《Protector's of Worlds》Time's running out! Escape before the bomb explodes!


Previously on Protector’s of Worlds:

The operation to stop the Scavenger invasion has begun! Starman starts by distracting them, having them chase after him while Calem and Marcel venture into the massive mountainous tower, looking for the one that controls the others.

They found the leader, but had to go through some guards before planting a bomb. With the timer set, they decided to call Starman to take them up but got no reply. Unknown to them, a floating humanoid figure approached them, looking for a fight…….

What will happen next? Let’s find out.............

X Flashback: Shadow Humanoid’s Castle X

In a small room with long narrow windows and a few lights on the ceiling, we see the shadow humanoid sitting at a u-shaped desk with an intercom device in front and a computer on the left side, which showcased various blueprints of weapons, ships, and endoskeletons.

All over the floor were crumpled pieces of paper as the humanoid rips some paper off his sketchbook before crumpling it into a ball and throws it aside. He dips his ballpoint pen in ink and starts sketching out multiple figures, possible designs for future automatons.

The intercom device buzzes, causing him to press one of the buttons on it.

“What is it?” The shadow humanoid asked.

“It’s me.” The voice said from the intercom, which sounded like the giants.

“I’m busy, so make it quick.” The shadow humanoid said as he was more focused on sketching out designs.

“One of our drones spotted Calem and his friend in the junk piles, entering a passageway through a tower more massive than the others.” The giant said as the humanoid stops sketching. “Shall I send a battle automaton after them?”

“Uh-huh, and have those weird, multi-eyed…..slime……things take over them like they did with Wreckall?” The shadow humanoid said. “Sorry, but we can’t take the risk.”

“There’s no need to fear, my lord.” The giant said. “The creatures within the surrounding area have fled, chasing after something. Not a single one has been sighted since.”

“Is that right?” The shadow humanoid said as he chuckled, thinking this could be the perfect chance. “Very well, send one or a few after them.”

“At once.” The giant said. “Anyone in particular?”

“Yes, a………” The shadow humanoid said but finished halfway. “Actually, for this mission, I want…….you to take’em out.”

“M-Me?” The giant questioned.

“Yes, you.” The shadow humanoid quickly responded. “Go over to that planet, find them and kill them, whatever means necessary. I’m counting on you………old friend.”

Silence came over the intercom for some time before a reply is heard……..

“I won’t fail you…my lord.”

X Present X




Calem and Marcel stand together, facing the floating figure in front of them. It then approaches them, slowly revealing its full appearance.

It was humanoid in shape and stood around 11ft tall with an orange/red-orange color scheme, four fingers, stilt-like legs, and purple vents on its arms, legs, shoulders, fingers, and abdomen. On its face was a blue screen that serves as its eye.

“Who are you?” Calem asked.

“I am……….Magnopsy!!” The giant now named Magnopsy replied to Calem’s question. “The general to my lord’s army.

“What do you want?” Calem asked again but was elbow bumped by Marcel.

“I think it’s pretty obvious why it's here.” Marcel said, whispering to his friend.

“Oh……” Calem said, now realizing. “Well, besides that, who is your “lord”?”

“A powerful leader, one of which you have never seen before.” Magnopsy replied, praising its lord. “He’s someone whose destiny is to rule over everything!!”


“Rule…….everything….?” Calem questioned, which concerned him and his friend.

“But you won’t witness it………..” Magnopsy said. “Since you two will be corpses before it happens!!”

Knowing that, Calem and Marcel quickly got into their fighting stances and prepared for battle! Calem’s hands surged with electricity before firing lightning beams from them as Marcel’s arms are engulfed in flames before throwing fireballs. Just before the oncoming attacks could hit it, Magnopsy revealed its abilities!

The purple vents all over its body glow as the damaged robot parts start shaking. Suddenly, metal from the parts and the walls were torn off as they are drawn toward Magnopsy. They form a wall in front of him, which blocks the lightning and the fireballs. With the attacks blocked, Magnopsy then tears the metals apart piece by piece until they form into hundreds of sharp pointy shards before launching them all at Calem and Marcel. The two head in different directions: Calem used his speed, jumping and backflipping the shards while using his sword to knock any within range out of sight while Marcel used his armor’s durability, allowing some to hit him point-blank, cracking the armor a bit while he blocked the others with his arms.

Now that they split up, Magnopsy revealed another ability! It detached both arms from the magnetic balls on its torso, making their way toward Marcel.

The right arm grabs Marcel by its four fingers and slams him against the wall. It pulls out with him as the left arm comes in, hoping to crush Marcel in between them. When in range, Marcel holds his left arm out, stopping it and using his strength to prevent himself from being crushed. He then grabs both arms by their fingers and slams them to the ground couple of times before throwing them away but both recover midair. Large pieces of metal shards surround the two, floating near them.

