《Protector's of Worlds》Protector's of Worlds: Prologue


Welcome, Readers.

This tale is about a boy and his friends who have experienced a world-shattering event but through this, they will experience things they thought only existed in myths and stories.

This….is their story.


On an alternate version of Earth, our story starts with Calem Drewick, an 18-year-old male high schooler with light skin, spiky green hair, purple eyes and a blue jacket. After a long day of school, he walked out of the doors before pulling his phone out and started texting his friends.

A few minutes passed and he arrived at his neighborhood and close to home, but stopped when he noticed a nearby yard sale going on. Figuring "why not", he went to the yard sale and checked out what was on sale. Some of the items were bland: old VHS tapes, clothes, jewelry, baseball cards, you name it. All of the items didn't catch his interest, but there was one item that caught his attention

It appeared to be a gauntlet with a blueish color, jade-colored lines and a yellow spike in its middle. Amazed by it, he picked it up and examined it, looking at every part of the gauntlet.

"Like what you see there, young man?" said an old man, who was running the yard sale as he walked towards Calem with a cane in his hand.

"Y-Yeah, this thing's pretty cool." Calem said

The old man smiled as he pulled down his sunglasses.

"Thinking about buying it?" The old man asked

"Possibly….Where on earth did you find this?" Calem asked, wanting to know its origins

"That thing? Found it in ancient ruins." The old man replied

"Seriously? You found this in ancient ruins?" Calem said with such amazement, knowing that the gauntlet in his hands was an ancient relic.

Amused by his response, the old man told him how he found it: When the old man was in his twenties, he would travel around the world, exploring every ruin by some ancient civilization. On his trip to Xexinoco, he visited an old temple. He went inside and started taking pictures of the interior but he accidentally tripped on some vines and fell on some kind of switch, which opened a secret door. He opened the door and saw a room filled with stone drawings all over, depicting armored warriors fighting against these monsters, which some had this bizarre, strange and alien appearance.

While taking pictures of the drawings, he noticed the gauntlet which was on top of an altar. Above the altar was a stone drawing of three armored warriors fighting a demonic monster with red eyes and long horns. He noticed an engraved sentence all over the altar, but couldn't make out what it says so he took pictures of it. After looking to see if anyone else was there, he grabbed the gauntlet, put it in his bag and took off for home.

"So…...you stole this?" Calem asked after the old man finished his story.

"Stole it?" The old man replied with a nervous remark

"Yeah, you took this from the temple and brought it home with you. Therefore, you stole it." Calem said

The old man then started to chuckle nervously as he scratched his head.

"What have you been doing with this thing? Showing it off to your friends?" Calem asked

"No." The old man replied "After I brought it home, I did some research on it, trying to find out what civilization created it. I couldn't find any link, so I put the gauntlet in my attic where it's been for the past 50 years."


Calem sighed as he shook his head before looking down at the gauntlet.

"Say...did you ever find out what the sentence said on the altar?" Calem asked

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I did." The old man replied "I had a friend of mine translate it for me"

"What did it say?" Calem asked

"I don't remember much...but I believe that if you wear it, you'll be breaking one of three seals that hold a great evil away." The old man said

After saying something about some great evil hiding, Calem started to have an anxious look on his face.

"Look, are you going to buy it or not? I don't have all day here." The old man said as he was getting tired of the conversation

The next few moments were just Calem deciding whether or not to buy the gauntlet. After much time, he looks at the old man and decides…


Calem finally got to his house where he greeted his parents and siblings before heading upstairs to his room. He opened his room's door, which was covered with posters from different movies and video games. Right after he closed his room door, he unzipped his backpack and pulled out…..the gauntlet!

Yes….after all that thinking and the warning of evil, he bought the gauntlet from the old man. It didn't cost much though, only around…...thirty-five dollars. He put the gauntlet on his desk, powered up his gaming console, turned on the TV before getting on his bed and started playing his video games.


After hours upon hours of playing video games, Calem lays down on his bed with his hands behind his head, bored out of his mind. As he was resting, he remembered the gauntlet which was on his desk. With nothing else to do, he got up from his bed and grabbed the gauntlet. After observing it for a bit, he slowly puts the gauntlet on his left arm. Calem admired how cool it looked on him when it was fully on and thought about showing it to his friends at school. Suddenly, the gauntlet started to glow a bright green before releasing a flash of light, causing him to shut his eyes.

After the flash, Calem found himself on some sort of battlefield: weapons scattered everywhere, sky covered in dark clouds and mysterious warriors lying dead on the ground.

"What the hell is this? Where am I?!"

Calem thought to himself as he looked around the land where some kind of battle happened. As he looked around, he heard the sound of trumpets along with the sounds of marching. The marching stopped as he saw two massive armies behind and in front of him

The one in front is an army of armored warriors, each wearing different armor and wielding weapons like swords, spears, maces, axes and more. The other army appeared to be giant metal humanoids but what was so strange about them is that they appear…...mechanical. A horn was sounded as the two armies charged. Calem braced himself for the collision, till he found out that some of the warriors passed right through him, meaning he was in a flashback. He ran from the battle and tried to find safer ground while the two armies clashed.

