《A New Line Through The Lives Of Kanto》Court Out Of Order
“I could read her just fine. There were no issues there. All the Pokemon; Catherine, Electivire, the two Ivysaur, there was no problems,” June stated.
Gary frowned in frustration, thinking about all they had been discussing so far.
June raised her head to the starry night sky and then looked down to the Pokemon.
Mostly everyone was eating.
Magneton and Rotom were trading Electric shocks to one another in turn.
Previously, they were being bothered by Porygon-Z who wouldn’t leave them alone and kept flying after them. Gary’s Pokemon then went after June and she lost it, running until Gary called it back.
“I don’t really understand any of this, June.” Gary removed his wet rag from one side of his face and placed it against the other side. It wasn’t much to help his swollen face, but he figured it was something. “I don’t know how to advise you here. Now you’re saying you hate my Porygon-Z because you can’t understand it when it speaks, too.”
June had opened her mouth, but nothing ever came out, even as it continued hanging wide.
She can’t even deny she hates it, Gary noticed. June loves all Pokemon, but is literally terrified of my Porygon-Z. And she doesn’t even know why. Rather than getting upset at her, Gary chose to try and be reasonable with the situation. “Maybe it’s just stress. Maybe you’re unable to do it under high levels of stress.”
“I can! I can hear just fine. Just like I can hear any human. And I wasn’t stressed around Ish, just annoyed. And that... damn monster affected me like nothing I’ve ever gone through! It’s not the same with Porygon-Z. The monster is... something else. Porygon-Z isn’t like that, but...” June shook her head. “It’s like... this thing. It’s not painful like when I hear that monster. Porygon-Z is more... wrong...”
“Wrong? What does that mean?”
“It just sounds wrong, Gary! It’s like, nonsense! It’s frightening!”
The Pokemon were eating more quietly, purposely keeping their eyes down.
June stood up, lifting her black duffel bag. “I’ll be back later. I’m going to feed Electivire and try to talk with him. Try and figure out what he and that... Pokemon thing said to each other.”
Gary nodded and watched her walk along the rocky path, glad their conversation was ended.
There weren’t any trees to hide amongst, and June just kept on walking until she was far from Gary’s sight. She glanced back and turned away, sending out her Pokemon.
Gary kept his eyes on them, and before long, Electivire was zapping June. He sighed and looked away. I should have called my mom to let her know I’m okay, he told himself. After those Gym explosions, she must be losing it right now. Especially since I didn’t call her. But what do I have to say to her? Man, why is there so much happening with me?? With this world! He yawned and placed his hands on the ground behind him, stretching out his arms and leaning backwards to relieve his back. With a release of air, he relaxed his body and sat hunched over, listening to the Pokemon.
Amongst the eating were other sounds, including laughter and talking.
Gary looked up and jumped a little on the inside.
Absol had finished eating and was sitting, staring directly at her new Trainer.
Gary looked away uncomfortably. What the hell? he thought nervously.
Pikachu and Ampharos were chatting, having a good time.
Tyrouge was grunting while doing push ups, his yellow scarf around his neck.
Absol kept solid, cold eyes on Gary.
Galvantula was just standing still by herself, which creeped out Gary, her many eyes looking out to June and Electivire.
Charizard was sitting and eating a lot slower than when he had started, full but still stuffing his face.
Absol wasn’t even blinking.
Eevee and Blitzle were chasing after each other, already done eating.
Manectric was snoozing quietly.
Raichu sat with a large belly, smiling warmly at everyone.
Absol’s entire body was motionless, as if she weren’t even real.
Gary swallowed. He swallowed again. His breathing got harder. He lowered his eyes, but returned them again, meeting with Absol’s hard ones. Gary looked away towards June... to see her not only standing with Electivire, but the two of them facing two others! Gary blinked several times, trying to identify the new two.
June was a little shorter than one of them, though the other one was taller than them both. The taller of the new two seemed to be very bulky in the body, particularly the upper half, while the other appeared to possibly be female.
June and the shorter of the two seemed to be arguing, Electivire and the muscular one aggressively in each other’s faces.
Gary stood up and squinted at the four. I think that thing’s a Pokemon, Gary thought, staring at the one facing Electivire. He looked back to the Pokemon by him, seeing that not all of them were done eating. “Stay there, guys! I’ll be right back!”
They all were already staring at the commotion between June, Electivire, and the newcomers.
June’s Pokemon all stood up, focusing serious glares in June’s direction. At once, they charged towards their Trainer.
