《The World Close to Entropy》Stories of Elyn 1: A god that roams the realm of mortals


One day, a man wearing ragged brown robes and tailored leather clothes and boots leaves a small tribe in the middle of a forest. As he leaves, he looks back to the tribe. He sees the tribes’ people, all are demi-wolves: humans having a fluffy tail of a wolf, and white fur covering their arms and legs. They look at him as he walks away and waving their hands goodbye. Then a female demi-wolf with a silvery hair, piggybacking a little girl demi-wolf runs in front. She excitedly jumps, and the girl she’s carrying cheers in the same manner.

“Take good care of yourself! We will wait for you!”

He smiles and waves back, then he continued walking away, far away.

He looked back again, but only sees the trees of the forest. He is already far away from that tribe. He continued walking, when suddenly he felt something is following him. He readied himself, raising his fists and standing guard. He doesn’t have any weapons of sort, then he heard a laugh.

A muscular man jumps out of nowhere, trying to ambush him. He immediately dodges the sudden attack. The muscular man doesn’t wear anything, but white fur covers his lower half, has a tail, ears and claws resembling to a wolf, and a very long grey hair. The man raises his fist towards the mysterious wolf-man. The wolf-man was about to claw the man in robes, but when he sees that the arms and fists of the robed man turn into scorching charcoal, he stops.

Man in robes: You stopped…

The wolf-man laughs. He backs off and bows to him.

Wolf-man: Didn’t expect to see face-to-face the god of destruction! It’s been a while, Marcus!

Man in robes: Didn’t expect to see you come back to life, Perdius.

The wolf-man is one of the gods of power, and the chief god of all demi-wolves, Perdius. He retracts his claws and raises his hands to make a shake with the man in robes. The man in robes is Marcus, a lesser god, belonging to the gods of courage and strength, and also known as the god of destruction, coldly responded to him by ignoring his hands.

Marcus: You attacked me for a reason…

Perdius: Well, well. Getting straight to point, are we?

Marcus: Just tell me, and I’ll make amends to it.

Perdius: You came from that small tribe. Did you, perhaps, killed them?

Marcus: You’re joking. You could sense blood from very far away, especially for those you’ve created. If I killed your creations, you would be rushing to me like crazy in moments.


Perdius: HAHA! Yeah, you’re right. I’m just kidding!

Marcus: You’re supposed to be dead. Stories told; you were killed in the last war.

Perdius: Well, not really. Killed? No. Gravely injured? Yes! So painful, but we are gods, and we don’t die that easy HAHAHAHA!

Marcus: So… what’s with the attack?

Perdius: Kind of hard to explain… you know that we can sense our creations?

Marcus: Mocking me, Perdius?

Perdius: NO! Sorry for offending you.

Marcus: So?

Perdius: Well, the gods of the Underworld, including me, discovered that some of the beings we have began missing. Aaannd, here I am! Looking for clues.

Marcus: Missing?

Perdius: From small time adventurers to whole tribes. They suddenly gone missing. All races, humans, elves, demi-beasts, orcs, demons, and more.

Marcus: Even humans?

Perdius: Yeah, we taught at first that the gods of Abode did this missing stuff, but it turns out some of their creations are missing too.

Marcus: That’s why they want me there, in the Abode…

Perduis: The gods of Abode wants you?

Marcus: Those bastards said they want me, to resolve a conflict between the Underworld and them.

Perdius: Really? Damn! They might have been planning something…

They continued walking, heading north.

Perdius: So, what were you doing in that tribe?

Marcus: None of your business.

Perdius: Hmm, really? They are my creations you know. I could smell something amiss with them.

Marcus stares at Perdius with murderous intent.

Perdius: Woah! Woah! Easy! I’m not going to do bad things on them! I’m their protector! I’m their All father!

Marcus calms down, looking back to the direction where he left.

Marcus: I – I made a family, with them…

Perdius: I see… so, that’s why I smell a demi-god among them! I never thought you can make a child!

Marcus: I know…

Perdius: You could bring them to the Underworld, I will do everything I can to protect them, they’re my children after all.

Marcus: I’ll think that through.

Perduis: Hesitating?

Marcus: I already told them that I’ll return to them once the conflict is over. I want to settle this once and for all, ensuring their future.

