《The World Close to Entropy》Institutional Archives III: THE PRIMORDIALS


It was before, before existence, before nothingness. We reside there, we now we are there despite missing something ‘physical’ to ourselves, missing something that makes us ‘think’, or even call ourselves ‘us’. Then, there was this ‘time’ that blackness enveloped us. They managed to create something, one of us admired the blackness, something that puts us in ‘place’. Another one of us proposed to create something more ambitious, and then proceeded to create it, light flashed, and dots of smaller lights spread out the place. It expanded, out of a small world. The others tried to do the same, creating more of this light. You could say, in human terms, the multiverse is created. Each one of us created observers in each world they created, these observers what the humans knew as ‘god’ or ‘eldritch gods’ or ‘titans’ or whatever they have written in their minds or papers. I only created one, and didn’t create an observer, since I will handle my own universe. It was a peaceful time, all of us oversees each of our creations. Until it came.

Born of the blackness of the void, neither an individual or a collective, everything it touches turns – something we couldn’t understand. It turns things into nothingness or making it permanent. Chaos occurred all throughout of creations. Endless suffering life or immediate death. We surmised that it was before us, an entity existed before us, protesting to return things from the very beginning, before the very existence. At first, it attacked most of the creations, of course the observers were able to fend it off. Until one universe disappeared, one of us dreaded the destruction of the creation, but the other became teeming with life until no one is capable of ending it, creating disorder in that world. It is too much, we tried to directly attack the entity, in the realm where time and space is rattled, we faced it and question its motives. It didn’t answer us, it was there in front of us, it is enough. We subjugated the entity, but to no avail we can’t interact with it. It was already gone. My brethren chased the entity, but I decided to go on my universe. To prepare, to inform my creation of the uncertainty of the events.


It was sudden, I was being carried by someone humans called a doctor, hearing myself weeping. They are calling me ‘my son’, ‘baby boy’, etc. I can feel, and see properly unlike the time I have my first form of ethereal nothingness. I grew, being loved, hated, appreciated, acknowledge, and many more. I feel contented, seeing my whole world despite only living in single body of a human and living on a single planet that I wasn’t able to leave. But, at that time that I tried to go back to my original form and ‘true’ home, my brethren decreased in numbers, others took asylum to their creations, others were driven into madness of conquering other universes to prolong their existence. The entity took a toll on us. I brought myself back to my human body, and did all I can to advance the civilization we have. I took advantage of the entity’s ability to disturb the cycle of life, to cut the life from death and to bring death to the undying. I started to help others of my brethren by connecting my world to theirs. Placing the links on different cities, we created a unity with the entity’s effects on every creation.

I know it will come someday, it will end us all, I know. It has reached my world already. I fell its presence in the ‘unprimed’, that’s what I call to humans or creatures that has been affected by the entity. They are not alive nor dead, more like a macro virus, and their former consciousness is trapped in an unforgiving flesh. They destroy every living being, and spread a disease that never dies, an eternal blood that gives life anew and kills the old. Maybe linking to the other worlds wasn’t a good idea, but it will help my creations to live longer and help the others, to stop this madness. To end it, despite not knowing it will.

Jack is confused, “Is he calling himself a god?” He folded the pages, and saw a satellite image from space. It was unclear to him at first, but managed to see it properly: a cube near the Andromeda galaxy. It is a series of images, the first was this cube-thing near the spiral galaxy, and the following images shows that the cube passes through the galaxy, obliterating it. The images were taken a week ago, and all of it were captured in the span of two days. A note is written on the side:


It is coming, it is near. But why? Why? Why it targeted my world?! It is unfair! Who could know such thing have existed in the first place!

Jack proceeded to read the next pages. He saw copies of log files in the notebook, indicating ‘resource expeditions and collection’ on the Zero-Entropy region, ‘It is a portal! To another world!’ Jack exclaimed. He continued and saw another note:

They gave up, my brethren. They abandoned their worlds. I decided to oversee their worlds linked to mine but it might cause a problem. The gods or the observers my brethren created had no idea the entity exists, and making them know could put them into madness. I’ll just use all of this ‘resources’, as humans called, to advance further my world. It will be alright. Everything will be fine. I will not abandon my world. I will continue to protect it.

Jack, knowing this will blow-up, destroying the Institution with the information he saw, immediately took the thick notebook and left the chamber. As he leaves the door, six men, heavily armored with platinum plates from head to toe, and ‘MC-00’ written on each of their left arm, confronts Jack. They were standing in front of him, and with Jack’s instincts kicking in tried to run back into the chamber. However, one the armored grabbed his arm fast and pins him down to the floor. Four of them restrained Jack’s limbs, the fifth hold his head steady, and the sixth pulled a wire out of his right arm and punctures it to Jack’s left ear. “Fucking let go of me!” Jack screamed, but they were silent as hell. He could hear whirring sounds and saw blood rushing in the wire. He feels dizzy, he can’t feel his legs, his whole body. He can’t see anymore, he can’t.






Incident Report no. 224

-Jack de Vera, Maintenance Personnel with Category-C1 Authorization (Access to standard facilities to Class-C Sectors), was found violently screaming and running around the Sector-E200 on March 18, 2035. He was apprehended immediately by security personnel, but his apprehension resulted in 2 security casualties and 1 science team casualty due to [The Institutional Council decided to remove this part of the document]. Mr. de Vera was placed into containment until further notice.

Incident Report no. 235

-Mr. de Vera was placed in the containment infirmary to resolve his unusual behavior on July 20, 2035. It was observed thru the body scanning that the ‘brain’ of Mr. de Vera is missing, literally. Anomalously, the brain of Mr. de Vera was removed without any surgical procedures and somehow still lives and moves like a normal human despite of his missing brain. However, Mr. de Vera is incapable of any simple human communication, and only acts in an angered manner.

Incident Report no. 338

-The cultist group called ‘Circle’ breached in the Institutional Laboratory here in Britain. They were not able to cause any casualties (aside from destroying a lot of laboratory properties) due to the immediate response of the Institution. However, they abducted Mr. de Vera. The Institution already contacted Alliance Military forces to apprehend the perpretrators.

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