《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 5: 53-GAMMA








In case of any anomaly contamination or system breach, within the premises or territory of any Institutional Facility on both the Earth and Lunar sites, PROTOCOL 53-GAMMA will be initiated. The following will be the procedures on initiating the protocol:

Once a contamination/breach is detected in any facility, both HQC-31 and HQC-32 will be secured within the Nuclear Cryogenic Containment Chamber at Facility-13. Upon the order of the Institutional Council, both bodies will be integrated to the Alpha Quantum Core that resides in the Facility-13 Atomic Clocks and System [EXPUNGED] Anchors will be placed right outside the affected facility to observed and prevent any ‘space-time reality malfunction’ Nuclear warheads installed in all the Proton-Hadron Colliders in every site will be activated once a critical contamination/breach is detected in the affected facility(ies) except for Facility-13. All personnel survived from the other contaminated/breached facility can head directly to Facility-13 for refuge If the contamination/breach has lasted for more than 500 hours, the affected facility will be placed in lockdown, cutting off any contacts from the outside. Personnel who are still inside the facility will not be permitted to exit the facility unless the Institutional Council decides so. During this time, the possibility of activation of the nuclear warheads inside the affected facility is being decided by the Institutional Council If the contamination/breach has lasted for more than 5000 hours without the nuclear warheads being activated, MC-00 or the Armed-Human Droids will be activated to TERMINATE any personnel that is still inside the affected facility If the contamination/breach remained for more than 500 days or more, HQC-31 and HQC-32 will be activated and will be integrated with the Alpha Quantum Core. [Upon the order of the Institutional Council, this part of the file will be removed]. After 300 hours of activation, HQC-31 and HQC-32 will be retrieved by the Alliance and placed in the Mars Research Base-01. Possibility of termination of HQC-31 and HQC-32 is invalid due to their anomalous abilities. Once the HQCs turned rogue, EXTREME containment procedures will be implemented If the contamination/breach remained for more than 1000 days without the HQCs being activated, the Alliance Military Force will bombard Earth and Lunar sites with 10-ton Antimatter warheads. The bombardment will focus on the facilities and research bases. If, by any chance, the contamination/breach has reached the Mars Base, Procedure VALHALLA will be initiated. Microchips installed in every surviving human will be activated, causing a sudden cut-off of neural activity, killing all humanity instantly except the Institutional Council. The remaining humanity in the Institutional Council will have to take their own lives within 100 minutes upon the activation of the Procedure VALHALLA. If the Institutional Council failed to do so, MC-00 system will TERMINATE them.

Having the protocol done will help maintain the local [Upon the order of the Institutional Council, this part of the file will be removed].


The log files in this addendum has been edited by [REDACTED] and the Institutional Council decided to remove some parts.

12-53-OM-3197 – The following are the recorded video from Maintenance Head Mr. Tyan Min’s camcorder, the video shows the conversation of ALPHA Research Head, Dr. Heilmach and Senior Facility Administrator, Eng. Suarez while sitting on both sides of a metal table inside a white room with a coffee dispenser attached on the far left side of the wall, Tyan Min sits beside Heilmach while he holds her hand.

Dr. Heilmach: You know that is not possible, right?


Eng. Suarez: I know, I know. But it is, it happened already…

*Dr. Heilmach stands and grabs Eng. Suarez’ by his white collar, Tyan Min tried to stop her but she just raised her hand to Tyan Min*

Tyan Min: Yggdris! Stop it! This fight will never answer anything!

Dr. Heilmach: Oh really? REALLY?! *At this point, Heilmach drops Suarez* Then who the fuck should explain stuff to us, HUH?!

Eng. Suarez: Heilmach, please calm down. I don’t even know what is going on… all of us in this facility doesn’t know a damn thing!

*A ‘bird-chirping’ ringtone can be heard, Tyan Min looked on his pocket, it his phone that looks like a rectangular opaque glass. He touched his phone, and his face turned confused*

Tyan Min: Guys, I think this is weird…

Eng. Suarez: What is it? I don’t have my phone.

Dr. Heilmach: Me either…

Tyan Min: Protocol 53-OMEGA has been initiated…

Eng. Suarez: Jesus Christ... Okay, have everyone ready. I’ll try to contact the Council.


*Video ends*

14-53-OM-3197 – An unknown system error has been detected within all the Institutional facilities on Earth, as well as on the Lunar Sites. We tried to contact the Institution on the Mars Base but they advised that we must comply with 53-OMEGA… As for today’s observation, Facility-13 anomalously moved and changed its original position. From the center of the Manhattan Ruins, the whole facility moved 45 kilometers South-West of the ruins, leading to the Philadelphia area. Beijing ruins also began showing radiation spikes, we are still trying to contact them, but the radiation might be blocking our comms or their comms might be not operational at that moment. We’ve been briefed about the protocol, but we didn’t expect it to happen that sudden. – Eng. Emanuel Suarez, Senior Facility Administrator of Facility-13

21-53-OM-3197 – Atomic Clocks and the [REDACTED] Anchors have been installed as instructed in Protocol 53-OMEGA on the vicinity of all the Institutional facilities. All the personnel were also instructed to observe the changes within the facility. Senior Facility Administrators were instructed as well to report the changes directly to the Institutional Council. – Eng. Emanuel Suarez, Senior Facility Administrator of Facility-13

34-53-OM-3200 - The following are the recorded video from Maintenance Head Mr. Tyan Min’s camcorder, the video shows the conversation of ALPHA Research Head, Dr. Heilmach and Senior Facility Administrator, Eng. Suarez. Eng. Suarez was standing nearby a window, while Dr. Heilmach was crying on a sofa with Tyan Min comforting her.

