《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 18: Reassessment


The whole place turned back to its usual white place of ever-expanding nothingness.

Akino: The rest that happened was not in our memories. You could say we died during that explosion, but somehow, we got back but already different.

Alexa: Yeah… mutants? Super-humans? I don’t know. They refer us as ‘Quantum Computers’.

Akino: And, sorry for turning you into one. We – we couldn’t think any other way to save you, so we just jump to turning you into one.

Lyka: My soul was ravaged by his weapon…

Akino & Alexa: What?

Lyka: An arch knight leaded the attack on our tribe… his sword was imbued with magic similar to my father, and strong enough to tear down a soul.

Akino: That’s why you’re missing an arm…

Alexa: That’s an obvious thing to say.

Akino: I mean in here, in the system matrix. So, I suppose you could heal wounds?

Lyka: Yes, even fatal ones. But ones you got hit by that sword, any healing won’t do. Anyway... what happens next?

Akino: Oh, right! You saw your system evaluation?

Lyka: I – I don’t even know where to –

Dialogue texts suddenly appear in front of Lyka. Akino goes to her side and points out what should be done. A minute passed, and both were done.

Akino: That should do it.

Lyka: It’s a bit of complicated, thanks for assisting me.

Alexa: Welcome to the club? Guess we have a new family member, huh? It would be weird if I call you my mother?

Lyka: Wh – What?! F – Family member? Mother?!

Lyka blushes and covers her face. Akino blushed as well but become irritated right after.

Akino: Alexa!

Alexa: What? Our minds were already connected into one, no point in not making her a family member, right?

Akino: …

Alexa: Come on, I know you like her as –

Akino: OKAY! Lyka, what else do you want to know?

Lyka: What happened after that explosion?

Both Akino and Alexa went silent.

Akino: It’s a long story.

Alexa: Should we show to her?

Akino: Guess it’s okay to show to her.

Akino pulled something from the ground, a drawer full of papers and recording drives.

Akino: You can see it for yourself, we’ll be here to explain things the best way we can.

One by one, Lyka reads and watches every bit of information inside that drawer. She didn’t ask any questions to the two. Seven hours of just reading and watching, and she didn’t question anything.

Akino: Sooo… how is it? Did you somehow, ummm, got enlightened?

Alexa: Humanity nearly getting wiped out, life on our world becoming more alien, we don’t even know where the hell the rest of humans are!

Akino: Kid, calm down.

Lyka: Can I ask a favor?

Akino: Sure.

Lyka: Can you leave me alone in here? For a while…

Alexa: Is everything alright?

Lyka: Yes, its just –

Akino: Take the time you need to absorb everything. We will be waiting in real time.

Lyka: In real time?

Alexa: Our brain processes things faster, thus time in here flies slower compared to the real world.

Akino: Yeah, I estimated that a year in this place is like a minute in the real world. It can be modified much further, like a year will be only seconds or whatever you desire.

Lyka: One last thing, how do I get out of here?

Alexa: Wake up then.

Akino: Yeah, just like think that you want to wake up. It will be hard in first try, but you’ll get used to it.


Lyka: Thank you.

Lyka watches the two, suddenly dissipating in air, startled on what she witnessed.

Lyka: Aki?! Alexa?!

Akino: (Don’t worry about it, that’s how we leave.)

Lyka: You’re talking in my mind now?

Alexa: (We have connected minds, remember?)

Lyka: Yeah…


Alexa: You think she will be fine in there?

Akino: She will be fine.

The place is still the same, the cooked boar still emits heat, the torches inside the cave left untouched, the sounds of the crickets and insects outside still hymns with that silent night.

Akino: Wow, five minutes passed after we entered the virtual plane.

Alexa: Hey, she won’t get stuck in there, right?

Akino: Nah… Hey!

Alexa: What?

Akino approaches Alexa with spiteful intent. She pinches her cat ears as soon as she was within her reach.


Alexa: WHAT?

Alexa removes Akino’s pinching hand.

Akino: You! Saying that I like her!

Alexa: I can smell shit-ton of dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin from you! Every time you look at her or you talk to her, especially if she’s smiling, I smell you excreting shit-ton of it!

