《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 32: Troubling night


Alexa: Oh… I remember… I said them that they’ll have the room for tonight! Damnit! How could I forget!

She walks out of the tavern where they are staying. Looking embarrassed, she walks back to the guild just to wait till morning. Upon entering, she was greeted by Escobar and his team. All of them wear casual clothing, but she notices another girl with a very long blonde hair who’s got a muscular-athletic body build.

Escobar: Hey! Alexa! Why are you here? I thought you were supposed to go back to the Lion’s Inn with Akino and Lyka?

Alexa: Yeah… I went there, and… you know? The thing when two lovers were on top of each oth –


Alexa: Yeah… right… so, who is she?

Sarah: She?

Grug: You mean, Tank?

Alexa: Wait, wait, wait… Tank is a girl???

The blonde-haired woman, who’s actually Tank, nods at Alexa.

Alexa: Damn… nice bod you got there…

Tank: Hmm.

Sarah: Sorry, she’s mute…

Tank: Hmm!

Grug: What?

Escobar: You can’t be serious…

Alexa: What is it?

Escobar: She wants to take out the guy we lost on spider’s game. And she wants you to see it.

Alexa: Spider’s game?

Grug: It’s a gambling game. It has a huge board with squares of different colors with written numbers. Then, we have spiders enchanted with magic that makes them go on colors they’re attracted to. We bet on the number color where the spider goes. That’s the game.

Alexa: Like a roulette game…

Sarah: A what?

Alexa: Sorry, don’t mind me…

Tank: Hmm?

Sarah: So, you coming with us?

Alexa: Yeah, just to kill some time…

They left the guild. They are headed towards the foot of the hill where the Dasman Inns is located. Near the hill was an establishment, full of lights and glamour. A gambling house, for the everyone, as long as they’ve got money. They entered, and Alexa is more amazed at the scenery. Like casino in Vegas: a wide beautiful red carpet, classical paintings and sculptures, tables of glamourous designs, servants in black and white, chandeliers of pretty lights.

Alexa: Wow!

Escobar: Nice, isn’t it?

Alexa: Wait, are there no restrictions here?

Sarah: Nope, anyone can enter as long as you have the gold.

Tank: Hmm!

Grug: Let’s get started!

The group went to the area with the spider’s game. Every one of them, except for Alexa, bets but manages only to win small amounts of gold due to numerous losses. Alexa observes the game, then she tries to join in. She pulls out the bag of gold she was carrying earlier and bets it all.

Alexa: All in!

Escobar: Hey! Are sure about that?!

Tank: HMM!

Sarah: She says, ‘that’s fricking bold!’

Alexa: Hehe. Trust me!

She bets on the tenth square. The game starts with the spider going to eleventh square, but as it approaches the eleventh square it turns to the tenth. The game master, who’s a magic user, is confused. Alexa won that game and bets another. It keeps on happening. The game master, the other players, Escobar and his friends are confused.

Other player: You cheating cat!

Alexa: Woah! I am not cheating!

Game master: May I see your hands?

Alexa: Umm, sure?

The game master inspects Alexa hands. He founds nothing. He detects very small amounts of mana on her, which is the bracelet Lyka gave to her. They concluded that she’s not cheating.

After 10 games, Alexa stops with her 7 bags of gold she got. It’s not that bad. She won 8 times, and purposedly lost twice for immersion. Tank clings to her, with a very cheerful face as they leave the game section and went to the lounge area.


Tank: Hmm!

Alexa: Umm…

Sarah: She said congrats.

Grug: How?

Escobar: Yeah, those spiders are enchanted, probably rigged by the game master to go against the players’ choice.

Alexa: Heh. I knew it’s rigged, so I cheated. A little bit though.

Sarah: You really cheated?

Tank: Hmm?

Escobar: You don’t have any magic, right?

Alexa pulls out something from her back. A white, but very small spider.

Grug: A spider?

Alexa: A female spider. The ones being used in the game are males. All I had to do is –

The spider on her palm turns invisible.

