《Protector's of Worlds》Goodbye, Arui'Kotamu! Onto the Next World!!


Previously on Protector’s of Worlds:

Calem and Arui’Kotamu came to battle against another threat: this time in the form of the giant automaton, Himoloki!! This battle nearly killed Calem and almost cost Arui’Kotamu her life. When all hope was lost, Calem’s gauntlet revealed another surprise: it can also form a mystical and powerful armor around jim

With this new weapon, Calem was able to overpower Himoloki and defeat it. Despite his victory and powerful armor, Arui’Kotamu was in serious condition after nearly being crushed to death by Himoloki. He then raced against time to get her back to the bunker as soon as possible.

Will Arui’Kotamu survive? Let’s find out, shall we?..........


After successfully getting her back to the bunker, Calem was waiting in the hall, pacing back and forth with an anxious look on his face. It’s only been a few hours since Arui’Kotamu’s been in the surgery room and he wondered if she’ll survive or not.

After waiting for so long, the surgery room’s lightbox went out and the door unlocked. The door opened as Arui’Kotamu, who was sleeping, was pulled out on a hovering bed with several hovering medical robots beside her.

“Arui!” Calem said as he followed them. He continued following them until they reached the medical room where she and a few robots entered right before the door closed. Calem was worried if she’s alright until a robot came towards him.

“You need not to worry. The surgery was a success.” The medical robot said which caused Calem to let out a sigh of relief.

“Will she be okay?” Calem asked.

“We’ve injected nanites into her which will help accelerate the healing. Give her a few day’s rest and she’ll be fully recovered.” The robot said.

With all that being said, Calem felt a lot better now that she's was doing well and that he’ll see her in a few days

X a Few days later X

We see Calem in the training room, lifting some dumbbells with both hands. During this, the door suddenly opened and a medical robot hovered in.


“Arui’Kotamu is up. You may see her now if you like.” The robot said which excited Calem as he dropped the dumbbells and ran out of the room.

The door to the medical room opened as Calem see’s Arui’Kotamu awake with several robots around her, removing the nanites and checking her pulse and temperature. The robots left the room, leaving the two alone. They stared at each other with smiles on their faces without saying a word for a while.

“Hey.” Calem said

“Hey.” Arui’Kotamu said back to him

“How are you feeling?” Calem asked

“Exhausted…….but better than I’ve ever been.” Arui’Kotamu replied to his question

“Good to know.” Calem said as he got closer to Arui’Kotamu and hugged her, which surprised her. “I’m just…….glad that you're alive.” Calem said with joy in his voice which caused her to smile and wrap her arms around him. The two embraced each other for a while, knowing that they’re both okay.


A few days have passed since the battle with Himoloki. Arui’Kotamu recovered and was helping Calem and a few robots repair the big hole made by Himoloki. The two carried off large pieces of the junk while the robots filled the hole with cement and welded metal plates on, creating a new ceiling. With the ceiling fixed, Calem and Arui’Kotamu went to the cafeteria to play a game that was similar to checkers while the robots dealt with other damages made by Himoloki.


The two have been playing for an hour with both beating each other in a game. They played another game and after eliminating all of his pieces, Arui’Kotamu got rid of Calem’s final piece, winning the game.

“Aw, man.” Calem said

“My game.” Arui’Kotamu said with a smile on her face

“That makes us even now.” Calem said

“Guess so. Wanna go another round?” Arui’Kotamu said

“Sure, but I gotta use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” Calem said as he got up from his chair and left the cafeteria, heading to the bathroom while Arui’Kotamu placed the pieces back on the board



After doing his business in the bathroom, Calem walked out and headed back to the cafeteria, hoping to beat Arui’Kotamu at another game. As he was walking and wiping his hands against his jacket, he looked up and saw a portal right in front of him, scaring him and causing him to fall on his butt. After calming himself down, Calem got himself up and started circling the portal, inspecting it.

The portal had a bluish color to it with a spiral swirling in the middle of it. He then reached his hand towards the portal which went inside it but quickly pulled it out. Calem backed away from the portal and started running to the cafeteria.

“Arui!” Calem shouted out. “You better come see this!”


After telling her about the portal that appeared out of nowhere, Calem showed it to her as she looked around it.

“You said this thing just appeared out of nowhere?” Arui’Kotamu asked him

“Yeah. I just walked out of the bathroom and this thing suddenly appeared.” Calem replied.

“Hmmm….” Arui’Kotamu said as she reached her hand towards the portal but instead of going through it, her hand caused the portal to stretch out. It returned to its normal position when Arui’Kotamu pulled her hand back.

“Arui…..What does this mean?” Calem asked.

“I think…..this is your way out of here.” Arui’Kotamu said, which made Calem curious

“Well….this would explain how I survived the fall and got here…….” Calem said. “But…...where’s it gonna take me?”

“Probably to another world, I guess.” Arui’Kotamu said, which amazed Calem. He realized that the portal that was standing beside him would take him to another world where he would find new signs of life, different environments and probably civilizations, but all that stopped when an important thought hit him.......

“But If I go……..then, you’ll be lonely again.” Calem said which made Arui’Kotamu uneasy but formed a smile on her face.

“I-It’s alright. I’m used to it.” Arui’Kotamu said, which reassured him. As Calem was about to enter the portal, Arui’Kotamu stopped him.

“If this thing does take you to another world…...what do you plan on doing?” Arui’Kotamu asked him.

“Don’t know……..” Calem said. “But if that guy who sent those robots to kill me is the “evil” that was released and destroyed my world……..he might do the same to others. My world is gone…” Calem stopped before turning over to Arui’Kotamu with a determined look on his face. “So I want to make it my responsibility that no other world suffers the same fate as mine! Calem said, which gave Arui’Kotamu some relief.

“That’s…….good to know.” Arui’Kotamu said after hearing what Calem will do.

“I-I don't know how long I’ll be gone…….but I promise to come back so...we can play some more games together.” Calem said which startled her but then formed a cheerful smile on her face.

“I’ll be waiting for you then.” Arui’Kotamu said before Calem reached his hand out, wanting one last handshake before leaving

“Till we meet again, Calem Drewick.” Arui’Kotamu said as she shook Calem’s hand

“Likewise, Arui’Kotamu.” Calem said back to her

With their goodbyes said, Calem faced the portal and entered it. The moment Calem’s full body was in, the portal vanished into thin air. With him gone, Arui’Kotamu went back to the cafeteria. She sat back down on her chair and looked at the other side of the table, realizing she had no one to play with. With Calem gone and no one else to play with, she grabbed the board game and went back to her room………..

And so, our hero leaves the world of Arusatora and travel’s to a new one, leaving Arui’Kotamu behind. He swore to protect innocents so that they won’t suffer as he did. What world will our hero find next? Stay tuned for next time…….

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