《Dungeoneers》Zack Liner Interview 1


Date: August 10 2021 - 4:27 pm

Location: West Byzantine

“Hello, can you hear me?” The voice coming from Francesco’s laptop was friendly and excited.

“Yes, I can hear you.” Right when Francesco responded, the blank screen lit up and revealed a man with messy black hair and wearing a mask that covered his nose and mouth.

“That’s great. Thank you so much for agreeing to having a short interview Mr. Ricci. Ah, is it okay if I call you that?”

“It doesn’t matter. You can also call me Francesco, if you want.” Since recovering from his coma, Franecso had been avoiding any interviews, but after speaking with Taylor again after the labyrinth raid, she managed to convince him to do her this favour.

I know there’s more to how you knew about this Dungeon than you let on. However, I don’t care about all the details. I am a high-ranked scout, though, so if you let me in on the kind of things you want me to keep a particular eye on, I will do so. I won’t even write about it in the reports I submit to the EA, and I will make sure you are the first to know. However, I’ll expect you to work with me on some other things, too, then.

Well, this was apparently more of a freebie than a favour, since Taylor made it very clear that there was something else she was going to request of him in the future.

“Ah, thanks, Francesco. Ah, you can just call me Zack.”

“Okay, Zack.” Zack’s mask covered up his face, but Francesco could tell that he seemed strangely happy about that.

“Alright, before we start recording, I just wanted to confirm a few things with him.” Zack’s voice was still jovial, but there was also professionalism in it. “I didn’t want this to be a strict interview, but I also didn’t want to go over any topics you don’t want to talk about. I didn’t receive a list back from you about that and I haven’t heard from Taylor about that either. Does that mean I am free to ask you anything?”

“You can ask anything, but it doesn’t mean I’ll answer every question,” Francesco answered curtly.

“I see. Okay. Well, maybe think about it for a moment longer before I start the recording?”

“No, you can just start now.”

“Alright. I’ll count down. Three, two, one. Hello, everyone, I am Zack Liner. You may know of me from some articles that I have written for the Earth Alliance about Dungeons and Dungeoneers. Well, even if you don’t, I am sure you will know the very special guest I am with today. From West Byzantine, we have the rising star and newly certified A-rank Dungeoneer Francesco Ricci. Francesco, thank you so much for agreeing to have an interview with me.”

“You’re welcome.” Francesco said the awkward response as if it was the most natural thing in the world to say.

“So, Francesco, how are you today?”

“I feel fine.”

“Just fine?”

“...Yes.” In Zack’s mind, he was starting to think Taylor didn’t tell him the whole story about what Francesco was like.

“That’s great to hear. So, I am just going to start off with what I think most of us want to hear about. Earlier this week, the Earth Alliance changed the criteria for Dungeoneer ranks, and added the new A-rank. So far, there are only seven Dungeoneers in the entire world with this rank, and you are one of them. What are your thoughts about this?”


“I’d say that it seems appropriate.”

“A confident response, Francesco. I love it. As many viewers may know, the criteria for receiving the A-rank is quite unique. In addition to having Stat values beyond the current level of Appraisal Skills, the Dungeoneer must have participated in at least three successful B-rank Dungeon clears or Outbreak defenses. Finally, the third, and the most important and difficult criterion, is that, in the opinion of the Earth Alliance Dungeoneer Ranking Committee, the Dungeoneer must be capable of defeating a fully empowered B-rank Dungeon Boss by themself. This is because, as an A-rank Dungeoneer, they have the right to raid a B-rank Dungeon without the support of any other Dungeoneers.” Zack paused to allow Francesco to make a comment, but he did not. “So, Francesco, do you foresee this solitary raiding right being exercised anytime soon, either by you or the other six A-rank Dungeoneers?”

“Yes. Well, only if other Dungeoneers don’t want to raid. They tell me that I can’t do it by myself if other Dungeoneers from the country also want to raid. So, I guess it probably won’t ever happen for me since they’ll just keep coming in with me wherever I go.”