Tank: Hmm!

Sarah: Woah!

Alexa: Then, I control it to my desired position, where it will attract the spider. That’s it!

Escobar: That’s… cool, I guess…

Alexa: Hehe!

Alexa then gave the 4 bags to the adventurers.

Grug: You’re giving it to us?

Sarah: How generous of you.

Alexa: Come one, just take. Besides, I came in here with only one bag, now I got three.

Escobar: I know this is not for free, right?

Alexa: Hehe… anything exciting in here other than this gambling stuff?

Grug: I know one. But it’s illegal.

Escobar: No. NO. We are not going in there!

Sarah: What’s the matter, honey? We’re just going to watch in there.

Escobar: No bets?

Alexa: What is it? What is it?

Escobar led them all to part inside the establishment. Another area that leads down. A gate about 3 meters high made of metal was in front of them with 4 guards. Alexa could hear shouts and cheers inside the gate. Escobar shows something to the guards, and they were allowed to enter.

Alexa saw another underground arena, but not the same as the one in the guild. It is more glamourous, and a lot of audience were cheering up on the two people in the middle, fighting to death. A werewolf and a centaur, fighting with claws and maces, both bleeding and exhausted.

They headed to some seats near to a balcony like areas for VIPs.

Alexa: Fist fight?

Escobar: Yeah.

Alexa: What was that earlier?

Escobar: Oh, Adrian handed me this badge. It might be useful for gathering info in here, so he gave me one.

Alexa: Wow…

They watched. The match between the werewolf and centaur ends, the centaur remaining standing with its body full of claw wounds made by the now unconscious werewolf.

Sarah: You seemed… unsurprised…

Tank: Hmm…

Grug: Same thing in your old world?

Alexa: Yeah…

Escobar: Now you’ve seen it, we should leave now. If Akino and Lyka knows about this, I’m screwed.

Alexa: Nah, they won’t be.

Alexa suddenly turns herself taller, as tall as Tank and gave herself a semi-muscular body build. The four adventurers were confused as Alexa walks down near the gates of the arena. They realized that Alexa would do something very terrible, so they rushed to her as she talks on the guards near the arena gate.


Alexa: Umm, joining in?

Sarah: Are you out of your mind?!

Alexa: Come on! Let me enjoy my day-off! Bet on me, and we’ll be rich as fuck!

Grug: Rich as what?

Alexa: Just… trust me. I won’t die, you know.

Tank: Hmm-mm!

Sarah: This is not a good idea.

Escobar: Alexa, we should go.

Alexa: Huh?! No way!

While they were arguing, a middle-aged man wearing a black tux and gold jewelry cuts in between them. The game master of the fighting arena, Lord Gauser, approaches them.

Lord Gauser: Do we have any problems in here?

Escobar: Lord Gauser! We’re sorry for the intrusions, we’ll leave right away.



The four adventurers were shocked. The middle-aged noble bursts out of laughter, as Alexa is jokingly doing a boxing stance, jabbing in the air to ‘convince’ the noble game master.

Lord Gauser: Alright, kid. What’s your name?

Alexa: Alexa.

Lord Gauser: Anything to put up as a payment?

Alexa handed the 3 gold bags she got from the spider’s game. A servant accompanying the noble takes the bags.

Lord Gauser: The fight has a simple rule, yield or get killed. Win as many fights as you can to receive more gold than what you’ve paid to me. You can fight as long as you want!

Alexa: Got it, old man!

Lord Gauser: I’m not old!

Alexa enters the arena while the four adventurers went back to their seats. The announcer of the arena acknowledges Alexa’s presence, but the audience were booing her. Then, at the other side of the arena, a huge ogre come out, fully equipped with armor and axes. The announcer called the ogre ‘the axe’.

The axe: Hey! You sure you ain’t lost, little girl?

Alexa: Shut up, fat boy!

The axe: What did you say?!

Alexa turns around and face towards Escobar and his friends.


