《The Deal of Tyler Mouret》-The Underworld- Chapter ¿α?


I woke up with my head in great pain, like if someone was drilling into it.

— Hello Tyler.

— What the fuck, ¿Is that you Aishti? you sound different —it was a voice without gender.

— No, I am not Aishti, and neither a demon, if that is what you think.

— Then who are you, and why my head hurts this badly.

— I am what gave you life and can take it from you.

— ...¿God? —I started talking in my head.

— Oh please, put it more emotion, and I am neither one of your gods, those are busy with other things, probably.

— You talk with a lot of confidence, ¿How is you can take life and grant it?.

— Well I can only do that in this universe if I can put it that way.

— ¿What is your name?.

— That can wait, maybe I could give you or maybe not, for now, call me H.

— Ok H, ¿What do you want?.

— So rude, it doesn't matter I forgive you, is better to go directly to the point, tell me, ¿how does it feel to befriend a demon?.

— That is a weird question, don't you think.

— Just answer.

— Well it is not bad, but it is not easy either, I don't know if you get me.

— Oh, I get you, is pretty complicated, and tell me, have you looked for interesting things on the internet —I felt a mocking tone.

— ¡Why the fuck you ask me that!.

— Don't lie Tyler, I can read your head better than Aishti and any being.

— W-We-Well m-maybe I looked for something.

— Ah isn't that much better, just as perverted JAJAJAJAJA.

— You are shit.

— Some times, yes, but it is more fun than you think. Now, ¿do you have any questions about your history?.


— ¿What do you mean?.

— Lets put it more easily, I am the one who puts you the roads for you to travel, but you are the one who decides what to take, well... almost.

— You mean, you are what makes me talk, walk, eat and everything else...

— From the most scientific, logical and metaphysical way possible. Yes.

— You mean I am a puppet.

— You are not a puppet, you are a living being that I write its history, quite strange, but fun to read, I will talk with Aishti in another part.

— ¿WHAT?.

— Ok, I think I need you to forget all that...

— ¿Eh? ¿What happened? did you say something about... I don't remember...

— Mmmm ¿about what? it doesn't matter, I want to propose something to you, I can give you a wish, everything you want, outside of obscenities obviously.

— ¿What the fuck are you talking about degenerate?

— Ok partner, lighten up, I see everyone has its preferences, well... ¿Do you wish something?

— I.. don't know, ¿maybe immunity or resistance to every disease know?

— Mmmmm, I think I can make that better, what about every disease known in the universe, that is almost being invulnerable to even magic in quotation marks, ¿What do you think?.

— I think it is not a bad wish, but doesn...

— Well, my friend you got a deal, I would give you my hand if I could, but no, Enjoy your wish now —I think I heard a snap of fingers and the pain erupted everywhere in my body, is like each one of my cells was being broken and rearranged themselves again, to form one different, I tried to scream, But I couldn't, even my vocal cords were useless now, I was convulsing on the floor.


The agony was ridiculous, it was like having thousands of needles inserting themselves in your skin and getting out, to enter again, increasing the suffering, I couldn't see now, but if I could I wouldn't see, my muscles inside were liquified and rearranging themselves inside my skin, like they weren't even mine anymore, it was the most perturbing sensation, and how it started it began to disappear until it wasn't.

When I began to get control of my body again, I noted that I was on the floor, I was deaf and muted during all that, it was horrifying.

— Good, it looks like the first phase is getting complete.

— Agh "coughs blood" what do you mean in phase, ¿what the fuck is happening to my body? all feels awful.

— Is part of the transformation, I changed some of the DNA in your cells and used the information of other creatures with superior resistances to the human one, all to make a Super-cell, obviously it has to hurt, you will feel weak by a while, but look at it this way, now you are superhuman and are resistant to pretty much everything, well almost, it's not perfect because the transformation will give some weird effects, but it probably won't affect you much... —It kept talking while I was writhing in the ground, but the pain was so unbearable that I didn't get half of what it said, my mind was getting cloudy, I couldn't resist anymore.

— Oh, that is a pity, he passed out halfway through the explanation, mmmm, I think is better this way, his story is just beginning, and I doubt he would have gotten in this way if I told him more about what he will encounter, sometimes the better challenges are the surprises the chaos brings, including hardships —An imaginary smile appeared out of thin air and disappeared like smoke from the room.

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