《Protector's of Worlds》Arusatora! The start of a Journey!!


Previously on Protector's of Worlds:

Calem's entire world had just changed! His world was under attack by mechanical monsters after he put on a gauntlet that showed him a barrage of flashbacks! After nearly falling to his death, a portal opened below him and transported him somewhere.

Where has it taken him? Let us find out….


As Calem was lying on a tree resting, he started to wake up but his vision was a little blurry so he couldn't make out what he was seeing. After rubbing his eyes for a bit, he could finally examine the environment around him. He saw a barren wasteland: a bunch of trees with a blackish color without any leaves, probably dead ones, and when he looked up, he saw that the sky was a greyish color and noticed not one…...but two suns!

After scratching his head with confusion, Calem gets up and attempts to walk but stops as he feels a sharp pain in his left knee, causing him to wince and hold his knee in pain. He looked around and noticed a long tree branch lying on the ground. He grabbed the branch and he used it to let himself up. He then started to use it as a crutch, allowing him to venture in hopes of finding any refuge.


It's only been a few hours and Calem has been traveling for miles and miles. While traveling, he noticed something strange: he hasn't seen any signs of life so far. No animals, no people, nothing except for dead vegetation. Wondering about where he is, he starts recalling the events that have been happening:

First, he bought a gauntlet from a yard sale that yields mystical powers and experienced flashbacks when he put it on. Second, his world was under attack by mechanical monsters but the third one is what caught his mind. He remembers that that last time he was on his world, he fell into a giant crack in the ground and that's when it hit him:

"Holy shit, am I dead?!" Calem yelled out. "That must be it but if I'm dead, then where am I? This might be heaven, but I don't see any angels and this doesn't look like….a paradise. Perhaps I'm in hell but where's all the fire, the devil's, and the people being whipped? Maybe…..Purgatory? I mean…..there's no fire, no shiny lights, and no angels nor devils. That might be it or maybe….."

Calem kept on rambling and rambling until he got to a point where he didn't understand what he was saying. After giving up on trying to figure out where he is, he decided to keep on moving but unknown to him, he was being watched by some kind of four-legged creature from the shadows, and whatever it was, there were a lot more behind it…..



More time has passed and Calem still hasn't found anything yet, which causes him to start giving up hope. Suddenly in the far-off distance, he sees what appears to be….a city! Filled with joy that he found some kind of civilization, he hurryingly rushed to the city but as he got a full view of the city, his face of joy turned into dismay as he saw the state of the city. The city was in ruin: buildings crumbled, strange vehicles covered in rust, and what appears to be some kind of fog surrounding the entire city. Angered by this, Calem start's grunting and kicking dirt. As he continues doing this, he stops when he hears what sounds like a big rabid dog growling. He slowly turned around and got a good look at the creature that was growling at him.

It appeared to be a wolf-like creature, much like the ones he's seen on TV and in zoos only it was about 5.3ft tall/5ft long, had blue fur, purple skin, and had long lower fangs. The strange thing about it was that its body was completely naked with only small patches of fur remaining, boils covering every part of its body that leaked a whitish thick liquid, crazed eyes, and drooling strange yellowish saliva. The wolf's growling and snarling caused Calem to back away from it slowly.

"Nice...big…...scary wolf." Calem said as he raised his left arm towards the wolf. "I have a gauntlet that shoots lightning…..don't make me use it."

The wolf wasn't intimidated by this as its growling got fiercer and started moving towards Calem. He attempted to flee but stopped when he noticed 3 more of the wolf creatures blocking his path and as he looked around, he was surrounded by at least 12 of them.

As the wolves encircled their prey, one of them leaped towards Calem, causing him to fire a lightning beam at it. When the wolf falls to the ground, fried from the beam, one of the others charges at Calem and headbutts him, knocking him to the ground. The wolf then bites down on Calem's left leg, causing him to scream in pain. The wolf then starts shaking him around before throwing him aside, causing him to crash into a tree. Calem aches in pain from the bite as the wolves surround him, ready to devour their prey when suddenly three spherical objects roll towards the wolves. Some of the wolves started playing with the spheres when suddenly, holes opened from the spheres and started releasing some kind of gas. The gas started to affect the wolves, causing them to sneeze and cough which caused the entire pack to flee. As Calem inhaled the gas, he started to become sleepy. Just when he was about to fall asleep, he saw a slender figure emerge from the gas and approach him as he closed his eyes…..



Calem awoke from his sleep and he found himself in a new environment. It appeared to be some kind of medical room with a sink, cabinets, a few kits, a bed, and a table he was lying on. He looked forward and saw a woman looking over the bite mark on his left leg, cleaning it with a wet cloth. She was about in her 20's with an athletic body, wearing a magenta leotard and gloves with orange lines but what was so strange about her was that her skin was pure white like snow as was her hair which had red highlighted tips. Her eyes had two different sides of colors: On top was the color orange and below was red. She had a few scars on her face and her shoulders.

When he tried to get up, the woman stopped him. " No, no, don't get up. You need to lie down." The woman said as she let Calem lie on the table before resuming his wound

"Good lord, w-what happened?" Calem asked as he wiped his forehead.

"You were attacked by a pack of Luvantek." The woman said. "You're lucky I was able to find you or else they would have torn you into tiny pieces."

"L-Luvantek? What are those?" Calem asked, curious about what she said.

"The creatures that attacked you." The woman said. "They were once majestic creatures, but because of the radiation,

they've become savage and will kill anything within their sight."

"R-Radiation?" Calem asked in confusion.

"But this wound is serious." The woman said with concern. "If treatment isn't done, you'll most likely die of infection from the Luvantek's saliva."

The woman then got up from her chair and went to one of the cabinets. She grabbed a glass bottle containing green liquid, walked back to Calem, and pulled off the lid.

"Now listen, when I pour the liquid on the wound, the pain will be intense so please, bear with it." The woman said just before pouring a small amount on his wound. After a few seconds, the wound start's fizzing. As the fizzing continued, Calem's eyes opened wide and his irises shrink as he starts screaming in agony and thrashing around, causing the woman to hold him down.

"I know that it's painful, but let it do its work!" The woman said as Calem continued thrashing. A few moments have passed and he started to calm down as the pain subsided, allowing him a few sighs of relief. Now that he stopped, the woman helped him up and escorted him to the bed.

"How are you feeling?" The woman asked.

"A little better, thanks." Calem responded. "What was that stuff you poured out?

"It's a medicine that kills bacteria and heals all wounds quickly." The woman responded. "The saliva from the Luvantek has been killed off, but what you need now is rest. By tomorrow, your injuries will be healed and you'll feel like a new man."

The woman then lets Calem onto the bed as he tucks himself in. "To be honest, I'm relieved that I was able to find someone else alive." The woman said which caused Calem to have a confused look on his face. "And here I thought I was the last of my kind on Arusatora."

Calem was even more confused as he raised up his eyebrow when she mentioned the word "Arusatora".

"Arusatora? What the hell is that?" Calem responded

"The name of the planet…...You don't remember?" The woman said with a bit of concern in her voice as Calem shakes his head side to side.

"Y-Y-You must be stressed out….You were nearly killed and that affected your mind. Just get some rest. If you need me, just yell. My name is…...Arui'Kotamu."

She said just before she leaves the room and leaves Calem to rest but also wonders about what she said.

"She said Arusatora's the name of the planet….." Calem thought to himself when it hit him. "Then that means….I'm on another planet?!"


Now that he finds himself on another planet, what will Calem do? What is the planet "Arusatora"? Who is this Arui'kotamu girl who saved him? Find out next time.

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