Perdius: Hmm… yeah, the last war will be the first and the only war that will happen in our time. Sounds like a good future, right?

Marcus: A future that everyone deserves.

Perdius: A bit ambitious for me.

Marcus: I know… but I’ll do everything I can to have it, even at least my wife and daughter will be the only ones that will have it. Even if I had to destroy everything, I’ll get that future, for us.


Perdius: A god that destroys everything, and yet was able to create a small family with a bold dream. You didn’t tell your name to them, did you?

Marcus: …

Perdius: Even when father took you in, you never told your name the first time we met… classic old days…

Marcus: It’s for the best, destruction is the only thing I can leave behind. I don’t want them to carry my name, a name of a useless god…

Perdius taps on Marcus’ shoulder, comforting him.

Marcus: I don’t need your pity, Perdius.

Perdius: Come on, lil’ brother! We haven’t seen each other for like, centuries! A small hug from your big brother won’t hurt, come on!

Marcus: Shut up or I’ll turn you into ashes.


They continued on walking, until they saw something odd. They’ve come across a cliff with a small cave, with strange long sticks were struck on the ground near the cave entrance that is lit up with red light and has symbols they’ve never seen in their entire life. They investigate that mysterious cave at a distance, then they saw an elf boy and a succubus, wearing weird white long coats, and carrying rectangular metal boxes coming out of the cave.

Marcus: That – is weird…

Perdius: Elves and demons never get along, and that one is a succubus! They wear super thin clothes, and like nearly naked! But she’s fully covered! Wow!

Marcus: We’ll ask them.

The two went to the two strange people. As soon as the two people in white clothing saw the two approaching them, they abandoned their stuff and ran back inside the cave.

Perdius: What the? I’m not TOTALLY naked!

Marcus: Hmm. We’ll follow them, might be a clue for the missing people.

They quickly followed the two, running deep inside the cave that was apparently mined. They end up in a dead end of the cave, a metallic door. Not a door of some dungeon, of some ruins, a plane looking silvery metal door, and has that same symbol they saw on the lighting sticks outside the cave. Then, the door opens, horizontally, creating sounds, an alarm. Red lights cover the darkness of the cave, and then they could see the white light flashes, coming from the other side of the door. The two gods, knowing something might attack them, readied themselves.

Perdius: Well, this is the first time we fought together for millennia.

Marcus: Hmmp. You better be good than what we were last time.

Perdius: You bet!

The door fully opens, the two gods raised their arms, readying for an attack, but hey are shocked for what they’ve seen. They are not sure. A human? Orc? Elf? Demon? Folk-beast? Dragon? Demi-beast? Or perhaps a demi-human? No. None of that. Nothing they’ve seen in their entire life. If they could describe it, they could say those are golems, but its far too complex for them. It seems to be made of some sort of metal, all silvery and shiny. A head that is not round, unusual for a typical golem, and has a long vertical line on the middle of its 'face', glowing like a blue firefly. Fully covered like a knight in a powerful armor, yet the armor doesn’t resemble to any human design or culture they know, and have that same symbols that they couldn’t understand on their arms. These ‘golems’ wield a weapon that they hold like a crossbow.

The two were stunned at the sight but regained their composure. They both dashed towards these ‘golems’. Perdius clawed, and Marcus punched. They were able to take down a single one, but when they look back to the door there are tens of them. Marcus tried to blast them, he chants and his arms began burning, releasing a huge fire directing towards the golems. He fires a huge ball of bluish magic energy, but as his magic travels to the 'golems' it dissipates.

Perdius: A barrier?!

Marcus: Impossible! These beings…

Perdius: They don’t have any magic! How?!

Then they heard a voice of a man, coming from behind the ‘golems’.

“It’s technology.”

The ‘golems’ shoot the ground where the two stands. Strange looking things sticks on the ground and began producing lightning. Both Perdius and Marcus suddenly felt heavy, they couldn’t move nor lift a single finger. They collapsed on the floor, struggling to move. And then another ‘golem’ sticks a very long rod to the ground. This rod opens its other end, like a blooming flower, then the two felt very weak, as if they could fall asleep any moment.

The two went unconscious, and the ‘golems’ brought them inside the door.

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