Gary sighed and turned to his Pokemon. “Right, well, you guys stay here... Blah, forget it! Return!” After slipping his rag into his pocket, Gary recalled his Pokemon and ran after everyone else. He hadn’t reached June before realizing the person she was having a confrontation with looked familiar.
June’s Pokemon stopped a few feet from June and Electivire, ready.
The young lady had a smirk on her face that looked made to irritate anyone who already didn’t like her, smug and haughty. She wore white boots with pink fur on the top of them. Her jeans were pink and fit quite tight. A matching pink jacket was zipped up around her body, the pink fur hood down.
By the time Gary had gotten to them, June had returned all her Pokemon except Electivire.
Courtney turned to Gary as he arrived and brushed her pink hair out of her face. She squinted, and her grin tripled in size. This quickly faded and a more sympathetic, pitiful look took over. “Oh, my. Sugar, please tell me you’re dealing with a disobedient Pokemon and that your girlfriend isn’t the abusive type!”
“She is not my girlfriend, first of all!” Gary fumed.
Courtney rolled her eyes. “Of course. You two just travel together platonically,” she waved sarcastically.
“What are you doing here?” Gary asked impatiently.
“I’m just passing through. My Incineroar felt the need to come out and see what’s up with Redhead’s Electivire.”
Gary paid more attention to the tall Pokemon that seemed to match Electivire in height. This Pokemon seemed to be some kind of bipedal, muscular, black and red tiger!
Incineroar. The Heel Pokemon. The evolution of Torracat. This Pokemon can be wildly aggressive and disobedient. It can even attack the Trainer of the opponent Pokemon if you’re not careful. Despite all this, it loves the attention of crowds and especially children, empowered by their cheers.
Gary put away his Pokedex, his eyes stuck on Incineroar.
Incineroar kept its eyes on Electivire, who returned the favor.
“Let’s battle, then, June,” Courtney offered. “My Incineroar was intrigued enough even from inside of its Poke Ball to say hello. It must be worth the time. If losing doesn’t bother you, that is.”
“Like I’d lose to you!” June shouted. “One-on-one, then! No time limit! Electivire versus Incineroar!”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Courtney nodded. “Ready, Incineroar, baby?”
Incineroar’s grin it had been wearing the entire time widened with Courtney’s, and both Pokemon and Trainer stepped back from Electivire at the same time.
Electivire didn’t have a hint of a smile, keeping his spot, even when June backed away.
“Flare Blitz, right away!!” Courtney jumped in.
“INCINEROOOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!” Incineroar flexed its arms, and its middle, which seemed to hold a fire designed circle around it like a belt, burst into live flames! The fire swiftly covered the entire Pokemon’s body as it charged at Electivire and then flew powerfully.
“WHOA! Hey! I didn’t say who would go first!” June complained.
“But I did!” Courtney replied strongly.
“Elect!” Electivire’s body was outlined in red and he reached out, catching the powerful Flare Blitz!
Everyone gasped at this sight, witnessing Electivire grunting and struggling against the humongous fireball he was holding back. “EeeeeeeeelectiiiiiiiiVIRE!!” Electivire tossed the fireball into the air!
The fire around Incineroar vanished and the Pokemon was revealed.
“Electivire, Thunderbolt!” June ordered.
Both of Electivire’s fists sparked before he leaped after Incineroar.
“Watch out! Thunder Punch is coming! Counter with Fire Punch!” Courtney told her Pokemon.
Electivire swung on Incineroar.
Incineroar’s fists were covered by flames and it returned the move.
A sudden explosion between the two elements forced both Pokemon to drop unwillingly. It was within seconds that the pair of Pokemon were back on their feet, though. They each looked just fine, unscathed.
June had a ferocious look on.
Courtney was a beaming, bright ray of sunshine. “Cross Chop!”
Incineroar crossed its arms and they glowed white as it ran to Electivire.
“Thunder Punch!”
Electivire ran at Incineroar with sparking fists. “VIRE!” Electivire punched, but Incineroar pushed out its arms, blocking the move, its arms returning to their normal color. Both Pokemon were now holding hands, grappling with one another, trying to get the other to the ground. “Eeeeeelectivire!!” Electivire snarled.
“Bulk Up!” Courtney ordered.
Incineroar growled like a tiger as its muscled arms began to grow bigger, throbbing, its chest enhancing, its legs thickening!
“Now, Double Kick!”
Incineroar raised one leg and knocked Electivire back, the pair releasing each other. Courtney’s Pokemon went for the second hit, reaching out with its leg to take down Electivire.
