《Protector's of Worlds》Finding the Leader! Last chance for Cybenetex!


Previously on Protector’s of Worlds:

After a long hard battle with Scaven-Wreckall, the two humans, Calem and Marcel were saved by the lost Starman, who was critically injured. With the sun coming up, the giant took the two back to the city where the Rovernites healed their wounds.

After a few days of resting, Starman called the two in for a meeting and explained his investigations into the hive. After much looking, he found what he’s been searching for all this time…….A leadership caste! A Scavenger that controls and orders the other Scavengers!

He hopes to deal a decisive blow to the Scavengers, destroying the leader which might have the entire population of the Scavengers retreat from Cybenetex.

They asked how they plan on doing this, to which Starman gave them his answer…….A bomb!!

What kind of bomb will they make that will cause the invaders to fully retreat? Let’s find out……..shall we?!


With their wounds healed and feeling like a million bucks, Calem and Marcel were told by a Rovernite to meet Starman at the armory. The two strolled through the city, greeted by civilians as they passed by them. They came upon the armory as the door to the main entrance goes up, allowing them entry to the building.

Once in, they observed the numerous weapons on display and the ones being manufactured by both Rovernites and mechanical arms.

“Excuse me.” Marcel said as he interrupted a couple of Rovernites working on a cannon. “Any of you know where we can find the big man?”

“Keep going straight and take a left.” One of them said, pointing out the directions.

“Thank you.” Marcel said as he and his friend went to the specified route they were told.

They then took a left, which led into a corridor with multiple rooms. After looking through them all, they reached the one containing Starman and see what was going on. Starman was lying down on a big table in the room while several Rovernites worked on him. His star symbol was screwed off his chest, having the left side of his chest open. His heart, which was a circle in shape had two tubes inserted into it as green energy flowed into a small pipe-like core.

After feeding it enough, a rovernite removed the tubes from the core before picking it up and giving it to the others. The tubes detach from Starman’s heart as he leans up then closes the left side of his chest before screwing the star symbol back on.

“Hey, boss.” Marcel said to Starman as he got off the table.

“Ah, my apprentice.” Starman happily said as he fist bumps Marcel. “Thank you both for showing up.”

“So, what did you want us to see?” Calem asked.

“Simple, the weapon that will drive the Scavengers from Cybenetex.” Starman said as a couple of Rovernites approached them, carrying something small.

“Mighty savior, it is complete.” One of them said as showed Starman and the humans the weapon. It was a rectangular device with a screen, buttons below it, and knob-like protrusions on each side. Calem and Marcel looked upon it and were quite confused by its appearance

“This? This is it?” Marcel asked, having doubts about the weapon.

“What’s wrong with it?” One of the Rovernites asked.

“Nothing, it’s just……….We thought it would be more……intimidating.” Calem said. “Judging by its size, It’ll most likely destroy the leader, but I highly doubt it’ll cause damage to anything within a 20-mile radius.”


“True, but I remember a quote from someone that reads: "Big things come in small packages.” Starman said to the humans. “It may not look it, but a Glorarex core powers this thing.”

“Glora-what?” Marcel asked, confused by the word his boss said.

“Glorarex. The energy that fuels me. A powerful type of cosmic energy.” Starman replied to him. “This is only a small bit of its devastating power. Anymore and not only will the hive be destroyed, but the city and anything else within range.”

Upon hearing that, Calem and Marcel gulped nervously, knowing the destructive power within that small bomb.

“Now…..” Starman said to the two, gaining their attention. “I will discuss the plans with you for this mission…..”


Night has arrived as we see Starman outside at the park, sitting and resting as he gazes at the night sky, observing the stars.

“Beautiful view, huh?” A voice said from behind Starman, who then turns and see’s his friend/apprentice, Marcel Lamunci.

“I would have to agree.” Starman said in a joyful tone as Marcel stands next to him before sitting on the ground, looking at the sky as well. “You nervous about…….tomorrow?”

“Nope……Well, maybe a little……….I mean, I am but………” Marcel tried to say something but couldn’t which made the giant chuckle. “I…..guess so.”

