《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 2: Alexa’s log #1





















Hey! What’s up! Top of da mornin to ya! Yeah… I don’t know if its already morning, coz there are no windows in this huge room, but Aki is still asleep. Oh, yeah right, the names Alexa. I’m Aki’s daughter, well, adopted one. Aki, she’s not much of a mother figure to me, like that one nun I have in the orphanage, before it became hell…

*Alexa can be heard sighing*

*Whispering* What kind of introduction was that?

Hold on a minute…




Oh. My. God. How in the hell? It’s like my body is all flesh, even my hair. Maybe it’s in my eye. Let’s check it out.




*A video feed begins, it shows Alexa standing in front of a mirror from a moss-covered monitor, a tentacle like part protrudes on her ‘flesh hair’ that ends with an ‘eyeball’ looking part*

HOLY SHIT! This is fucking awesome! So this eyeball is my camera? I can also see with this thing! That’s disgusting, but so cool!

*Video feed pans to Akino, laying on the ground*

She’s still sleeping. Gosh we just got out of those weird beds, and she’s sleeping? Guess its time for some adventure!

*Alexa crouches near Akino, and kisses her forehead*

I’ll be back, umm, mom? Yeah, I’ll stick calling you Aki.

*Tapping sounds can be heard while Alexa was walking away from where Akino is*

So, I was saying, Aki was not like a mommy figure to me, well she supports me, she protects me and such but yeah its like there is no ‘motherly touch’, you know what I’m sayin? The nun I have in the orphanage was caring like, you know, she keeps me reminding what to do like when should I take my medicine, or take a bath, oh oh there’s this time where she scrub my back because I can’t reach it properly, and etcetera-etcetera. In Aki’s case, yeah, like she told me once that there’s food in the fridge, I should just put it in the microwave and take it when I’m hungry, or when she asked me if I want a toy BFG-10k and she was like “you little girls want big guns, right???” even though I’m clearly pointing at the one meter tall cute cacodemon stuffed toy!

I’m not mad nor disappointed to her, its just that I missed that ‘motherly love’ from that nun. Of course, I love Aki! Like she’s a true parent to me, but…

I didn’t even have a chance to ask the nun’s name and say goodbye before that orphanage went into shit…


*Alexa walks into a huge blast door, with writings: Nuclear Cryogenic Containment Exit*

Nuclear Cryogeni—that’s long to read, but it is an exit, huh?

*Alexa faces towards her eyeball camera, seeing her face with a smug smile*

So, an hour ago, or maybe longer, Aki’s hand turned into wires, let’s see what I can do…

*Her left arm suddenly became enlarged, covered in armadillo like armor*

Woah, woah woah woah! HOLY SHIT! Like I just thought if I could be an elephant or rhino… dude, this is awesome! Naaah… Aki would wake up if I used this big arm. Hmmmm, there must be a switch somewhere.

*As the video pans to her left, her enlarged arm begun shrinking to its normal size. She saw a keypad buttons on the wall right beside the door, but its burnt*

Now what? Oh oh, a vent! There must be an air-condition vent here.

*Alexa went to the right side of the door, looking up and down for the vent*

Hah! Gotcha!

*Video pans above Alexa, seeing a small ventilation duct. Alexa climbed the wall to enter the ventilation duct*

Oh come on! This is too small! Coz this damn flesh hair I got! i just wanna go---

*Video feed shows Alexa suddenly getting tumbled, as she stands up the whole ventilation duct seems to be much larger than her, and she could stand inside like the ventilation duct is a hallway*

Uhmmmmm…. Uuhhhhhhh… it appears I have shrunk. Now I’m a tiny me…. Wait, I could shrink my size??? This power is so awesome, I am Antman now, or Wasp? Can grow wings? Shit dude, I’m freaking out! Wait, wait, wings, wings come out!

*Video feed pans towards her back, bat-like wings covered in silvery bone like plates suddenly grow out of her back*

THIS IS GETTING REALLY INTERESTING. Now time for a Mini-bony-white batty to continue her journey!

*Video feed shows Alexa travelling the ventilation duct while flying, and can be heard singing ‘Monster’ by Chad VanGaalen, in a high-pitched voice*

Are two prying hands that grew out of my shoulders, and I can't explain why, but its hurting my eeeeeyyyyes!

*Alexa saw an exit on the ventilation duct, she went that way and saw a larger hallway with dimmed ceiling lights, a floor filled with mosses and red fluid trails, and the walls that reeks with leaking brown stains*

There goes my flying experience, but walking is better. Yeah, I’ll just walk, thank you very much my wings.

