《EXO》Chapter 4: The Hungering Dagger


Arlyth picked at her food as she scanned the room for anything that could help her get out of her cell. After a few minutes of eating she received a prompt.

[Buff Gained!]

Well Fed: 30% increase to physical based stats for 1 hour.

She scanned the room slowly, not sure what was hidden under all the muck. Her gaze swept across the room and when she went past the bed a small glint caught her eye. It seemed like a reflection at first but being as this was a torch lit dungeon, there wasn’t much chance of that.

Arlyth set her tray down and moved towards the bed. Kneeling down, she moved some broken wood and other debris out of her way. She couldn’t see anything under the bed so she moved her hand back and forth slowly to see if she could feel the item. After a moment, she felt something smooth on her hand. She pushed her fingers into it and slid it towards herself. She pulled out a pile of dirt that had a small piece of metal under all of it. Doing the best she could, she cleaned the dirt off the object, and to her surprise she found a dagger. Curious, she thought “Analyze.”

[The Hungering Dagger of Blood]

Damage: 10-15

Speed: Fast

Quality: Unique

Durability: 300/300

Description: This dagger has bathed in more blood than this world has seen, it has claimed the lives of many and relishes in the blood it acquires from its victims. The more blood this dagger absorbs, the more powerful it becomes, and just so we’re all on the same page, your own blood doesn’t count.

Items in EXO all followed the same rarity scale. They start with Trash quality, then it goes to Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Unique. A unique item doesn't always mean they are better than a legendary, but they tend to have a trait that makes them different.

“That’s a bit odd, what's with the remark at the end of the prompt? I’ve never seen that before.” Arlyth wondered. Once she equipped the item, a beautiful leather sheath adorned itself on her hip, it was dark leather with strange red symbolism on the side. Pulling the dagger from the sheath she saw that it was a beautiful shade of red chrome forged in a way that made it look extremely sinister, there was a small curved blade coming from the top that curved around into the longer main blade of the weapon. Arlyth wasn’t sure what the designs were supposed to be for, but she was happy to have a weapon.


Picking herself up off the floor, she went to the door of her cell, she tried to look in both directions of the hallway to see if there was a guard stationed near her cell, seeing nothing she looked for a way to open it. It was a fairly normal cell door, locked with a big metal lock. What the guards didn’t notice when they put Arlyth in this cell was that the lock had worn down over the years and she could easily smash it off the cell door. Arlyth found a palm sized rock and figured it’d be enough to break the lock. She smacked it once, then again to no avail. Shortly after the clanging of metal on stone, she heard the clattering of metal running down the halls towards her cell.

In a small fit of panic, Arlyth threw the rock near the bed. After a few moments of waiting, she saw a guard approaching her cell.

“Nice of ya’ to wake up ya’ damn blood elf filth.” The guard said. It was the guard that had come down here earlier to give her the food. He was a 6 foot tall man, clad in typical guard plate armor with the Newgarde sigil on the chest and with a short sword on his hip. “Was that you making all that damn noise? Woke me right out of my nap.”

Arlyth stood their agape, was this guard really upset that she had woken him up? While she had a moment, she analyzed the guard.

City Guard Milo

Level 10

Health: 250

Mana: 10

Highest Skill Group: Physical

Unable to read him, Arlyth said “Aren’t I the only one here? I haven’t heard or seen anything in the other cells.”

“HA, you’ve just been brought to our special wing, there’s a bit of a motley crew in here, but you certainly aren’t alone. So why the damn noise? You wanna send a letter to mommy?” Milo replied to her mockingly.

Arlyth was getting pretty mad at this point, especially after the hours of sitting in this dank cell. She got right up to the bars and looked the guard in the eyes and said “You wanna fucking mock me again?”


“Oh lass, what do you think you can do from inside the-”

Milo stopped speaking as the lock fell off the door, right next to his foot. He looked down, then looked up with a horrified look in his eye when he saw the devilish grin that cross Arlyth’s face.

The door creaked open, almost as if it wanted to extend the tension. Once it fully opened Arlyth jumped into action. Pulling her dagger from its sheath in a well practiced motion, she tried going for his jugular.

To her surprise, however, Milo grabbed her hand and then swung a hook at her with the other. Arlyth was just barely able to dodge the blow with the man’s strength gripping her wrist. Ducking just below the blow, she elbowed Milo in his stomach. In that moment he let go of her wrist and while she was still crouched, she spun, orienting herself just so that she could jump onto her hand and kick with both feet into his stomach to push him back.

Her attacks had no damage as they weren’t making it past the guards armor. However, the push did get him and he stumbled back and hit the cell; letting out a pained gasp she saw a red number float above him [-25]. Milo seemed a bit dazed by the blow, and stood there still. Driven by the damage she dealt to her foe, she pounced again; this time with much more effectiveness. Taking advantage of her opponent's moment of confusion, she sliced behind his knee and then again on his opposite achilles. Causing him to let out a pained scream and slump to the ground, following him were two more red numbers [-10] [-15].

Knowing he wouldn’t be doing any running with the gash in his knee and achilles, Arlyth began to chuckle. Almost as if she was playing with her food, it felt odd to her, like a primal rage had taken over inside of her and she was embracing every second of it. She crouched just out of arm's reach from him and pointed her dagger right between his eyes. “Why did you put me in this cell?” She questioned.

“Didn’t those damn gate guards tell you? We hate your filthy fuckin’ kind. You lot murdered our whole town and then used our corpses to kill the rest of us.” Milo answered between deep heaves of pained breath.

“Used your corpses? What the hell are you talking about? I’m not a necromancer.”

“I don’t know how they done it, but I watched my own sister kill my neighbor! How the hell ya explain that? An 8 year old, murdering a 30 year old woman?”

Agitated by the constant run around she was getting from these guards and fueled by the pleasure she got from showing this man his place. She decided she wanted to get some anger out. Lunging at the guard, she plunged the dagger into his neck. She hit his jugular directly, and watched as Milo slumped one last time, all the while her face was being covered in blood from the spurting wound.

You have defeated City Guard Milo - [Level 10]

Experience Gained: 250

She stood in front of Milo, with grim satisfaction of her efficient killing. She opened her mouth to say something to the dead man, but tasted a heavy amount of blood. Realizing it was Milo’s running down her face, she went to rub it off. Before she could bring her hand up to her head, she fainted.

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