Dr. Heilmach: *sobs* This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, this isn’t happening *Heilmach continues to repeat the phrases*

Tyan Min: Yggdris, calm down. Please, calm down we are here for you, okay?

Eng. Suarez: This won’t end well… I tried contacting them but, nothing. They are not responding to us…

Dr. Heilmach: There must be a way, right??? There must be, Eman. There must be something that we can do!

Eng. Suarez: I don’t know anymore, I don’t even care anymore.

*Suarez exits the room, video ends*

55-53-OM-3200 – Eng. Emanuel Suarez has been missing for the past 46 hours, he went out of the facility without telling us anything. His belongings are still inside his room, which means he left the facility with his casual white polo attire and his ID… we decided to designate him into DECEASED. I took the responsibility of taking his position as the new senior facility administrator of Facility-13. As for the current situation that we have, the time is somehow, I don’t know. The time seemed to leapt forward, the atomic clock we have inside the Facility says its year 3200, but the one outside were saying year 5000. We thought it must be a malfunction due to the radiation outside, but we carbon dated the materials outside the facility, and we confirmed that 1800 years has passed. The atomic clocks were fine, but the time itself? I think not… - Dr. Yggdris Heilmach, Senior Facility Administrator of Facility-13


68-53-OM-3205 – We’ve received distress signal from the facilities 09 and 10, we tried to contact them but no ones answering. We learned later that the nuclear charges were already detonated. We are still trying to find if any survivors are wandering around the facilities. - Dr. Yggdris Heilmach, Senior Facility Administrator of Facility-13

79-53-OM-3209 – Facility-06 contacted us on the explosion on the Lunar surface, we told them to cooperate with us on identifying the situation but by the time the Lunar base re-established their comms, Facility-06 self-destructed. - Dr. Yggdris Heilmach, Senior Facility Administrator of Facility-13

101-53-OM-3209 – The following is a recorded video inside Dr. Heilmach’s room. Both Heilmach and Tyan Min can be seen sleeping together in one bed, hugging one another.

*Dr. Heilmach can be heard sobbing, and Tyan Min can be heard whispering something to Heilmach but it is unclear what he was saying. The video lasts for 4 hours and 37 minutes with only both of them in the bed until it ends*

129-53-OM-3210 – A lot of distress signals were issued by 16 facilities, and it was already too late. 5 hours after we contacted the facilities already got blown up by the nuclear warheads planted inside of them. We don’t know how we are going to rescue all of them, that’s why we just send out messages if there are still anyone who were able to leave their respective facilities. - Dr. Yggdris Heilmach, Senior Facility Administrator of Facility-13

140-53-OM-3211 – We checked the atomic clocks outside the facility, it says year 10670 despite the time that we have inside the facility is year 3211. We didn’t detect any anomalies inside or on the vicinity of Facility-13, so the fuck’s going on? - Dr. Yggdris Heilmach, Senior Facility Administrator of Facility-13

156-53-OM-3212 – The Protocol 53-OMEGA has placed Facility-13 in lockdown, we can’t go out of the facility nor contact the other facilities and the Institution. God help us all. - Dr. Yggdris Heilmach, Senior Facility Administrator of Facility-13

160-53-OM-3213 – [Upon the order of the Institutional Council, this part of the file will be removed]

189-53-OM-3215 – *The following is a recorded audio of Dr. Heilmach* Those fucking machines! They started moving on their own. We tried to fight back, and we barely survive their continuous blitz. After 3 days of constant gunfire, they stopped and headed towards the Nuclear Cryogenic Chamber. We know what they are going to do, so we immediately went to the chamber and set-up a barricade to stop those marching cans. Hope we can still make it out here. *Recording stops*

209-53-OM-3216 – *The following is a recorded audio of Dr. Heilmach* We received a message from the Alliance, they told us that the Institution has betrayed the humanity… I don’t know what they mean but I believe its true. They have abandoned us. In this hell. The others, I don’t know… they turned into monsters, its just-just horrifying… *sobs* and Tyan got killed by those fucking flesh monsters! *sobs* *Recording stops*

301-53-OM-3216 – We, the Institution, will not be hindered, even by our own brethren, to achieve our goal of reforming humanity and restoring the former world. We announce a total separation from the Alliance, peacefully. But the Alliance could not comprehend our acts and declared war upon us. We know it is not the time to do so, but the Institution must uphold the works we have done in progressing the mankind. Please, do understand us, our acts are only to promote the well being of the humanity. WE DID NOT BETRAYED HUMANITY, HUMANITY JUDGED THEIR OWN KIN. – The Institutional Council

Akino stops scrolling, she glances at Alexa, and Alexa was staring at her with a saddened face. Alexa’s eyes were about to cry, but Akino patted her head. Alexa’s face brightened up, and Akino smiled upon her while she keeps on patting her head.

