAJA, that's the best you could do, but it's the best excuse I heard in years, ok I get it, you don't want me to know, I will give you privacy if that its what you want, but boy that was good — "Right, he didn't believe me, but I think its better this way, I don't want my family knowing about this problem of mine gives me many advantages and less complications" — Well bro I will leave you, oh and give me here the plates I will take them to the bedroom — He left to his room.

After some hours Mom and dad arrived bringing with them a pizza and talking about the dramatic movie my mother choose, my dad almost got asleep in the cinema, I ate again and didn't feel full, either way after finishing I got everything prepared, some clothes and the rose and a sweet I had stashed in my room for Aishti " Now that I think about it, doesn't this look odd... you know what, whatever" I passed the rest of the day looking on the internet until I got tired, and decided to sleep early, whatever it was I had a weird feeling in my chest.

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