《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 19: Lyka’s log – Her story


Lyka: Is that what you call a camera?

Akino: Yeah. Don’t worry about it, just talk and we’ll listen.

Alexa: It’s like a ritual. Having your first log in the system was like, hmm, baptizing you?

Akino: Yeah, like that.

Lyka: Speaking of logs, why Aki’s very first log was only in text? Using your mind to write?

Akino: I didn’t know there’s a camera feature.

Akino sets up the camera tripod, angled that the three of them can be seen. Alexa munches on some chocolate bars, and Akino focuses on Lyka that took a deep breath before telling her story.

Lyka: There’s an old story that my mother told when I was younger. There are many gods that woke up in this world, and they are the creators of this world. They created this world, the mountains, forests, seas, and lastly the life that inhabits each. Most gods have their own creation of life. The gods of wisdom and knowledge created the race of elves. The gods of courage and strength created the humans and demons. The gods of vitality and dexterity created the other beasts. The gods of power created the demi-humans and demi-beasts, Perdius is one of them, our chief god. These gods never named our world, but they gave us a single and simple language for us to understand each other, for us to live in harmony. We named this world Elyn, meaning ‘united’ in our language. It was a very peaceful time, but after a long run the gods got divided due to their ambitions and so their creations…

Akino: Ambitions?

Lyka: World domination, being the strongest being, or building their dream utopia for their creations.

Lyka raised her right arm, a bluish fiery line appeared and formed a circle, then symbols. Like a gear, the crypted symbols moves, and a butterfly made of blue fire flew out of her hand then it disappeared.

Alexa: Woah!

Lyka: They conjured their unlimited lifeforce and spread it all to their creations. We called it mana, and we’ve been using it to cast magic.

Akino: So, everything has its own mana? Both biotic and abiotic?

Lyka: Biotic and abiotic? Oh, on living and non-living, right? Yes, it is present on all living as well as on the non-living. But the other non-living has exceptional mana in it.

Alexa: Exceptional?

Lyka: Some gods infused their lifeforce to ores, even some created weapons or artifacts infused with power that could rival their own. This blessing of the gods given to us served as tools for making our lives easier: for doing daily tasks, giving protection and provides strength against others who wants to do mischievous deeds. Because of this magic, others have their intentions became more concerning, full of greed for conquest and power.


Akino: Why?

Lyka: Because of the very creators who granted us this blessing. A war between the gods occurred because of their ever-growing ambitions. They promised to their creations that they have the same fate as them if they joined the war. Elves, humans, other demi-humans and demi-beasts, humanoids and pure beasts, dragons, fairies and demons. Other gods were able to subdue the other gods, others died out like Perdius who fought just only to protect the demi-humans and demi-beasts. Mother told it happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. The war stopped for unknown reasons, and these gods left Elyn.

Akino: Where are they now?

Lyka: In the Underworld, at the Centennial Abode, and others wandered off on their own… like my father.

Akino: Your father - is a god?

Lyka: Yes. Mother told me that my father is the god of destruction, others called him the Great Destroyer, but we never knew his true name… he never told us. Mother told me he wandered off because he can’t be like the other gods. He – he’s considered lesser, because all he can do is destroy things, hence his title.

Akino: But he did have you and your mother, right?

Alexa: Ooohh, that’s smooth.

Akino: Shut it.

Lyka: Thanks. He’s a good father, but he left when I was 5 years old. I still remember the time where he lifts me up in the air, the time we had been laughing non-stop…

Alexa: He left, didn’t he?

Lyka: Yeah... as far as I remember, he left because of a turmoil between the gods of the Abode and the Underworld. He said he’s going to secure a good future for us… but up to this moment he never returned yet.

Alexa: What does he look like?

Lyka: He looks like nothing but a human male. At first, the tribe didn’t accept him, but mother showed how trustworthy father is. We succeeded. But, still, he left us and assured that we will be protected under his name…

Akino: Can I ask, your mother, is she still alive?

Lyka: She’s been resting for a long time, she died a thousand years ago.

Akino: That means, you’re over 1200 years old?

Alexa: Yeah, she’s 1256 years old to be exact.

Akino: I told you to not carbon date her!

Alexa: Hey! She told me about it.

Akino: Oh… wait, that means, your father was immortal and you inherited his immortality?

Lyka: Yes. Because I’m a demigod and my father is an immortal being, my life has been robbed its mortality. Even the demi-wolves could live for 200 years, but still outlived my mother…

Akino: I – I shouldn’t ask. I’m sorry.

Lyka: It’s okay.

Akino: Oh, I almost forgot.


Akino pulls out a red crystal from her belt bag.

Lyka: Its –

Akino: Umm, yeah… sorry about the blue dragon.