When he was able to find a higher place of safety, all he could do was watch the ongoing battle: seeing the metal monster's tossing the warriors around like toys, explosions and armored warriors firing beams. The gauntlet started to glow again as it released another flash of light, blinding him.


Calem opened his eyes as the flash died down but he found himself in another flashback: this time with three armored warriors fighting another one, only this one had long horns, dark greenish armor and blood-red eyes. Calem watched as the three good warriors fought against the evil one.

Despite being outnumbered, the evil warrior was able to hold his ground and nearly defeated the light warriors. The light warriors then started chanting an unknown language before summoning chains of pure energy above them. The chains then flew over to the dark warrior before wrapping around him tightly. The light warriors summoned a large magic circle with runes on it, right behind the dark warrior as he entered it. As soon as he was in, the circle vanished along with the light warriors who turned into dust and scattered away.

Once it was all over, the flashback vanished as Calem found himself back in his room. Shocked by what he had witnessed, he quickly took off the gauntlet and threw it to the floor. He could only look with great horror at the gauntlet which now lays on the floor.

X Next Morning X

Calem walked downstairs for breakfast and had an extremely tired look on his face. The reason for this is because the events he's seen in the flashbacks stuck with him through the entire night, allowing him no sleep. When he was done with breakfast, he got dressed and walked to school, still shook from what he saw yesterday.

He arrived at the school building but he stopped to think for himself:

"Come on, man, get yourself together. What you saw yesterday…..c-couldn't have been real. Must've been a hallucination."

After that, he was about to open the doors till he heard some commotion from other students in the hallway.

"Holy shit!"

"Is this for real?"

He then saw some students herding together over one's phone. Curious, Calem decided to see what was up. As he joined them, he saw a student's phone showing a news broadcast saying the following:

"We interrupt to bring urgent news. Over 2 hours ago, Every continent around the world has been under attack by what the reports say "Giant mechanical monsters”. They've been sighted in Mionjanan, Grushsia, Ilijia, Marlaco and now have been sighted in parts of New Bruxator. We advise civilians to find safety and not….."

Before the newscaster could finish, the screen went to black. Wondering what happened, Calem and other students check their phones, only to find out they won't turn on. Some of the students ran to their cars and tried starting them but like their phones, they wouldn't turn on as well.

Before he could fathom what was going on, he felt the ground shake. From a far distance, Calem saw massive explosions and noticed more explosions, which were closer. Suddenly, a missile from out of nowhere hit's the school building and explodes, causing rubble to fly everywhere and hit nearby students. While some of the students ran for their lives, Calem stood still, paralyzed with fear. As he was consumed with fear, another missile exploded close to him, sending him flying back and hitting the ground hard, knocking him out.


A few hours had passed, Calem opened his eyes and slowly got up with his head hurting. When he came to his senses, he looked around and saw a great horror that will forever scar him: corpses littered everywhere, buildings on fire and reduced to ashes and the sky was a bright reddish color. It was like a scene out of hell. As he looked at all the carnage around him, he suddenly thought about his family and if they're still alive. He got up and was about to head home but stopped when he felt the ground shake and heard mechanical noises behind him. He turned around and he saw 5 shadowy figures in the smoke moving towards him. The figure’s emerged from the smoke as Calem got a good look at what they are: 5 giant mechanical robots. Two of them were humanoid in appearance and the other three had weird appearances.

He quickly hid inside a demolished house and waited for the robots to leave. The moment they left, he quickly got out and headed home only to find out that there are more of those robots out there. So, he made the long journey home while hiding from the killer robots.


He finally arrived home, only to see that his entire house was burnt to the ground which caused him to fall on his knees. He quickly got up and started digging through the remains, hoping to find his family members still alive or at least find their bodies. He kept on digging until he found something.......It was the gauntlet, not his parents or one of his siblings! Tears started to stream down his face as Calem fell to his knees and started to cry.

Unknown to him, a humanoid robot who was just patrolling heard Calem's cries. It marched towards him but Calem quickly noticed it after hearing the loud footsteps. He quickly got up, tossed the gauntlet away and ran for his life till he hit his left foot on a piece of rubble which caused him to trip and hit his left knee hard.

With his knee injured, he tried crawling away which didn't help at all. The robot caught up to him and raised its foot and was about to crush Calem. Just before he was about to experience death, the gauntlet started to levitate and stopped mid-air. It then started to glow and vanished. A bright light appeared before Calem, blinding him and the robot which backed away.

When the light died down, the gauntlet reappeared on Calem's left arm. The robot then started to charge at Calem who raised his left arm in fear but in doing so, fired a beam of blue lightning at the robot. The lightning hit's the robot, shocking it and frying it. When the beam stopped, the robot started to release grey smoke from its body before collapsing to the ground. Calem got up as he looked at the gauntlet with such amazement.

"What the hell…...is this thing?"

Calem said just before he felt the ground start to shake violently and form a giant crack behind him. He lost his footing and nearly fell into it if it wasn't for a bent stop sign which he grabbed onto. When he attempted to pull himself up, the stop sign snapped which caused him to fall. While he was falling, a giant portal opened in mid-air below him. As he entered the portal, it vanished, leaving his fate unknown and his world burning...

Where has Calem gone? What is the mysterious gauntlet he now wields? What's the evil mentioned on the altar? Stay tuned next time to find out!

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