《Foreshadow》Chapter 7: News of the Incoming Storm (3)


Chapter 7: News of the Incoming Storm (3)

Jessa and Edward were currently inside a conference room. The conference room had a long table that can accommodate approximately 10 persons on each side while all seats were currently occupied except for the head. The people inside the conference room were waiting for the arrival of the person who called out this emergency meeting.

The noisy chatter inside the room was immediately halted upon the opening of the door. The old man in his mid 60's was walking inside the room and carrying a briefcase. Upon staring this old man, we could see an ambiance of superiority and dominance. All the people inside stood up and saluted. The old man just nodded after scanning the participants of the meeting then everybody seated.

"So what you people think about the sudden meeting?" the old man asked.

"Director Lopez, would it was all about the recent news?" one of the participants asked with a bit of hesitation.

"So you know? I wouldn't be making an introduction according to the news. As you know each governing factions around the world were alarmed by the bombing in its offices especially to the Churches that didn't have much defense against it. There is news about the uprising of an old terrorist group that last seen over 200 years ago," Director Lopez answered.

"What we'll be our plan, Director?" Jessa asked.

The Director turned to Jessa then to Edward who was sitting beside her.

"Edward, I don't know you have time to come to this meeting? Are you sick?" the Direktor mockingly asked.

Edward just smiled helplessly because it was already given that he had a big chance of not attending the meeting. It wasn't even exaggerated if there was a hundred point possibility of him not attending.

"I'm just pulled here. I don't just have a chance to ditch this meeting," Edward excused nonchalantly.

The Director didn't have any change in its expression but inside it was indeed surprised.

"Well then, I hope you will ditch the next session. I'd love it if I see you here," the Director sarcastically replied.

"We will be implementing additional security for the churches around our territory," the Director responded upon turning back to Jessa.

"Does the Headquarters had given any official statement regards the recent 'terrorist attack'?" the same participant asked.

The Director glared at it and it couldn't help but clear its throat. The chilling aura started to spread at the whole conference.

"There Headquarters didn't give any responses as well as the Main Hall. I don't know what they are thinking but it was giving me a headache," the Director answered and couldn't help but massage his temples.

"The Home? The Lieutenant? Did he give any instruction to us?" the same participant asked worriedly because of the lack of instruction from above.

"They didn't. I even contacted the other Zones under the Home of Selfless but they didn't also even received any instruction either. The other directors lead to an agreement of there was an instruction to the top we will immediately," the Director answered upon remembering their recent discussion with other directors which give him a headache.

Remembering the thing that happened in the latter time, he turned to Jessa to inquire about the recent improvement of the investigation on the University.

"Jessa, what's the recent update on your investigation about the incident happened in the University a month ago?" the Director inquired and hoping she will give him a good response that will relieve his stress.


"The medical team and researchers are still trying to decrypt the bane that was taken from the last incident. We still have no suspect to the incident," Jessa ashamedly answered while her face was reddening because of her incompetence.

"What?!" the Director slapped the desk and making the whole room nervous.

Seeing the Director had stood up because of the mixture of disappointment and stress. Almost everyone is looking at each other and gesturing to support Jessa or else undesirable events would happen.

"Director Lopez, we still decrypting the bane samples that had been taken from the University. We also endorse it to Home for them to handle the research that was a bit too big for us. I had already talked to the team leader of the investigative team and they still have no clue about the culprit," the team leader of the medical team stood up supported Jessa while making eye contact with Edward and gesturing to support his claim.

Edward just nodded and stood up upon the other team leader sat. He had observed the Director's face before speaking. He could even see the anxiousness and the terror in the Director's eyes.

"Director, I think the one who started this was just doing a dry run for it. We already searched and asked the people who come to the natatorium that time but they have sufficient and valid excuses. The culprit must be alarmed by the sudden entrance of the Office upon Jessa's call. We presume that he already cleaned the evidence in the University so even we tried, were just running into a circle. We apologize for our incompetence, not just Ms. Reyes," Edward explained as supporting to his fellow team leader.

The Director observes the facial expression of Edward before breathing out.

"I must be the one to apologize due to my sudden impulse. We know that the recent happening worries us, especially me. I just don't want any accident to happen within my guarding territory. I hope you understand," the Director apologizes after thinking deeply.

The heavy atmosphere started to fade and make the participants of the meeting breath easily.

"Investigative team, I want you to investigate all of the blotter and records in each precinct that had been connected to Supernatural People within our Zone's jurisdiction. Strategic Team, I still want a full report about the incident. This includes all the conclusions that each team had given. I want it a week from now. Medical team, I want you to report to me the inventory of the medical supplies. If there was a shortage, make a direct order without going through my office. Everyone, is that clear?" the Director asked consequent to his order.