Lyka: Her name’s Dr’akan, the Harbinger of Fear. She’s – she’s been guiding me along with my mother. She’s my father’s trustworthy herald.

Alexa: Is she also a god?

Lyka: A herald of gods, but nearly in terms of power, both the heralds and the gods have the same strength. Each god has their own choice of their own herald, I don’t know how Dr’akan met father but I knew that she has been serving my father for many years.

Alexa: We saw another dragon fighting against her. And we overheard that he also knew about your father.

Lyka: That’s D’ran, he’s also father’s herald but the humans convinced him to side with them in exchange of being worshipped as a god.

Akino: But he is your father’s herald, he’s supposed to be protecting you, right?

Lyka: The war never ended between the creations of the gods. You’ve seen the attack earlier… the humans want to conquer all of the races, the elves want to take all of the power of all creation, the beasts want to exterminate all humans and elves, and the humanoids and demi-beasts wants to dominate all beings. Us never sought of anything, we just wanted peace. D’rakan swore to protect us, but D’ran didn’t. He didn’t think that we should be living in peace, but instead he believed that we should have taken part in that war. The humans were able to reason with him, making him side against us…

Akino: The kingdom of Altruis…

Lyka: One of the eight human kingdoms, and most hateful against the demi-humans and demi-beasts…

Alexa: We can just… blast them off! Yeah! Death to them!

Akino: Hey! Alexa, that’s not a very appropriate way to disclose a war fueled by hate.

Alexa: And greed, remember that one!

Lyka: Even if you guys are strong, they have an army. These kingdoms are in some sort of alliance, it won’t be just facing some knights of a single kingdom.

The three went silent. Alexa finishes munching her chocolate bar. Akino stares at the gloomed face of Lyka.

Lyka: For a thousand years, we’ve been living in peace. D’rakan taught me things in magic, making myself useful for protecting the tribe… but I guess that didn’t work out… I – I wasn’t able to protect them… the only family that I have, even not a by blood but by the race we belonged to…

Akino: But you did all of your best, at that time. One thing I learned our past world, nothing is fair. You have to climb up, jump over walls, if the wall is too high –

Alexa: Smash through it. No obstacle will ever stop you from living.

Lyka smiled, she grabbed the two and hugged them.

Akino: Umm… wow.

Alexa: Ho~ho… Akino is enjoying this.

Akino: Shut up.

Lyka slowly lifted their right arms.

Lyka: Mother told me that one day, when I’ll have my own family… I should do this. When – when mother bonded with father, she bit his right arm… a pact has been made between the two of them.

Akino: Okay…

Alexa: Do it with Akino first.

Akino: Alexa!

Alexa: What?

Lyka: It’s alright.

Lyka opens her mouth. With her four canine teeth, she bit Akino, then Alexa.

Lyka: Your blood tastes funny.

Alexa: Her blood is made of jet fuel.

Akino: She’s joking.

Alexa: She can turn her blood into jet fuel.

Akino: Anyways, how’s your experience in fighting? I saw you wielding a sword last time.

Lyka: I’m an inept in swordsmanship, but I’m adept in casting spells.

Akino: Really? How about a spar with me?

Lyka: Spar with you?

Akino: Don’t worry, I can’t control your left bionic arm.

Lyka: So, a test in strength?

Akino: And training as well.

Lyka: I’m on it.

Alexa: Count me in!

Lyka: Can I have my leather armor first?

Akino: You mean your skimpy outfit?

Lyka: SKIMPY?!

Akino: I mean, look at it, it shows so much skin. I can modify it.

Alexa: Heh, you’re dying to see what she looks like on that outfit.

Akino: Another tease, and I’ll pinch your tongue!

Alexa took Lyka’s leather garments from Akino.

Alexa: Don’t listen to her, she’s just jealous.

Lyka: The lightness is for my mobility and it’s a traditional armor of the wolf-people. This has been passed down to us.

Akino & Alexa: Mobility?!

Both stared at Lyka, from toes to her head.

Akino: Mobility? With that breasts?!

Lyka covered her breasts. She blushed, screamed, and kicked Akino on her face, sending Akino flying outside the cave.

Alexa: That’s a strong kick.

Lyka looked at Alexa. She smiled and patted her head.

Lyka: You asked me to be your mother, right?

Alexa: Really?!

Lyka: These thousand years made me dream of having my own child… so, yes. You can be my daughter.

Alexa: YEY!

Akino: What’s all the fuss here?

Alexa: Hey, I got a new mom!

Akino: Ugh… wait, what?

Lyka: You heard her.

Akino fell silent, she stares at the two as Alexa hugs Lyka. She smiled, seeing the ones she saved, who has dark pasts are already moving on, living the best of their lives.

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