《Protector's of Worlds》Leaving Cybenetex! Farewell, Starman!


Previously on Protector’s of Worlds:

With the bomb in place, our heroes came across an unexpected adversary: The Magnetic Automaton, Magnopsy!

Despite their teamwork, the two were no match for Magnopsy who dominated them the entire fight. Instead of killing them itself, the automaton retreated, letting the bomb kill them for it. Unknown to it, however, Starman arrived just in time to save them before the bomb explodes, releasing a blast that killed the leader and anything within a 20-mile radius. This explosion only caused the Scavengers to retreat, but Starman believes they’ll be back……..

What will happen to our heroes? Let’s find out in the final chapter of the Cybenetex arc………

X Cybenetex X

Upon returning to the city, the three were greeted by the city’s entire population. The crowd cheered upon their returns while displaying signs that thanked them.

This sight alone made the entire mission worth it as Calem and Marcel waved back to them all, happy that they changed the lives of the Rovernites. Starman didn’t join in but seeing his student along with his friend alive and proud of what they did was enough for him……..


15 days have since passed since the battle at the hive. The barrier to the city has shut down as the Rovernites started rebuilding, taking back their lives and the planet they inhabit.

Joining them are their saviors whose wounds have healed after long and agonizing periods of recovery. Marcel and Calem helped the Rovernites on the ground, welding metals together and transporting supplies while Starman was in the air, grabbing beams from the ground before bringing them up and passing them over.

The work has been going on for hours but Calem and Marcel decided to take a break, resting on a beam while some Rovernites passed by them.

“Man, what a day.” Marcel said as he wipes the sweat off his forehead. “Talk about exhausting, I’m beat.”

“Hope you didn’t strain yourself.” Calem said to his friend.

“Nah, I’m used to it.” Marcel said as both looked at the Rovernites helping each other, building new towers and houses fo them to live in.


“You know……It’s pretty refreshing, isn’t it?” Calem said.

“What is?” Marcel asked.

“All of this.” Calem said, pointing out the construction that is currently going on. “Now that the Scavengers are gone, the Rovernites can finally continue, move towards a future that was stolen from them.”

“That sounds nice and all, but don’t forget what the big man said….” Marcel said. “Those creatures will be back, possibly with greater numbers and stronger than last time.”

“True, but we gave our friends a window.” Calem said. “With some time, they’ll be able to develop something that’ll deter them.”

“Let’s hope to the lord that they do…..” Marcel said before jumping off the beam. “I’m gonna check on the big guy, see if he needs anything.”

“Okay.” Calem said as his friend walks away but only after a few seconds, he heard a yell…


That yell startled Calem has he jumped off the beam and went over to his friend. He noticed Marcel on the ground, lying on his butt.

“Dude, what happ…..” Calem stopped before he could finish his sentence as he saw what made Marcel jump…

It was a bluish portal with a spiral swirling in the middle of it, almost like the one Calem saw on Arusatora! He quickly helps his friend up as the two inspect the portal.

“No way….” Calem said.

“What?” Marcel asked. “Wait…..isn’t this the same thing that brought you here?”

“Definitely the same one.” Calem replied.

“So, why is it here now?” Marcel asked.

“I don’t know. The first one just appeared for no reason.” Calem said.“Whatever it is, I guess it's time for us to leave.”

“Leave……..?” Marcel asked. “But…..where would it take us?”

“To another planet, but where it takes us is completely random.” Calem said before placing his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “We…better get going.”

“W-Wait, we have to leave now?!” Marcel asked. “You serious?!”

“I’m afraid so. Do you remember how Magnopsy said that his master is gonna “rule over everything”? Calem asked, for which Marcel nodded his head in reply. “If it's true, we must go through this portal, traveling from world to world in hopes that we might put a stop to his plan.”


Marcel knew what his friend was saying, but still couldn’t process what was going to happen next….

“I know you don’t want to leave Starman and the Rovernites behind, but this is what we have to do.” Calem said, trying to reassure his friend. “You better go say your goodbyes.”

Replying to his friend by just nodding, Marcel gained his courage before walking to Starman, who was planning with a few Rovernites of what to build next.

“Boss……” Marcel said as the star giant turns to his apprentice. “I-I need to tell you something….”


A few minutes went by as Marcel explained everything to Starman: how the portal appeared, how it will take him to another world, and how traveling to each one might help defeat the automaton’s master. While he explained this, Calem stood back and watched with his arms crossed.

“And because of that...........I must leave you guys.” Marcel said.

Starman didn’t say anything while the crowd of Rovernites behind him chatted and murmured with each other silently. He broke the silence when he approached Marcel before crouching,

“Then………you should be on your way, huh?” Starman said to his apprentice. Before he could say a word, the star giant stops him, holding his hand up.

“Before you go, I just want to tell you a few things. First, you’ve been a great student, one of the best I’ve ever had. You’ve been hard-working, cooperative, and a big help to our hovering friends…..”

Marcel stared at the crowd, who waved and smiled, agreeing with the giant's statement, which made him tear up a bit.

“Second and most important of all……I know you’ll do me proud. You’ve been given a great gift, use it to help others. You take care of others………”

“And they’ll take care of you in return.” Marcel finished the sentence, causing Starman to chuckle.

Just when was to join his friend, Marcel then bumps fists with his boss, the final one they’ll have for a while…..

“Have a safe journey……..my friend.” Starman said in a weak voice as tears rolled down.

Marcel couldn’t utter a word but nodded as he wiped the tears off his cheek. Now that his goodbyes are said, he turns his way to Calem, who walked toward him to comfort him.

“I know, pal.” Calem said as he hugs his friend, patting his back while he cried. “It’s not easy.”

“Was…..it the same for you…..when you left Arui?” Marcel asked as his friend releases him as he wiped his tears and sniffled a bit.

“About the same. To this day, I still miss her.” Calem said. “But, I promised her I would return, so there’s always the possibility…..”

“Yeah….Yeah….” Marcel said as his crying was starting to fade and started to feel joyful. “There’s a chance…..

“So, ready to go?” Calem asked.

“You bet your ass, pal.” Marcel said as he hits Calems shoulder with his fist.

As he followed his friend back to the portal, Marcel took one last look at Starman as his mentor and the Rovernites waved him goodbye. He then waves at them back, hoping that one day, they’ll meet again………


The portal is right in front of them, waiting for the two to enter it. Marcel was overwhelmed with anxiety at this point: Where will it take them? What new horrors will they encounter?

More and more thoughts clouded his mind but it wasn’t until when Calem put his hand on his shoulder, snapping him out. His friend nods at him, which helps him calm down as he returns a nod.

Now brimming with confidence, the two enter the portal and once in, the portal closes up, vanishing from sight………..

Our heroes have now left Cybenetex, saying farewell to Starman and the Rovernites! What world will our heroes explore next? Find out in the next arc…….

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