“Electivire!!” June cried out.
Eyes closed from the first kick, Electivire reached out and caught the second kick!
Incineroar was stunned by this.
A white glow surrounded Electivire for a moment before disappearing.
“That’s Meditate!” Gary burst out, not meaning to.
Electivire opened his eyes with a grin for Incineroar.
“ZAP HIM, NOW! THUNDER!!” June screamed.
Electivire’s body was outlined in red and he spun in place, taking Incineroar by the leg with him!
“Incinerooooooooooooarrr!” Incineroar wailed out helplessly.
“TIVIRE!” Electivire released Incineroar.
Incineroar slid along the ground, stopping after a couple of seconds. He stood up and flexed.
Electivire did the same in return.
“Incineroar, Bulk Up some more!” Courtney decided.
“Meditate to counter that Defense!” June pushed back.
Incineroar flexed, his body strengthening even further.
Electivire’s body and eyes began to glow a bright red color. “Eeeeeeeleeeeeeeec!” White smoke was coming out of Electivire’s nostrils, now!
“Electivire??” June gasped.
“ELECTIVIIIIIIIRE!!” Electivire leaped for Incineroar.
Incineroar raised an arm, trying to protect himself, but Electivire swung a punch that moved Incineroar’s arm out of the way, causing Courtney’s Pokemon to take a step back.
Electivire landed and followed up instantly with a hard kick to the chest.
Incineroar was taken down. With not even a second to recover himself, Electivire pounced with punches and kicks, viciously beating up Incineroar.
“Electivire!” June said sadly.
“Incineroar, get up!” Courtney demanded. “Don’t let that Frustration overtake you!”
Incineroar managed to his feet, but the kicks and punches from Electivire were still overwhelming him, not letting him get a moment.
“Scary Face!”
Incineroar’s arms stretched out at his sides and his eyes glowed red. It seemed like his face ballooned out some as he roared in Electivire’s face. His fangs were a lot larger, too, even his fur seeming more pointed, sharper, and like weapons, or a mask.
Electivire cried out in a voice that was unlike anything Gary had expected from the intimidating powerhouse, stumbling back two steps before swallowing.
That being said, Gary himself jumped and shouted out, grabbing at his chest in fright, his eyes wide.
June even let out a short scream as she backed up, raising her hands in defense.
Electivire narrowed his eyebrows. Then, he took in a deep breath and exploded in a powerful roar right back.
“Darkest Lariat, now!” Courtney instructed.
Incineroar’s hands were coated in bright flames and he began to spin in place until he was a complete blur, a mini tornado with swirling fire around his body. He came at Electivire, Electivire screaming in pain as he was thrown back by the impact.
Electivire slammed on his back and remained still.
Incineroar stopped spinning and sneered down at Electivire.
“Electivire, are you alright?” June called.
“Flare Blitz, finish this!!” Courtney shouted impatiently.
“NO!!” June looked at her in shock. “WAIT!”
Incineroar stomped towards Electivire.
“Electivire, get up! Thunder!!” June pleaded.
Electivire sat up and leered at Incineroar with a growl.
“I said to use Flare Blitz!” Courtney screeched.
Incineroar stopped at Electivire and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him to his feet.
Electivire grunted in surprise at this.
What’s going on? Gary wondered. His thought then turned into an audible gasp.
Incineroar swiftly wrapped his arms around Electivire’s body. It looked like a hug, Electivire being lifted off his feet in the grasp as he squirmed and yelled out. Incineroar leaned back some, tightening his grip and lifting Electivire further.
Gary frowned in confusion and amusement. Is her Pokemon disobeying her? Courtney has a disobedient Pokemon? He was listening just a bit ago.
Electivire was snarling mad, kicking out, struggling to free his arms, his head moving wildly.
“Please, just use Thunder to break out of that!” June wailed.
Electivire’s horns sparked.
“Rooooooarrrr!” Incineroar tightened his hold, and the sparks on Electivire went away when he groaned in resistance.
“Bind’s got you in quite a rough position, huh, Redhead?” Courtney smirked with her arms crossed.
Incineroar’s arms finally released his victim, and Electivire fell first to his feet and then immediately after, onto his knees.
“Now do as I said earlier and use Flare Blitz!” Courtney commanded.
One of Incineroar’s hands glowed purple, and with one swift movement, he swiped at Electivire’s throat with the side of the glowing palm.
Electivire choked out weakly and dropped to his back. He was coughing out, his hands on his throat, and his voice seemed to be mostly gone!
