《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 24: A wild night


Alexa: Where the hell are they?!

Alexa nervously walks left and right, biting her fingers. The girl they saved, Oliva, approaches her from behind and taps her shoulders.

Oliva: If they said they’ll be back, they’ll come back.

Alexa: I know… but it’s been an hour since they talked to me.

They went back to the tents, tending to some equipment and bedrolls. A few mor e minutes, they saw Akino and Lyka emerging from the cave. Alexa rans toward the two and hugged them tightly.

Alexa: Where you guys have been?

Lyka: Akino tried to look back in the facility, so a accompanied her for a while.

Akino: Sorry to worry you, kid. I’ll explain things later. And we’ve decontaminated ourselves already inside, so don’t worry about the radiation.

They went inside to the tents and saw the three adventurers. Olguk spoon-feeds the elf, Thoral, having himself bedridden due to the massive hole he had a while ago, already covered in ‘magic’ bandages. Oliva, who’s a human girl, casts some healing magic on Thoral to ease up his pain.

Akino: You guys – were already awake…

Thoral: Thanks to you, we’ve made it to this tent again. I thought I’ll never leave that place…

Oliva: Thank you for risking your lives to save us… we don’t have that much gold, but we’ll do anything we can to pay you!

Lyka: You don’t have to, right Aki?

Akino: Yeah, you don’t have to.

The two sits beside the adventurers. Olguk went outside to set-up a tent for the three girls, and Alexa takes some food outside.

Thoral: Even though may stomach is already healed, I could still feel that pain when my guts were spilling out… thanks for healing me.

Lyka: Don’t mention it. It's what everyone will do, helping the ones in need.

Oliva: Something’s strange in that place… it feels like we’re breathing in poison, but our magic should be protecting us very well… and that monster… that horrendous monster… I can’t forget seeing that thing, it will haunt me every night and then…

Thoral: You say! That thing isn’t something we always encounter! Has four limbs, a body full of hollowed faces, screams like a troll but it can speak, only I can’t understand what it is…

Lyka whispers to Akino.

Lyka: Should we?

Akino: Yeah, I’ll handle it.

Akino then began explaining things to them. What Akino and Alexa are and where they come from, what happened on Lyka’s tribe, and about the meatball monsters that were former humans. The two looked dumbfounded, taking in so much information.

Lyka: You’re using too much technical terms…

Akino: Sorry for explaining the other stuff for me.

Thoral: That’s a lot to handle…

Oliva: Yeah… it’s too much…

Akino: I know, but we killed that monster already and that place is already gone. You guys don’t need to worry anymore.

Alexa peeps in the tent.

Alexa: What am I missing?

Akino: Exposition, kid.

Alexa: Oh… anyways the foods ready for us, we should eat now before it gets cold.

Akino and Lyka followed Alexa out of the tent, they wait for Oliva who finishes her healing on Thoral and covers him with a blanket so he could sleep. Outside, Olguk prepared a bonfire with grilled fishes and bird meat around it. They encircled the fire and started eating. They chatted for a while. Alexa telling the animals she saw in that world and differentiating it to their world. Oliva telling the things they encountered while adventuring, and saying it was their first time seeing the things from Akino and Alexa’s world. Olguk proudly bragging the feats of their small team, like killing hundred trolls and ogres in one night, and Oliva says he’s making it up. Lyka telling again the stories of gods, and about her prosthetic arm that Akino made for her. It was a little peaceful time. The night already falls, with a bright red full moon rising from the western horizon. Lyka looks up in sky, she stood up.


Lyka: Sorry guys, but I feel a little tired. I should go rest now, sorry.

Akino: Nah, don’t bother it. Go ahead and take a rest, we’ll come inside in a bit.

Lyka enters the tent that Olguk made for the three of them. They continued to do their stuff while gazing at the starry night sky. Akino was about to stand up when Oliva approaches her.

Oliva: Can I ask something?

Akino: Oh, go ahead.