“That sounds quite boastful, Francecso, but I don’t doubt that you have the skills to back that up.” Francesco did not respond. “So, do you have any particular thoughts on the other A-rank Dungeoneers?”

“Not really. I’ve never met any of the others except for Angela Tannenbaum.”

“Ah, yes, the famed Prussian Avenger. You even cleared a B-rank Dungeon with her before. What was your experience raiding with her like?”

“She’s strong.” Zack waited for him to continue, but he did not.

“Just strong?” Francesco thought for a moment.

“Yeah, that doesn’t quite sum it up.” Zack nodded to himself about finally getting some more information from him. “She is very strong. I think she deserves to be on the list.” Zack waited again, but figured this was the most he was going to get.

“So, Angela Tannenbaum always raids with Miel Tannenbaum. The two of them grew up at the same orphanage and they are often described as if they are real sisters. How do you feel about team synergies in Dungeon raiding like that? Perhaps you have some thoughts on your experiences raiding as a member of the Roman Church’s second Holy Vanguard team?” Francesco paused for a moment. At first, Zack thought this was just the prelude to another short answer, but it seemed that for once, he was finally thinking deeply about the answer.

“Of course, having a good partner is always good. Not only is it simply easier to get things done with another person at a similar level, but a good partner can cover up your weaknesses and motivate you to raise yourself to a higher level. I don’t know anything about Miel Tannenbaum, but if someone as strong as Angela consistently chooses to raid with her, I’m sure it’s a positive thing for her.”

“And, do you think the same way about your Holy Vanguard team members?”

“Francis and Riccardo are team members, but I don’t see either of them as partners. A partner is someone I could fully trust my life with and who will do the same for me. A partner is someone who will fight with me through any situation, no matter how difficult or dangerous.” To Zack’s surprise, Francesco was raising his voice and speaking with genuine emotion.

“I see. I guess there are still some problems with synergy when it comes to your team members. Maybe, there is something in particular that they are missing or that you are searching for?”


“...there is. But, I’m not sure I’ll ever find it.”

“Well, let us know. What is this special something?” Francesco looked like he was about to properly answer the question, but stopped himself.

“No, it’s nothing that someone can suddenly just have. I’ll just know it if I ever see it. I’ll just keep honing my skills, and if someone out there thinks they have what it takes to match me, perhaps I’ll look them over.”

“Is that an open invitation for someone to become your raiding partner?”

“Nothing that generous.”

“Well, I’m sure that statement will still turn some heads and stir some people up. Hopefully you can find someone to match you, whether that be someone new or someone from the Holy Vanguard.” Francesco gave no verbal response. “Alright, if you don’t mind, I have one last thing to ask about regarding the A-rank Dungeoneers.”

“Go ahead.”

“Among the seven, there are two in particular that are often hotly debated between who is the strongest among all Dungeoneers. Are you aware of this?”

“Are you talking about S and James Maverick?”

“That’s right. Now, I don’t believe you’ve ever met either of them, but surely you have at least something to say about the debate on the strongest? Perhaps you think you should be at the top?”

“I don’t think I’m stronger than either of those two right now, but I plan to be in time.”

“Oh, really? It was a somewhat more humble response than Zack expected.

“Yes. With enough time, the strength I have right now will pale in comparison to the future. This, I am sure about.” Zack knew Francesco was being entirely sincere.

“Well, going down on that path of gaining strength, are you someone who believes there will be much more dangerous Dungeons in the future?”

“Absolutely.” Francesco responded without an ounce of hesitation. “The current Dungeons barely even count as a proving ground. In the future, being able to clear these Dungeons won’t even be considered an achievement.”

“Wow. You must think that the future A-rank Dungeons will be at an unimaginably higher difficulty.” Francesco stared at Zack for a few seconds.

“Zack, do you think the A-rank Dungeons will be the last Dungeons?” Francesco asked.