Akino: Languag – wait, really?

Alexa: Gotcha!

Akino: Arrgh!

Alexa: Proof one, check! Proof two, check! And the third one, check!

Akino: What the hell is the second and third one?!

Alexa: I just told to Lyka if a can call her my mom but you reacted as well, you blushed and stuff. Aaanndd you just admitted it, like right now. HAH!

Akino: You little shit! Don’t you dare tell her!

Alexa: Just admit it! A wise man once said: “better get her than stare at her”. Plus, it’s a win for you! A wise man also said: “people tend to like things or other people that has something they don’t have”.

Akino: What? Her tail? Fur? Claws?

Alexa: First, that’s offensive for her!

Akino: Sorry…

Alexa: And second, what you lack is THICCNESS.

Akino: Ex-fucking-cuse me?!

Alexa: Look at yourself! Yes, nice body, athletic build, but you don’t have what she has. NOW look at her!

Both looked at Lyka, sitting on the bed but unconscious.

Alexa: She has a beautiful face that can made everyone’s heart race, very soft white skin and fur, very nice short white hair, her scar on her left eye looks badass, her badoonkas are bigger than my head, her waist looks narrowed but a bit of chubby yet her hips looks very nice, her thighs are way thicker than your muscular torso, and her assets are as huge as her knockers! Talk about a voluptuous bombshell!

Akino: You fucking pervert! If she hears that, we’re dead to her!

Alexa: Hey! I’m just connecting the dots, that secret folder on your desktop and the way you look at her? It all makes sense to me. And it’s all your fault I know these things. Guess I’m a detective now, huh? Beat that, sherlock! HAHAHAHA!

Akino sat beside Alexa, she let’s out a sigh as she stares at Lyka.

Akino: Yeah... I mean, yeah, I do like her. Her hair reminds me of someone…

Alexa: Rachel?


Alexa: Your diary was just laying around the kitchen, you messy bastard.

Both went silent, then they laughed. Their laugh could be heard all throughout the forest.

Akino: Haaah… good old times.


Alexa: Yeah… you being messy and me picking up the mess.

Akino: You said you wanted to be useful? Then pick up that can! Hahahahaha!

Alexa: Haha, funny old woman.

Akino: Annoying old kid.

Akino & Alexa: HAHAHAHAHA!

The two kept on laughing, unnoticing that Lyka was already awake.

Lyka: Did – did I miss something?

Alexa: Oh shit.

Akino: Hey! You’re finally awake?

Alexa: Stop making jokes!

Akino: I’m not joking!

Lyka: You guys seems going well, despite of what happened.

Akino: As long as your alive, you should go on as well.

Alexa: You should eat my cooking!

Akino: Yeah! She’s the cook, go try it! It’s delicious.

Lyka: Thanks.

The three ate, both Akino and Alexa were still reminiscing their past lives. As soon as Lyka finishes her meal, Akino gave her water to drink and cleaned up the place.

Alexa: We just changed your body, so resting a bit will help to adapt to it.

Lyka: You guys will not take a sleep?

Akino: We’re used to not sleeping. We’ll just be on the entrance if you need something.

Lyka: Thanks.

Lyka lays down the bed, and the two left, standing guard at the cave entrance. The morning came after that very long night for her. Lyka woke up, she left the cave and found Alexa staring at the mounds where her tribe people rest. Lyka approaches Alexa.

Alexa: Lyka! You can stand up properly now. Feeling better?

Lyka: Yeah. Thanks for healing my body back.

Alexa: You should be thanking Aki instead. She’s the one who figured out how to save you and replace your left arm.

Lyka: This arm by the way, what is it made of? Its hard like steel, but acts like a normal muscle…

Alexa: Oh, its carbon fibre alloyed with synthesized adamantine tungsten and titanium. You can’t feel the weight since Aki turned your whole skeletal system the same as that arm. Surprisingly, your skeletons are already as hard as a high-grade steel! Your muscles are super durable and highly flexible, and a huge portion of your body is made of muscles! What I mean is, that was amazing! You’re amazing!