“I don’t blame you. This is a big operation we’re about to deploy. One false move……..and the Rovernites will be gone for good. Starman said which made his apprentice more nervous than before. “But we have to do it. I realize you and your friend are scared, but in order to stop this invasion, we must go through with this.”

“I know……but knowing that this planet’s future is in your hands….It’s really nerve-wracking.” Marcel said.

“Let me tell you something.” Starman said. “Throughout my time aiding others, I would always think of what’s going to happen next. Will I fail? Will I succeed? Will I let everyone down? But when thinking of that, I think of the joy and happiness I gave to others. Even in times of difficulty, they still push on because I give them something that’ll overcome any obstacle…….


“Hope?” Marcel said.

“Yes. In times of need, despite everything being lost, every creature has hope to hold onto. Hope is what keeps us together. Hope is what allows us to fight on when faced with the impossible. Because of that, I’ll keep on fighting………to give hope to everyone.”

The speech he just heard had him astounded and dumbfounded. His respect for Starman just went higher, knowing that he’ll fight anything that stands in his path so that others won’t lose hope.

“Do you……….remember the first time we met?” Marcel asked.

“Oh, that……….I’ll never, ever forget about that day” Starman replied. “I was doing my inspections as usual when suddenly, I found you…….”

“Confused and wandering about in a junkyard………..” Marcel added to the giant's sentence.

“That’s right…..” Starman said. “If I didn’t spot the Scavengers closing in on you, you would’ve been their next meal.”

“And for that, I’m grateful to you.” Marcel said. “Because of you, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I, too, wanna help others, just like you. I want to give hope to others….”

Hearing his friend's words not only warmed his heart, but it made Starman proud of what Marcel has become, of what he plans on doing now…..

“Oh, how about the time I had one of those green balls for the first time?” Marcel said with a smile on his face.


“When your tried cooking it for the first time and was met with tiny pellets?” Starman said with some laughter in his voice.

“Yeah! Hitting me right in the face before falling on my butt!” Marcel said as he and Starman burst out laughing. “Oh, that was a good moment…….”

The two then start reminiscing about past memories, and for each one, the two would always burst out laughing, remembering the months they spent together……….


It is morning now at the hive of the Scavengers as the slime creatures resumed their activities. They assimilated materials into their bodies, some merged together to form bigger ones, and some were busy building new towers for the hive.

However, in the far-off distance was a great shadowy figure that towers over everything and nearly blocked the sun. It resembled the other towers but was more enormous and was like a mountain that stood around 230ft tall!

As the creatures were tending to their own business, they all heard a loud boom coming from the sky as something crashed into one of the junk piles. The nearby Scavengers examined the object that crashed as the smoke clears, revealing it to be some kind of space capsule. Some tentacles lift the capsule and inspect it, shaking it around and turning it on all sides. They then grab its door and nearly tears it off but stopped when they notice the mountainous tower being damaged.

In the distance, we find it was Starman attacking the tower, firing his Galactic Beam, a green sparkly beam from the crystal on his forehead at various spots. It dealt great damage, causing big explosions and blowing big chunks of metal off. He directed the beam to the towers, slicing through them before decimating various junk piles, causing tremendous amounts of damage.

With their home under attack, the Scavengers retaliated by shooting projectiles at him, in which the star giant flies and evades the incoming attacks. Now that he has their attention, he flies off, having Scavengers within the vicinity follow after him.

With them all gone, the capsule’s door burst open as two dark figures exit out of the capsule, revealing to be Marcel and Calem, who was carrying a squarish mechanical backpack-like device on his back.

X Flashback: Armory X

Back at the armory, Starman was discussing the plans with Marcel and Calem as they sat at separate tables while Rovernites used a holographic projector to present slides.

“The first step is this.” Starman says as the slide changes, showing two humanoid figures next to a rocket capsule. “You two will enter this capsule and I’ll throw it straight into the hive.