"Yes sir!" almost everybody answered.

"Mr. Dela Cruz, I wanted your presence to my office right after this meeting. Then, Meeting Adjourned!" the Director ended the meeting.

The participant of the meeting immediately got out of the conference room to fulfill the tasked given to them. Meanwhile, Edward messed Jessa's hair seeing its own expression. Jessa immediately glared Edward intently. Edward just chuckled before running out of the conference before his niece could shout his name. Seeing her uncle fleeing, Jessa couldn't help but to shook her head while laughing. Her uncle didn't change and still in his lazy but lively personality.

Edward arrived at Director's office and knock three times at the door before opening it. Feeing the door wasn't locked, he came in. The Director's Room is full of bookshelf that caters more than century-old books. The room was also furnished with brown color and also millennium-old paintings were hung at the wall. He walked towards the Director table that was made from wood which had been renovated a hundred times with the same old materials. He sat at the wooden chair in front of the table. The Director wasn't inside his office and probably still on his way.


"You seemed to arrive too early. It was quite unexpected," the Director joked before taking his seat.

Edward just smiled at the supposedly a joke but for him, it's rather not.

"Let's go to our real business," the Director spoke and opened one of the table's drawers.

The Director pulled out of a brown envelope and placing it in front of Edward. Edward lifts up the envelope to open it. He immediately saw an undetached white wax seal that had the symbol of the Office of Supernatural Defense seal. Edward looked at the Director hinting what would he do next. The Director smiled and nodded without giving Edward any commands. Edward could only sigh and detached the seal. He took the things inside the envelope and what he sees is a picture of different men and women.

"Probably, you're asking why on earth is the use of these pictures?" the Director asked.

Edward turned to the Director with a what-is-this look.

"Actually, I also had an envelope that had been addressed to me and contained that enveloped including the details about this confidential mission. There are approximately 20 Zones or Homes that had this envelope," the Director explains when he took out a goldish colored enveloped that also had a wax seal on its flap.

"This envelope had been sent to me even before the meeting of the Directors. The Headquarters, Main Hall and Home had become silent when this envelope had arrived. This classified information was about the suspicious occurrence within the vicinity of the Vatican City," the Director added and putting back the envelope.

"Can I asked why did you choose me?" Edward inquires.

"You should know in the first place. You're a veteran spy and infiltrator among the ranks of the Office. This also a confidential mission and I don't have a gut to send a half bake people in this mission. They might die and fail but you on the other hand, wouldn't that happen. So you're the first and only choice the mission," the Director explained his decision.

Edward didn't want to know if he should be happy or mad at the Director by giving him this mission.

"Is there anything you wanted to say?" the Director inquired assuming that he will gladly accept the mission.

Edward cleared his throat before answering.

"I don't have many choices, right? I will be selfish if I push my brothers here," Edward unwilling told the Director.

The Director just smiled weakly and chose not to answer.

"Fine, I will take this mission. But, I want compensation," Edward bargained.

"An approximately a week before and after you back. This excludes some so-called emergencies within the Zone," the Director agreed like it was nothing.

"Does Mom will know?" Edward asked.

"She will," the Director promised.

In the meantime, Jessa was leaning her head on her desk in their working quarters on the Zone. The working quarter was a bit like the most working place for the employees that had their own desk, chair, and computer. She was having a headache while leaning.

"Reyes, you seemed to be tired?" a female voice commented.

Jessa looked up to the speaker. It was her boss, the Team Leader of the Strategic team, Lilian Corpuz. The Team leader was on the same age as Jessa and with a bit hype personality. The Team Leader was holding a cup of coffee while looking at her.

"Yeah," she tiredly answered.

"You should rest. I heard that you watch your comatose brother every night and still doing your work at the University. We will be taking everything from here, you should go home and rest. Just go home and rest," the Team Leader concerningly recommended.

Jessa had thought it for a while and she agreed with the recommendation.

"Yeah, I should go and rest. It has been a while since I had a decent sleep. Now, my brother awakens from his coma and recuperating. I could sleep properly," she convinced agreed.

The Team Leader just nodded and see her packing her things. Jessa waves to the Team Leader before leaving.

"Lilian, I saw Reyes leaving?" a male voice from Team leaders back spoke.

The Team leader almost scared out of her wits and turned to the speaker.

"Kent, since when you are here?" Team Leader angrily asked and placed the cup on Jessa's desk.

The man shrugged. He was Kent Drobles, he was a little bit older than Lilian and Jessa a fairly 1-2 years difference. He usually appeared in thin air and scare many people, truthfully he was only masking his presence so not many people could feel his presence at all. Also, he was the Team Leader of the Medical Team.