After doing some footwork and punching the air with jabs and uppercuts, Marcel gestured with both hands to bring it on, which they did. The arms circle around him while shooting shards at him, all of which he blocked with his arms, knocking them away as they scatter across the ground. He grabbed one of the nearest shards before throwing it, hitting the right arm on its purple vent, causing the glow to fade as some of the shards fall off. Marcel grabbed two more and threw them at the right arm, but the left arm sends all of its shards to it, blocking it from the attacks.

Without any defense or weapons, Marcel jumped up high and tackled the left arm, sending it crashing to the ground. He then proceeds to land powerful blows to the arm, denting it and causing to ground to shake with each blow. The right arm intervenes, grabbing Marcel and throws him to the ground. The two join together to land deadly blows on Marcel, creating a crater that expands with each blow. They suddenly backed away when he released a blast of fire from each hand.

With some space and time to recover, Marcel got on his feet, some of his armor damaged but after cracking his neck, he takes his stance, ready to fight again….

We head over to Calem, who was dealing with Magnopsy as he runs while it flies after him. Its head slides open, revealing a small cannon inside before rapid-firing small pink blasts. He managed to jump and move to different sides to avoid, causing them to hit the ground and create small explosions.

Calem retaliates by throwing lightning bolts, some colliding with the blasts while others were avoided as it used quick maneuvering. He then comes to a stop as he uses electricity from his arms to form a sphere of lightning in his hands before firing it, releasing a beam of lighting. Magnopsy quickly counters by charging its cannon and firing a spiraling beam, colliding with the lightning beam. The two beams struggled with each other, both trying to gain an advantage. When neither could, the two created a massive explosion, releasing a shockwave that sends them both flying, but Magnopsy was able to recover while Calem hits the ground hard. Magnopsy lands safely on the metal ground while chuckling as it approaches Calems, who was getting up after being blasted by that shockwave. His armor was falling apart as his helmet showed the left half of his face.


“You two have no idea what’s coming.” Magnopsy said to him. “Just concede, I’ll let you both die a quick death. Consider it an act of mercy.”

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Calem said as he takes off his helmet, and throws it aside before spitting out some blood. From his hands, he summoned long bolts of lightning as electricity crackled throughout his arms. “We’d rather see your “lord” dead first before we see our time.”

“If you insist…..” Magnopsy said as the two continued their battle: Calem throwing lightning bolts and Magnopsy using metal for defense and offense against the human.

In the background, the Scavenger leader gazed at the ongoing battle but was more concerned about the ticking time bomb which was now at 2:15. It repeatedly tried calling for help but to no avail…..





X Outside X

Using fast thinking and maneuvering, Starman was able to avoid the tentacles while using his star swords to slice them into tiny pieces. As he was able to get at a higher and safer distance, we see the state he’s in. His right arm was nearly hanging on by a few muscles, pieces of shrapnel pierced his stomach, and the star symbol on his chest was damaged.

“What is taking those two so long?!” Starman angrily said as more of the amorphous creatures gather below him. “They should’ve been done minutes ago.”

While he was distracted, a tentacle grabbed him by his left foot and pulls him down, hitting the metal ground with enough force to bend it. He tried to recover but it was too late as the Scavengers swarmed him. He fought back, using his swords and cutters to defend but it wasn’t enough as they start to swallow him. He reaches his right arm into the air before entirely disappearing within the slime………..

X Underground X

The two humans ran for their lives while dodging the oncoming metal shards. Behind them was the magnetic automaton, who was riding on a massive wave of shards while hurling some at them. While they managed to evade and duck, the battle was starting to wear on them as the state of their armor shows it. Marcels was fine with a few cracks unlike Calems, whose armor was heavily damaged and missing his right arm piece, left shoulder pad, and left leg piece.

The chase came to a stop when a long and thin shard pierces through Calem’s left leg, causing him to fall and stumble a bit.

“Calem!” Marcel shouted and stopped, realizing his friend is hurt badly.

Magnopsy took this opportunity to overwhelm Marcel, swarming him and taking him up to the air, having the shards cut deep into his armor. The swarm then retreats, having Marcel fall to the ground with a great impact.

With that one dealt with, Magnopsy ripped some metal off the walls before wrapping them around Calem’s whole body. It then closes its fist, causing the metal to squeeze Calem tightly, crushing his body as a few cracks and snaps are heard.


Magnopsy chuckled a bit, relishing the pain it was dishing out towards the human. Its sadistic pleasure was halted when it noticed the Glorarex bomb in the distance, ticking down lower as the timer now reads 1:30.