“ELECTIVIRE! Your voice!” June gasped.
“FLARE BLITZ SOUNDS NOTHING LIKE THROAT CHOP!!” Courtney was stomping on the ground.
Electivire stood up, hunched over a little bit, breathing strongly.
Incineroar seemed to smile sinisterly at this.
Electivire’s mouth moved as he tried to speak, but failed.
Incineroar let out a light, short chuckle.
“Electivire, don’t worry about your voice right now!” June told her Pokemon. “Pleeeease, please listen to me! I think we can nail it with a Special Attack move, so let’s get this Thunder going!”
Both Pokemon stood still, eyes on the other.
What are these two gonna do? Gary pondered. Two powerful Pokemon with bad attitudes. Their Trainers can’t get through to them. How does this end? One of them will have to beat the other.
Electivire turned swiftly, facing June.
“Huh?” June took a step back.
“ROOOOOOAR!!” Incineroar faced his Trainer, too.
“Incineroar, y-y-you-you listen to me right now!” Courtney stuttered. She held out her hand as if to stop him. “Wait!” She turned her back on Incineroar and cowered some, pulling her hood over her head.
Electivire used Thunder, on June!
The poor girl shrieked at the top of her lungs and collapsed, twitching helplessly, sparking constantly.
Incineroar thrust his hips out and from the fiery circle around his waist, sent out fire at Courtney!
“WHOA! COURTNEY!!” Gary couldn’t believe his eyes! “INCINEROAR!!” he barked at the Fire type and he grabbed a Poke Ball.
Incineroar’s move ended.
Gary squinted in disbelief, dropping the Poke Ball. “Courtney...?”
Courtney was just fine! Not even her clothes were singed, let alone her actual body! She stood up straight and frowned at Incineroar, lowering her hood back down.
Incineroar and Electivire turned away from their Trainers and to each other. They looked the other up and down.
Incineroar bared his teeth nastily.
Electivire stomped his foot forward threateningly.
June sat up shakily, a visible struggle for her, and sneered at Electivire. “S-s-so now y-you wa-wa-wanna use Thunder?!”
“Battle over!” both girls shouted in unison. They each held a Poke Ball in hand.
“INCINEROAR!!” Incineroar used Flamethrower.
Electivire used Thunder.
Both moves missed the other!
Wait! They weren’t aiming at each other!! Gary realized in horror.
June shrieked again and leaped out of the way of the Flamethrower that Incineroar sent her way!
Courtney screamed her head off as she was electrified by Electivire! She was stuck to the ground, twitching hard, her body letting off electrical sparks, her and June’s hair a matching, electrified mess. Courtney managed to get herself to sit up, and she let out another shriek and tried to get up and run away.
Both girls were being chased by the other’s Pokemon!
Courtney, unable to run well after having just been zapped, had her feet swept out from under her by Electivire who caught her with ease. Once she was down, Electivire hit her with another dose of his Electric arsenal.
June was more used to Electivire and ran a lot faster than what Courtney showed. But a remaining spark came off of June, making her body flinch, and she tripped, flying through the air and hitting the ground.
Incineroar stopped and stared down at June, an imposing threat.
June flipped to see her enemy towering over her. “P-p-p-p-please,” she squeaked fearfully.
Incineroar took in a deep breath.
“DON’T DO IT INCINEROAR!!” Gary reached for his Poke Ball, but his choice wasn’t on his belt! “Huh??” He looked down. “My-! OH!” He saw it on the ground where he had dropped it a moment ago. He looked back up. “INCINEROOOOOAR!!” Gary called as the Pokemon attacked.
A powerful, frightening, thunderous roar erupted from out of Incineroar’s jaws.
June sounded like a screeching cat as she scrambled away from Incineroar and didn’t stop.
Gary was chewing on his own heart, too petrified to even move.
Electivire and Incineroar turned and walked up to one another. To Gary’s great shock, a smile came over their faces!
Incineroar held out a paw. “Incineroar!”
Electivire actually took the paw!
The two shook hands!
“Incineroar,” the Pokemon nodded. His body then glowed red and he vanished, recalled back!
Gary turned to see an infuriated Courtney glaring at Electivire.
Electivire looked back solemnly.
Keeping her eyes on Electivire, she slowly moved towards Gary. “The hell is that thing’s problem, anyway?” she grumbled.
Gary didn’t respond. He couldn’t right now.
Electivire chose to sit down, lay on his back, and breath deeply.