Lyka: Thanks. You’re the first human to appreciate us, our body. Others just calls us freak, they can’t comprehend what we are…

Alexa: Aki does appreciate you as well.

Lyka: Really? Then that makes two of you.

Alexa: Glad we can help, that's all!

Lyka: Can you help me? Pick up flowers, for them?

Lyka stares at the mounds with smile, but still the sadness reeks off on her expression.

Alexa: Sure! You lead the way!

The two took a walk into the forest. Lyka leaded Alexa to a small pond near the tribe, where calla lilies could be found. Lyka started picking up the lilies as Alexa assists her.

Lyka: Must be hard, to kept in a secluded place for millions of years?

Alexa: You knew about that?

Lyka: You said to me we have a connected mind, right?

Alexa: Hahaha! Yeah, yeah, you’re right. It’s a bit shocking at first, but we have to move on. Getting upset or sad about what happened is fine but making yourself down because of that won’t change what happened.

Lyka: I’ll take that in mind, thank you.

Alexa: Eh?

Lyka: Nothing! Nothing…

A moment of silence passed, the two already picked up a handful of calla lilies. They stood up and went back to the tribe area.

Lyka: Come to think of it, I should address you as my elder.

Alexa: Hey! No! I don’t want to!

Lyka: But you’re over a million years old. Would that make sense, right?

Alexa: Our body is, but our mind isn’t. How old are you, by the way?

Lyka: I’m 1256 years old…

Alexa: Woah… wait, really?

Lyka: I’m surprised that you didn’t know about that.

Alexa: Yeah, well Aki taught me to no pry into someone else’s mind without their permission.

Lyka: Then why you didn’t ask things about me? I could be an enemy, listening to your stories.

Alexa: Aki also taught me to help people understand things, I guess. Telling our background to you was a way for you to understand us. And with understanding, a chance of trust is formed. If you’re an enemy, then Aki would blast you off immediately.

Lyka: Re – Really?

Alexa: But she got instincts, you know? I could have been a disease carrying patient, or a vulgar just doing some acts for someone to take me in, but still Aki helped me, without any hesitation. She didn’t question me either when we had our very first conversation. So, I guess that’s her way?

Lyka: I – I see…

The two reached the burned tribe. Lyka carefully placed one calla lily on each of the mounds, after that she kneeled, crossed her arms on her chest, and murmured some words unfamiliar to Alexa. Must be a ritual, or prayer. Alexa watches her silently, and as soon as Lyka ends her prayer she stood up and hold Alexa’s shoulder.

Lyka: Thank you.

Alexa: You’re welcome.

Akino: You shouldn’t be thanking so much, that’s some kind of a disease.

Lyka and Alexa were startled as Akino popped out behind them.

Alexa: Come on! Don’t just do that!

Akino: You have a signal transmitter in your brain but can’t detect me, sucks to be you.

Lyka: Can I ask, where have you been?

Akino: I flew up high and took a topographical – I mean, ummm…

Lyka: Don’t worry, I can understand.

Alexa: Wait, you can understand our “technical terms”?

Lyka: I took the time learning many things in that virtual world.

Akino: Oohhh… anyway, I took a topographical reconnaissance. The satellites I deployed can still transmit data back and forth, normally. But I can’t track down the signal origin of the message we got because of that damn field. Unknown radiation level, weird wavelength, the whole planet is enveloped with it but not exactly same as the in ours.

Lyka: It’s mana. All life on this planet exhibits mana, including the planet itself.

Alexa: Wow…

Lyka: I – I should start talking, I guess…

Akino: Go on, we’re listening.

Lyka: It will be a long one…

Alexa: Use the virtual plane then.

Lyka: I – I prefer talking it out.

Akino: That’s fine.

Alexa: Then we should have some snacks! And drinks!

Akino: What?

Alexa: I put it inside your dimensional belt bag.

Akino: It’s no time for your shenanigans.

The two kept on arguing for an hour, then they looked at Lyka to ask what she wants. She was smiling, but something sinister is hiding in that smile.

Lyka: Can we just enter first the shrine, and settle there before I talk?

Akino & Alexa: Yes, ma’am!

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