《The Deal of Tyler Mouret》-The Meeting- Chapter 1


On my way home I always look at the street for precaution, considering that in this city the people drive like madmen or drunk, taking note that in the suburbs there is always a liquor store nearby, here is always one.

This peculiar city is called Mount Valdés, it was founded by an explorer in his way to find new lands, Arturo Valdés. The history of this city is not important, and almost everything could be considered a cliché, which its a little sad and pretty much anticlimatic if you think about it.

While I am walking, I start to feel something weird, like I was being watched, "it must be fatigue, yesterday I got to bed at midnight, but then I was waiting for that movie for some time, so I didn't want to lose it".

I keep walking with my thoughts in the air... and don't realize that I am in the middle of the street and see that a truck is coming right at me... fortunately, I move fast and evade it, only to see a metal beam from the nearby construction fall on me...

I awoke in a room without any light and couldn't relate how I got there, I could swear I was walking the street at that moment. A voice in the darkness got me out of my stupor.

— Finally, you wake up human

— ¿Who are you?

— ¿Me? I am a Demon of course and right now you are between life and death, well I would say more dead than alive, but you get the point. Right now you should be in a hospital or a clinic for all I care —It said mockingly— ¿Now what will I do with you?— the weird voice kept talking, I couldn't decipher its gender— I offer you two options human, you can die in peace or live, but with a price... —


— ¿Why is there only a demon watching my steps and not an angel? ¿And what is the cost of living? I don't understand this

— Ok, I will answer your questions. First, the angels trough the years began to dwindle if you can put it that way, due to overpopulation, while more humans died, more demons began to arise, it looks like the humans didn't get worried if they broke one or more rules, they didn't care either way, well that's my opinion, and now it looks like there is one angel for ten humans, from the demons side we could give you two or more to overlook you and them, but the rules of neutrality and balance prevent us from doing this and only give a lesser one. Now your second question, the costs are what I put you ¿unless you have something better in mind?

— So you are saying that you will not take my soul ¿Or will you?

— If I want I take it without more words, but the human souls in these moments are useless and we don't need more demons, thank you very much. Well, you can offer me something, but I doubt you can offer much ¿what do you offer to keep living human? Keep in mind that it has to be for all eternity or the deal will get canceled if it is not of my liking

— Mmmmm, that is difficult, you say that it has to be of your liking and for all eternity. ¿What if I offer you my "Friendship" for all eternity or a kind of pact in that I have to maintain your "trust"?

— Jajajaja, you are funny human, but you know you will not live forever, is not like I know this by the way. Nevertheless, you result intriguing... lets make an experiment, I will send you back to the living again, but you will have to make exactly what you promised if you lose my "trust" I will look for you and will take your soul. ¿So, is a Deal?


— I don't have any other choice, ¿do I? Yes, is a deal, but ¿how I am going to get in contact with you?

— That is your problem, not mine

— At least give me your name like a hint

— Very well, you are a useless human after all. My name Is Aishti

When it told me its name I awoke in a hospital bedroom with my head bandaged and an excruciating pain in all my body, my parents were asleep with red faces, I think for crying, in the bedroom chairs for relatives or friends.

I wonder how much time I was here... but, what worries me more is that strange dream ¿it was a dream? either way, I better keep resting, I am too sore to think about bullshit.

But being honest, the intrigue gnaw my mind, that name appeared and vanished from my mind like a whisper, smooth and slow until there was only a letter, sadly I stopped thinking about that conversation until it vanished completely, ¿could it be true? what my teacher said, there exist beings far away from this world, ¿Are we human unique? or ¿Are we common at the sights of other creatures that exist before us or others long gone? it was oppressive thinking about many things without sense, all of this gave me a headache and I stopped thinking.

The next day the doctors gave discharge to me, being my body who contradicted their diagnostics and common thinking, a normal human would be prostrated for days in a bed if he or she survived to such an accident, but my parents were only happy to have me back at home today, also the hospitals had gotten more expensive with the new regulations imposed by the estate.

My body was in a certain way recovered, I didn't get injuries that would affect my life and my future, some Doctors were having crazy ideas, they wanted to keep me in the hospitals to check me thoroughly, obviously, I declined, freaks, my family and I got out of there.

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