Oliva: What kind of magic you guys used inside that place?

Alexa: Umm, can’t you see that we don’t have any magic?

Oliva looks at the two, with her right eye glowing. She closes her eyes, then looks at them again with a surprised face.

Oliva: But – how? That place seems to be cursed! It’s – it’s weird… I didn’t even get any injury, Thoral took all the damage from that monster, but still I started puking blood for no reason!

Akino & Alexa: Oh…

Akino: Olguk, remember why we insisted you to stay outside?

Olguk: Yeah…

Alexa: Oh boy! It’s the radiation, isn’t it!

Olguk: Radi-a-sion?

Oliva: What kind of word is that?

Akino: Yup. Oliva, why don’t you try to touch that bonfire?

Oliva: I can’t! It will burn my hand! But if I use a protective spell –

Akino: I’ll stop you right there. You will be able to protect yourself from burning by having that spell. Let me ask you this, you feel the hotness when you’re near a fire or something that emits heat, right?

Olguk & Oliva: Yeah.

Akino: That’s a form of radiation. Heat is a form of energy that can be transferred from one object to another. We burned that wood, resulting to fire. The energy stored in that wood is turned into heat, which is it is hot, transferring to its surroundings.

Both Oliva and Olguk scrath their head in confusion.

Alexa: Don’t bother understanding it, knowledge like that came from OUR world, so don’t burden yourselves.

Oliva: Is that something the people from a world without magic learns? But what about the ‘thing’ in that place?

Akino started using her holographic visuals from her arm to explain stuff, showing a 3-D image of a human body that shows section from organ systems to atomic level.

Akino: That’s on another side of energy transfer. That radiation kills, high forms of energy, but not in the form of heat, will slowly destroy your body.

Alexa: That’s why you started spitting blood. Every living being is made up of very small structures called cells. These cells perform certain functions in your body so that you could live. Your body is comprised of organ systems, these organ systems consist of organs, organs made up of tissues and tissues made up of cells.

Akino: But cells are made up of much smaller parts, molecules. Then these molecules are made up of also much smaller stuff called atoms. A high energy radiation can dismantle the atom, and once the atom dismantles the molecule starts disintegrating.

Akino then shows how a molecule crumbles on her hologram.

Alexa: And if that molecule starts to breakdown, well, the cell might break as well, and it will cause a chain reaction, leading to organ failure or even death, to put it simply.

Akino: And if you ask if why magic can’t block it’s effect. Well, I think because radiation is a natural phenomena? You can’t just block it off, I guess… not really sure about that.


Oliva: Tha – thanks, even almost half of what you’ve guys said were a bit, you know? Overwhelming…

Olguk: I didn’t even understand anything you’ve said!

Akino sighs and Alexa laughs.

Akino: I guess, we’re from another world, after all…

Oliva: You guys aren’t summoned, right?

Alexa: We took a portal when we got here, so no summoning rituals and stuff.

Olguk: So you’re not like the heroes that the major kingdoms summon, huh?

Akino: Yeah, you’re right…

Akino stands up.

Akino: I guess I should accompany Lyka now, have a rest everyone.

Alexa: Don’t do any dirty stuff on mama, got it?

Oliva: Wait, mama? So Aki is your sis?

Alexa: No, Akino adopted me, then we met Lyka. Then I call Lyka my new mom, but I don’t know what to call Akino, she’s not motherly enough for me. But you know what? Aki likes mama a lot, like seriously. If she’s a boy I could call her dad, but nah.

Olguk: So, the two of them are couples?


Akino: NO! I mean – Argh! Don’t mind her!

Akino went to their tent, looking exhausted. She doesn’t need sleep, but she misses the feeling of laying down on a soft mattress and taking a nap. She enters and saw that Lyka was still awake, sitting on the bedsheet.

Akino: Lyka! Yo – you’re still awake? I thought you're already asleep?

