《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 13: First Contact


Akino: Okay! Now we are stuck in this world, without any idea where the hell is that portal… But hey, the place looks good. This planet seems to be in the Goldilocks zone, the oxygen levels is good enough for creatures like ours live, water is water, blah blah blah…

Akino lets out a big sigh, her disappointment and boredom reached the highest peak. They’ve been walking inside the forest for 12 hours, and they can’t find any interesting thing except some rainforest fauna and flora. She stares at Alexa who was examining the mushrooms on the ground. It was a hot and humid day for any human to have walk inside that weird forest, having the feeling of warm perspiration then getting dirt on all over the body that gets dry and then gets wet with your sweat. Even she doesn’t feel such things she is annoyed by the fact that she thinks it’s happening to her.

Akino: Hey, have you checked your HUD?

Alexa: For what?

Akino: Well, the ‘welcome’ message we got earlier has a linguistic data encryption. It was automatically imprinted to our system the moment we got that mysterious message. I guess those are the natives’ language.

Alexa: So, we could meet someone in here?

Akino: Yeah, unless we got out of this dense forest.

Alexa: Ugh, why don’t you check the satellite? It was like you deployed it ten hours ago, you should have the ‘eagle’s eye’ now.

Akino: Well, my signal is jammed, so my bad not knowing where we are.

Alexa: Heh, incompetent machines…


Alexa: Nothing! Nothing, sorry.

Alexa created another crow, and let it flew away from them. After a few seconds, it fell down the ground full of burns.

Alexa: What the fuck?!

Akino: That doesn’t make any sense.

Akino flew with her rocket boots, after reaching 20 meters high, going beyond the tops of the trees. The sky is normal, no clouds, only the bright sun. She kept on flying until she got hit with some invisible barrier. It was weird, and hot. She scanned the whole area, the field spans kilometers across, a wide dome. After examining the field, she went back to the ground to meet Alexa.

Alexa: What was that?

Akino: We’re inside of some kind of a field. Unknown radiation field, but not the same as the one we have in our world. I can also pinpoint the origin point.

Alexa: Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go find it!

The two moved, they briskly walked the forest. Their target keeps on moving at random, but thanks to Akino’s quantum system they were able to predict the next position of their target. They hid under the bushes. Alexa mimics their surroundings like an octopus, decreasing her body temperature and minimizing her heartbeat. Akino turns her electromagnetic cloaking system on, decreasing her thermal energy output and rendering her body projection same as the surroundings.


“You shouldn’t have done that! The humans are exploiting you! Please!”

“HAH! You, on the other hand protect these useless creatures! The humans can think I’ve been their pet, but their nothing but my fodder!”

A lady’s voice can be heard pleading to a deep accent of a male.

Alexa: You heard that? Someone's here, but they are talking weird things.

Akino: The field source and where that sound comes from are the same…

Alexa: Should we check it out?

Akino: We’ve got no choice. Gear up and follow my lead.

Alexa: Roger, detective!

After Akino armed herself with rifles and Alexa hardened her skin, the two moved slowly towards the sound source. At the distance of about 16 meters, loud growls and pounding can be heard, as if someone was punching the floor hardly or throwing something so heavy.

“Undo it! Undo the seal! Free those innocent beings! They are not part of this!”

“You don’t know what’s innocent! That tribe harbors the child of the Great Destroyer! You know I despise him! And the humans despise those pity tailed creatures you call innocent! I am just cooperating for their great cause!”

Louder poundings can be heard. The lady screams, not in pain, but in anger. The other one laughs maniacally. Akino and Alexa hurried, they want to see what’s going on. Akino’s arm beeped, they’ve reached the target area. A small portion of the forest, about 10 meters wide, with trees teared down or burnt. And at the center were two creatures. They couldn’t understand at first, besides it is their first time seeing those. The two girls stared at the two creatures, something like from the fictions.

Alexa: Dragons?!

Akino: Ssshhh!

The two creatures looked like humanoid-reptiles, both were about 6 meters tall, and have the head of a fictional dragon on light novels. The one on the floor being tackled has blue scales and feathers with violet crystal looking pigments, it has a single feathery wing, the other one is torn. The one tackling has black scales with red stripes running across its body, it has wings, sort of, that looks like black crystals growing out of its back.

Blue Dragon: I shouldn’t have come with you! YOU WILL REGRET YOUR DOINGS!

