《Protector's of Worlds》Intense Battle! Calem and Arui against The Drone Automatons!


Previously on Protector’s of Worlds:

Arui’Kotamu has had Calem go through hard training like hand-to-hand combat, how to use weapons, figuring out his gauntlet and its powers, and testing his speed by having him run away from a pack of luvantek.

After six months of training, Calem has grown a muscular body and impressive reflexes, new powers, and excellent combat skills to match Arui’Kotamu. After telling him how proud she is, she asks him to follow her but unknown to them, a drone was spying on them before flying away.

We are then taken to a castle on an unknown planet, in which lives a shadowy humanoid who was told by a giant that they found “One of the three”. After hearing that, he then ordered the giant to take care of him as soon as possible.

What will await our heroes? Let us find out………


After walking for nearly half a mile, the two came to a stop at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a massive ocean but what was strange about it was that it had a purplish coloring to it.

“Wow, It’s beautiful.” Calem said as he was amazed by the ocean’s coloring.

“Would it surprise you that the water is toxic?” Arui’Kotamu said which killed Calem’s amusement.

“Actually…….it wouldn’t.” Calem said sarcastically which made Arui’Kotamu chuckle.

Arui’Kotamu sat down with her legs crossed as Calem sat down with her with his legs spread out as they enjoyed the view of the two suns setting down over the ocean.

“It looks amazing.” Calem said, praising the scenery.

“It is. I come here to ease my mind whenever I’m stressed out.” Arui’Kotamu said.

“So…...why’d you bring me here?” Calem asked.

“To say…...Thank you.” Arui’Kotamu said, which made Calem confused.

“Thank you?.......For what?” Calem asked, wondering why she said that.

“For being with me.” She replied. “For two whole years, I've lived a solitary life. I had no one to talk to, eat with or even play games with. Not wanting to be alone anymore, I…..decided to end it all.”

X Flashback: Six Months Ago X

We see Arui’Kotamu at the edge of a cliff, sitting with her legs tucked in…….and with a plasma pistol in her hand.

“Wait for me, everyone……..I’ll soon be joining you.” Arui’Kotamu said in a sorrowful voice as she pointed the pistol to her temple. She nearly pulled the trigger but hesitated when tears started running down her face and she started sobbing.

“DAMN IT!!!” Arui’Kotamu yelled out as she sprang up and threw the pistol into the ocean. She then sits down, hugging her knees as she cries.

After minutes and minutes of crying, she headed back to the bunker with a hopeless and broken look on her face along with dead eyes.

Just as she was close to reaching the bunker, her eyes noticed a flicker of light behind her. She turned around and saw a bright blue flashing light in the distance. Curious to see what was making the light, she then ran over to the source.

She quickly got to the scene and noticed a pack of luvantek surrounding a boy with greenish hair………


“And that’s how I got to meet you.” Arui’Kotamu said.

“O-Oh…….That’s uh…..” Calem not knowing what to say after hearing that story.

“If it wasn’t for you, I might’ve just killed myself the next day without hesitation.” She said “Because of you, I was given hope that there were others still alive on this planet……..but when I found out you're not Arusatorian…….I lost that hope.”


Calem was speechless by this. He didn’t know what to say to her. He’s the reason why Arui’Kotamu hasn’t blown her brains out yet. She was happy to find someone “alive” on her planet but it wasn’t for long when she found out they were of different species.

“W-What are you gonna do now?” Calem asked, worrying about Arui’Kotamu’s state.

“Who knows? Maybe……..Just kill myself. What’s the point of going on if you’re the last living member of your species?” Arui’Kotamu said with a hopeless tone before chuckling weakly just before Calem sprang up.

“Don’t you dare say things like that!!” Calem shouted out which snapped Arui’Kotamu out of it. “Never say things like that ever again! What makes you think you’re the last living Arusatorian, huh?! Maybe, there are others out there who are like you: Struggling to survive and trying to find other survivors. I don’t know if it’s true, but there's still the possibility of it.” Calem said as Arui’Kotamu watched in awe.

“Please……..I don’t want to see anything bad happen to you.” Calem said as tears started falling from his face. “You’re important to me, Arui……...You saved my life, you took care of me, you trained me, and treated me with kindness. So, please…..keep on living.” Calem said as he showed his saddened face to her, which caused tears to appear in her eyes. She then got up before hugging Calem.

“I’m…..I’m so sorry. I promise not to do it, I swear.” Arui’Kotamu said as they both let go and wipe away their tears. “You know, not only are you a good student…...but you’re also a good friend.” Arui’Kotamu said as Calem formed a smile on his face.


After all that, Calem and Arui’Kotamu decided to head back to the bunker but were stopped when they noticed a familiar four-legged creature emerge from out of nowhere. It was a Luvantek and not only that, 13 more emerged behind the first one and surrounded the two. As the two prepared to do battle, they suddenly heard loud growling coming from the distance. It sounded like a Luvantek, only it sounded……..bigger. A pair of eyes glowed in the shadows as they moved forward and revealed the creature.

