《Protector's of Worlds》Onto the next World! Cybenetex!!


Previously on Protector’s of Worlds:

After a tough battle with Himoloki, Calem was able to get Arui’Kotamu back to the bunker where robots performed surgery on her. In a few days, she made a full recovery which made Calem feel relieved.

After a few days, the two were playing a game until Calem decided to use the bathroom. As he exited the bathroom, he stopped when a portal appeared from nowhere. The two analyzed the portal and Arui’Kotamu declared that the portal is how Calem got to Arusatora and is his way out. Calem was excited at first to see what other life is out there, but it didn’t last long when he realized that he’ll be leaving Arui’Kotamu alone. She reassured him that she’ll be fine.

Before he could leave, he promised Arui’Kotamu that he’ll be back so that they can have fun some more. After the two shook hands, Calem entered the portal, taking him to a new place…….

What world will Calem end up in? Let us see……….


The portal that Calem entered appeared in the middle of a massive junkyard as Calem exited it before looking back as the portal disappeared. He looked up at the beautiful blue sky before checking around the junkyard and saw that it was composed of broken scraps and plates of metal, broken bones and sharp pieces of stone. He started walking until he heard a metallic sound when he walked on the ground.

He looked down and saw that the ground had a metal look to it. He then stamped his foot on the ground, creating a metallic sound, confirming his suspicion that the ground was indeed metal.

“Okay…….That’s weird.” Calem said

With that out of the way, Calem started to check out more but unknown to him, three eyes appeared from the heap of junk as they followed Calem’s direction before disappearing into the junk.


While he was walking, Calem thought to himself that he must’ve been transported to another dead planet and that the lifeforms on the planet were possibly dead. He heard junk moving on the left as he was thinking, causing him to turn his head in that direction. He shrugged this off, thinking it was the wind or something that fell off. He then heard more junk move, this time to his right. It wasn’t long until Calem heard noises coming in all directions.

Just before he could figure out the situation, a green slimy tentacle emerged from the junk and smack’s Calem, sending him rolling across the ground before coming to a stop. The entire junkyard started moving has green slime and multiple eyes emerged as the junk merged with them. Calem wiped the blood off his mouth and he got a good look at his attackers.


They appear to be a multitude of slimy and amorphous creatures with a moss green color scheme and multiple yellow eyes of different sizes with cross irises covering their bodies. Their bodies were littered with metal, bones, and stones. Mouths were formed on the bodies with teeth composed of metal and bones. Some of the creatures morphed tentacles and long necks.

Calem then touched his gauntlet, summoning his armor along with his sword and did battle with the slime creatures. He threw lightning bolts at the long necks, keeping them away and sliced off the tentacles with his sword, but the creatures were able to regenerate the damage.

While he was fighting the amorphous creatures, a tentacle crept up behind him and wrapped around his leg. Before he could even react, the tentacle pulled him up high in the air before slamming him to the ground with great force, causing the metal-like ground to become dented. The tentacle picked him up again and did the same thing repeatedly until Calem slashed at the tentacle, releasing him as he landed safely on the ground.

It didn’t last long as he fell on his knee as his armor was badly damaged as dents and cracks covered his armor and some pieces were missing.

Sharp jagged bones emerged from the creature’s bodies and tentacles as they start firing them at Calem. He managed to deflect some of them with his word, swinging with immense speed as he knocked the bones away. Some however were able to get past and hit him, some managed to crack his armor while others pierced through it, stabbing his flesh. One of the heads grew sharp metal spikes from it and slams down on Calem, creating a big dent on the ground and causing chunks of Calem’s armor to fall off. Calem tries getting up, using his sword to help him but he fell on his knee and coughs blood.

The slime creatures then lunged in for the kill but suddenly, some kind of projectile passes through them, slicing off the tentacles and necks. A green sparkly beam was shot towards one of the heads, causing it to expand before exploding, sending millions of slimy pieces flying.