A new slide appears with the two humanoids entering the capsule as a giant humanoid picks it up, and flies high to the sky before throwing it, crashing into the hive as Scavengers surround it.

“Naturally, they’ll think it's just another item for assimilation. When that happens, I will cause a distraction.” A new slide then shows up, showing the giant humanoid firing a beam from its forehead, obliterating various objects. “They’ll turn their attention towards me as I chase them away.

The next one shows the giant humanoid flying away as the scavengers chase after him. “Once the coast is clear, get out of the capsule and make your way to the underground.

X Present X

No Scavenger in sight, the two quickly dashed to the nearest entrance and came across and massive hole, leading underground.

“You ready to do this?” Marcel asked his friend.

“A bit scared but for Rovernites………..Let’s do this.” Calem said

The two friends fist bump just before jumping in and sliding down. After some time, the two landed safely and came upon three entrances: right, middle, and left.

“Which way?” Calem asked.

Marcel reached into his pocket, pulling out a roundish object which then displays a map showing various tunnels, chambers, and a red dot that pinpoints their exact location. After showing the entire map, it shows where to go next……

“We go left.” Marcel said.

They head into the left entrance before sliding down again. After a long period that felt like forever, they came across the entrance to the massive chamber, the one Starman saw but was unaware of the drop that was coming up. It was too late as they then fell….



“OH! OH! OH!”

Both hit the metal ground hard, causing them to let out groans of pain.

“That…..hurt.” Calem painfully said as he slowly got, cracking some joints. “Are you…….”

He didn’t finish when he witnessed his friend’s neck was in a very odd ……..position. “Let me get back to you.” Marcel said as he grabbed his head and after and few painful jerks……..


He snapped his neck back into its original position, letting out a relieved sigh. They observed the place around them: nothing but walls of metal along with robotics parts scattered about everywhere. At the end of it all, they spotted a Scavenger that…….differs from the others.

It had a very strange look to it, almost resembling a tree that stands around 9ft tall, immobile with its lower half attached to the metal floor. It had a massive brain with multiple bulbs that glow a pulsating blue-green color. Knowing from its odd appearance, the two come to terms that this one is the brains behind the whole thing, the one who controls the others…..The Leader!!

Finally finding the leader, the two nod to each other as Calem takes the backpack off, places it on the ground then opens it, pulling out the Glorarex bomb.

X Flashback: Armory X

“Here’s part two.” Starman said as a slide shows the two humanoids traveling through the tunnels and making it to the leader’s chamber. “Once inside, plant the bomb somewhere and activate it. It’s been set for 5 minutes and 30 seconds.”

“Now listen, I haven’t been able to see what was inside the chamber since I was attacked. I want you two to be careful because anything could happen once you enter…..”

X Present X

The bomb is now in Calems hands as he walked towards the wall closest to him. Spikes emerged from the bomb's back before piercing the wall with it. Just when he was about to press a button, he hesitated and thought about something….

“Something’s wrong…..” he said to himself.

“What’d you say?” Marcel asked.

“This is way too easy.” Calem said as he faces his friend. “The leader’s right here, unprotected with no bodyguards in sight. Doesn’t that seem strange to you?”

“T-That’s true….” Marcel said, thinking his friend proved a good point. “But if there are any, we should start this thing up before they arrive.”

“Yes…..Yes, that’s right.” Calem said, agreeing with his friend as he start pressing some buttons on the bomb.

As he was doing this, something in the darkness quietly and stealthily moved to the robotic parts, merging with them……….

The combination is now in! All Calem has to do now is press the red button and the bomb will start up……..but before he could do that, the two heard something move behind them. They slowly turned to see what was moving and witnessed a huge cluster of Scavengers, merged with the robot parts.

“Looks like these are the guards, huh?” Marcel asked.

“Seems so.” Calem replied.

Calem touched his gauntlet while Marcel slammed his two together, both summoning their armors. The guards strike, attacking with saws, hammers, and tentacles. The two quickly went in separate directions to fight them.