“Huh?” Zack was surprised by the sudden question. “Oh, I know what you mean. Yeah, I think it might be possible that there will be another level after the A-rank. Not sure what it will be called but I do think there will be another level after that.” Francesco remained quiet again. “Speaking of the different Dungeons, there have been a lot of theories about what exactly ties the different Dungeons together and why they are occurring. Do you have a personal opinion on the matter?”

“...I do.”

“Is it the same as the Roman Church’s opinion?” Zack asked, only waiting a second this time.

“...No comment.” Well, that’s basically the same as saying no, Zack thought.

“Alright, going back to the topic of Dungeoneers, you have been a Dungeoneer since the first day. Could you please tell us a bit about what it was like for you in the beginning?”

“I was very weak.”

“Ah, yes. However, whatever you did must have paid off in the end as you are now among the strongest in the world. What would you say is the greatest reason behind your growth and success? Perhaps there were certain lessons you learned during your early raiding days?”

“...You could say that. After my recovery from the hospital, I was…a changed man.”

“Ah, yes. You did suffer some terrible injuries after raiding West Byzantine’s first C-rank Dungeon. Thankfully, your other raiding party members brought you outside to be treated. Do you happen to personally know some of them? Maybe you would like to say some words about them?”

“I guess, thanks. Yes, I appreciate that they brought my body out of the Dungeon.”

“Sounds like you don’t really keep in touch with them.”

“We weren’t friends. But, we weren’t enemies either.” Francesco felt the need to add that last part.

“I see. Well, of course, it’s not like that means there’s anything wrong with any of you. I read that one of them has since become a politician in West Byzantine.”

“Maybe. I don’t really keep track of the names of any officials.”

“Well, they are also B-rank Dungeoneers in West Byzantine. Do you have anything to say about their strength? I ask because there has been a lot of discourse about the list of seven. Some argued about whether maybe some should be on there, but most were arguing that a lot of current B-rank Dugneoneers should have been included. What are your thoughts on that?”

“I don’t think I’ve personally met any Dungeoneers not on the list that I think should be. If, in the future, they want to change the requirements for the list, though, I don’t really care. It doesn’t matter to me who is named there since I’ll just keep training and getting stronger no matter what. I’ll even recover my legs eventually.”

“That’s a great mindset to have, Francesco. Um, since you’ve brought it up, do you mind if I ask you about that?”

“About what?”

“About your legs.”

“What about them?”

“Well, even now, you are paralyzed below the waist, correct?”


“Are there some words you’d like to say about the matter? About how you managed to deal with it and how despite it all, you still managed to rise to your current level?”

“I use the Telekinesis Skill.” Zack was really hoping that this was something he would elaborate more on with a further prompt. Alas, that was not the case.

“Well, other Dungeoneers also have the Telekinesis Skill, but none of them have been able to use it to reproduce movements as agile and nimble as yours.”

“They either don’t train enough or they don’t have a good enough understanding of their body.”

“I see. Well, it is clear to everyone that you have worked very hard to reach your current level. Do you have any plans or changes in mind as you continue to develop in the future?”

“It would be nice if I could kill a dragon.” Zack was briefly thrown off by the answer.

“Ah, yes. Becoming a dragon slayer. Now, isn’t that something that’s at the peak of rpg fantasy.” Zack chuckled. Francesco did not. “Anything else?”

“...and the Gods.” Francesco’s speech was soft and slightly muddled.

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing definitive.”

“I see. Well, again, I would like to thank you very much for agreeing to this interview. It was great to have you on.” Francesco did not say it was great to be on. “Is there anything you would like to say to conclude? Maybe some words for your fans around the world? Maybe some for your haters as well?”


“Are you sure?”

“...everyone, be careful out there.” Ah, well, at least that’s nice to say, Zack thought. “Do not easily trust promises of power.”


“Bye.” Francesco ended the video call.

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