《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 8: Alexa’s log#2





















*A video feed starts with Alexa waking up Akino that was laying on the flooded floor, the whole cricular room was lit by red lights, and the fluid that was flooding the room was turned totally clear from being non-opaque. Akino opened her eyes and quickly stood up, looking at the surroundings. It can be seen as well that the liquid sphere located at the center of the room was missing. Akino faced towards Alexa*

Akino: You alright, kid?

Alexa: Yeah, and hey I’ll be the one recording, okay?

Akino: You’re using THAT tentacle camera again?

Alexa: It’s cool, and it feels like I’m holding a camcorder.

Akino: Wouldn’t be painful if you hold it like that? I mean, its like another extension of your eye? It’s weird…

Alexa: Hey, my body, my rules.

Akino: Okay, fine.

*The two walked around the room to look for an exit, they found the previous hole they used to enter the place. Akino procured a rocket-boosters on her back and at the end of her feet*

Akino: Need a lift?

Alexa: I can create wings or huge spider-legs, but I think riding with you will be faster.

*Akino carried Alexa, and they flew upwards the hole, returning to the server room that they entered before. Alexa noticed that the door Akino supposedly closed was widely open*

Akino: Get ready, kid.

Alexa: Again? They don’t stop even we already have the core, huh?

Akino: Let’s see, if they are hostile to us then the core is not controlling them.

*Akino started covering herself with body armor, and thick silica plates began appearing on Alexa’s skin. They walked slowly outside the server room. The MC-00 machines can be seen outside on the white hallway. Some of the machines were walking in circles, others were sitting on the stained floor, and some were banging their heads on the wall. Akino raised her arm that has turned into a rifle, and Alexa buffed herself with muscles. All MC-00 machines just stared at the two for a second or two, and then they continued their bizarre behavior*

Akino: What the hell?

Alexa: So, are we safe now? I mean we have the core, right? WE are the core, right?

Akino: I guess… we should get out of here, our job here is done.

*The two walked past the MC-00 machines, and they reached the elevator. Akino opened the elevator, and they entered. Alexa pushed the button on the panel, and the doors closed*


Akino: The moment we reached the lobby area, you go and pack the goodies. We will leave this place for good, okay?

Alexa: Hey, I think you’re forgetting something.

Akino: Oh, the spaghetti-

Alexa: Carbonara!

Akino: Yeah, pasta soup.

Alexa: I hate you…

Akino: Hahahahahaha! Just kidding! Come on, can’t take any jokes?

Alexa: Haha, funny, very funny. It’s not even a joke, you’re just annoying me!

Akino: Okay, okay. I’ll cook your white spaghetti.

Alexa: CABONARA! C-A-B-O-N-A-R-A. Got it?

Akino: Yeah, yeah.

*The doors of the elevator opened after three minutes. The two went outside and the mossy hallway of elevators is seen unchanged. The place was still lit by dimmed lights. Akino and Alexa went straight to the cafeteria area after exiting the elevator. The place has 12 tables with 5 chairs each, a five-meter-wide kitchen area with three refrigerators at the left side and two sinks at the middle, a locked freezer room, two vending machines and three water dispensers at the right corner, all covered in mosses and lichen*

Akino: Have checked the refs for the pasta?

Alexa: The fridges only have ten frozen whole chickens, seven cartons of cow’s milk, a pack of sliced bread, some leftover cheddar cheese, and a bottle of wine. All miraculously fresh like it was bought 2 days ago.

Akino: Guess the zero entropic thingy was a real thing, huh? How about the freezer room?

Alexa: I’ll go check it.

Akino: Thanks, I’ll go get the stoves working.

*Akino can be seen tinkering with the burners covered in moss, Alexa then went straight to the freezer room. The door was locked by some kind of a lever, Alexa slowly pulled the lever down and the door opened. The room was dark, and the video turned into greenish indicating that Alexa activated her night vision*

Alexa: This night vision eyes is sure handy.

*The freezer room was full of butchered pig and cow parts that were hooked on the railings attached to the ceiling, shelves of boxes with writings ‘herbs and spices’, all frozen and seemingly ‘fresh’. Alexa looked around and found a glow, she approached it and saw the control panel of the room*

Alexa: So, negative three Celsius, huh? Never feeling that cold, though.