Escobar facepalmed, Sarah tries to cover her face, Grug is having a very embarrassing day, and Tank confusedly cheers for her. The rest of the audience and the ogre is laughing at Alexa. Alexa giggles as well while facing back to her opponent.

The ogre strikes his axe to her, but to everyone’s awe she dodges it easily. The ogre kept on swinging but not even Alexa’s shadow is getting hit. Then, Alexa swiftly climbs on the ogre’s arms and quickly jabs a punch on his chin. Small punch from a girl, what could go wrong? But that single punch that seems to be just a brush on his chin knocked him out. The ogre falls and Alexa remains standing. All went silent as Alexa walks out of the arena. The noble game master stands furiously and shouts.


Everyone clapped and cheered on her as she exits the arena. The four adventurers rushed towards her.

Grug: That’s so cool!

Sarah: No wonder you guys beat the gold ranking adventurers.

Tank: Hmm-hm!

Escobar: Alright, alright. That’s enough, we should leave now.

Alexa: No.

The game master appears near them, slowly clapping his hands.

Lord Gauser: Hear the kid, adventurer. She got some fighting spirit.

Alexa: Thanks, old man. So, how many am I going to fight for this night?

Lord Gauser: Ho? I’m starting to like you more, kiddo.

Alexa: Can I discuss something with my pals?

Lord Gauser: Sure! Take your time!

Alexa gathers the other four away from the noble, and she whispers at them.

Alexa: He’s a big shot for the Altruis nobles.

Escobar: What the –

Alexa: Finn told me that he carries some magic key-thing, and we need it.

Sarah: Wait, so this is a mission???

Grug: This is not the night I want to experience in a gambling house…

Tank: Hmm.

Alexa hands each adventurer 4 white lizards.

Alexa: Since I’ll be entertaining this old man, there will be only security in his lounging room. Take these little fellas near the room, they’ll paralyze each person they’ll see, and you can enter no problemo.

Escobar: Now this is getting… pretty thrilling.

Alexa: Don’t worry. I’ve seen the inside of the room. The package you’re going to take is in a black box placed on the table in the middle of the room.

Grug: That’s – pretty convenient…

Sarah: How did you know about that?

Alexa: I have eyes and ears everywhere.

A white moth flies towards Alexa’s shoulder, and it merges with her like it was sinking through her skin.

Escobar: You’re the same as Akino, so creepy…

Tank: Hmm…

Sarah: You used that moth to –

Alexa: Eavesdrop and peek some things. Yeah, yeah, weird stuff, I know…

Grug: Damn…

Escobar: Hold on, are you commanding us?

Alexa: I’ll give half of my wins to you if you got it.

Sarah: SURE!

Grug: Count me in.

Tank: Hmm!

Escobar: Ugh… alright… just this night only.

The four adventurers went on their way. Alexa does some stretching in front of the noble, jugs in place and jabs in air.

Lord Gauser: So, they agreed?

Alexa: Yep!

Lord Gauser: Good! You’ll be fighting 10 more!

Alexa: What?!

Lord Gauser: You want to earn more gold, right? Then fight for this whole night!

Alexa: Yeah, yeah. Don’t shout at me, old man.

Lord Gauser: I’m not! Whatever…

Alexa once again enters the arena. She fought off 4 regular humans in a row, all resulting in knockouts. Then, another ogre, another knockout. 3 goblins, all knocked out. And finally, 2 elf mages, knocked out as well.

The crowd kept on cheering and shouting for Alexa. The noble game master comes in front of her with a bowed head.

Lord Gauser: Ten fights in a row? And all are won by you? Very impressive!

Alexa: About the reward –

Lord Gauser: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll give it to you. Follow me.

They went to Gauser’s lounge room. Upon entering, Alexa saw the other adventurers tied up on chairs. 4 ogres were standing guard inside the room, fully armed.

Alexa: What the…

Escobar: They entered the room as we’re about to leave…

Lord Guaser: Now… you’ll be in my arena as much as I want, or these pesky adventurers will have to die!

