《The World Close to Entropy》CHAPTER 1: Akino’s log#1























I don't know how this works... should I just think things to record things on this log? Like, it will be just stored in my head in .txt document format? Whatever...

My name is Akino Kylei, a 26-year-old junior detective in the Anomalous Science Division of Manhattan Crime Research Institute, well, I was a junior detective, before that day... So much for introductions, I won't tell much about my family history (I don't have any and just an orphan anyway) or educational background, it's just that the significant thing about me is that I was a detective, and yeah I have a kid, adopted one. Her name is Alexa.

Alexa was 12 years old, and she told me she escaped from a 'shitty' orphanage. When I found her on the streets, she was half-naked and her left eye was gouged out by a piece of glass from a truck that hit-and-run her, well, that's what she told me. Of course, I took her in, fed her, gave her clothes, treated her, and she accepted me. She told me that she doesn't like adults except for me. I filed papers for legally adopting her, and to my surprise the orphanage she escaped from was under surveillance by our division for being a cultist base, that's why she told me it was HELL of a place.

Skipping the long introductions, let me tell now how we got in this situation. The date was 22nd of October, year 3021 around 9:45 AM, both of us were walking in the central park, doing my duties as a guardian of her during my day-off, when suddenly a loud 'boom' was heard like all over the place, glass shattering from near buildings can be heard and seen. Alexa held my hand very tightly, whimpering while pointing to the northern sky, a very huge cube looking thing floats there. I saw some Alpha class jet fighters heading towards the cube, but a flash of light begun enveloping the area below that cube, at a rapid rate. I knew we wouldn't survive even if we run towards the nuke bunker which is a hundred meters away from the park, so I hugged Alexa as tight as I can while saying 'I love you', 'It will be over soon', and many other things that I can't remember until that light devoured us.


The next thing is that I woke up like it was a bad dream, but I am inside a pod, looks like a cryogenic pod but with weird roots and I’m wearing this grey latex suit. It opened and I walked out slowly only to see myself in a big-ass room full of these pods. All the other pods aren't lit up, except the one beside me. There is a writing beside the pod where I came out, it’s in English (I thought we were abducted by aliens) to my surprise and it reads "Human Quantum Computer #32". I quickly looked on the other pod, "Human Quantum Computer #31". I peeped inside the glass, and I saw a face, it's Alexa.

I panicked, of-fucking-course, I panicked like hell. I was about to bust open that pod when it suddenly opened. She was unconscious, and she was naked but somethings weird on her, she doesn’t have any… how do I put this, private parts? Yeah, she still got her breasts but it appears she doesn’t have any of THAT private parts. Also, I noticed that her skin was white, she got white fur on her hands and legs but stops at her elbows and knees, she got four claw looking fingers on hands and three on her feet, and her hair is also white which is now made of weird flesh, she also got cat like ears (like the one in anime? Neko-girls or something) instead of a real usual human ear, and she still got that wound stitch I did on her left eye. I held her tight as I lift her out of that pod, and she opened her eye, now with a bright red iris (supposedly it was brown) and she looked at me, "Aki, is that you?"

Tears begun to break free from my eyes, "Yeah kid, it's me."

She caressed my face, "Why are you crying? Are you hurt?"

I ignored what she said to me, "All that matters is that you're fine."

"Where are we? What happened after the explosion? Where is everyone?"

"I don't know, yet. But I promise I'll get us out of here."


"You better do, this place gives me heebie-jeebies." She said to me while smiling.

"Yeah kid, I will." I let her climb on my back in a piggyback position, "Hold on tight, but don't claw out my chest, ok?"

"Haha, as if you have anything there that I can claw out." She smugly said to me.

"You little shit! Making jokes on a times like this! What will you do if anyone heard that, huh? That's not funny! It’s embarrassing! Take it back!"

"But no one’s here except us. Like it’s only the two of us."

"Oh yeah? Placing bets- wait what? You're serious?"

"I don't know, but I feel like no one else is inside this room. Weirder is that I don't feel your heartbeat, even mine. Are we dead?" she started to tear up.

"Hey, calm down. We will be alright." I don't know how, but when she said that we were the only ones inside, I feel the vibrations of our voice while talking, our breathing and my footsteps, as if my brain turned into a sound sensor, and I can confirm with that we are really alone in that room.

We searched the place for something we could have access to, and Alexa found something. "Look, it's a... computer?" she points at a huge LED monitor on the single mezzanine of the place but a lot of plant like structures are protruding on its side. I put her down and told her to stay as I access the computer thing. When I approached the monitor, the cord-like stuff went out from my arm and attached itself to the monitor, how weird is that?! To my shock is that it didn't even surprised me, like it was a natural thing.

"Woah! Alexa look at this!" but she's not beside me, suddenly she came rushing towards me, but her legs looks like the legs of a fricking cheetah.

"What the hell happened to your-"

"All of the other pod thingies are empty. There's 100 of them, both of us placed in 31 and 32 and the remaining 98 pods are empty with writings saying 'terminated'. Terminated Aki, are we rea—WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM?!"

"Don't shout. I tried accessing this thing when suddenly this, and then this thing works fine now thanks to me, I guess."

The monitor thing is in good condition and I used it to search everything we could. It turns out that the 100 pods is for the 100 people (including both of us) that survived the unknown blast near the Manhattan Central Park, well not technically survived as in alive but the ones that didn't disintegrated in the white light. We were dead, and they experimented on us like guinea pigs, and according to the files we searched we were turned into Human Quantum Computers, or to be exact an 'Organic Machine made from living metal with Quantum computer and Quantum database'. I don't get it. Only the two of us survived (conveniently) the experiment, the rest were, I don't know, what happened to the rest was unclear from the files of this computer.

I should take some rest, Alexa fell asleep leaning on my back while I'm reading. I guess we should continue reading the files and get the hell out of here tomorrow. I made sure the blast doors of this room are secured, I don't want anyone nor anything entering this room while we're sleeping.

I wish this were just all a dream, I wish we would wake up in that same bedroom, cuddling each other before going out of bed to face the cruel world, like any other normal day we have got...





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