Calem summoned his sword as he sliced the tentacles off while throwing lightning bolts at various spots. A tentacle armed with a drill tries to pierce him but with quick movement, he was able to slice the drill into many pieces.

For Marcel, he mostly used his strength, tearing off tentacles one by one and crushing the weapons with his fists or stomping on them. He then engulfs his fists in flames before landing blows and tearing chunks off the body, causing the guards great pain as the chunks withered and burned, turning into ashes. The tentacles fused to form a larger one before grabbing a hold of Marcel, holding him high in the air as they start to envelop his whole body.

Calem charges his sword up before firing a lightning beam from it, hitting the tentacle and electrifying it. The surge of electricity caused the tentacle to withdraw, releasing Marcel. Calem then helped his friend up as a wave of tentacle came upon them.

Using his reflexes and speed, he was able to fend off the wave, cutting the tentacles into tiny pieces. With them distracted, Marcel summons a fireball from his hands and launches it with his fist at the guards, causing a small explosion in which the creatures screech in agony as they stop the attack.

Now with them weakened and smaller now, they decided to finish them off. The first to start was Calem as his arms surged with electricity as he fired lightning beams from his hands. Marcel came up next covering his arms in flames before putting his hands together, releasing a fire beam from them. The two beams merged together, forming into a beam of flames covered in electricity sparks.

The beam hits the guards and upon contact, both burns and shock them. It reduces them to ash and dust, leaving only a few of the robotic parts behind. Victorious, the two do an arm wrestle handshake before heading back to the bomb. Calem presses the red button, showing the countdown on the screen, starting at “5:30”.




X Flashback: Armory X

“The final step.” Starman said as a Rovernite hand's something to Marcel, which turns out to be a phone device.

“Once the bomb has been activated, contact me through that and I’ll come to get you two.”

X Present X



Realizing what that thing is, the leader’s bulbs start to glow brighter than usual.

X Outside X

We see the Scavengers being demolished by Starman, using the star cutters on his arms to slice deep into various slime creatures, making tiny pieces of them. As he went back to the sky, he noticed that they all stopped attacking him, which confused him. He then saw they changed directions, heading towards the mountainous tower, which could mean one thing……..

“Oh, no, you don’t!” Starman said as he intercepted them with his great speed.

He summoned star-like swords and starts hacking his way through, cutting through various Scavengers. He fires his galactic beam in every direction, causing many Scavengers to expand and explode. He lands in front of many entrances, with two swords in his hands as the amorphous monsters approach him.

“Want to get in?” You’ll have to go through me first!” Starman yelled out before charging right into them…..

While fighting with the Scavengers, something fiery fell out of the sky in the far-off distance…….

X Inside the Leader’s chamber X

After multiple times signaling the others for help, none would come to its aid.

“Keep on trying, pal.” Marcel said as the eyes of the leader, filled with rage turned to him. “No one’s coming to your aid.”

Calem then reaches into the mechanical backpack, pulls out the phone device, and tosses it to Marcel.

“Boss, we’re good.” Marcel said talking to the phone. “Pick us up.”


“Boss, the bomb is activated.” Marcel said again. “Can you hear me?”

Again, no reply. He was met with only more static.

“What is it?” Calem asked.

“This phone’s broken. I can’t get through to the big man.” Marcel replied.

“Let me see.” Calem said as Marcel passes the phone to him. “Starman, can you read me?”


“Starman, We need you! Come in!” Calem said but could only hear static from the phone. “Nothing…..”

“Think it might be broken or something?” Marcel asked as his friend just shrugged his shoulders. “There’s gotta be an explanation for this…”

“There is……..” An unknown voice said from out of nowhere.

“Really? Then what is it?” Marcel said to his friend, thinking it was him.

“What? I didn’t say anything.” Calem replied.

“Oh, but I did……….” The voice said again, causing the two to freeze in their places.

They looked behind them and saw the one responsible. A giant shadowy humanoid figure floating above them……..A new enemy!

Who is this new enemy? Will our heroes be able to defeat it?! Will they have enough time to escape before the bomb goes off!?!? Stay tuned for next time……

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