*Alexa stops flying as her wings begun shrinking smaller and retracting inwards to her back and drops on the ground on her feet while rapidly regaining her original height. She began walking down the hallway while the eyeball camera is facing her*

So, apparently, we got abducted after that scary explosion? Yeah, that’s a reasonable guess why we’re here in this place. And those weird beds, there is a writing on them saying ‘terminated’… so they were experimenting on us and those terminated were, I don’t know, I’m guessing they failed? Or they died, or they were killed because they failed? And now both of us wake up only to be greeted with this messy place, and it stinks… there’s the moss, and the red trails…


*Alexa can be seen and heard sniffing*

This is… this is blood. Yup, it IS blood. And it’s fresh, FRESH blood…

*Alexa suddenly looked behind her, while her cat ears moved in the same direction she was facing*

Somethings coming, and its heading here!

*Alexa frantically looked to her surroundings, she found a broken vending machine and tried to hide on its side*

Okay, okay. Calm down, Alexa. Calm down, ochitsuku. Ochitsuku, Alexa!

*Alexa grabs the eyeball camera, and she faced it towards her nervous face*

Okay, I guess it has four legs, and its large like a gorilla, okay thrice the size of an average gorilla… So now, I activated my echo location, huh?

*Alexa slowly points her eyeball camera towards the direction of the unknown creature. It is near the ventilation duct where she got out. The creature is red in color, it walks on four legs that ends with five human hands, the main body is a huge flesh ball with many jutting eyeball-less human faces, all with open mouths as if they are screaming but no sound is coming from it. As soon the creature is seen, Alexa grabbed the eyeball camera immediately*

*Whispering*WHAT THE HELL IS THAT! HOLY SHIT… OH MY GOD… CALM DOWN CALM DOWN. Right, I need protection. Think of an armadillo plated skin that as tough as a rhino’s skin, Alexa, think of it right now!

*White plate-like armor crept on Alexa’s whole body*

Okay, now the question is, is it a friendly? Okay, woooh!!! Here goes nothing!

*Alexa can be seen standing up while raising her arms while facing the creature. The creature responded by stopping, seemingly looking at her despite lacking with eyes*

Hey! Big guy! You friendly? Anata wa yuko-tekidesu ka?

*The creature immediately lunges itself to Alexa, making her drop on her back to the ground while the creature smashes her left arm with its fists until it rips off, then the creature took the torn arm. Her arm does not show any sign of bleeding, but the broken bones and lacerated flesh can be clearly seen. Alexa can be heard screaming in pain while the video feed shows the creature eating her left arm*


*Video feed shows Alexa’s torn arm regenerating instantly, the creature pounces her for the second time and attempted to rip Alexa’s body in half, but it only broke her spine and twisted it. The creature immediately throws Alexa to the wall, dented upon Alexa’s impact on it. The creature produced screeching sounds on its mouths as Alexa stands up with a twisted body*


*Alexa re-twists her body to its original orientation. She lets out the same screeching sound that the creature produces. The creature steps back while screeching aggressively*

You think you’re strong, huh?! Do you know the strongest animal on earth?! It’s not you, you stinking flesh ball! It’s the mantis and pistol shrimp, stinky!!!

*Alexa’s right arm began morphing into an elongated pincher resembling the pistol shrimp while her left arm morphed into the clubbed claw of the mantis shrimp, while her legs became thinner and more like a cheetah’s legs*


*The creature immediately attacks Alexa, but Alexa dodged the creature smashing the vending machine instead. Alexa, used her pincher to cut the creature’s leg, but the creature didn’t mind the cut-off legs and tried to grab Alexa’s head, but Alexa used her mantis shrimp claw and smashed the creature’s flesh body into a pulp with a single hit*

Heh, you’re still alive, huh?! I’ll just burn you!

*An eel-like head suddenly forms on Alexa’s hair, and can be seen that it produces blue statics on its mouth and popping sounds of electricity. It faces on the direction of the beaten creature and begins to open its mouth wider, making the blue statics brighter and the popping sounds louder*

I’ll toast you good, flesh ba---

*All the lights in the hallway suddenly lit up bright, a liquid metal is seen hanging itself on the ceiling above the creature. It forms into a cannon-like structure and rapidly shoots the creature until its nothing left but blood trails. The liquid metal then turned into a camera, pointing to Alexa*

Oh shit… someone’s watching me? I better go to Aki fast!

*Alexa rushed back to find the huge door she saw earlier, as she reached the door it opened on its own. Alexa readies her pincher and claw, and the video feed shows Akino standing on the other side of the door with her arms crossed. Akino is looking at Alexa angrily, while her hair that looks like metal wires were attached to the ceiling and the keypad of the huge door*

Alexa: You… you did that?


Alexa: Okay, I can explain.

Akino: Oh yes, you’re gonna explain a lot of things. You’re in so much trouble, young lady.

Alexa: *whispers to her eyeball camera* Okay, that’s it for my vlog, bye-bye…


Alexa: Nothing! Nothing…





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