Sarah: If we get our hands out of here -!

Grug: We’ll arrest you! You know that!

Tank: Hmm!

Lord Gauser: Oh, really?

The other guards enter the room.

Lord Gauser: Numbers matter, am I right, kid?

The noble Gauser laughs, the guards laugh as well. The four tied up fellas were very intimidated and pissed that they want to get out of the ropes, but they couldn’t. And if they were able to release themselves, the ogres behind them will smash them to mush.

After the men stop laughing, Alexa laughs loudly. She walks near the door and the guards tried to stop her.

Lord Gauser: Now, now, you just don’t leave your friends here! Or, you’ll just accept my offer and go back to the arena? HAHAHAHAHA!

Alexa giggles, as she forces her way through the guards. Gauser let’s her reach the door, but to their surprise she locked the door instead of leaving the room. She even pushed a heavy cabinet to block it. She turns her face towards Gauser with a menacing look. The everyone else started feeling ‘heavy’.

Alexa: You don’t understand… all of you, are locked in here with me…

Gauser snaps and orders the other guards to attack her. The two near her tried to thrust their swords, but their jaws got ripped already by her single swipe kick. The ones rushing towards her were stabbed by her hairs that turned into hardened chitin. Gauser tried to order the ogres to kill the tied-up adventurers, but they started fell on the ground and feeling extreme pain in their heads. Alexa manifested gills on her neck, creating sounds that is inaudible to humans but very loud to ogres.

All the guards are down, bleeding to death. The ogres are on the ground, begging to stop the extreme pain they are experiencing. And Lord Gauser rans to a corner of the room, holding a knife and trembling in fear as Alexa walks towards him.

Alexa: You don’t threaten me by threatening my friends, cabron!

She swiftly jabs her fingers on the noble’s face, and then she peels off the man’s skin like a plastic cover on a newly bought TV screen. Gauser falls, and blood splatters all over the floor. The tied-up adventurers were in shock after seeing the sudden carnage that Alexa did.

One by one, Alexa frees them. They took the box that they needed, the gold bags that Gauser was supposed to give to Alexa, and then they immediately fled the gambling house before getting noticed by the other guards and patrons of the place.

Back at the guild house, they returned fully exhausted, except for Alexa. Alexa takes the box of a ‘magic-key’ and hands it over to the guild receptionist, marking it as Lord Adrian’s package.

Escobar: Hey, kid… about the –

Alexa: What? You gonna arrest me for killing those thugs? I didn’t kill them, I just hurt them really bad that they wouldn’t be able to stand in a week or two. And you guys can’t be bothered by them, or their illegal fighting arena will be busted.

Escobar: I know… it’s just…

Sarah: We didn’t know that you were that kind of brutal…

Tank: Hmm…

Alexa looks at her hands.

Alexa: I’m not sure… but when something like that happens… like when the old guy threatened to kill you, something snapped in me… but I’m sure I can control it!

Grug: You better be. Either way, that’s way awesome!

Escobar: Grug, you can’t just compliment someone whose done that…

Alexa: I’ll take it, thanks.

Sarah: So, what now?

Alexa: I’ll be going back now to the Lion’s tavern. You guys?

Escobar: Well, we won more gold than what we expected… we’ll just take a rest in our rooms.

Tank: Hmm!

Alexa: Well, goodnight, I guess?

Grug: Yeah, let’s take a rest…

Sarah: Okay, goodbye and goodnight! We’ll see each other next time.

Escobar: Goodnight, kid.

The four adventurers and Alexa parts their ways. Alexa walks back to the tavern, then to the room they rented. She saw Akino and Lyka sleeping peacefully in a single bed, both were hugging each other and fully naked.

She takes a blanket and covers the two. She placed the 5 bags of gold she got from the fighting arena on the table, takes a seat and plays with the phone that Akino gave to her.

Alexa: Damn it… I forgot this phone is low in battery. I should have asked Aki to charge it…

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