"Since she was packing her things. She seemed to be hurried. What did you tell her?" Kent answered.

"Let her rest. Do you think I am that heartless to let her work? Don't you see how large her eyebags?" she told him while looking am-I-that-heartless.

"Of course! Didn't you make me work last time overtime?" Kent answered and act like he was wiping his tears.

Lilian could only roll her eyes.

"So why are you here? I mean, what do you need?" she asked uninterestedly.

"Do you have any copy of the Director's favorite cup. I just broke it a few minutes ago. You know the Director's temper lately especially the meeting," Kent tried to bargain.

Lilian could only roll her eyes.

"Fine, you're going to the storage, right? You just need to go to the place where the glassware is located. You'll immediately find it," Lilian answered.

Kent immediately leaves Lilian without saying anything to her. On the other hand, Lilian could only sigh and massage his temples. She took Jessa's chair and seated. She even might have a headache if she thought it that much, so she takes her coffee and takes a sip of it.

At the same time, while Lilian was sipping her coffee, Gloria was sitting on her desk while reviewing some financial and managerial documents. Likewise, Director Lopez's office, Gloria's office filled with bookshelves that house some century-old books. By chance, the telephone on her desk rang and she directly answered the call.

"Good evening! This is Director Dela Cruz, Zone 86. How may I help you?" she greeted.

"Good evening, Gloria. This is Director Lopez," the other line answered.

"Director Lopez, how may I help you. Did Edward did something again?" Gloria concernedly asked.

"It was about Edward but he didn't do anything to give me a headache. He was always just lazing all the time. Do you have any time right now? I had something confidential to discuss with you," Director Lopez responded and asked for her time.

Gloria had been silent for a while thinking about her duties and things that she needs to finish immediately. After some time, she sorted out her thoughts and leaving her brief free hours.

"I think, I have. At the same place?" she inquired if their meeting is any change of the usual meet up location.

"Yes," Director Lopez answered briefly and hung up.

Gloria directly cleaned up her table and arrange the remaining documents. She leaves a message to her Team leaders that if anything happened straightly call her then she leaves. Zones 86 & 66 are neighboring zones but under the different Homes. Zone 66 was under the Home of Selfless and Zone 86 was under the Home of Mercy.

She arrived at the said restaurant. After parking her car, she directly entered the restaurant. Upon seeing her, the receptionist approached her and directed her to the room that was especially reserved for them. In observing the restaurant, she knew the elegance and the noble ambiance could be felt in every corner.

"Director Dela Cruz Ma'am, Director Lopez will be arriving shortly. Just notify the waiter outside," the receptionist gently informed because its job might be at stake if any unsatisfaction appeared on Gloria's face.

Gloria gave out a gentle smile knowing what's running into the receptionist's mind.

"I will," she responded.

The receptionist bowed in full 90 degrees. Making Gloria laughed silently.

"Thank you, Ma'am. Have a nice evening!" it greeted before going out of the room with embarrassment.

Gloria could only shake her head and took a seat on the couch to arrange inside the room. The room she currently in was for some important persons or for members only. It still had the grandeur of the restaurant and many decorative lights that give an additional calming atmosphere unlike outside. In some time, Director Lopez arrived carrying a briefcase.

"So what's up?" Gloria asked when Director seated on the opposite of her.

Director looked at Gloria than to the menu.

"Can we order, first? It might be quite late if we ordered after our discussion," Director Lopez suggested.

"Fine, food preparation will take a while and your suggestion was quite justified. So you will call the waiter because you suggested it," Gloria chuckled seeing the irritated face of Director Lopez.

Director Lopez shrugged and called the waiter. In just seconds, the waiter arrived, took their order and immediately leave.

"So what do you want to discuss about my son?" Gloria asked after sipping some water.

Director didn't answer and took a white envelope from his briefcase. He put it in the table and observe's Gloria's reaction. Gloria brow quivered slightly.

"You seemed to know about its contents," Director Lopez commented.

"I do. But, isn't it a bit hard for Edward to take this mission?" Gloria concernedly asked.

"Maybe, but I don't have many choices. We both knew that my people weren't yet ready for this. This may lead to the mission's failure or worst death. I don't want to send some half baked people to this critical mission," Director Lopez insisted.

Gloria could only sigh because she couldn't refute him.

"I remember you started to send him into the different mission at the age of 25, aren't you? He's already veteran in regard to this," Director Lopez commented

"Yes, I do send him into a different mission. Because we are ashamed that no one of us followed the steps of Lieutenant Dela Cruz of Equity. I wanted him to fulfill our clans wished. To reclaim what we had lost," Gloria uttered while looking at the ceiling.


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