“Say, what’s that over there?” Magnopsy said as it slightly loosens the metal.

“N-None of y-y-your…..business.” Calem weakly said as he coughed up blood.

“Oh, really? “ Magnopsy said as it drops Calem to the ground. “Then I hope you don’t mind me destroying it, right?”

The wave of shards appears behind it as it raises its right arm up before……..


Its arm stood still in the air as it turns to face Calem, who was crawling on the ground to reach Magnopsy.

“Don’t, please!” Calem shouted. “If you d-destroy it, everything within this area and miles more will be vaporized from the blast, including you!”

The automaton froze for a moment but quietly chuckled a bit. “If it's meant to further the goal of my lord, then so be it!”

Knowing that, Calem could do nothing but look at the ground in defeat. Before he could brace himself for the blast, something behind him ran towards the bomb.

With a single motion of its arm, the wave of shards attacked! Every single one aimed at the Glorarex bomb but something got in the way. A dark figure got in front of the bomb before raising its arms out, shielding the bomb as its back faced the oncoming wave of sharp metal.

Wave after wave, the shards keep on coming, hitting his back while others pierced the wall. Though no damage was caused at first, the onslaught eventually broke his defenses, stabbing his legs and back, splurting out blood with each impact, and taking big chunks off. The barrage came to stop as we see who was protecting the bomb……

It was Marcel! Despite withstanding the attack, his armor caved in with deep cuts, chunks of his helmet blasted off and small/medium-sized shards impaled his back, leaking a lot of blood out of the wounds. He tried his best to stay standing but with all the damage he’s taken, he soon fell and landed on his sides, showing the timer on the bomb is now at 1:00.

With the bomb near its end, Magnopsy shrugged its shoulders before turning away from it, hoping the bomb will finish its work.

“Well, it’s been nice knowing you gentleman…” Magnopsy said, mocking the two. “I bid you farewell!”

Laughing at their near defeat, the automaton flies up into the entrance and escapes. Time is running short for them as Calem got up, slowly and tried to ignore the pain





He got close enough to his friend before falling on his knees and eventually onto his back.

“G-Guess this…...is it, huh?” Calem said as he lies next to his friend.

“Think so…….” Marcel said as his voice was weakened.

“Well, if this is how we die…….I’m glad I got to spend my last moments with you” Calem said as he and his friend both smiled and let out a few chuckles, despite the situation they are in.

“Do you……..do you think …..(cough) (cough).......the Rovernites will be okay?” Marcel asked, coughing up some blood.

“Oh, for sure.” Calem said. “When the bomb…….(spits out blood)......goes off, the Scavengers will be gone and they’ll have enough time to rebuild.”

“I hope………” Marcel said but was now thinking about someone else. “Hope the big guys alright……..”

“Why don’t you see for yourself?”

A voice said from out of nowhere as something landed near them. It was none other than Starman who was holding his severed right arm in his left hand, the skin on his body was torn off, revealing the flesh underneath him, and the left chest piece was gone, showing his Glorarex core.

“B-Boss……” Marcel happily said, seeing his mentor alive and breathing.

Starman starts picking up the two one by one. Calem first as he was placed onto the giant’s back while Starman holds Marcel on his left arm. He noticed the bomb's time was now at 0:30. With little time left, Starman flew away at great speeds, making his way through the entrance and through the tunnels.

The leader, who realized no one was coming for it, tried to move or detach itself, but it proved to be futile as the timer reads 0:20. By some miracle, it was able to free itself from the ground, but this caused it to fall over. Not able to move because of its heavy and big head, it doomed itself as the timer reads 0:05





As soon as the timer hits 0:00, the Leader’s irises shrunk down as it screeched in horror before……..


The Glorarex bomb finally explodes, releasing a powerful blast that vaporized everything within its path, including the leader which was reduced to atoms in mere seconds.

For Starman and the two, they were lucky enough as they escaped before the bomb exploded. Starman flew out one of many entrances just when the blast emerged, blowing the tower apart before expanding, vaporizing everything that came into contact with it. The Scavengers within the area fled for their lives, trying to escape, but was all for naught when the blast caught up to them.

Up high in the sky, Starman, as well as Calem and Marcel, looked down as a majority of the hive was demolished until the blast reached its original radius, disappearing entirely. The aftermath was a massive crater that extended to a 20-mile radius with a smoke plume emerging from within.

“D-Did……we do it?” Marcel weakly said as he looks at the devastation the bomb caused.

Suddenly, something shot out of the hive, straight into the air. It is revealed to be a type of Scavenger that has fused with a spaceship and various other parts. A Scavenger Ship!! 20 or 30 more followed behind it as all traveled directly into the sky before vanishing into thin air.