“Unbelievable.” Courtney shook her head and turned to Gary. “What was all that about??”
“How... are you not dead?” Gary finally got out.
Courtney’s eyebrows furrowed, confused, and then she smiled. “Dealing with this hothead, I’ve had to add a flame retardant material to all of my clothing.” She reached out for her jacket sleeve and pulled, revealing a clear, transparent layer on top of it! She released it and it snapped back, disappearing on her jacket.
“Whoa! How’d you get that??”
“Sugar, I’m not some bum Trainer. I do have access to money. My boyfriend, Andrew, actually works for a division of Silph Co. in the Hoenn region. With the destruction of the one in Saffron, he’s been working overtime so the company can make up their losses and meet demands as best as possible for the time being, so the money is just flowing right now.” She rolled her eyes. “So, buying this baby was lunch money, ha ha ha ha!”
“You have a boyfriend in Hoenn who works for Silph Co.?”
“Did I stutter, Sugar Lumps?” she winked.
Stop calling me that, Gary said silently, frowning. “Anyway, what’s with your problem with your Incineroar?”
“Me and Incineroar are fine! It’s just got too much energy is all!” Courtney insisted. “It’s always been like this since the day I caught it wild. It just battles battles battles, and sometimes it gets out of hand and anything moving is a target.”
“You caught it wild? Fully evolved?”
“That’s right,” Courtney beamed.
“Are there any more? Where’d you catch him?” Gary asked, highly intrigued.
“Well... Thing is, there’s a little village down here, with a Gym. The Jaman Village,” she pointed off to the side.
“That’s where I’m headed!”
“I got my Badge and caught my Incineroar right after. There’s herds of ‘em passing through this season,” she continued. “Pretty easy to find. They’re traveling to find warmer areas, so, there’s your chance if you hurry up.”
“That’s great! Wait, so you’ve only caught Incineroar recently, then?” Gary questioned.
“Like, a week ago. We’ve been practicing on that attitude it’s got.”
“Going well?” Gary smirked.
Courtney’s face hardened. “Yeah, you go catch one and let me know how far you get! You wouldn’t even beat the weakest of them. Maybe start with a Litten instead and save your skin a darkening.”
Gary shot her a dirty look. What the hell did that mean? “What...?”
Courtney looked taken aback. “What? Oh, don’t take that so seriously. Come on!” Her shoulders dropped. “I’d say that to anyone, regardless their color. I’m saying if you mess around over there, you’re gonna get burned. Everyone gets burned, Sugar.” She rolled her eyes and sighed with exasperation.
Gary nodded. “Sorry. I’m not like that.”
“Good, and I’m not like that.” She pushed him lightly, smiling again.
“Well, I’ll go check out that Incineroar area later. I’ve gotta head off and get my next Badge. How many are you up to?”
“I’m up to enough, thank you. Yourself?”
“Enough,” Gary shot right back.
Courtney rolled her eyes. “Okay, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” She snickered.
“Okay!” Gary responded innocently. He quickly took out his Badge case and opened it, holding it out to Courtney.
She nonchalantly gazed over them and then looked away, but this resulted in a double take as her eyes widened on the contents.
“Five Badges! Not bad, right?”
Courtney looked over to Gary and then back to the Badges. “So it’s true... You really were involved in the Saffron incident...”
Gary’s heart beat harder and he slowly closed the case. “It took a lot to earn that Badge.”
The two Trainers were silent for a bit.
“You saved... a lot of lives,” Courtney acknowledged.
Gary lowered his eyes uncomfortably. “So? Your Badges?”
She looked away. “The League starts soon enough. I’m ready to compete after one last Badge.”
“But, which do you have?”
“Sugar, you should be worried about what Badges you have left, not your competition. Or, perhaps you should be concerned with your competition, considering I am.”
“Hey, come on! We had a deal!”
“Beat me at the League and I may reward you by viewing my goodies.” Courtney grabbed at her hair to pull it down, but it only returned back up. “Wretched bitch and her stupid Pokemon. She’s lucky she isn’t here or I’d make her pay for my next salon vi-”
A growl made Gary and Courtney whip around.
Electivire was on his feet! He flexed his arms and his horns sparked.
“You’re awake?!” Courtney backed up rapidly as Electivire advanced on her. “Hey, come on, come on! No need to-!”
Electivire swung a sparking fist at her and then sent out a jolt from his horns.
Courtney ducked the punch and manuevered to the side, away from the zap, screaming her lungs out and getting away from Electivire.