Akino: Don’t feel bad about it. If those were humans, then we just… liberated them on their suffering?

Alexa: *sniffs* Thanks. But I don’t get it, she said that more than ten thousand years has passed while it only took a few years inside this facility?! And they’ve started a war on each other? What’s going on? What is this Institution thing?!

Alexa, slowly touches Akino’s hand on her head, and she holds it tightly while removing it on her head. Akino’s face was puzzled and she look back to the screen.

Akino: Yeah, something doesn’t add up. Must be a political conflict or something… but something happened here that involves both parties.

Akino then proceeds to scroll down. There were no more logs, it is empty. She reached the end of the file log, and a single video log was there. It was entitled “For Akino and Alexa”.

Alexa: Woah! A video? For us?

Akino: Let’s check it out.

Akino proceeds to open the video log


*The video starts with a woman facing the camera, her hair was short, and she wears a lab coat filled with many dark-red stains, she wears an ID covered in blood, but the name ‘Heilmach” could be seen barely. There was a wire connected to the back of her head, and as she was frantically typing on the keyboard, she constantly looks on the door of her room blocked with a huge metal cabinet. The light on the ceiling keeps on flickering and dimming, but the light coming from the computer screen she was using keeps her face and her a part of her room slightly bright*

Dr. Heilmach: Today is-*coughs* today is 15th of July, year 3219.

*She keeps on coughing until blood comes out of her mouth and nose, she immediately wipes the flooding blood*

Dr. Heilmach: Everyone is dead… the others were suddenly turned into flesh monsters, but somehow the fucking MC-00 were not attacking them. *coughs* I managed to lock myself in my room and-and *sobs* I should have let myself killed, but…

*She cried but her tears are made of blood, and her sclera slowly turns into black*

Dr. Heilmach: I’m trying to upload my cerebral matrix to the system. Somehow, we managed to crack up the Alpha Quantum Core and we got access through it by our computers. *coughs* But those machines did something, and we can’t access those after we cracked through. Luckily, my computer has the access algorithm of the Core. Right now, I’m uploading my main consciousness to the Core. *coughs louder* I will as well-

*A loud banging sound can be heard from the door, Dr. Heilmach look panicked and hurriedly types on the keyboard*

Dr. Heilmach: I’ve set up a timer on your pods. You were a detective, right? And your daughter, you must have taught her a lot of things. I-I don’t know if both of you will wake up, I don’t know anymore… *sobs and coughs* if-if you managed to access this, please listen to me carefully. I’ve uploaded already 65% of my consciousness, and I’m trying to deactivate your connection to the mainframe of the Institution, if the Alliance was saying the truth about the Institution’s betrayal, then they won’t be able to control both of you. Otherwise, well, whatever, the most important thing was both of you will be free from their grasps. *coughs harder*

*At this point, her sclera turned totally into black. Bones spiked outwards of her body, and she screams in pain. A loud bang was heard on the door, and bright sparks can be seen coming from the door as if it was being opened with acetylene torch*

Dr. Heilmach: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHGGGG!!! *coughs and sobs* Akino, Alexa, I know both of you might not care, I know we’ve done things horrible to both of you, but if ever one of you read this or got to access this, please head to the chamber, the Systems Core chamber, descend there and you will see the Alpha Quantum Core. It looks like a huge floating liquid metal sphere, and both of you must integrate yourselves to it. *coughs* I know its bullshit but please just do it, it will save you from them. Both of you will be free from us, who murdered both of you a thousand times.

*The door drops open, and three 8-feet tall dark silvery humanoid machines with writings on their arm ‘MC-00’ entered Dr. Heilmach’s room. It stared at her and aimed their guns towards her, she ignored the machines, and she keeps on looking the camera. One of the machines fired its gun, Dr. Heilmach got hit and flinched, but she keeps on looking at the camera*

Dr. Heilmach: Please, help us. I know you won’t be able to forgive us, but please just-*sobs then smiles slowly* please… *coughs and sobs* forgive-me, *sobs* I’m really sorry.

*The machines started barraging her with bullets, she tried to pull out a pistol on her waist and aim at one of the machines. She fired a shot and hit the head on one of them, but it was too late. The machines won’t stop from firing, they kept on firing until her body got shredded. She dropped down on the floor, and one of the machines kept on firing on her decapitated head. The other machine approached the camera, stared at it for 10 seconds then shoots it, ending the video log*

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