“T-They’re retreating!” Calem said loudly. “Just like we planned!”

“For now, anyway….” Starman said. “All we managed to do was scare them away. They’ll be back……with a stronger force.”

X Shadow Humanoid’s Castle X

Back at the castle, we see the shadow humanoid walking along a hallway with glass windows on one side and the other had paintings that had a strange and alien look to them.

“My lord! My lord!”

The shadow humanoid came to a stop when it heard a voice from behind him. It was Magnopsy who ran to him before getting on its knee and bowing to him.

“Well, what happened?” The shadow humanoid questioned. “Are they dealt with?”

“Yes, both of them have been destroyed.” Magnopsy said.

Upon hearing that, the shadow humanoid started to laugh with joy and glee.

“Oh, my friend, you have done a great service .” The shadow humanoid said. “How did you do it?”

“Simple, once I left them, all that was needed was…..” Magnopsy was about to finish before the shadow humanoid holds up his hand.

“Stop right there.” The shadow humanoid said, causing the automaton to stop. “You……..left them alone before you could finish them? Why?”

“W-Well, you s-see……” Magnopsy nervously stutters, fearful of what to say to his master. “They activated some kind of bomb that, based on what Calem said, “would vaporize everything within the surrounding area.”

“Go on…….” The shadow humanoid said, letting the automaton continue its story.

“I decided to destroy it, right then and there but the other one got in the way.” Magnopsy said. “So, with little time left, I fled and thought the bomb would kill them both.”

After finishing its story, the shadow humanoid didn’t utter a word for moments as he paced around, shaking his head and sighing.

“And………how are you sure they are dead?” The shadow humanoid asked.

“I-I weakened them, sir.” Magnopsy replied to his question. “Last I saw, they didn’t have any energy left to even stand on their legs! I’m positive both were killed by the blast.”

Unable to take the automaton’s word, he then pulls an orb device from his back, which opens up and projects a screen. The screen shows the aftermath of the battle on Cybenetex and showed him something else……….

“So, how do you explain……..” The shadow humanoid said as he shows the screen to Magnopsy. “This?!”

What it shows is Starman, who had Calem and Marcel resting on his back, flew straight to the city of the Rovernites. Upon watching it, Magnopsy backed away in fear, knowing full well that it failed its mission. The screen then disintegrates as the shadow humanoid just stares at him, though it's hard to tell what face he's making due to his helmet. Fearing its life, Magnopsy quickly got down on all fours, bowing to him.

“I’m so sorry, my lord!!” Magnopsy shouted with fright. “I’m such a stupid hunk of nuts and wires!! It was a foolish and dumbfounded decision I made! I should’ve killed them when I had a chance!!”

Despite the pleads, the shadow humanoid didn’t do a thing, just stands there as he looks down on the automaton.

“I beg you! Please forgive me!” Magnopsy said as it repeats the same thing over and over.

Having enough of the apologies, he turned away from the automaton before leaving it behind.

“M-My lord…..” Magnopsy quietly said. “You’re not angry with me?”

“Not angry……..” The shadow humanoid said. “Just disappointed.”

The mere mention of “disappointed” made Magnopsy feel worse for itself as it started to bang its head to the ground, over and over again, cracking the floor with each impact.

After getting a far enough distance away from the automaton, the shadow humanoid comes to a stop before clearing his throat, letting out a few coughs and……….


He screamed out which echoed throughout the entire hall. A small door hidden within the floor opens up as a computer screen with an extendable neck pops out. The screen turns on, showing a black silhouette figure.

“What seems to be the problem, my lord?” The silhouette said whose voice had a gentlemanly and robotic sound to it.

“Magnopsy failed. Calem and the other one are still alive.” The shadow humanoid said.

“Oh, what a damn shame.” The silhouette said.

“It is.” The shadow humanoid said. “He had them in the palm of his hands but decided to let their “bomb” deliver the finishing blow. What an idiot.”

“Couldn’t agree with you.” The silhouette said. “So, whose gonna go after them now?

“Easy…….It’s you.” The shadow humanoid said. “I’m giving you the task of disposing of them.”

“Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!!” The silhouette laughed out with delight. “Oh, what an experience this shall be! I’ll happily take it!

“Good, destroy them with any means necessary.” The shadow humanoid said. “I expect their heads to be delivered to me within a few days.”

“And so they shall.” The silhouette said before the screen turns black.

The silhouette then leans back on its chair as it starts laughing while mechanical arms armed with saws, drills, syringes, and claws appear from the darkness behind it.

“My friends, you got lucky this time…..but you won’t be able to stop the genius…..of Doctor Uell Moroo!!!”

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