The slimes creatures backed away as Calem was wondering where those attacks came from. He got his answer when something big landed in front of him. It turned out to be a giant who stood up and walked towards him as he got a look at his savior

It was a humanoid giant that stood around 14ft tall, had a color scheme of white, grey and viridian, emerald green eyes with a green crystal on its forehead, a muscular build with a star-like symbol on its chest and attachments on its arms. It had green emeralds on its shoulders, knees, hands and chest.


“Are you alright, young man?” The star giant asked

“Y-Yeah………” Calem replied.

“Good.” The star giant said before picking up Calem and started carrying him in its hands. “Hold on now. It’s going to get a bit bumpy.” The star giant said before jumping high into the air before flying south at great speeds with the slime creatures chasing after them.


Despite traveling at great speeds, the slime creatures were able to catch up to them. The star giant shifted in different directions, avoiding the tentacles and projectiles.

“Do you mind going a bit faster?!” Calem yelled out to the star giant.

“I would go faster, but I have those creatures chasing us and I don’t wanna risk making your injuries worse!” The star giant replied.

In the far-off distance, the two noticed a city surrounded by an enormous energy barrier.

“Perfect, just a few more miles.” The star giant said as he starts accelerating, causing Calem to hold on for dear life.

As the slime creatures were just inches away from grabbing the star giant, cannons on top of towers started firing energy blasts at the creatures, causing them to slow down. A hole in the barrier opens allowing the two to enter. The hole then quickly closes, stopping the slime creatures as they slammed against the barrier. The star giant lands his feet on the ground as hundreds of hovering robots surround him.

The robots had an anti-gravity device on their lower half that allows them to hover about, extendable arms with ball-like hands that can turn into a four-clawed hand and a screen-like face that can change into different expressions.

The star giant hands Calem over to the hovering robots as they proceed to take Calem over to a hospital-like building, but Calem noticed a pole-like structure with an orb on top generating electricity, almost like a plasma ball. He remembered his battle with Himoloki and how lightning was able to heal him. If lightning can heal him, then maybe…….

“W-Wait…..” Calem said which causes the robots to halt. “Take me over…..to that pole.” Calem said as he pointed to the electric pole.

Confused, the robots looked over to the star giant who nodded. After noticing the nod, the hovering robots then escorted Calem to the pole. They put Calem down gently after getting him close to it. He then grabs the pole with both hands as electricity start’s flowing into his body.

“GGGAAAAHHHHH!!!” Calem screamed out as his as electricity was surging throughout his entire body.

The star giant and the hovering robots can only look on as lights start flickering on and off. Despite looking like he was in pain, the electricity seemed to be healing him. The jagged bones were popping out, the wounds were being sealed and the broken parts of his armor were being repaired. The pole suddenly went dead as Calem backed off, feeling hyper and more energized.

“WOOOO!!!” Calem shouted out with such energy as he clapped his hands and jumped around. “Man, I didn’t expect that to work but….DAMN!! WHOO!!”

“I gotta say, that was…….an impressive feat.” The star giant said which caught Calem’s attention.

“Really? Oh, thanks.” Calem said. “That was a first for me.”

“Well, you seem to be in better shape.” The star giant said. “What might your name be?”

“Oh, It’s Calem Drewick.” Calem said. “And your name is….?”

“You can call me……..Starman” The star giant who is now named Starman said.

“Starman, huh? Pretty catchy name.” Calem said which made Starman chuckle.

“So tell me, Calem. What planet do you come from?” Starman asked, curious about Calem’s homeworld.

“I come from Earth.” Calem said which surprised Starman as the look on his face changed.

“Did you say……...you come from Earth?” Starman asked again.

“Yeah.” Calem replied. “Why? Do you know about it?”

“Not really, no.” Starman said. “But I have an apprentice who says that he’s from a planet that is also called..........Earth.” Starman said which catches Calem’s interest.

If what Starman said is true, then it might be possible that that person is another human who survived the mass destruction of the planet, meaning that Calem wasn’t the last of his kind which made him happy and feel relieved.

“Is there any chance of me meeting him?” Calem asked, wanting to see who Starman’s apprentice is.

“Sure.” Starman said as Calem follows him to meet his apprentice, both excited and nervous to meet him..........

Who is this giant the calls himself “Starman

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