Black Dragon: I didn’t ask you to come with me! You think your companionship will return them from worshipping us! OUR GODS ABANDONED US! THE ONLY REGRET I KNOW IS THAT THEY REGRET CREATING US!

Blue Dragon: You – you’re just venting the flames in your heart. The tribe isn’t something you should be tearing down! They have children there! Innocent souls who know nothing of how our world works!


Despite the pleas of the blue creature, the black continues to pound it.

Alexa: Wow… I can totally understand them.

Akino: Not only you, kid.

Akino instinctively deactivates her cloak and steps up towards the ravaging creatures. She is nervous, facing two creatures only seen or heard from fiction is really something. She wants to reason out the two of them, she wants to know the location of the said tribe to save them, she wants to know what’s going on. As soon as she steps up, the black creature gazed at her with killing intent, and blue one stares with surprise.

Alexa: *Whispers* Pssst! What are you doing!

Black Dragon: You! A human? What are you doing here?

Blue Dragon: Mortal, please walk away.

Akino: Look, I just want to –

Black Dragon: SILENCE! You, a human, never understand the higher beings! If you want to live the last of your pitiful life, you better be running now away from us!

Akino: I just want to ask where is that tribe.

The blue creature gazed at Akino, with hope in its eyes, with out any questions as to why she wants to know where is tribe located, it immediately answered.

Blue Dragon: West, a thousand steps from here. Please, save them.

Black Dragon: I won’t let you interfere!

The black creature pounces on Akino, it tried to crush her, but she withstood its strength. Both are tackling, but the black creature is struggling.

Black Dragon: Im-impossible! A human, can overwhelm I, Dr’an of Great Plague!

Akino: Oh! Hi Dr’an! The name’s Akino. And that’s my daughter, Alexa.

Black Dragon: Daughter???

A thick-plated, larger Alexa jumps at the back of the black creature. It stops tackling Akino to defend itself from Alexa, but Alexa swiftly grappled the creature’s arms and chomped its neck, decapitating the creature.


Alexa: It’s killing the other one! What do you think I should do? Just restrain it?

Akino: ARRRGH! Whatever!

Akino approached the gravely wounded blue creature. She assists it to sat on the ground, and she tried to tend its wounds, but it refuses. It pointed instead to the decapitated body of the black creature.

Blue Dragon: Take… his heart…

Akino: Alexa…

Alexa: O-okay.

Alexa pierced the corpse’ chest.

Alexa: Are you sure its his heart? It feels like a –

Blue Dragon: Let me see it.

Alexa pulled out something, a purple crystal.

Blue Dragon: Destroy it. To break the seal.

Alexa drops the crystal and Akino shoots it with her arm-rifle, shattering it and then it dissipates in the air, the same thing happened to the corpse of the black creature. Something beeps on Akino’s arm, and as she looks at it she confirmed that the energy field enveloping the whole forest is gone. The blue creature was amazed with how Akino and Alexa’s body work, it just gazed at both of them.

Blue Dragon: Both, have human souls, but nothing near to any being that our gods created. Perhaps, both of you came from another world?

Akino: Yeah, we came from some kind of a portal. I should thank you for guiding us how to remove that pesky energy field.

Blue Dragon: Energy field???

Alexa: Psst, Aki. They don’t understand ‘technical’ terms…

Akino: I mean, the seal? Right, the seal is gone, yeah…

Blue Dragon: You’re welcome.

The blue creature stands, but it struggles. Akino assists the creature.

Akino: You said that a thousand steps, on west. Can I ask why the tribe is being attacked? And by whom?

Blue Dragon: Humans, they are on their crusade of eliminating demi-humans. I don’t know why but, Dr’an forced the humans to go through this forest that I, Dr’akan of Great Fear, protects.

The blue creature, using its left arm, pierced its own chest. Both Akino and Alexa was alarmed on the sudden action of the creature. They tried to stop the creature, but the creature already pulled its heart, a red crystal.

Blue Dragon: Move with haste. Don’t hold back. I know the humans are the same race as you but saving her is my topmost priority that I will irresponsibly pass on to both of you… I am very sorry… The child of the Great Destroyer must survive… at all costs…

The blue creature disperses into thin air, dropping the red crystal. Akino picked up the crystal, placed it in her pocket dimensional bag, then she inspects her HUD.

Akino: My satellite feed shows dark smoke on our west, 304.8 meters away. These damn trees are too tall…

Alexa: Should we go there?

Akino: You’ll just insist me to go there if I refuse. Let’s gear up.

Both started running westward.

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