It was a Luvantek only it was bigger than the rest by 7.5ft tall and 6ft long, almost all of its fur is gone except for tiny patches remaining, and one of its limbs have become swollen, crippled, and infested with boils, another limb is distorted, huge boils covered its body and an enlarged tongue dripping with saliva that is pierced by one of its tusks. The others moved aside as the giant Luvantek limbed toward its prey, growling at Calem and Arui’Kotamu.

“Wow, that’s a big one.” Calem said

“That’s an Oriona, leader of the group.” Arui’Kotamu said, which made Calem realize that the Oriona must be the “Alpha”.

The Oriona then lifted its head up before letting out a deranged roar, causing the other luvantek to charge toward Calem and Arui’Kotamu. The two looked at each other, smiled at one another before nodding, and charged into battle.

Arui’Kotamu fought with her plasma spear, stabbing the Luvantek and slicing off their limbs, her plasma pistol for shooting them close and from a far distance with gas grenades, blinding them.

Calem fought using his powers, throwing lightning bolts at the Luvantek and his strength to throw them aside.

Both fought with great speed and agility to avoid the jaws and deadly saliva of the Luvantek. The number of Luvantek kept dwindling down until all of them are dead, leaving the Oriona the last one standing. With its pack members dead, the Oriona Luvantek growls and start’s to charge which caused Calem and Arui’Kotamu to prepare themselves.


As it was about to charge, a barrage of bullets from out of nowhere swarmed the giant Luvantek, causing Calem and Arui’Kotamu to duck. The bullets kept on coming until the Oriona Luvantek collapsed to the ground, bleeding heavily from the number of bullet wounds on it. With the firing stopped, Calem and Arui’Kotamu got back up and wondered what just happened just before another barrage of bullets was fired, this time aimed at them.

Using their reflexes, they evaded the bullets until they were able to find cover and shelter behind a boulder.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Arui’Kotamu said, making sure Calem is not injured.

“I’m fine.” Calem replied. “But where are those shots coming from?”

“And who’s firing them?” Arui’Kotamu said, adding more to Calem’s question.

His question was answered when they heard mechanical footsteps. They took a peek and saw what the shooters looked like. They were Drone Automatons, two humanoid-like robots that stood around 10ft tall with a blue-greenish color scheme, a few parts with a grey coloring, four fingers, a rectangular-like head with one yellow eye and both were carrying an assault rifle-like weapon. The two automatons searched the entire area as if they were looking for something. One then replaced its empty magazine with a new one before cocking its rifle.

One of them noticed that the Oriona Luvantek was still alive, coughing up blood and whimpering in pain. It then points its rifle at the luvantek’s head before firing a few rounds, causing blood and bits of brain to spray onto its face.

“Arui, what the hell are those things?” Calem asked her.

“I don’t know.” Arui’Kotamu replied. “Why are you even asking me?”

“Well, I just assumed your kind made them since you’re more advanced than humans.” Calem said.

“I’ve never seen those things before in my life and while I’ve seen pictures of robots from different countries, those are mainly used for work labor” Arui’Kotamu said, which made Calem more curious about the origin of the two automaton’s.


The drone automatons checked their surroundings, looking for any kind of movement. While they were doing this, Calem and Arui’Kotamu carefully kept their distance from them and hid behind dead trees. They quickly tried to move to the next tree, but one of the automatons noticed their movement and opened fire on them. They were able to avoid the bullets, which hit some trees and rocks but this caused them to separate.

The drone automatons then zoomed in on Calem and locked onto him with the words in front of them:


They opened fire on him, causing Calem to evade and run for his life as they are in pursuit of him. Arui’Kotamu grabbed her blaster and fired a few shots, hitting one of the automatons, leaving some burn marks but not gaining its attention as it kept firing at Calem.


With the killer robots right behind him, Calem decided to put his training to use. He jumped from tree to tree to avoid the continuous fire. Just when he was about to land on another tree, one of the automatons fired at the tree, breaking it apart which caused Calem to fall hard to the ground. Before taking the shot, three gas grenades rolled beneath the drone automaton’s and started releasing gas, blinding them and allowing Calem to hide.

The drone automaton’s summoned beams of light from their eyes and moved forward, looking around the gas. As they were doing this, shadow’s suddenly moved around, causing the machines to look in different directions. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning emerged from the gas and hit the right automaton, knocking it backward and falling on its back. With the other one down, Calem and Arui’Kotamu rushed out and attacked the one still standing.

Arui’Kotamu used her plasma spear to slash at the machine's body and legs and Calem threw his thunderbolts from a distance while both avoided being shot down by the automaton. After taking many slashes to the legs, the automaton falls to its knees. Calem then jumps on top of its head before jumping high into the air where he aims his gauntlet towards it and fire’s a lightning beam, electrifying it. As the beam came to a stop, the automaton was shown to be smoking as its eye was rapidly flickering before dying out as it collapsed on its chest, smoking with tiny sparks coming from its body.

