《Heroics of an Overlord》Chapter 9: Help!


Chapter 9: Help!

Finally, after much patience, the orb was lit. I was so happy just to see light come out of it, I didn’t even care what color it was. I could already hear other students make fun of me while I was concentrating. They thought I was some muggle.

Just as I was about to see the orb, I noticed, everything went slow again. As I observed, everything is actually much slower than before.

It’s getting so quiet. The magic lamps are lit, but literally I can see sparks coming out of them in slow motion. Everyone is standing still, as I move around, I feel like I am losing my sight.

Things are getting darker as I move my head and whatever I take my eyes from, starts looking a little distorted when I look back at it. It’s like a digital image where each pixel is moving with my head, just unable to keep up with me so things get torn apart.

This looks very strange to me. How do I turn it off again? I lift my hand from the orb and I get shocked instantly. Infinite after images of my hand is forming as I move it.

I get it, it’s like frozen windows XP. What kind of silly ability is this? I just don’t even know what to do with this. How do I turn it off?

Naturally, I am getting nervous as more I move, the more dark it gets. I walked two steps and when I looked back, I could still see myself standing at my original place, I look forward and notice, I am standing even at the place I intended to move after looking back.

I eventually still move.

This is fucking crazy, am I on acid?

*Third person perspective*

Meanwhile, far away, where everything is white, possibly a void, where even darkness doesn’t exist. Lacreus is seen sitting and meditating. He appears to be having a usual routine. He is just there peacefully floating in the void and suddenly, his eyes opens.

A rift in the void appears, tearing the void and a pocket like dimensional cut appears. Lacreus raises his arm and from the cut, his Scythe gets summoned.

He stands up and goes in the dimensional cut. As soon as he crosses over, the cut disappears leaving absolutely nothing but blank white page.


“I sense a dimensional rift and universal imbalance. Report immediately” Said Lacreus to all his subordinates.

“Well, I think he is finally back, wouldn’t you agree Lacreus?” Teased Onus

“Even with all knowledge, this crafty bastard is unpredictable, even for me” he added

“Don’t belittle the creations of divinity Onus, for us are the same” Lacreus replied in a very cold and calm tone.

“Our battle had ended after it was settled, his departure was his own choice, it should not concern me, however” Lacreus squints his eyes with a worried look.

“However?” Onus questioned.

“There is something different about this. Why is he doing it now? I understand he returned but why is he testing his limit inside the creation?” Lacreus questioned himself.

“He could have just asked me, I could have sent him to the void, rather he is powerful enough to reach void on his own” he added.

Now even Onus was worried, just what is this bastard plotting, does he plan to destroy one thing father loves?

“I’m going to the mortal realm” declared Lacreus.

“Onas, ensure to keep things from falling apart from here, you are life after all” he added

“Yes, Lacreus, I will try my best” Onas responded in a serious tone.

Lacreus started swinging his scythe and suddenly a cut in the dimension appeared, lacreus went inside and the cut closed.

*Lacreus’s POV*

As soon as I reached the mortal realm I could already see the epicenter of all distortions. Everything is shaky from 4th dimensional point of view, beings of third dimension won’t even know they got destroyed if this goes on.

I descended towards the epicenter only to notice there is a building. I went pass the walls and reach a huge hall. There are children and few adults in the room.

Tshch! Just what the hell?

There is a young boy, confused, afraid, and walking all over the place. Looks like he is blinded. Well this is what happens when time stops for someone. This is new one, when did Onas bring such a being into existence. So powerful.

This boy can move at light speed and that makes him as fast as him. Onas is life but I don’t think he can create such a being. Is this father’s doing? I wonder.


But why would he place him within his own creation, unless he himself wants to destroy it? This could be a grave incident. However, I am death, it’s my job to destroy the creation and there still 15 hours left for that as per our time flow.

First him and now this boy, this is just ridiculous. Are they created because I must exist? I wonder, no one can predict my father as well. *sighs*

Well just so you know father, I am not the one destroying your little card house here. Consider this my service to you.

I start accelerating faster and faster, until everything gets very slow, even the electrons are still in each atom. Slowly, the electrons start revolving in opposite direction.

Ah, I just went overboard, I won’t be able to help this kid if I am even faster than him. I bit my tongue in embarrassment.

*Eli’s POV*

I guess, this is how death looks like, pure darkness. No one to communicate, no feelings, no senses. I can’t hear, see, talk, breath. I have no idea how I am still alive, without air.

I guess this is my grave, it feels like I have spent eternity. I wonder how many years have passed, I did not expect this type of ending for myself.

I cry, yet no tears fall, I guess, even my body is destroyed, for I can’t sense anything anymore.

“Boy” a voice. I finally heard a voice. Where is it coming from? Right I don’t have ears to point towards the source of voice. I still keep rotating so I can at least see someone.

“Can you hear me boy?” I heard it again. I tried to yell “YES” but nothing came out of my mouth.

“I see, you unlocked light speed without protection barrier that would exclude you from all effects. This ensured your existence, everywhere. Even in black holes, stars, cluster clouds. You have probably experienced everything since big bang till final collapse“

*Lacreus’s POV*

This is exactly what even I experienced when I was first made. You truly are another version of me, in the making. If I kill you, will I die too? Isn’t it strange to have experienced infinite versions of outcomes of all reality, I am still unaware of his fate and mine too. Father, you gave me endless knowledge, yet you did not tell me my own fate.

This probably is also what intrigues me, keeps me interested in your creation. My work as death is to bring an end to what you created. If I were to end him, end myself, what will become of your creation? Will it continue to expand? Will Onas die too?

What will you do?

I guess, for now, I will help the boy.

“Listen boy, you don’t know how to use magic, so concentrate on a line. Think of a line that starts from where your brain was supposed to be, and take it to all parts of your body”

“Good, now start imagining every nervous system you originally, had” I smiled though. It’s tough for mortals.

“Well you have an eternity to figure it out” There is no rush. However, Onus is recreating everything you are destroying. It’s better if you appreciate his efforts.

“Good, now imagine your skeleton, muscles, skin, eyes, tongue, ears.”

“Once you do that, imagine a wall that will cancel everything”


What is that? It looks so familiar.

“Fascinating isn’t it?” a mysterious voice came

Ah if it isn’t the observer.

“Pleased to meet you Lacreus” The observer said in an emotionless tone

“Same Here”

“Of all things I have witnessed since my creation till my doom, this is the most hypocritical event ever. Isn’t this what you call an oxymoron?”

“Yes, it’s the birth of the death after all” I responded

“This is how that demon came to be, this is how I came to be”

“Look even the infinity and universe are witnessing this”

Ah so that’s what it is. As expected of the observer.

Looks like he finally created his body again but is trying hard to create a wall that cancels everything.

“I am glad to have met you Observer, Infinity, Universe, I will be taking my leave outside father’s creation with the boy now” I politely bowed and everyone else dispersed.

I cast a [globe of end all affects] on the boy, swing my scythe, creating a cut between the creation and void and drag the boy with me.


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