Lyka immediately grabs Akino and pins her down the bedsheet. Akino was shocked on Lyka’s very sudden actions. She’s starting to get nervous.

Akino: Umm, Lyka? What are you doing?

Lyka’s face is all red, she’s sweating, and drooling.

Lyka: I – I don’t know why… but every time I see you my heart races~

Akino: P – p – pardon?

At that point, Lyka slowly removes her leather clothes while on top of Akino. Akino is blushing, but she tried to move herself and get away from Lyka. However, Lyka completely lays on top of Akino, pressing her huge breasts on her chest. Akino is totally nervous, no, she’s about to freak out.

Lyka: This is what you want, right?

Akino: Lyka! What the hell are you doing?!

Lyka: I – I don’t know what to do! That time when I get to know more about you, I can’t stop thinking about you… I – I’ve fallen for you~

Akino: Holy shit…

Lyka starts kissing Akino’s neck, gently. Of course, Akino wouldn’t feel any tension since her sexual organs has been 'removed' when they were experimented, but she feels very uncomfortable.

Akino: I think this is NOT a good idea…

Lyka’s not listening to her, she keeps on kissing and caressing Akino’s neck and face. Her moaning kept on getting louder, making Akino to raise her voice.

Akino: LYKA! Could stop for a sec?!

She didn’t listen. Lyka was about to remove Akino’s top clothes when Alexa entered the tent, seeing Lyka naked and on top of Akino.

Akino: I – I can explain…


Despite Alexa seeing the scene, Lyka doesn't seem to notice her and proceeds on removing the clothes of the struggling Akino.

Akino: Alexa! Help!

Alexa: HOLY FUCK! This tent reeks with oxytocin and dopamine!


Alexa: You sure you want to stop now? Looks like you’re enjoying it.

Akino: AGH! I’ll do it myself!

Akino tried to reach Lyka’s neck, but she accidentally gropes her breasts making her moan very loud. Akino immediately grabs Lyka and kissed her lips. Alexa was so stunned at the sight she’s not moving even an inch, seeing Akino French kissing Lyka. After five seconds, Lyka falls asleep and Akino gently places her on the bedsheet, re-wearing her clothes and covering her with a blanket.


Akino: Don’t tell anyone, got it?

Alexa: Pretty sure they overheard it. AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!

Akino: I tranquilized her.

Alexa: Tranquilize? BY FRENCH KISSING?!

Akino opens her mouth and shows her tongue, which is like a mechanical tail of a scorpion. It shows three thin needles before retracting into its normal flesh tongue.

Alexa: First, disgusting. Second, you’re into that kinky shit?

Akino: Can you just shut your mouth for a minute?! I’m trying to absorb what just happened!

Akino angrily went out of the tent and saw both Oliva and Olguk eavesdropping. She blushed, knowing that they might have heard what happened inside. She laughs at herself, then sits near the fireplace.

Olguk: We – we’re sorry to overhear thi –

Oliva hits Olguk’s head.

Oliva: We didn’t hear anything!

Alexa: Nah, pretty sure the whole forest heard what happened inside…

They went silent. Alexa sits beside Akino and stares at her intensely, intimidating her but Akino seems to be thinking something else, ignoring Alexa.

Alexa: I think you should start explaining.

Akino: She confessed to me…

Alexa: Umm – WHAT?

Akino: I SAID, she confessed to me. She said she likes me, then she started pinning me down and stripping her clothes on top of me.

Alexa: Woah! Woah there! Really?!

Akino: Yeah… I can handle her confession, of course. But her suddenly trying to, you know? Damn it!

Oliva: Come to think of it, she’s a demi-wolf, and today’s a full moon…

They all looked up on the sky, with the round red full moon shining in the cloudless night sky.

Akino: And what of it?

Oliva: I’ve heard some stories that demi-wolves become very active at full moon. Well, active as in sexually aroused... and maybe Miss Lyka is one of those that gets turned on during full moon...

Akino: Oh…

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