《Re: Generic Isekai - An Isekai with a loooooooooooooong title.》Chapter 7: Why would a God answer your prayer?


Midnight, Mom and Dad was sleeping.

Bob was still awake. He was hungry, but he was now too tired of crying. He just laid there on his own tiny bed, staring at the empty ceiling.

“God, can you hear me?” Bob tried to pray.

But there was no answer.

Bob had been praying so hard every single night trying to reach out for God, but despite his many attempts, God had never showed up.

Bob sighed.

He decided to give up on God.

“Fuck you stupid God,” he said.

“Fuck y-- Arrrgghhhh!!!”

A burning pain!

“AAaaarrrgghhh… what … the … hell... IS THIS !?”

Bob curled up trying to minimize the intense pain on his back. It was the tattoo!

“… Arrghghh!!!”

Suddenly, time froze.

Rule number one:

I am the LORD thy Goddess.

The pain was so intense that Bob couldn't even breathe. But fortunately for Bob, God noticed that and sent a response.

On the empty ceiling, appeared the words written in English that only Bob could read:

“Arrghhhh ... new life… my ass...”

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