With it dead, Calem and Arui’Kotamu nod at each other but Calem quickly notices the other automaton behind her, grabbing its rifle by the handguard and holding it like a club.

“Look out!” Calem said as he ran towards Arui’Kotamu and pushed her aside, having the automaton swing and smack him, sending him flying before crashing into the ground and rolled across.

“Calem!!” Arui’Kotamu yelled out before firing several blasts at the automaton’s head, leaving big burn marks and causing it to look towards her. It swings its rifle at her, hitting her and causing a cracking noise before sending her across the field. It then returns the rifle to its original position as it moves towards Arui’Kotamu.

After being hit hard by the rifle, Calem recovered and got up with blood coming from his nose and mouth and a few bruises on his face. He saw the automaton pointing its rifle at Arui’Kotamu and was about to fire.

“Arui!!” Calem said as he dashed forward to save Arui’Kotamu. Before he was about to get in front of her, his gauntlet started to glow as a bright light covered him. The automaton fire’s a shot as Calem got in front of Arui’Kotamu and shielded her.

The bullet hits Calem but instead of going through him, it was split in two, almost as if it was sliced in half by something sharp. As the light covering Calem vanished, it’s revealed that Calem was now holding…….a sword in his hand!

The sword has a silver blade, a blue guard, a rain-guard that is light blue with blue lines and a rhombus shape in the middle, a yellow grip with blue lines, and a green emerald embedded on the pommel.

“Whoa……” Calem said with amazement as he now wielded a sword that was able to slice a huge bullet in half.

The automaton opened fire at Calem, causing him to dodge as he moved toward it. As soon as he got close to it, he jumped and slashed his sword towards the rifle, hitting it in the middle and slicing it into two. With its weapon gone, the drone automaton now resorts to its fist in an attempt to turn Calem into a bloody mess. Calem dodged the attacks as they hit the ground, creating mini shockwaves.

Calem then slashed its hand at the palm, slicing off its fingers and causing oil to spray out of the wound. It used its other fist to smash Calem, but he dodged and rolled behind the automaton before swinging and slashing a deep cut in its leg, causing it to kneel as oil bled from the cut. With it down, Calem gripped his sword with both hands before jumping and lunging his sword directly into the automaton’s eye. This caused it to spring up and stumble backward as Calem held on while oil sprayed onto him. It fell on its back, causing Calem to fall off with the sword still impaled on the automaton.

Calem got back up and walked over to the automaton’s corpse where he pulled his sword out of its head, causing oil to leak out. With it dead, Calem turns his attention to Arui’Kotamu as he runs over to her.

“Arui, you okay?” Calem asked as he helped Arui’Kotamu up

“Yeah, I’m……” Arui’Kotamu stopped as she winced in pain before grabbing her right arm.

“What’s wrong?” Calem asked.

“It’s my arm, it’s broken.” Arui’Kotamu said as Calem looked at her right arm as it was bent.

“Here, let me help you.” Calem said as he puts Arui’Kotamu’s left arm around him as he helps her get back to the bunker.


We are then taken inside the bunker where Calem and Arui’Kotamu were in the medical room, having their wounds treated by mechanical arms. With that done, both walked out of the room with Calem holding his shirt and jacket over his shoulder as band-aids and bandages covered his head and his chest while Arui’Kotamu had band-aids on her face and a metal arm cast on her right arm.

As the two were walking down the hall, Arui’Kotamu noticed that Calem had a stressed look on his face.

“You don’t seem so good. Is something bothering you?” Arui’Kotamu asked.

“I-It’s nothing.” Calem replied. “I was just thinking about those two robots that attacked us earlier. They were more focused on me rather than you.”

“What?” Arui’Kotamu said. “Why you?”

“I don’t…….” Calem was about to say just before he stopped and stood still. “......someone sent them….” Calem said quietly.

“What did you say?” Arui’Kotamu said since she couldn’t hear him.

“Someone sent them!” Calem shouted out which spooked Arui’Kotamu. “I don’t know who, but someone sent those robots here to kill me!”

“Why? Who’d want you dead?!” Arui’Kotamu asked.

“I don’t know…” Calem stopped before looking at his gauntlet. “.......but maybe it has something to do with my gauntlet.” Calem said. “I……...never told you about what happened to my planet, did I?”

“No……...I don’t think you ever did.” Arui’Kotamu said.

“I think it’s time you know………..the destruction of my planet.” Calem said that started to make Arui’Kotamu nervous.

Now Calem starts explaining how he got the gauntlet and how it caused the destruction of his world! What will happen next! What kind of mechanical horrors will the shadow humanoid send next?! Stay tuned for next time……….

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