Electivire stopped going after her and sharply faced Gary.
Gary gulped and stepped back a couple of feet. “Huh???” Suddenly realizing Electivire wasn’t looking directly at him, he heard a sound and he looked behind him.
June was hobbling from a far distance, her hair still extended for the sky as she tried brushing it down.
“JUNE!” Gary ran to her. “Hey!” He reached out and held her shoulders, but June went further, falling against him, and Gary was forced to hold her. “Hey, you okay?”
June sighed against Gary, gripping his arms. She looked up into his eyes sternly. “Where’d she go?”
“Courtney? She just left.”
June nodded and looked beyond Gary. Her hold on his arms tightened.
“June, what happened? Where did you go?”
June lowered her head and her cheeks reddened, embarrassed. “Roar...” Her hands tightened further on Gary’s coat, and her body gave a little shake. She sniffled.
“June? Hey! What’s the matter? Roar is scary! There’s no need to cry! Anyone would have ran!”
June shook her head. “It’s not the Roar. It’s Electivire.” She looked up at Gary, tears sliding down her cheeks. “It’s what Courtney said. He used Frustration to fight.”
“He used frustration? His anger?” Gary didn’t understand.
“The move Frustration, Gary! It’s like Return, which damages based on the love for the Trainer, but Frustration is the opposite.” June’s head fell again as she sobbed.
Gary understood now.
Electivire using Frustration so powerfully was a show of how much he disliked June, and this devastated her.
Gary held June in his arms as she cried.
At this point, Electivire was on his back again, eyes closed, unconcerned about his Trainer.
So, you got your seventh Badge at Jaman Village, Gary thought as he rubbed June’s back.
And so did Aly and Robin.
And now, I’m next!
And maybe I’ll catch one of those Incineroar along the way.
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8 153 - In Serial19 Chapters
So What If I'm Trash? Who Needs Cultivation?!
Qing Shan Long. They say he isn't human. An escaped experiment from some government facility, a reincarnation of a saint, a freakish superhuman. Whatever he was one thing was clear. Be it Music, Martial Arts, Science, whatever he does he excels. He was a whimsical man. A great man. A man who craving for knowledge and excitement knows no bounds, whose collection of books and personal library would even make Alexander the Great green with envy. He donated to all manners of charities and funded many projects for helping the poor and disabled. A self made man who single handedly founded one of the largest corporations in the world, Wen Qu Technologies, whose influences reach from vast fields of expertise. From objects of war such as the newest aircrafts, droids, and body armor; to life saving medicine and vaccines; to even the mundane such as video games and the fast food industry. A legendary example of determination and hard work. He was in his car being driven to a business meeting to disclose a deal that would help ensure the country could have access to clean energy and help reduce the pollution that has been plaguing his homeland for the past millenia when he was assassinated and woke up in a strange new world. How will Qing Shan deal with his new environment where the strong suppresses the weak? From the top of the world he suddenly finds himself free falling to rock bottom. Unable to cultivate, a weak body, and all but disowned by his family. (For those who read comics and watch cartoons, imagine him as being Tony Stark, Richard Reeds, Jimmy Neutron, etc level of 'Genius'. ) My own spin on some familar tropes. Another reincarnation into another world story. The MC will take over the body of someone with a trash body that can't cultivate and will be hated and neglected by his family. Pretty typical so far right? Except there won't be some amazing miracle to heal our MC, there isn't some magical grandpa to teach him some OP thing which only his trash body can use, there isn't a hidden op bloodline, and he is not from a super amazing assassin clan or genius doctor. He isn't the chosen one, he's just a guy trying his best to make something with a crap situation. First attempt at a wuxia type story! I like playing with common tropes, maybe adding a twist, to playing it straight as a classic. I have absolutely no idea where this is going to take me but please do give your input and I'll do my best so that everyone has a say in where our journey will go. I'll admit the only knowledge I have of chinese history and ancient society is from reading light novels translated to english and some old dramas, so if I make some social passe just take it as because this is another world, not exactly an AU where magic and stuff actually exist. I'm also not actually Chinese and will basically using google to help me with names and other such, if I make a mistake please let me know! (Even if you don't like the story or couldn't bare to get past chapter 1 please leave a comment so I can find out where to improve, thank you!)
8 92 - In Serial84 Chapters
Wake now in the fire.
Book 2 in the Fire Series. Centuries ago she fell to Earth in a land of deserts. She lay in pools of molten glass where the sand had melted beneath her, with no understanding of what she was or from where she had come.
8 154