*At the right side of the panel was a light button, Alexa pressed the button and lights were turned on, making the video feed blinded with the light. Alexa deactivated her night vision, clearing the video feed with the sight of the frozen meats and shelves inside the room. Alexa turned her arm into sharp crab pinchers and proceeded to chop of some meat. She took the chopped parts and her tentacle hair hold it, then she walks towards the door of the room to leave*


Alexa: There must be some condiments here. Better check it out.

*Alexa stops, and turns around. She looked around the shelves and found a box with salts, peppers, onion, onion leaves, five garlic cloves, and a pack of bacon. She turned around for more and found out all of the boxes have either the same contents of the one she found first or have some weird herbs inside. She went to the door and exited the place. She looked towards Akino’s location, and saw a huge flame on the stove she was working on*

Alexa: You-you okay there, Aki?

Akino: Yeah, just some loose coils. This stove is electric, you know?

Alexa: I got some meat and condiments, how about you?

Akino: Oh, right. I found some linguini pasta in this cabinet. And the water seems to be working, and clean. The water treatment in this facility is still working despite of the hellish things happened here.

Alexa: Don’t forget the freezer, it was working so perfectly the meat inside were still fresh even who-knows how many years has passed in here.

*Akino handed a rag to Alexa, and Alexa instinctively wiped the moss on the kitchen. After the cleaning, Alexa chopped into minces the meat she took in the freezer, while Akino was sauteing the onion and garlic that Alexa found, and boiling some water on a casserole for the pasta. She handed the minced meat to Akino that she mixes with milk, salt and pepper, and the sauteed ingredients. There is no conversation between them, but the focused face of Akino can be clearly seen*

Akino: Can you take care of the pasta?

Alexa: Sure thing.

*Alexa approached the casserole with the water boiling in it. She took the pasta and snapped it in half, then she placed it inside the casserole*

Akino: The sauce is ready.

Alexa: The pasta is about to be cooked.

*Alexa took a tong from the cabinet above her and poked the pasta inside the casserole. It was already soft, so she closes the stove and drained the water on the sink*

Alexa: Wait, do we have a clean table?

Akino: I’ll go clean that one *points at the table near the right of the kitchen* you look for our plates and utensils.

Alexa: Got it.

*Akino left the kitchen area to clean the table she pointed at, while Alexa looked for some utensils at the kitchen cabinets. All of the plates, glasses, and other things were looking fine except all were covered in dust. Alexa took a pair of glasses, fork and spoon, and plates then she rinsed those in the sink. She glances towards Akino that was almost finished cleaning the table. She went to Akino while carrying the plates and utensils and arranged it on the table like how the waiters place the eating utensils in a restaurant, with the plates in front of the chair and the spoon on the right and the fork on the left. As Alexa finished placing down the utensils, she saw Akino carrying the casserole of sauce towards her*

Akino: Get the pasta, kid.

Alexa: Okay!

*Alexa cheerfully went back to the kitchen and took the casserole of pasta. She walked carefully towards the table while carrying the casserole and place it in the middle beside the sauce*

Akino: Okay! All set! Let’s eat!

Alexa: YES!!!

*Akino took a plate full of pasta and bathed the pasta with the creamy sauce. Alexa did the same thing, and after taking a plate she vigorously ate the carbonara*

Akino: Uhhmm, your camera is still on.

Alexa: Oh, sorry. I’m gonna turn it off.

Akino: Wait, don’t you want to do a food vlog? Hahahaha!

Alexa: Okay.

*Alexa rolled her fork on the carbonara and took a one bite of it. She chews slowly as Akino was waiting for Alexa’s response. Alexa raised her hand while chewing, and then swallows the food*

Akino: How is it?

Alexa: Not bad.

Akino: Specifics, kid.

Alexa: Okay, the creaminess was good. You sauteed the bacon and minced meat enough that I can still have that crunchy texture. Not too sweet nor salty. The flavor of the sauce seeps in with the pasta, and the softness of the pasta was good. Nine out of ten.

Akino: Wow, my first nine points, huh?

Alexa: Yeah, but you know that our bodies don’t even need to eat, right? So, is it really fine to eat?

Akino: Well, we still think that we need to eat. So, I guess it’s fine. Let’s just focus on eating, okay?

Alexa: Yeah, thanks for the meal.

*The two proceeded to eat*





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