《Heroics of an Overlord》Volume 1 Chapter 3: Igor was a servant


Chapter 3

"I can't use magic?"

"That's what the diagnostic reports tell about you"

All excitement of being transferred to a new world disappeared the moment I heard the tragedy. All my day dreams were going to remain the same and are going to stay far from reality. I felt a bit numb but then I pulled myself together.

"I see, I will be taking my leave then"

"Where will you be going?" asked Igor out of curiosity. At this point, I do not see any form of surprise in Igor's facial expression. He acts like it was an expected outcome. Just what is he up to?

"I'm heading towards the town and will be sightseeing"

"Good luck with that, will you be returning to the castle?"

"No Idea" I respond in a tired tone.

"If you want to go back to your own world or want any type of help, you know where to come, do you?" he said that without expression

"Certainly, thanks for the help"

"Don't forget, we still have to try opening the coffin" Igor stressed on this sentence. What's with him? If I can't do magic, how can I open the coffin who have a magic seal? But it is also true that I faked the problem altogether. I could definitely open that coffin. Now even I am curious what kind of relic and sword is inside the coffin.

Will it give me magical abilities? No Eli, control the curiosity, I must not unleash a demon on this new world just so I could disappear coins for a few claps.

At this point thinking of being hero seems impossible now. I really don't want to go back though. I'm sure I can find a better place to survive in this world itself.

With a new resolve, Eli decides to start his life over in the world of Eswilles.

"Frank" called Igor in a very cold tone

"Aye" Someone from the shadows responded

"Keep an eye on this brat will you, we must not let him escape"

"Understood" and the shadow disappears in darkness

After Eli leaves, Igor asks the grumpy old man to follow Eli and keep an eye on his actions.

Ah, the castle truly was more depressing as compared to this big town but not as big as a city or something. People are all so happy here.

"Good Afternoon Sir, how is your day going?"

I just asked a random passerby just to get along with the locals but to my surprise, the person totally ignored me like I wasn't even there. Wow, people have attitude problems everywhere. Would it kill him to just respond? What a drag. I sighed and moved on.


While I reached the market area near the village, I can see that the sky is so clearly visible and there are white and bright clouds here and there. I breathe in deep and I can already feel the fresh air in my lungs which I barely felt in my past world.

I was so happy, I forgot all worries. I notice that there is a food stall I thought I can ignore it but my stomach started to make those funny sounds.

I gave up and decided to go near the stall. The stall had many edible items, there were mostly but not limited to seafood including crab like squids and regular fishes, octopus, whale meat was available too, other than that rat skews, giant spider skews, roasted seal, pork, cheese bread and other normal items which I ate in my previous world were available too.

I was having mixed feelings regarding the eating choices of people of this world but I guess I shouldn't really judge them with that just because I don't eat it.

I approach the shop owner and ask for the cheese bread and milk, but to my surprise, the shop owner gets frightened, without making an eye contact, he yells "Guards help!"

"Wow, nice way to treat your customers, isn't it?”

I silently start walking towards the road then I stumble upon a beautiful girl

"I apologize, I was in rush, my master seeks my presence and I cannot delay any further, I apologize again"

The lady apologized and rushed towards a home. Out of curiosity and of course I was heading in that direction, I happened to follow her.

After some time I noticed her getting thrashed by some bulky looking man. He looks angry and with clothes, I would say he is wealthier than most in the town.

I get close to listen, only to notice that the poor lady was crying.

"Hey go easy on her, is that how you treat a lady?" I yelled as I could not just stand there and watch

The man's attention changed to me and it didn't look good.

"You there, brat, how dare you to talk to a noble with that tone" he barked at me

"I just said that this is not how a noble should treat a woman" I tried to justify my action

"Guards" he yelled again

*the jailer closes the cell door on me*

The cell is very dirty and I can see fat rats here and there. "Gross"

"Life is unfair even in a fantasy world."

I sit down sighing, "What the heck" There was another person already in the cell.

I was so scared, the man was sitting quietly in a dark corner of the cell, and I could not properly see his face.


But I know a grim personality when I see one. I try to ignore his existence but all of a sudden he talks

“You there,” said the man with deep suspicious tone

“Who are you, I have never seen you before” he added

“Do you know everyone here?” I asked while being puzzled, I don’t think everyone here knows everyone.

“I don’t but you have a different aura around you than others” He almost sounds like he is going to jump at me with everything he got

“What do you mean? Aura? Isn’t that something only magic users can have?” I asked while being puzzled and also hoping maybe he has any knowledge regarding if I can be a magic user

“Ah I see, so you are a non-magic user, that’s why I felt you have a strange aura as there was no aura at all. Everyone in Eswilles has their own aura because everyone can use magic” He spoke with a calm tone now


“So who summoned you child?” his tone got grim again.

“How do you know about it?” I asked with a surprised expression

“Listen, kid, my name is Sikandar and what I am about to tell you must remain a secret,” he said with an even grimier expression.

Next morning, the door is opened for me, I go out and see that I have been bailed by the gray haired person who wears a lab coat. "Ah Stein" I rush towards him

"I apologize that you had to stay overnight kid" Stein replied with unease

"The noble you pissed off had many strings in police" he added

"It's alright, to be still able to get me a bail is not a small deed, I humbly thank you and apologize for the trouble" I bow in respect

"No need, after all, I am a state wizard, I have my strings of my own" winked Stein with a smiling face

Seeing this, I cheered up and went out with him.

On my way back I again saw the shop owner who got paranoid when he first saw me and I asked

"Why are the locals so paranoid when they see me?"

"The Kingdom has been attacked by neighboring countries so many times that locals actually are afraid to open up to a stranger" clarified Stein.

Strangers huh, the town is big but still, they can sense the strangers by their aura. They can easily deduce who is summoned or is it just me that they sense as I have no aura around me at all. I wonder. I think I should ask these questions to Stein, but again the warning that Sikandar guy, should I really trust these people?

Damn it, I am scared and confused with an almost perfect resolve of not wanting to go back to my world I guess I want to make my life easy here. Perhaps if Igor and others are really evil, I doubt they will even let me return to my previous world.

“I noticed you look worried.” Said the old Stein with a smile on his face.

“Don’t worry, we will find a way for you to be able to use magic” he added

“Ah, I think I have the right idea, follow me” he added with a new resolve

This old Stein is so expressive, does he even know of Igor’s plan? “Do you know that just like you, I am from another world as well but not from your time though?” Said, Stein, while trying to build a repo

“Seriously? What time did you come? Who summoned you?” I was surprised but considering magic I doubt that I should be surprised.

“That is the real question boy, no body summoned me, and I just crossed over with my invention” he boasted.

"name's Albert Einstein"

“What?” Woah! Is he Einstein? I thought he died due to Old age. My heart almost skipped a beat, am I actually standing with a legend? “It was World War 2 if I remember correctly and I thought if I could invent a teleporter, our soldiers might be able to perform rescue operations from Nazi concentration camps but as it turns out nobody wanted to become a test subject, so I tested the machine on myself and I got here.” He clarified

“So how did you and Igor meet?” I asked with my eyes all wide. At this point, Stein was no more than a suspicious doctor in lab coat anymore, he was the legend and my hero. Even though I never became a scientist myself but I was a science enthusiast and loved all works of this legend.

Come to think of it why is he not considered aura less? I guess I will ask him this

“… And that’s how I met him” he replied with a smile

Shit, I was so sucked into my thoughts I didn’t even listen to him. “I’m sorry Sir, but could you please repeat the part on how you met Igor and what kind of person he really is?” I asked with a little-embarrassed face

“Igor was a servant of Demon King”


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